Hard numbers that illustrate what I've been saying about what your vote ACTUALLY means in the Electoral College:
On average, a white person has 1.0214 Real Votes, or 102.14% of a fair electoral representation — a 2.14% edge. On average, nonwhites as a whole have 0.9625 Real Votes, or 96.25% of a fair electoral representation — a 3.75% disadvantage. On average, a hispanic voter has 0.9322 Real Votes, or 93.22% of a fair electoral representation — a 6.78% disadvantage. On average, a black voter has 0.976 Real Votes, or 97.6% of a fair electoral representation — a 2.4% disadvantage. A white vote is worth on average 6.1% more than an average nonwhite vote, 9.6% more than a hispanic vote, and 4.7% more than a black vote. A CA resident has 0.84 Real Votes, whereas a WY resident has 3.04 Real Votes (much has been made of this disparity already). Wyoming is 85.9% white, California is only 40.1% white.
It is based on where you live, not what race you are.
Hard numbers that illustrate what I've been saying about what your vote ACTUALLY means in the Electoral College:
On average, a white person has 1.0214 Real Votes, or 102.14% of a fair electoral representation — a 2.14% edge. On average, nonwhites as a whole have 0.9625 Real Votes, or 96.25% of a fair electoral representation — a 3.75% disadvantage. On average, a hispanic voter has 0.9322 Real Votes, or 93.22% of a fair electoral representation — a 6.78% disadvantage. On average, a black voter has 0.976 Real Votes, or 97.6% of a fair electoral representation — a 2.4% disadvantage. A white vote is worth on average 6.1% more than an average nonwhite vote, 9.6% more than a hispanic vote, and 4.7% more than a black vote. A CA resident has 0.84 Real Votes, whereas a WY resident has 3.04 Real Votes (much has been made of this disparity already). Wyoming is 85.9% white, California is only 40.1% white.
It is based on where you live, not what race you are.
Maybe go cool off for a bit and try again when you can make sense. You seem very emotional.
You are taking it out of context, and ignoring the rest of the comment.
The comment from @jjstraka34 from his numbers was about representation to the members of the electoral college is devalued based on race. My point to him was that that representation to the college has nothing to do with race, but on location.
My point about the election of the president has nothing to do with either race or location of residence. The electoral college decides who is president. Not the people. Thus, whoever becomes president has nothing to do with either race or location.
@mashedtaters You're one to tell me to read the post when @jjstraka34 never said that anything is devalued based on race. But wow, what a massive straw man you managed to build.
Hold on...you're telling me that the post which says a white man has a 2.14% advantage on their vote and a nonwhite has a 3.75% disadvantage on their vote too electoral college representation is not tying to indicate that votes values are based on race...is that what you're telling me?
@mashedtaters Yes, exactly. He is describing the effect of this system, not what it was based on. Let me demonstrate: 1) system is based on geographical location 2) the distribution of races based on geographical location is not even Ergo, the effect what he described.
Then I apologize to you. I must have completely misunderstood the intent of this current post and the other previous posts which were indicated, as well as the point of presenting the data. I am sure you can understand how this misconception could easily be construed by many people following this thread.
I do, however, find that this idata indicates how strong the vote of minorities in the US really are--even though I still hold that it is in reality meaningless to consider that a person's vote has any bearing on the election of the president based on race (or location). The real work done by voters is in their local elections.
Whites currently make up over 77% of the population of the United States. As democracies intentionally favor the majority, and as nonwhites are vastly in the minority in the US especially when taken as separate groups, it should be expected that this data would indicate a larger gap than a mere 5% voting disparity between whites and nonwhites.
@mashedtaters No need to apologize. Of course, I do not know what @jjstraka34 meant, but this is how I understood it. And yes, he could have been clearer. However, no harm...
Please also note that the post of @jjstraka34 is not a comprehensive study, and does not offer a big picture about the minority vote. He simply shows the normalized effect of the electoral system.
I find it funny that the President-elect is making false assertions about an election that he won. Yikes! Also, I find it ridiculous that people actually think Sanders would have outperformed Clinton.
I'd like to give you half a like for this statement but it isn't possible. Much like the electoral vote process, it's all or nothing.
Yes the Twitterer Elect previously has railed against the electoral college when he thought Romney would have won but for that darn electoral college.
The electoral college is a disaster for a democracy.
Why are there millions of people voting against you Donald? If it was so easy to have millions of people voting illegally then you definitely got millions of fewer votes because your people are the ones who have been caught committing voting fraud.
Also all on the campaign trail he was saying the vote was rigged! Yet supposedly he won, why did he not say it was rigged for him? That seems most likely actually with Russian agents hacking Democrats exclusively. Yeah it probably was rigged Donald. The electoral college thing was definitely rigged for you since more Americans voted for Hillary Clinton than voted for Donald Trump.
Kudos to @mashedtaters and @FinneousPJ for avoiding a potentially unpleasant argument. De-escalation is the right way to go.
Bear in mind that the other mods and I are still monitoring this thread, and disciplinary action has been taken against more than one user here in the past. We do not make those announcements public, but the Site Rules are being enforced.
We have been content to be relatively lenient given the emotional nature of the 2016 election, but that time has now passed. Personal attacks and any other violations of the Site Rules will be treated much more harshly from now on.
I don't think he meant rigged as in electoral fraud, at least not during the campaign, Smeagol. He meant rigged as in the media all attacking him and letting Clinton get away with murder. And we know that the debates were rigged in Clinton's favour, what with the Donna Brazille scandal.
Whether you like Trump or not, he is not wrong in saying that the media tried to dictate to the people who they should be voting for, nor was he wrong in saying that the media was biased. The problem is that once the media is outed to be biased, how are we to accept ANYTHING they say at face value again? Any news report, any "breakthroughs" in science, all of these are now faced with scepticism and rightly so, because the media has an agenda.
Activism was the worst thing that could have happened to the traditional news media, but the problem is that the pundits actually believe that they are superior to the hoi-polloi and are therefore justified in their bullying and tyranny.
I said it early in the campaign that Trump cannot gain extra votes. What he has is what he will get, which is all of the disaffected silent majority who are sick to death of being lectured at and called racists, sexists, homophobes, evil, deniers and worse by people who are more than likely to be sexist, racist and evil themselves. It is up to Clinton to lose votes, and lost it she did. Compare the voter turn out for Clinton compared with Obama.
Michael Moore read it right when he said, "Trump's election will be the biggest f-you ever recorded in human history." It is a f-you to the chattering classes, to the media bullies, to the SJW arrogant jerks, to all those intolerant people who went around lecturing others and bullying them and shutting them down and assaulting them, all because those others did not agree with them. No free speech warriors those. Oh no. Not fans of freedom or democracy either, those SJWs. What they want is the peace of the jailhouse, and by electing Trump, the Americans basically told them to go to hell.
I hope that Australia follows the same path. We need to shake off the SJW stranglehold here as well.
I see absolutely nothing wrong with being a Sexy Jewish Wizard.
Nothing wrong at all.
Only how many of us feel "sexy"? And more importantly: how many of us assume they can achieve positions of power being honenest atheists, or principled secularists?
I don't think he meant rigged as in electoral fraud, at least not during the campaign, Smeagol. He meant rigged as in the media all attacking him and letting Clinton get away with murder. And we know that the debates were rigged in Clinton's favour, what with the Donna Brazille scandal.
Whether you like Trump or not, he is not wrong in saying that the media tried to dictate to the people who they should be voting for, nor was he wrong in saying that the media was biased. The problem is that once the media is outed to be biased, how are we to accept ANYTHING they say at face value again? Any news report, any "breakthroughs" in science, all of these are now faced with scepticism and rightly so, because the media has an agenda.
Activism was the worst thing that could have happened to the traditional news media, but the problem is that the pundits actually believe that they are superior to the hoi-polloi and are therefore justified in their bullying and tyranny.
I said it early in the campaign that Trump cannot gain extra votes. What he has is what he will get, which is all of the disaffected silent majority who are sick to death of being lectured at and called racists, sexists, homophobes, evil, deniers and worse by people who are more than likely to be sexist, racist and evil themselves. It is up to Clinton to lose votes, and lost it she did. Compare the voter turn out for Clinton compared with Obama.
Michael Moore read it right when he said, "Trump's election will be the biggest f-you ever recorded in human history." It is a f-you to the chattering classes, to the media bullies, to the SJW arrogant jerks, to all those intolerant people who went around lecturing others and bullying them and shutting them down and assaulting them, all because those others did not agree with them. No free speech warriors those. Oh no. Not fans of freedom or democracy either, those SJWs. What they want is the peace of the jailhouse, and by electing Trump, the Americans basically told them to go to hell.
I hope that Australia follows the same path. We need to shake off the SJW stranglehold here as well.
Again we continue with this fantasy concocted in the heads of young males online that "SJWs" and political correctness is causing some sort of magical societal breakdown, when in fact it only exists in the imagination of those claiming it.
I'll continue to refer back to the "Siege of Dragonspear" nonsense that engulfed these forums for a week because of one transgender NPC and a quote from a female developer. It was my first introduction to this childish movement and it remains just as ridiculous today as it was then. The apoplectic reaction to "their" childhood RPG being sullied by "social justice" was akin to the primal scream of a toddler. Perhaps the most telling tidbit about that little incident?? The CREATOR of the Forgotten Realms came out with a statement saying there had ALWAYS been multi-sex characters in his universe.
I don't think he meant rigged as in electoral fraud, at least not during the campaign, Smeagol. He meant rigged as in the media all attacking him and letting Clinton get away with murder. And we know that the debates were rigged in Clinton's favour, what with the Donna Brazille scandal.
Whether you like Trump or not, he is not wrong in saying that the media tried to dictate to the people who they should be voting for, nor was he wrong in saying that the media was biased. The problem is that once the media is outed to be biased, how are we to accept ANYTHING they say at face value again? Any news report, any "breakthroughs" in science, all of these are now faced with scepticism and rightly so, because the media has an agenda.
Activism was the worst thing that could have happened to the traditional news media, but the problem is that the pundits actually believe that they are superior to the hoi-polloi and are therefore justified in their bullying and tyranny.
I said it early in the campaign that Trump cannot gain extra votes. What he has is what he will get, which is all of the disaffected silent majority who are sick to death of being lectured at and called racists, sexists, homophobes, evil, deniers and worse by people who are more than likely to be sexist, racist and evil themselves. It is up to Clinton to lose votes, and lost it she did. Compare the voter turn out for Clinton compared with Obama.
Michael Moore read it right when he said, "Trump's election will be the biggest f-you ever recorded in human history." It is a f-you to the chattering classes, to the media bullies, to the SJW arrogant jerks, to all those intolerant people who went around lecturing others and bullying them and shutting them down and assaulting them, all because those others did not agree with them. No free speech warriors those. Oh no. Not fans of freedom or democracy either, those SJWs. What they want is the peace of the jailhouse, and by electing Trump, the Americans basically told them to go to hell.
I hope that Australia follows the same path. We need to shake off the SJW stranglehold here as well.
Again we continue with this fantasy concocted in the heads of young males online that "SJWs" and political correctness is causing some sort of magical societal breakdown, when in fact it only exists in the imagination of those claiming it.
I'll continue to refer back to the "Siege of Dragonspear" nonsense that engulfed these forums for a week because of one transgender NPC and a quote from a female developer. It was my first introduction to this childish movement and it remains just as ridiculous today as it was then. The apoplectic reaction to "their" childhood RPG being sullied by "social justice" was akin to the primal scream of a toddler. Perhaps the most telling tidbit about that little incident?? The CREATOR of the Forgotten Realms came out with a statement saying there had ALWAYS been multi-sex characters in his universe.
I guess it wasn't as childish as you thought. They helped Trump win the election. That means at least half the country feels this way and more than half the planet does as well. In the next little while you will see other countries voting the same way politically. Neither are right or wrong but both sides should come together and try to talk things over. There are much more important things wrong in this world to fix and this SJW thing is getting in the way of higher priority problems.
I don't think he meant rigged as in electoral fraud, at least not during the campaign, Smeagol. He meant rigged as in the media all attacking him and letting Clinton get away with murder. And we know that the debates were rigged in Clinton's favour, what with the Donna Brazille scandal.
Whether you like Trump or not, he is not wrong in saying that the media tried to dictate to the people who they should be voting for, nor was he wrong in saying that the media was biased. The problem is that once the media is outed to be biased, how are we to accept ANYTHING they say at face value again? Any news report, any "breakthroughs" in science, all of these are now faced with scepticism and rightly so, because the media has an agenda.
Activism was the worst thing that could have happened to the traditional news media, but the problem is that the pundits actually believe that they are superior to the hoi-polloi and are therefore justified in their bullying and tyranny.
I said it early in the campaign that Trump cannot gain extra votes. What he has is what he will get, which is all of the disaffected silent majority who are sick to death of being lectured at and called racists, sexists, homophobes, evil, deniers and worse by people who are more than likely to be sexist, racist and evil themselves. It is up to Clinton to lose votes, and lost it she did. Compare the voter turn out for Clinton compared with Obama.
Michael Moore read it right when he said, "Trump's election will be the biggest f-you ever recorded in human history." It is a f-you to the chattering classes, to the media bullies, to the SJW arrogant jerks, to all those intolerant people who went around lecturing others and bullying them and shutting them down and assaulting them, all because those others did not agree with them. No free speech warriors those. Oh no. Not fans of freedom or democracy either, those SJWs. What they want is the peace of the jailhouse, and by electing Trump, the Americans basically told them to go to hell.
I hope that Australia follows the same path. We need to shake off the SJW stranglehold here as well.
Again we continue with this fantasy concocted in the heads of young males online that "SJWs" and political correctness is causing some sort of magical societal breakdown, when in fact it only exists in the imagination of those claiming it.
I'll continue to refer back to the "Siege of Dragonspear" nonsense that engulfed these forums for a week because of one transgender NPC and a quote from a female developer. It was my first introduction to this childish movement and it remains just as ridiculous today as it was then. The apoplectic reaction to "their" childhood RPG being sullied by "social justice" was akin to the primal scream of a toddler. Perhaps the most telling tidbit about that little incident?? The CREATOR of the Forgotten Realms came out with a statement saying there had ALWAYS been multi-sex characters in his universe.
I guess it wasn't as childish as you thought. They helped Trump win the election. That means at least half the country feels this way and more than half the planet does as well. In the next little while you will see other countries voting the same way politically. Neither are right or wrong but both sides should come together and try to talk things over. There are much more important things wrong in this world to fix and this SJW thing is getting in the way of higher priority problems.
Push back against what?? I continue to ask, but no one has once had an answer to the question of just what the hell it is you supposedly cannot say anymore that people are so desperate to get off their chests, because of political correctness. Seems to me if someone has the courage of their convictions, nothing is stopping them from saying anything.
Someone did stand up for their convictions. The SJWs beat her up. It is cute how blind the SJWs are of their own side's intolerance, hate, violence and criminal activities. It is even cuter how outraged they get about why they are getting a pushback.
Meanwhile, in ACTUAL threats to free speech news, the President-Elect of the United States has suggested that anyone who burns a flag should be imprisoned for a year, or, have their citizenship revoked. But I'm told I should be worried about safe-spaces on college campuses, so I guess it doesn't matter.....
Like charity, when forced, political correctness is meaningless. Something that the SJWs don't get.
They are also so blinded by the halo of their own self-righteousness that they simply don't see that bullying others, calling them names, attacking them, shutting them down, trying to humiliate them, all actually makes people mad. The SJWs believe that their victims should be grateful to be taught a lesson instead. The SJWs believe they are Lawful Good, whereas they are the epitome of Lawful Stupid, and are hated for practically the same reasons.
Like charity, when forced, political correctness is meaningless. Something that the SJWs don't get.
They are also so blinded by the halo of their own self-righteousness that they simply don't see that bullying others, calling them names, attacking them, shutting them down, trying to humiliate them, all actually makes people mad. The SJWs believe that their victims should be grateful to be taught a lesson instead. The SJWs believe they are Lawful Good, whereas they are the epitome of Lawful Stupid, and are hated for practically the same reasons.
What.....is.....being.....forced???? How are you being shut-down?? Did someone come over to your house and disconnect your wifi??
The comment from @jjstraka34 from his numbers was about representation to the members of the electoral college is devalued based on race. My point to him was that that representation to the college has nothing to do with race, but on location.
My point about the election of the president has nothing to do with either race or location of residence. The electoral college decides who is president. Not the people. Thus, whoever becomes president has nothing to do with either race or location.
Read the whole post next time.
Hold on...you're telling me that the post which says a white man has a 2.14% advantage on their vote and a nonwhite has a 3.75% disadvantage on their vote too electoral college representation is not tying to indicate that votes values are based on race...is that what you're telling me?
1) system is based on geographical location
2) the distribution of races based on geographical location is not even
Ergo, the effect what he described.
Then I apologize to you. I must have completely misunderstood the intent of this current post and the other previous posts which were indicated, as well as the point of presenting the data. I am sure you can understand how this misconception could easily be construed by many people following this thread.
I do, however, find that this idata indicates how strong the vote of minorities in the US really are--even though I still hold that it is in reality meaningless to consider that a person's vote has any bearing on the election of the president based on race (or location). The real work done by voters is in their local elections.
Whites currently make up over 77% of the population of the United States. As democracies intentionally favor the majority, and as nonwhites are vastly in the minority in the US especially when taken as separate groups, it should be expected that this data would indicate a larger gap than a mere 5% voting disparity between whites and nonwhites.
Please also note that the post of @jjstraka34 is not a comprehensive study, and does not offer a big picture about the minority vote. He simply shows the normalized effect of the electoral system.
I appreciate your corrections and insights. Otherwise I may have started an argument and ensued frustration without understanding the intent.
Yes the Twitterer Elect previously has railed against the electoral college when he thought Romney would have won but for that darn electoral college.
Today he's shifting the discussion, as he is wont to do, with a conspiracy theory to get people talking about something else
Why are there millions of people voting against you Donald? If it was so easy to have millions of people voting illegally then you definitely got millions of fewer votes because your people are the ones who have been caught committing voting fraud.
Also all on the campaign trail he was saying the vote was rigged! Yet supposedly he won, why did he not say it was rigged for him? That seems most likely actually with Russian agents hacking Democrats exclusively. Yeah it probably was rigged Donald. The electoral college thing was definitely rigged for you since more Americans voted for Hillary Clinton than voted for Donald Trump.
Bear in mind that the other mods and I are still monitoring this thread, and disciplinary action has been taken against more than one user here in the past. We do not make those announcements public, but the Site Rules are being enforced.
We have been content to be relatively lenient given the emotional nature of the 2016 election, but that time has now passed. Personal attacks and any other violations of the Site Rules will be treated much more harshly from now on.
Whether you like Trump or not, he is not wrong in saying that the media tried to dictate to the people who they should be voting for, nor was he wrong in saying that the media was biased. The problem is that once the media is outed to be biased, how are we to accept ANYTHING they say at face value again? Any news report, any "breakthroughs" in science, all of these are now faced with scepticism and rightly so, because the media has an agenda.
Activism was the worst thing that could have happened to the traditional news media, but the problem is that the pundits actually believe that they are superior to the hoi-polloi and are therefore justified in their bullying and tyranny.
I said it early in the campaign that Trump cannot gain extra votes. What he has is what he will get, which is all of the disaffected silent majority who are sick to death of being lectured at and called racists, sexists, homophobes, evil, deniers and worse by people who are more than likely to be sexist, racist and evil themselves. It is up to Clinton to lose votes, and lost it she did. Compare the voter turn out for Clinton compared with Obama.
Michael Moore read it right when he said, "Trump's election will be the biggest f-you ever recorded in human history." It is a f-you to the chattering classes, to the media bullies, to the SJW arrogant jerks, to all those intolerant people who went around lecturing others and bullying them and shutting them down and assaulting them, all because those others did not agree with them. No free speech warriors those. Oh no. Not fans of freedom or democracy either, those SJWs. What they want is the peace of the jailhouse, and by electing Trump, the Americans basically told them to go to hell.
I hope that Australia follows the same path. We need to shake off the SJW stranglehold here as well.
Only how many of us feel "sexy"? And more importantly: how many of us assume they can achieve positions of power being honenest atheists, or principled secularists?
Not many, I think.
Although to be fair, both candidates were/are terrible.
I'll continue to refer back to the "Siege of Dragonspear" nonsense that engulfed these forums for a week because of one transgender NPC and a quote from a female developer. It was my first introduction to this childish movement and it remains just as ridiculous today as it was then. The apoplectic reaction to "their" childhood RPG being sullied by "social justice" was akin to the primal scream of a toddler. Perhaps the most telling tidbit about that little incident?? The CREATOR of the Forgotten Realms came out with a statement saying there had ALWAYS been multi-sex characters in his universe.
Neither are right or wrong but both sides should come together and try to talk things over. There are much more important things wrong in this world to fix and this SJW thing is getting in the way of higher priority problems.
When you push people expect to be pushed back.
I voted for Hillary, but that doesn't mean I, or other Hillary voters, support everything she does.
For me, political correctness isn't all that important. But it's also not all that hard.
They are also so blinded by the halo of their own self-righteousness that they simply don't see that bullying others, calling them names, attacking them, shutting them down, trying to humiliate them, all actually makes people mad. The SJWs believe that their victims should be grateful to be taught a lesson instead. The SJWs believe they are Lawful Good, whereas they are the epitome of Lawful Stupid, and are hated for practically the same reasons.