As a devoted servant of Sune I cant condone the lack of romance
Honestly lack of romances seems kinda lame especially in a game billed as the spiritual successor to Baldurs gate.
while its not the biggest issue in the world its disappointing in my opinion. any game that relies heavily on character interaction seems to be shooting itself in the foot a little when its missing one of the most fundamental forms of personal interaction and motivation.
What do we think our first race is gonna be? I'm *really* intrigued by the godlikes, but I don't know what err... breed(?) I want. Probably nature, but all of them look cool. No idea what class. Something arcane, definitely, but not sure which one.
My first character will be an Coastal Aumaua hands down. Those guys are pretty much the closest thing to playable humanoid whales I've seen in a computer game to date. And they remind me of the Darfellan from D&D.
My second character will probably be an Wild Orlan. They're miniature Grinches, I tell ya!
I'm also looking forward to the orlans. Gnome/fox/hobbit. What could go wrong?! I'll probably play a hearth orlans thief at sometime, but im guess il wait and see what everything looks like in game.
@meagloth It's been confirmed that there will be no romances in Pillars of Eternity.
Hmm... Is that good or bad....
It's good. digital romances just don't have the release that real world ones. Then again they aren't as expensive either.
I say it bad, maybe it not like in real life but it still part of the communications between characters, and to me not to have that option ingame it mean the game is lacking.
And as @element said it is a game that billed as the spiritual successor to Baldurs gate so not having a romance make that game lacking in this way as well, how can a game be the successor of Baldurs gate if it lack part of the original game, I'm sure if it lack this it lacking all other kind of stuff which make it a disappointment in my eyes, and not the successor of Baldurs gate, because if someone will make a game like that a real successor I bet it will be Trent and his guys, that love and work on this game for us.
You make it out as if the romances were somehow a main part of the BG series. They weren't to me. Really, as long as the characters are well written I don't care much if the relationships are all friendships or comrade-in-arms-ship or whatever. Can they be a spiritual successor to BG without romances? Of course they can. Half of the series didn't even have them. Will I miss romances? Yeah, probably, I enjoy such archs as well - but I'm not going to act as if it will be impossible for me to enjoy the game without them.
Oh, and even then it's not supposed to be the spiritual successor to just the BG games, but to all the Infinity engine games. Of which only 1.5-2 (PS:T sorta counts, I guess) featured them.
You make it out as if the romances were somehow a main part of the BG series. They weren't to me. Really, as long as the characters are well written I don't care much if the relationships are all friendships or comrade-in-arms-ship or whatever. Can they be a spiritual successor to BG without romances? Of course they can.
I don't disagree with what your saying, but they are an enjoyable part of the game none the less. Its not going to ruin the game or anything its simply going to be one aspect in which this game is going to be lacking in comparison to Baldurs Gate. And tbh, I'd rather this game wasn't lacking in any respect when compared to Baldurs gate.
I said it in my eyes that I think the romance is lacking I didn't talk about anyone else. And I didn't said that they can't be enjoyable just that it lacking again in MY eyes.
I don't disagree with what your saying, but they are an enjoyable part of the game none the less. Its not going to ruin the game or anything its simply going to be one aspect in which this game is going to be lacking in comparison to Baldurs Gate.
They could be enjoyable, but they also could be forced and completely unnecessary (some of the romance options in Mass Effect would be a good example). It really depends on what kind of characters there will be, and how are they going to interact with PC. Besides, why does this game necessarily have to be compared to BG? I mean, hopefully it's going to be a game of it's own, and not just an attempt to emulate BG.
Besides, why does this game necessarily have to be compared to BG? I mean, hopefully it's going to be a game of it's own, and not just an attempt to emulate BG.
well it can and should be its own game. But; they've brought about the comparison on there own. Pretty much every interview ive seen with obsidian sees them mentioning the old ie games and even the front page of the site featured a poll featuring a list of games u most want pillars to be like(bg was winning). So I don't think you can fault people for making comparisons. In regards to romances I agree, Im not saying they have/should be in games simply that I would prefer it if they were. If it was another game I wouldn't care in the slightest(most of my fav games don't contain romances) but if they are deliberately playing to baldurs gate nostalgia I think its only fair to point out things bg does that this game doesn't.
edit: even now theres a line on the front page that says:•Miss classic cRPGs like Baldur's Gate, Icewind Dale, and Planescape: Torment? So do we!!
For me, it's rather more portraits from BG for PoE. The portraits for their unique races are okay, but on the whole I find the beta portraits to be rather uninspiring. Perhaps it's because there doesn't seem to be a theme, as there is in BG's art work. For some reason they remind me more of Neverwinter's portraits. Art is subjective, beauty is in the eye of the beholder and all that.
I'm sure there will be more for the final release, but the expectation seems to be that we will use our own custom portraits. I'm really hoping that the artists here will be branching out!
For me, it's rather more portraits from BG for PoE. The portraits for their unique races are okay, but on the whole I find the beta portraits to be rather uninspiring. Perhaps it's because there doesn't seem to be a theme, as there is in BG's art work. For some reason they remind me more of Neverwinter's portraits. Art is subjective, beauty is in the eye of the beholder and all that.
I'm sure there will be more for the final release, but the expectation seems to be that we will use our own custom portraits. I'm really hoping that the artists here will be branching out!
I can see this. Some of the portrais are very detailed, almost photorealistic, and some are... Less so. I agree that the style is also somewhat inconsistent. Certainly a long shot from bg2, where even the backgrounds are all the same color, with a few exceptions. Though they are all unarguably very good.
Edit: I also think some are *two* photorealistic. They look like photomanipulations, not paintings, which gives it somewhat of a fanart-ish feel. That elven Druid really sticks out, I think, especially paired up with the outlandish godlikes.
im looking forward too it but I must admit I don't think I could ever bring myself to kick start obsidian you never know what's going to end up happening with there games
Ugh. I still can't get over that Druid in the corner. If one thing is consistent, it's the school-picture like backgrounds. And then there's that guy. Wtf?
Really wish I'd gotten in on the kickstart. I umm'd and ahhh'd about it because kickstart is always a bit of a risk. Especially if the game turned out to be crap.
I felt the same way.
I'm still not sure how I feel about the game based on what I've seen though. It certainly looks solid on the surface, but what would be the real selling point for me is the dialogue and characters more than the visuals. The fact that there are no romances already leaves me a bit skeptical in this regard. I wouldn't really fall head over heels over another action-driven quasi-RPG like IWD or ToEE.
As far as the portraits go, they're not really the kind of style that I would like, but they seem to look better when they're compacted down to fit smaller frames, as can be seen in the video below.
It might turn out to be another Divinity: Original Sin. It wasn't bad for a turn-based RPG but the writing was pretty weak for a game billed as a modern Baldur's Gate 2.
Ugh. I still can't get over that Druid in the corner. If one thing is consistent, it's the school-picture like backgrounds. And then there's that guy. Wtf?
some of them are based on backer photos I believe I think that may atleast be cause for some of the weird variation in style
Ugh. I still can't get over that Druid in the corner. If one thing is consistent, it's the school-picture like backgrounds. And then there's that guy. Wtf?
some of them are based on backer photos I believe I think that may atleast be cause for some of the weird variation in style
Yeah, I think this was a mistake. I am crossing my fingers for the ability to use custom portraits. I really don't like these at all.
Ugh. I still can't get over that Druid in the corner. If one thing is consistent, it's the school-picture like backgrounds. And then there's that guy. Wtf?
some of them are based on backer photos I believe I think that may atleast be cause for some of the weird variation in style
Yeah, I think this was a mistake. I am crossing my fingers for the ability to use custom portraits. I really don't like these at all.
Custom portraits will be possible and the large size is the same as BG, though the smaller size is different.
I saw an interview with sawyer in which portraits were mentioned, the impression I got from his attitude was that they're not a big priority since they expect everyone to want to use their own. Doesn't really bode well for the project as a whole...
Custom portraits will be possible and the large size is the same as BG, though the smaller size is different.
I saw an interview with sawyer in which portraits were mentioned, the impression I got from his attitude was that they're not a big priority since they expect everyone to want to use their own. Doesn't really bode well for the project as a whole...
Hamm another thing that isn't done right in this game.....
Ugh. I still can't get over that Druid in the corner. If one thing is consistent, it's the school-picture like backgrounds. And then there's that guy. Wtf?
some of them are based on backer photos I believe I think that may atleast be cause for some of the weird variation in style
Yeah, I think this was a mistake. I am crossing my fingers for the ability to use custom portraits. I really don't like these at all.
All hail the great god @Isandir! Portraits not being a big priority does worry me.... Time will tell. You can please some of the people all of the time, or all of the people some of the time, but you can never please all of the people all of the time.
Ugh. I still can't get over that Druid in the corner. If one thing is consistent, it's the school-picture like backgrounds. And then there's that guy. Wtf?
some of them are based on backer photos I believe I think that may atleast be cause for some of the weird variation in style
Yeah, I think this was a mistake. I am crossing my fingers for the ability to use custom portraits. I really don't like these at all.
Custom portraits will be possible and the large size is the same as BG, though the smaller size is different.
I saw an interview with sawyer in which portraits were mentioned, the impression I got from his attitude was that they're not a big priority since they expect everyone to want to use their own. Doesn't really bode well for the project as a whole...
There's a few of them I really like. The two cats with the moon symbol on them. The gal with the 'fire' hair, and then the girl with the cracking skin and red hair. The blue skinned grinning guy. The man with the helmet (or whatever it is) covering both his eyes. The two female elf portraits where she has a 'I know something you don't know' grin.
And then there are some like the guy encased in armor, the girl looking to the left, the dude with the horns and the random flowers that are just like... eh.
But I'll probably be able to find something I can use, so I suppose I won't complain.
(I agree, though. I want 'Torment'. All the successors, and I haven't seen something that makes me feel 'this is a successor to my favorite game'. For one thing, text... I don't think any game will ever be as text full as PS:T, because of voice actor concerns and costs.)
I saw an interview with sawyer in which portraits were mentioned, the impression I got from his attitude was that they're not a big priority since they expect everyone to want to use their own. Doesn't really bode well for the project as a whole...
Even more ominous is the fact that he thought ToEE was a great game.
While ToEE has an undeniably heavy focus on combat, perhaps to the detriment of other parts, it also have the best combat of any modern RPG that uses DnD mechanics. If I were to say Jagged Alliance 2 was a great game (which I think) I wouldn't exactly be referring to the plot and characters.
So I should make it clear(I bet it looks like I've been giving PoE a lot of hate today, it was and accident. Sort of.) That I don't hate all the portraits. Some are really awesome. In fact:
This should be rather selfexplanatory, but Green=good Blue=meh, and Red=Bad, or rather, "me no like".
So it's not that I don't like the portraits. It's the style inconsistency. But I'm repeating myself.
On a less controversial note, This one looks just like my friends girlfriend, but blonde. It's weird. Perhaps she's a closest PoE mega-backer?! She does drop her money in strange places, and large amounts. IVE GOT YOU KNOW, [girl who for legal, ethical, and personal reasons will go unnamed]!!!!
No doubt any attempt and charisma based interrogation will be unsuccessful. She *is* a tricksy one. TO THE DUNGEON!
Art is the thing where you can't get only one poit of view. For e.g, while @meagloth finds the 2nd pic on the 3rd row and the last 2 pics on the 4th row "meh", they are my favourites.
It's hard to please everybody when it comes to art and paintings in particular.
Personally, I like portraits in the beta. I just hope there will be much more in the full game. Dwarven portraits, for e.g. WE NEED dwarven portraits!
Honestly lack of romances seems kinda lame especially in a game billed as the spiritual successor to Baldurs gate.
while its not the biggest issue in the world its disappointing in my opinion. any game that relies heavily on character interaction seems to be shooting itself in the foot a little when its missing one of the most fundamental forms of personal interaction and motivation.
My second character will probably be an Wild Orlan. They're miniature Grinches, I tell ya!
And as @element said it is a game that billed as the spiritual successor to Baldurs gate so not having a romance make that game lacking in this way as well, how can a game be the successor of Baldurs gate if it lack part of the original game, I'm sure if it lack this it lacking all other kind of stuff which make it a disappointment in my eyes, and not the successor of Baldurs gate, because if someone will make a game like that a real successor I bet it will be Trent and his guys, that love and work on this game for us.
Oh, and even then it's not supposed to be the spiritual successor to just the BG games, but to all the Infinity engine games. Of which only 1.5-2 (PS:T sorta counts, I guess) featured them.
Besides, why does this game necessarily have to be compared to BG? I mean, hopefully it's going to be a game of it's own, and not just an attempt to emulate BG.
edit: even now theres a line on the front page that says:•Miss classic cRPGs like Baldur's Gate, Icewind Dale, and Planescape: Torment? So do we!!
I'm sure there will be more for the final release, but the expectation seems to be that we will use our own custom portraits. I'm really hoping that the artists here will be branching out!
Though they are all unarguably very good.
Edit: I also think some are *two* photorealistic. They look like photomanipulations, not paintings, which gives it somewhat of a fanart-ish feel. That elven Druid really sticks out, I think, especially paired up with the outlandish godlikes.
And then there's that guy.
I'm still not sure how I feel about the game based on what I've seen though. It certainly looks solid on the surface, but what would be the real selling point for me is the dialogue and characters more than the visuals. The fact that there are no romances already leaves me a bit skeptical in this regard. I wouldn't really fall head over heels over another action-driven quasi-RPG like IWD or ToEE.
As far as the portraits go, they're not really the kind of style that I would like, but they seem to look better when they're compacted down to fit smaller frames, as can be seen in the video below.
Custom portraits will be possible and the large size is the same as BG, though the smaller size is different.
I saw an interview with sawyer in which portraits were mentioned, the impression I got from his attitude was that they're not a big priority since they expect everyone to want to use their own. Doesn't really bode well for the project as a whole...
Portraits not being a big priority does worry me.... Time will tell.
You can please some of the people all of the time, or all of the people some of the time, but you can never please all of the people all of the time.
And then there are some like the guy encased in armor, the girl looking to the left, the dude with the horns and the random flowers that are just like... eh.
But I'll probably be able to find something I can use, so I suppose I won't complain.
(I agree, though. I want 'Torment'. All the successors, and I haven't seen something that makes me feel 'this is a successor to my favorite game'. For one thing, text... I don't think any game will ever be as text full as PS:T, because of voice actor concerns and costs.)
If I were to say Jagged Alliance 2 was a great game (which I think) I wouldn't exactly be referring to the plot and characters.
This should be rather selfexplanatory, but Green=good Blue=meh, and Red=Bad, or rather, "me no like".
So it's not that I don't like the portraits. It's the style inconsistency. But I'm repeating myself.
On a less controversial note,
This one looks just like my friends girlfriend, but blonde. It's weird. Perhaps she's a closest PoE mega-backer?! She does drop her money in strange places, and large amounts. IVE GOT YOU KNOW, [girl who for legal, ethical, and personal reasons will go unnamed]!!!!
No doubt any attempt and charisma based interrogation will be unsuccessful. She *is* a tricksy one. TO THE DUNGEON!
It's hard to please everybody when it comes to art and paintings in particular.
Personally, I like portraits in the beta. I just hope there will be much more in the full game. Dwarven portraits, for e.g. WE NEED dwarven portraits!
By Clangeddin's hammer!