NY Times, Washington Post, Reuters vs Laura Ingraham and the Trump White House. Yeah, I'll go to bat with my team over yours every day of the week and twice on Sunday.
Moreover, the White House, Tillerson, McMaster, all of them are NOT denying what is actually in the report. They are denying a imaginary article that doesn't exist. Which is evidence enough that they are in damage control.
Actually they did deny the allegations in the report.
Thats why they just had a presser where they denied the news report.
Lol Russians again.
No, they didn't, they were playing word games. They denied things the Washington Post article never claimed in the first place. Read it, then read their statements. And beyond that non-denial denial, who their right mind would believe these people after what happened last week?? What possible basis is there for trust of the Trump White House??
Why would i trust, without evidence, news outlets that have gotten various incidents wrong in the 'Russian conspiracy' hysteria? And conveniently something negative comes out from an ambassador meeting with Russia?
A little bit too convenient without evidence.
It was also pretty evident the hysteria is partisan because of the Comey-Asked-For-Money story which was pitched as looking bad for Trump.
Rofl If Comey asked Rosenstein for money, any sane individual would think 'Is Comey asking for a bribe'?
Instead it was, without any thought, spun as some negative on Trump.
That's when you start to see how illogical all of this is.
Why would i trust, without evidence, news outlets that have gotten various incidents wrong in the 'Russian conspiracy' hysteria? And conveniently something negative comes out from an ambassador meeting with Russia?
A little bit too convenient without evidence.
It was also pretty evident the hysteria is partisan because of the Comey-Asked-For-Money story which was pitched as looking bad for Trump.
Rofl If Comey asked Rosenstein for money, any sane individual would think 'Is Comey asking for a bribe'?
Instead it was, without any thought, spun as some negative on Trump.
That's when you start to see how illogical all of this is.
Yes everything Trump does is illogical that's why it makes sense that he would blab to the Russians that "I get the best intelligence. My intelligence is number one. Why I bet you Russians don't even know about the whole ISIS laptop thing, do you? Also what's the status on Trump Towers Moscow?"
Back to evidence, are you surprised that the White House is denying another major screwup? They didn't even fire Michael Flynn until 18 days of treason by him while he was working for another country while acting as National Security Advisor. The only reason they fired him was because they got caught.
He was asking for resources to do his job properly, not to become a loyal servant.
No one in their sane mind would think it was a bribe.
I'd be suspicious of it, It's definitely the first thing to come to mind of any impropriety rather then anything on Trump's admins part, McCabe also confirmed in the Congressional hearing that such a request is highly unusual and improper.
Yes everything Trump does is illogical that's why it makes sense that he would blab to the Russians that "I get the best intelligence. My intelligence is number one. Why I bet you Russians don't even know about the whole ISIS laptop thing, do you? Also what's the status on Trump Towers Moscow?"
The article says this woman is a conservative British blogger. It says her fans were primary Clinton supporters, but provides no evidence for the claim.
The article says this woman is a conservative British blogger. It says her fans were primary Clinton supporters, but provides no evidence for the claim.
Trump would not qualify for a security clearance in normal times.
This article pretty well defines what the The Terrible Cost of Trump's Disclosures are such as our allies must be realizing that they can't share information that might end up blabbed out.
It also addresses the tepid non denials by McMaster and others.
"He apparently divulged the information to show off, which not only shows a lack of self-discipline: It shows, yet again, how easy this man is to play, particularly by veteran manipulators like his two experienced, talented, and thuggish guests."
"Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, Deputy National Security Adviser Dina Powell, and National Security Adviser Lieutenant General H. R. McMaster made public statements calling the story false, giving different variants of this argument: The President did not disclose sources and methods for intelligence gathering, or future military operations.
Well, of course not. That is not what the Post said in its story: It said that he divulged intelligence. And since it seems likely that the Russians captured all of the conversation—they were allowed to bring their electronics into the room, including the only video cameras, the American press having been excluded—they undoubtedly got all of it. "
Also White Nationalist Bannon, Sanders, and Spicer apparently got into a screaming match after the Russian disclosure story. So there's got to be some truth there, no? Or why get so upset?
Aaaaand here we go: Trump is just tweeting that he decided to share this information with the Russians and that it is within his rights to do so. This is of course, correct, but does not mean it can't be criticized.
While this does not tell us how sensitive the information is, it is at least interesting to note that his defense is that it was his right, not that it was not sensitive. Though maybe he will tweet that later...
Once again Trump makes liars of his staff, then. Don't you find it awkard that they deny it and then Trump goes out and confirms that he decided to share this intel?
Once again Trump makes liars of his staff, then. Don't you find it awkard that they deny it and then Trump goes out and confirms that he decided to share this intel?
His staff reiterated Trump shared various info on ISIS using means with airlines, and everyone pretty much is repeating no classified info of sensitive nature was revealed.
Not a single person anywhere is disputing he COULD do this. The issue at hand is that the information he provided would easily allow Russian intelligence to work backwards and expose the intelligence asset of an ally who asked us to keep our mouth shut about it.
Furthermore, as could have been easily predicted, Trump has now completely stepped on the denial his surrogates gave hours ago. So if you were defending it based on what they said (and you were) Trump himself just hung them out to dry. Again.
For the second time in two weeks, Trump has sent out people on his staff, on his team, to make emphatic statements. He has then turned around and completely contradicted them with words from his own mouth, which then necessitates they make up a 3rd story to thread the needle between the two. It is insanity to believe these people when they are simply making up their position hour to hour based on what Trump's impulses dictate. They are proven liars. We have video tape.
So this incident did happen, just like was reported by the Washington Post.
Why would you believe the President over anybody else at this point? As I said before Trump is going to lie right to your face that the sky is red even when you point up at the blue sky. The only thing Trump is going to do when faced with truth is try to spin it in some unbelievable way. Also note that once again he didn't admit to doing something until he was called out on it.
Did US intel officials try to cover for their boss using a revisionist history story that covers his screw up? Of course they did.
Is Trump spinning it by saying "I had absolute right to share information with Russians" sure he is. But that doesn't make it the smart thing to do or not yet another major screw up.
And this is why you don't put reality TV star who has never held a security clearance the top job in the USA. You wouldn't hire a baker to build your house would you?
God, this is not hard to understand. Trump, while not giving sources or methods (which the Wa. Post NEVER claimed) gave enough description so that Russian intelligence coule easily figure out the identity of the intelligence asset of our ally, and they specifically asked us to keep this under wraps to protect that person. Chances are, they will not share this information with us in the future.
Furthermore, this idiocy has now made it more likely that whatever plot ISIS is involved in will now go into overdrive. Any future terrorist attack now lies soley at the feet of Donald Trump.
And beyond THAT, what are the ambassador and Foreign Minister of the country that, whatever your thoughts about Trump collusion, absolutely attacked our elections, doing being shuffled into the Oval Office with no American press access, and being told Code Word level intelligence that our ally wanted closely held??
As well they should. At least they understand Russia is NOT our friend. They have basically criminalized homosexuality. They jail dissidents. They kill and assassinate reporters and Putin's political rivals. And they are trying to undermine the bedrocks of post-WW2 peace: NATO and the European Union.
What's even worse is if Richard Engel is correct and Russia DID already know this. That would mean Trump could have unwittingly revealed the intelligence asset of a friendly country so he could brag to the Russians. That wasn't a meeting. It was a job performance review from his handlers.
This is exactly what I hypothesized yesterday. And McMaster has flipped the script yet again, essentially conceding the article is accurate and shifting the subject to.....what else, leaks.
So add McMaster, possibly the most respected member of the Administration, to the list of liars who allowed their entire reputation to be sacrificed at the altar of Trump's ego.
In the real world, we are discussing the catastrophic Presidency of Donald Trump. In the right-wing fever swamps, they are buying into the crap mentioned above. This is why Trump's base won't desert him, and that his floor is 33%. The GOP base is digesting an entirely different reality.
Post wouldn't be complete without denigrating his voter base, says it all really.
"McCallister confirmed Trump gave city away" "McCallister doesn't answer if Trump gave city away" Nothing-burger statements that don't even agree with each other lol.
Was quite surprised that Morgan Freeman denies that race plays a significant part in income inequality.
I have never once, until this thread, been told that discussing the beliefs of wide demographic groups based on polling on any number of issues, has been off limits in a political discussion, much less in bad taste. "GOP base" is a term that is probably being used in every newsroom and political science class in the country. The goalposts of what you can and can't discuss keeps getting wider and wider, from the exact same people who claim everything is "too PC".
Was quite surprised that Morgan Freeman denies that race plays a significant part in income inequality.
Always liked him in Shawshank redemption.
Morgan Freeman is not a reliable source. He has his own issues that make him perfect to invoke for white people who want to claim racism doesn't harm black people, but he's completely wrong.
Rex Tillerson, McCallister and Dina powell.
They all objected to the news.
The only thing your left with is 'anonymous sources', which actually isn't even credible on its own.
I also like to rely on anonymous sources, so were left with 'he said, she said' with no conclusion.
Thats why Evidence is important.
Moreover, the White House, Tillerson, McMaster, all of them are NOT denying what is actually in the report. They are denying a imaginary article that doesn't exist. Which is evidence enough that they are in damage control.
Thats why they just had a presser where they denied the news report.
Lol Russians again.
Why would i trust, without evidence, news outlets that have gotten various incidents wrong in the 'Russian conspiracy' hysteria? And conveniently something negative comes out from an ambassador meeting with Russia?
A little bit too convenient without evidence.
It was also pretty evident the hysteria is partisan because of the Comey-Asked-For-Money story which was pitched as looking bad for Trump.
Rofl If Comey asked Rosenstein for money, any sane individual would think 'Is Comey asking for a bribe'?
Instead it was, without any thought, spun as some negative on Trump.
That's when you start to see how illogical all of this is.
No one in their sane mind would think it was a bribe.
Back to evidence, are you surprised that the White House is denying another major screwup? They didn't even fire Michael Flynn until 18 days of treason by him while he was working for another country while acting as National Security Advisor. The only reason they fired him was because they got caught.
No wonder that 'story' has all but dropped. Russia conspiracy is laughable.
Democrats’ Favorite Conspiracy Theorist Calls Sanders ‘Russian Agent of Influence’
Russian conspiracy angle was used against Bernie as well
Thats when you know that it is largely politically motivated.
The article says this woman is a conservative British blogger. It says her fans were primary Clinton supporters, but provides no evidence for the claim.
I've never even heard of this woman.
Didn't pay much attention to it but it seems more is developing.
Family's private investigator: There is evidence Seth Rich had contact with WikiLeaks prior to death
Trump would not qualify for a security clearance in normal times.
This article pretty well defines what the The Terrible Cost of Trump's Disclosures are such as our allies must be realizing that they can't share information that might end up blabbed out.
It also addresses the tepid non denials by McMaster and others.
"He apparently divulged the information to show off, which not only shows a lack of self-discipline: It shows, yet again, how easy this man is to play, particularly by veteran manipulators like his two experienced, talented, and thuggish guests."
"Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, Deputy National Security Adviser Dina Powell, and National Security Adviser Lieutenant General H. R. McMaster made public statements calling the story false, giving different variants of this argument: The President did not disclose sources and methods for intelligence gathering, or future military operations.
Well, of course not. That is not what the Post said in its story: It said that he divulged intelligence. And since it seems likely that the Russians captured all of the conversation—they were allowed to bring their electronics into the room, including the only video cameras, the American press having been excluded—they undoubtedly got all of it. "
Also White Nationalist Bannon, Sanders, and Spicer apparently got into a screaming match after the Russian disclosure story. So there's got to be some truth there, no? Or why get so upset?
Even Breitbart seems to believe it happened, they just put their usual charming spin on it:
Lol Russians again.
More details will probably still come to light, so let's just wait and see...
Seems like people are relying on WAPO whom were debunked on the last 3 stories they ran.
The only witnesses are Rex, McCallister and Dina Powell and they denied it.
While this does not tell us how sensitive the information is, it is at least interesting to note that his defense is that it was his right, not that it was not sensitive. Though maybe he will tweet that later...
Furthermore, as could have been easily predicted, Trump has now completely stepped on the denial his surrogates gave hours ago. So if you were defending it based on what they said (and you were) Trump himself just hung them out to dry. Again.
As President I wanted to share with Russia (at an openly scheduled W.H. meeting) which I have the absolute right to do, facts pertaining....
4:03 AM
Tweet 2:
...to terrorism and airline flight safety. Humanitarian reasons, plus I want Russia to greatly step up their fight against ISIS & terrorism.
4:13 AM
Did he really need 10 minutes to write the second tweet? Or did he pause to go to the toilet?
'But Trumps people aren't saying the same thing'.
Seems pretty consistent to me, Don't know where the 'Trump is contradicting his own people' came from.
Lol 'Muhh Russia' being pushed so hard that talking about ISIS threats is bad.
Why would you believe the President over anybody else at this point? As I said before Trump is going to lie right to your face that the sky is red even when you point up at the blue sky. The only thing Trump is going to do when faced with truth is try to spin it in some unbelievable way. Also note that once again he didn't admit to doing something until he was called out on it.
Did US intel officials try to cover for their boss using a revisionist history story that covers his screw up? Of course they did.
Is Trump spinning it by saying "I had absolute right to share information with Russians" sure he is. But that doesn't make it the smart thing to do or not yet another major screw up.
And this is why you don't put reality TV star who has never held a security clearance the top job in the USA. You wouldn't hire a baker to build your house would you?
Furthermore, this idiocy has now made it more likely that whatever plot ISIS is involved in will now go into overdrive. Any future terrorist attack now lies soley at the feet of Donald Trump.
And beyond THAT, what are the ambassador and Foreign Minister of the country that, whatever your thoughts about Trump collusion, absolutely attacked our elections, doing being shuffled into the Oval Office with no American press access, and being told Code Word level intelligence that our ally wanted closely held??
As well they should. At least they understand Russia is NOT our friend. They have basically criminalized homosexuality. They jail dissidents. They kill and assassinate reporters and Putin's political rivals. And they are trying to undermine the bedrocks of post-WW2 peace: NATO and the European Union.
What's even worse is if Richard Engel is correct and Russia DID already know this. That would mean Trump could have unwittingly revealed the intelligence asset of a friendly country so he could brag to the Russians. That wasn't a meeting. It was a job performance review from his handlers.
This is exactly what I hypothesized yesterday. And McMaster has flipped the script yet again, essentially conceding the article is accurate and shifting the subject to.....what else, leaks.
So add McMaster, possibly the most respected member of the Administration, to the list of liars who allowed their entire reputation to be sacrificed at the altar of Trump's ego.
What an absolute shitshow. Amateur hour in the White House. And utterly predictable from the outset.
And, in the meantime, Sally Yates is blowing the right-wing "unmasking scandal" to smithereens:
In the real world, we are discussing the catastrophic Presidency of Donald Trump. In the right-wing fever swamps, they are buying into the crap mentioned above. This is why Trump's base won't desert him, and that his floor is 33%. The GOP base is digesting an entirely different reality.
"McCallister confirmed Trump gave city away"
"McCallister doesn't answer if Trump gave city away"
Nothing-burger statements that don't even agree with each other lol.
Was quite surprised that Morgan Freeman denies that race plays a significant part in income inequality.
Always liked him in Shawshank redemption.
Morgan Freeman is just one guy, an actor, who is not an expert when it comes to racial inequality and the impact of racism on people of color.