Portraits for BG from Pillars of Eternity

In the latest Pillars of Eternity update we finally got a character portrait in a good resolution. It looks gorgeous!

So, no doubt about it: when Pillars of Eternity are out, portraits from that game will more than suit BG.
By the way, the name of this portrait is "pe_portrait_female_human_580" which leads me to dream that we'll have MANY portraits in Pillars of Eternity for PCs and NPCs.

So, no doubt about it: when Pillars of Eternity are out, portraits from that game will more than suit BG.
By the way, the name of this portrait is "pe_portrait_female_human_580" which leads me to dream that we'll have MANY portraits in Pillars of Eternity for PCs and NPCs.
Edit: assuming that the number 580 is what you were focusing on when you mentioned mentioned many portraits
1. Being a generic portrait, "human_female" instead of a character name, and
2. The fact the if it's called human female it's not unreasonable to assume that each race will have a male and female portrait.
@TJ_Hooker Thanks for that. No matter, the portrait is so good that even if there're few, they will more than make my day.
At least a lack of romances will be different than what bioware's doing today. I think DA2: Electric Boogaloo had far too many, and none that were very interesting. They really didn't amount to much more than give gifts until sex pops out.
http://www.gamebanshee.com/images/artwork/gb902_367/Pillars of Eternity E.jpg
They are big pics and may take a while to load so I've posted links rather than embedding the pics in the thread.
Incidently, this DOES explain why women get offended when I throw teddybears at them.
So, with BIG HUGE MASSIVE thanks to http://forums.obsidian.net/ , all fans of Baldur's Gate, meet all 31 current beta character portraits. Each portrait is 210 x 330 pixels (in the game you'll be able to use custom portraits of your own as well if they suit this size):
I can't even choose which portrait I like the most. They are superb!
And now we can make at least 4 (without repetitive versions of the same person) full different parties in Baldur's Gate using brand-new portraits from Pillars of Eternity.
BTW, the portraits in bottom left of gamescreen (those you see while you play) are 76 x 96 pixels.
I hope that as a compensation they will make many difficult and interesting quests:)
Not inserting it to the game because they are afraid of getting bad reaction ? I think it a lousy excuse, they can get bad reaction on the game itself or about ingame stuff no matter what they will do, but I guess those guys are lacking romantic hearts!!!!!
As for Hexxat the guys here took a risk and I don't see anything bad about Hexxat being a lesbian even if I don't romance her or playing with her in my runs I think the risk they took is a good thing because they weren't afraid to take it and make something different for a change.
Anyway, back on topic. Out of that haul I like this Moon-godlike portrait the most:
They really do feel like the AD&D Air Genasi from Planescape.
Well, with the exception of that croissant-thingy glued on their faces.
However this petite Aumaua lad is very lovely as well:
Kind of feels like Minsc, only way more handsome.
And lol that Anumaua picture more handsome then Minsc, nop sorry I don't think so.