UNFPA provides funding to countries and aids them in population control measures, unfortunately their money ends up in the hands of countries performing questionable activities such as China's One Child policy.
In fact this is one of the better things Trump has done, there needs to be a comprehensive review of where U.N. money goes to since alot of it falls into the hands of dictator Governments (they hold the aid money for their cronies) or Terrorist organizations.
And even though i support charity in general, U.N. has been a corrupt organization for a long time so i don't trust my money going to them.
The Women’s Rights Without Frontiers doesn't like UNFPA for this reason.
At the hospital, two men forced Feng to apply her thumbprint to a consent form and sign a document authorizing the abortion.[1][3][11] She was taken into an operating room and restrained by two men as she was injected with a poison to kill the fetus.[1][11] Feng later told All Girls Allowed, an American group campaigning against the one-child policy, "I could feel the baby jumping around inside me all the time, but then she went still."[10] She had been seven months pregnant at the time, so the abortion, voluntary or not, was illegal under Chinese law.[3] No family members were allowed to be present for the procedure.[8] After the child died of hypoxia, Feng underwent induced labor and delivered a stillborn girl on June 4.[8] Feng later told All Girls Allowed: "It was much more painful than my first childbirth. The baby was lifeless, and she was all purple and blue."[13] The corpse was then placed next to Feng on her bed for her family to dispose of when they arrived https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Forced_abortion_of_Feng_Jianmei
Yeh i don't really want my money going to that kind of stuff.
Trump cuts funding for a UN program for women and girls because f them, right? http://us.cnn.com/2017/04/04/politics/us-un-women-funding-cuts/index.html "Nobody respects women more than me" - Donald Trump The United States, as promised, has drastically cut funding to the United Nations' most significant population agency, which helps women in 155 countries around the world.
Does anyone still trust the UN? I have never been a fan of "foreign aid" but even if I was a bleeding heart progressive I would still approve of cutting funding to UN programs.
As for the ketchup, this is not only a detestable analogy for sexual assault
ALLEGED sexual assault you mean. An interpretation of ones private locker room conversations isn't sexual assault, so I will continue making fun of it.
Heck even if Trump said "I gagged and raped Teo_live" that still wouldn't count as sexual assault or even admittance of an assault, that will be considered hearsay unfortunately (though you can be damn sure I would use that in court as evidence). What Trump said in all honesty was lousy yes but relatively mild. I am pretty sure I have said much worse than Trump in a locker room that doesn't mean I literally assaulted someone lol >.>
Trump donates 77K salary to Parks Department at a photo op.
So why isn't this guy excited? The president's budget proposal for the coming fiscal year would trim $1.5 billion or 12 percent from the department's budget.
It's like he repossessed this guy's house then gave him a hearty handshake and a coupon for 1$ off a big mac.
The United Nations started off being a really great thing--getting countries to meet over the diplomacy table rather than a battlefield. In the last 20 years, though, the UN has become nothing more than a place for countries to gather and denigrate the United States (sometimes we deserve it but sometimes we do not). Yes, part of that stems from poor foreign policy decisions but the rest of it is because the small playground bullies have figured out that if they band together they can attack the biggest playground bully and get away with it.
I feel a little sorry for Ms. Haley now. Yes, she needed the U. N. Ambassadorship so that she could have a position of authority in the Administration and potentially kick her political career to the next level later on but when her boss tells her to do x, even if she personally disagrees with x, she has to do it.
Final note: seriously? $32.5 million? Just hand over the money--it isn't like that is going to make a dent in our budget. I would be surprised if that amount even registers on the balance sheet given that our overall Federal budget measures in the trillions of dollars.
Trump donates 77K salary to Parks Department at a photo op.
So why isn't this guy excited? The president's budget proposal for the coming fiscal year would trim $1.5 billion or 12 percent from the department's budget.
It's like he repossessed this guy's house then gave him a hearty handshake and a coupon for 1$ off a big mac.
Oh come on now. Its marginally better than a kick in the balls!
(regarding O'Reilly not Susan Rice). Good start for sexual assault awareness month, I guess?
Not saying Trump should have come out against O'Reilly at this stage, but something like "do not want to comment before investigation concluded" with an optional "if true, totally unacceptable" would have been appropiate.
But I am sure Trump supporters will find a reason why the President of the US publicly confirming their personal faith in someone accused of serial sexual assault is the proper thing for him to do.
(regarding O'Reilly not Susan Rice). Good start for sexual assault awareness month, I guess?
Not saying Trump should have come out against O'Reilly at this stage, but something like "do not want to comment before investigation concluded" with an optional "if true, totally unacceptable" would have been appropiate.
But I am sure Trump supporters will find a reason why the President of the US publicly confirming their personal faith in someone accused of serial sexual assault is the proper thing for him to do.
Again, there are transcripts available from phone calls involving O'Reilly's previous case we all know about from years ago. Ailes, one of the most powerful men in America, was drummed out for similar accusations. The two most powerful men at FOX News for the past 2 decades have turned out to be sexual harrassers on an absolutely monumental scale. Which should surprise no one. I've been watching FOX News since right around the time of the Columbine shooting when I was in high school. It's an entity that was created specifically to taint the bloodstream of American political discourse, to take the toxic venom of right-wing talk radio and inject it into mainstream thinking. To weaponize the willingness of everyone who works there to engage in blatantly fabricated issues and stories. You cannot understand the last 20 years of American politics without putting FOX News at the top of your list.
Some of the tasks Trump has delegated to the un-elected Kushner, presumably so he can go golfing at his resort in Florida:
- Plan the Mar-a-Lago meeting with Chinese President Xi Jinping this week. – Broker peace in the Middle East. - Fight ISIS - Reform the Criminal Justice System - Run the Office of American Innovation - Reform Veteran Care - Tackle the Opioid epidemic and finally - Revamp the entire Federal Government
I feel a little sorry for Ms. Haley now. Yes, she needed the U. N. Ambassadorship so that she could have a position of authority in the Administration and potentially kick her political career to the next level later on but when her boss tells her to do x, even if she personally disagrees with x, she has to do it.
Well i don't actually know about Nikki haley's career much but she seems to be standing up to other countries.
Well delegation is an important skill but yes that does make you wonder what the president himself plans to be working on
His back nine.
And Obama's not going to blame himself for stuff that happens after he leaves office is he? That's some creative work. He spends a lot of time watching TV and brainstorming how to lie about things to make everyone look bad and for himself to do no wrong.
I "love" that Trump is basically a walking caricature of a politician. He ticks all negative tropes, but is so incredibly obvious about it. This would be so entertaining if it wasn't real life.
I "love" that Trump is basically a walking caricature of a politician. He ticks all negative tropes, but is so incredibly obvious about it. This would be so entertaining if it wasn't real life.
Trump is a walking meme, This is the secret to his success.
Oh, I absolutely agree he is the patron saint of the internet meme crowd. A quick trip to Youtube comment sections, Reddit or 4chan will verify that. As I've said before, a vastly understated base of Trump's support is the young males who are part of the anti-PC/Gamergate crowd.
Trump donates 77K salary to Parks Department at a photo op.
So why isn't this guy excited? The president's budget proposal for the coming fiscal year would trim $1.5 billion or 12 percent from the department's budget.
It's like he repossessed this guy's house then gave him a hearty handshake and a coupon for 1$ off a big mac.
And that is assuming Trump actually follows through with giving away his salary.
Bannon is out...or at least not at every high-level Cabinet meeting, especially the ones relating to national security. When both Democrats on the House Intelligence Committee *and* Karl Rove agree that something shouldn't happen, perhaps that should be a clear sign that you shouldn't do what you are thinking of doing.
He was never supposed to be on there to begin with. Normally you have to go through some sort of confirmation before you are on the NSC. You aren't supposed to just appoint any old guy to the council it's usually generals and such.
Well hopefully tomorrow will be a great day for South Africa. Tomorrow nationwide protests will be taking place against our corrupt president. It's happening in every major city, unfortunately since the protests are going against the ruling party, they are obviously not recognized by the state as protests. So a lot of us myself included can't make it because of work. On a plus note many businesses are shutting down in support of the protests and social media is aflame with protest plans and news.
Hopefully the will of the people will be heard and the corrupt bit of pond scum we call a president will finally bugger off.
Oh, I absolutely agree he is the patron saint of the internet meme crowd. A quick trip to Youtube comment sections, Reddit or 4chan will verify that. As I've said before, a vastly understated base of Trump's support is the young males who are part of the anti-PC/Gamergate crowd.
No Milo Yiannopoulos is our saint Donald Trump is the apprentice (no pun intended)
[Don't forget the vast amounts of lovely red pilled ladies out there too. Oh wait I forgot we are all supposed to be basement-dwelling-white-men right? lol...]
Which is the secret to being a success, being a walking meme or being a symbol for hate?
And being Blunt. If there is one thing all "popularist" conservative personalities share in common it is a complete lack of political correctness. That includes not giving a damn about "hate speech"
Neil Gorsuch, Associate Justice of the Supreme Court*
(* denotes that this pick was stolen from Barack Obama in an unprecedented move of naked partisanship and constitutional deregard).
And make no mistake, it is NO coincidence that the first President who was simply blanketly prevented from making his Constitutionaly mandated pick for the Supreme Court after being elected by the citizens of this country TWICE by massive margins, was the first African-American President. No coincidence at all. We now have legitimacy issues tainting every branch of government.
Next?? Court packing. If Republicans remain in control of all of these branches 10 years from now, they will absolutely try to pack the Court. And what would stop them??
For the record, I don't give a shit about the nuclear option. Anyone who thinks McConnell wouldn't have used it regardless of what Democrats did on some Obama appointees is out of their minds. This was Obama's pick, handed to his predecessor in an act of constitutional sabatoge.
Perhaps if the Democrats hadn't done it in 2013 it wouldn't have been so easy for Republicans to do it now, though.
We are in agreement that the Republicans should have held confirmation hearings and an up-or-down vote for Garland last year as per their job duties.
As far as legitimacy issues, though...well, you are simply incorrect--Trump won the Electoral College as per the rules under which we conduct ourselves as a nation and the Republicans won a majority of seats in both Houses of Congress. The question of "should those rules be changed for the modern era?" is a completely different issue altogether. Disliking the results of an election is not the same as delegitimizing the Administration.
Those thoughts aside, though, for the sake of discussion let us walk down the path of "this government is not legitimate" for a while and see where it leads. If we make that our beginning presumption, where does this take us? What options do you have in the face a government which is not legitimate? Wait, get people motivated to vote, and try to change the leadership in both two and four years? Move to another country? Secede? No, really, what options are available? I am uncertain that we have ever been here before, at least not quite like this.
The legitimacy question has ahem legitimate roots in the strongly suspected Russian collusion between Russian agents and the Trump campaign. That cloud taints everything he does since his electoral victory was very slight - 46th / 58 elections. It is not unlikely that foreign interference in the "sacred" electoral process provided for the slim margin of victory.
This nomination should have taken place a year ago, so whether or not the Republicans would use the nuclear option (which they would have) is fairly immaterial. #1, based on their behavior with Bush's picks, Democrats WOULD NOT have filibustered if not for what happend with Garland and #2 this argument should be about the NEXT Justice who needs to be replaced, because Scalia's seat was, by ANY historical argument, Obama's to fill. The precedent this sets is that only one party gets to nominate Supreme Court picks. That is beyond dangerous.
In fact this is one of the better things Trump has done, there needs to be a comprehensive review of where U.N. money goes to since alot of it falls into the hands of dictator Governments (they hold the aid money for their cronies) or Terrorist organizations.
And even though i support charity in general, U.N. has been a corrupt organization for a long time so i don't trust my money going to them.
The Women’s Rights Without Frontiers doesn't like UNFPA for this reason.
At the hospital, two men forced Feng to apply her thumbprint to a consent form and sign a document authorizing the abortion.[1][3][11] She was taken into an operating room and restrained by two men as she was injected with a poison to kill the fetus.[1][11] Feng later told All Girls Allowed, an American group campaigning against the one-child policy, "I could feel the baby jumping around inside me all the time, but then she went still."[10] She had been seven months pregnant at the time, so the abortion, voluntary or not, was illegal under Chinese law.[3] No family members were allowed to be present for the procedure.[8] After the child died of hypoxia, Feng underwent induced labor and delivered a stillborn girl on June 4.[8] Feng later told All Girls Allowed: "It was much more painful than my first childbirth. The baby was lifeless, and she was all purple and blue."[13] The corpse was then placed next to Feng on her bed for her family to dispose of when they arrived
Yeh i don't really want my money going to that kind of stuff.
but then today he had his stooge Sean Spicer blame Obama for being weak and not attacking syria. Is he a crazy person?
Heck even if Trump said "I gagged and raped Teo_live" that still wouldn't count as sexual assault or even admittance of an assault, that will be considered hearsay unfortunately (though you can be damn sure I would use that in court as evidence). What Trump said in all honesty was lousy yes but relatively mild. I am pretty sure I have said much worse than Trump in a locker room that doesn't mean I literally assaulted someone lol >.>
I wouldn't give ANY money to China or their population program because it inevitably will end up funding abuses.
So why isn't this guy excited? The president's budget proposal for the coming fiscal year would trim $1.5 billion or 12 percent from the department's budget.
It's like he repossessed this guy's house then gave him a hearty handshake and a coupon for 1$ off a big mac.
I feel a little sorry for Ms. Haley now. Yes, she needed the U. N. Ambassadorship so that she could have a position of authority in the Administration and potentially kick her political career to the next level later on but when her boss tells her to do x, even if she personally disagrees with x, she has to do it.
Final note: seriously? $32.5 million? Just hand over the money--it isn't like that is going to make a dent in our budget. I would be surprised if that amount even registers on the balance sheet given that our overall Federal budget measures in the trillions of dollars.
(regarding O'Reilly not Susan Rice). Good start for sexual assault awareness month, I guess?
Not saying Trump should have come out against O'Reilly at this stage, but something like "do not want to comment before investigation concluded" with an optional "if true, totally unacceptable" would have been appropiate.
But I am sure Trump supporters will find a reason why the President of the US publicly confirming their personal faith in someone accused of serial sexual assault is the proper thing for him to do.
Some of the tasks Trump has delegated to the un-elected Kushner, presumably so he can go golfing at his resort in Florida:
- Plan the Mar-a-Lago meeting with Chinese President Xi Jinping this week.
– Broker peace in the Middle East.
- Fight ISIS
- Reform the Criminal Justice System
- Run the Office of American Innovation
- Reform Veteran Care
- Tackle the Opioid epidemic
and finally
- Revamp the entire Federal Government
Nikki Haley After Syrian Gas Attack: How Many Children ‘Have to Die Before Russia Cares?’
Thats pretty gutsy, So she sounds pretty decent.
But yeh i agree Ambassador to U.N. seems like a thankless job.
Hopefully the will of the people will be heard and the corrupt bit of pond scum we call a president will finally bugger off.
Zuma must fall!!!
Donald Trump is the apprentice (no pun intended)
[Don't forget the vast amounts of lovely red pilled ladies out there too. Oh wait I forgot we are all supposed to be basement-dwelling-white-men right? lol...] And being Blunt. If there is one thing all "popularist" conservative personalities share in common it is a complete lack of political correctness. That includes not giving a damn about "hate speech" Why would a billionaire care about keeping a nickel?
(* denotes that this pick was stolen from Barack Obama in an unprecedented move of naked partisanship and constitutional deregard).
And make no mistake, it is NO coincidence that the first President who was simply blanketly prevented from making his Constitutionaly mandated pick for the Supreme Court after being elected by the citizens of this country TWICE by massive margins, was the first African-American President. No coincidence at all. We now have legitimacy issues tainting every branch of government.
Next?? Court packing. If Republicans remain in control of all of these branches 10 years from now, they will absolutely try to pack the Court. And what would stop them??
For the record, I don't give a shit about the nuclear option. Anyone who thinks McConnell wouldn't have used it regardless of what Democrats did on some Obama appointees is out of their minds. This was Obama's pick, handed to his predecessor in an act of constitutional sabatoge.
We are in agreement that the Republicans should have held confirmation hearings and an up-or-down vote for Garland last year as per their job duties.
As far as legitimacy issues, though...well, you are simply incorrect--Trump won the Electoral College as per the rules under which we conduct ourselves as a nation and the Republicans won a majority of seats in both Houses of Congress. The question of "should those rules be changed for the modern era?" is a completely different issue altogether. Disliking the results of an election is not the same as delegitimizing the Administration.
Those thoughts aside, though, for the sake of discussion let us walk down the path of "this government is not legitimate" for a while and see where it leads. If we make that our beginning presumption, where does this take us? What options do you have in the face a government which is not legitimate? Wait, get people motivated to vote, and try to change the leadership in both two and four years? Move to another country? Secede? No, really, what options are available? I am uncertain that we have ever been here before, at least not quite like this.