@Pecca actually the mod has only one bug, and it is that all the kits will receive the same bonuses since there's missing a line to set the EFF only to affect a particular type of [SPECIFIC.IDS ENTRY HERE] that the mods creates for every multikit it makes.
Enabling a kit for a multi-class (eg Bladesinger) is easy, but I don't know if you can select them at character creation, and you'll have to mess a little with the CLAB###.2DA files to work accordingly (since a multi-class uses the CLAB files form the vanilla Class).
@fish0331 you are fully aware that BG2 is older than nwn, right?? The added in kits for EE are inspired from core 3.0 prestige classes, ie same source as nwn. You are coming off a bit wonky imo, complaining thst DnD products use the same source material. They are SUPPOSED to be similar.
I'm not sure I can understand your problem, playing BG2 is a very different experience from nwn.
Your second sentence is right on the money. This is what I mean. Out of the sh*tload of PrCs available why did they have to use the same ones found in nwn 1-2 rather than choose others.
well at least there are functional differences between their appearances in each game. I'm happy to say I was never suckered into picking Circle Kick in the EEs.
(grumbles to himself about the "kill the guy you attack first last" feat)
Well, I think you missed the key word: core! Those prestige classes are from the Dungeon Masters Guide, not non-core expansions. I wouldnt have minded seeing a few of the 'core forgotten realms' stuff for more flavour, but the EE kits arent offensively lazy. I am happy they didnt include Arcane Archers (we already got Archer), Loremasters (which combine tedium with ineffectualness), and all those terrible prestige classes from DMG 3.5... Horizon Walker?! Saw even less use than Loremasters and Heirophant. And NOBODY used those, not even WotC in products.
I think the goal was to keep close to core stuff, in both of these DnD products.
honestly the lack of new character options is probably my 2nd least favourite thing about the EE
I hear you....I've wanted to play a cleric pc in BG but can't bring myself to do it. The only evil aligned kit(only alignment I play) is the one of talos...cleric of lightning...wtf? What about death, destruction, demons, and mayhem. A storm shield and a couple castings of lightning bolt per day is not enough to sway me into investing hours and hours into this class.
Current focus is on fixing existing content and not on adding new content.
Good, that's as it should be.
And if, at some later stage, the team reverts to content creation, then yet more kits is probably not the most useful enhancement: we've already got loads of kits to try. The only class where I can see any justification for yet more variations would be to enable Clerics of two or three more gods (for which appropriate temples already exist in-game), every other class has already got ample variety.
And if, at some later stage...I doubt there will be another stage at this point because it has been forever since bg2 ee was released and they're just getting 1.3 out. Atleast in regards to additional official new content...
honestly the lack of new character options is probably my 2nd least favourite thing about the EE
I hear you....I've wanted to play a cleric pc in BG but can't bring myself to do it. The only evil aligned kit(only alignment I play) is the one of talos...cleric of lightning...wtf? What about death, destruction, demons, and mayhem. A storm shield and a couple castings of lightning bolt per day is not enough to sway me into investing hours and hours into this class.
Talos at the time of BG2 is way more than God of Lightning, he's very much a God of destruction, rage, etc. He's the 'leader' of the Deities of Fury... pretty loose mini-pantheon, but they all but Auril are accepted and venerated/respected even in civilized societies... or, well, read about the Boots of Grounding lore. Auril is feared in the North, but not very relevant further south, so she is less often placated.
You really shouldnt be a cleric of desth, tyranny, strife, or the dead... Cyric will at minimum revoke your powers if he realizes you're an independent Bhaalspawn, especially by ToB. When Cyric visits to chat... Realisticly, I'm not sure if there are any other major evil deities you could worship. Shar? Its not a very deep field, since Cyric replaced 3 real biggies, esp Bane.
I see where both @fish0331 and @DreadKhan are coming from. I'm a sucker for new kits, I'm not MASSIVELY bothered if they happen to be the same, as Khan said it's still DnD they will be the same. However I think the dev's efforts are better spent on new content and quests as well as bug fixes. The modding community will turn out a billion new kits in the coming months anyway. Their efforts are better spent elsewhere IMHO.
^ bullshit. Most of the kits are used in nwn 1-2. Nothing new to try there...
^BS to you too. This is BG, not NWN. It's irrelevant what kits are (or in the case of half of them, actually aren't) in NWN. Not only are these different games which play differently, but also many of the old BG players and very probably most of the new-generation BG players have never played NWN 1/2. Quite likely many of the new players have never even heard of NWN, and new-generation players are bound to be the main target for Beamdog's marketing.
Hardcore long-term players are naturally a big presence here in this forum, but don't kid yourself that this forum is remotely a representative sample of the overall market. Overhaul have to spend their development resources where there's going to be some general appeal, and "people who have played so much NWN that they're bored-in-advance with any BG feature which resembles any NWN feature" is a minuscule segment of the marketplace who aren't worth taking into account in resource allocations.
Disagree. How can you say that?! I would think playing NWN the only natural course of progression for a D&D player after BG. Afterall, wasn't it advertised in the game back then? I think a large portion of the market is on us old school players who played back in the day. Up and coming kids won't give a f*ck about BG considering PS4 and todays advances. Example : Im 17, these b*tches talk too much, wtf is this Imoen hoe? where's all the blood, I actually gotta read this sh*t? Ya, good luck finding a modern player base on a old school gem. It's like watching exorcist back in the day...it was phenomenal but if you showed someone that was say...born in the 2000's it'd be like this sh*t is boring as f*ck.
Being passionate is one thing, most of us are fiercely passionate about BG and DnD in general, that is why we are here but there is also pushing things a little to far you know? At the moment the dev team have their hands full fixing the myriad of bugs and most likely don't have time to be making kits right at the moment. In the future, who knows. As far as mods go, many of them are made by very talented people. follow the game rules and will be of bloody good quality. However, if you do not want to avail yourself of them then you will just have to wait and see if the dev team will get some out in the future. Until then, there is nothing we can do for you I'm afraid.
I still want to see favored soul or whatever it's called(the sorcerer cleric), implemented. I would also like specialist bards, and more sorcerer kits. And maybe one more thief... Another cleric would be cool, and more racial kits would be awesome. Also a monk kit that uses a quarterstaff I would like to play.
I still want to see favored soul or whatever it's called(the sorcerer cleric), implemented. I would also like specialist bards, and more sorcerer kits. And maybe one more thief... Another cleric would be cool, and more racial kits would be awesome. Also a monk kit that uses a quarterstaff I would like to play.
Ha! Psionicists I would pay for. I still remember my older brother introducing me to dark sun 20 yrs ago. What with thri-kreen and all...that was a short-lived dream...badass setting but I guess short lived. As well as ravenloft wtf? Anyone remember the old SSI games?
Psionics: I think it uses power points? Or something?
Psionics is imho not an essy thing to balance unless you make it simply a 3rd type of 'magic', ie divine, arcane, psionic. Or as a replacement for one, esp replacing divine. The mechanics sre quite elaborate in 3.5, to the point new players would have a rough time. That said, the idea of your point expenditure affecting stuff beyond base casting is a nice idea, very versatile. Modt of it even looked fairly balanced in 3.5. Wilder in psrtivulsr looked entertaining.
Yes! Power points was what made it trick to implement. Don't get me wrong the mod did it really well I just didn't have the time to sit down and pour over how it works properly. Maybe one day soon, when the child is old enough for daycare and I have some spare time not working. I've always had a thing for Psionics That and Sorcerers
That being said however, I did like 3.5 edition. I think 4 is the worst load of rubbish I have ever seen however... Hahah 3.5 while a little clunky sometimes had everything it needed.
Enabling a kit for a multi-class (eg Bladesinger) is easy, but I don't know if you can select them at character creation, and you'll have to mess a little with the CLAB###.2DA files to work accordingly (since a multi-class uses the CLAB files form the vanilla Class).
Your second sentence is right on the money. This is what I mean. Out of the sh*tload of PrCs available why did they have to use the same ones found in nwn 1-2 rather than choose others.
The majority being Shadowdancer, Dragon Disciple, Blackguard, Dwarven Defender (with Sun Soul Monk and Dark Moon Monk not having been in either game).
(grumbles to himself about the "kill the guy you attack first last" feat)
I think the goal was to keep close to core stuff, in both of these DnD products.
honestly the lack of new character options is probably my 2nd least favourite thing about the EE
You really shouldnt be a cleric of desth, tyranny, strife, or the dead... Cyric will at minimum revoke your powers if he realizes you're an independent Bhaalspawn, especially by ToB. When Cyric visits to chat... Realisticly, I'm not sure if there are any other major evil deities you could worship. Shar? Its not a very deep field, since Cyric replaced 3 real biggies, esp Bane.
At the moment the dev team have their hands full fixing the myriad of bugs and most likely don't have time to be making kits right at the moment. In the future, who knows.
As far as mods go, many of them are made by very talented people. follow the game rules and will be of bloody good quality.
However, if you do not want to avail yourself of them then you will just have to wait and see if the dev team will get some out in the future. Until then, there is nothing we can do for you I'm afraid.
Another cleric would be cool, and more racial kits would be awesome.
Also a monk kit that uses a quarterstaff I would like to play.
Psionics is imho not an essy thing to balance unless you make it simply a 3rd type of 'magic', ie divine, arcane, psionic. Or as a replacement for one, esp replacing divine. The mechanics sre quite elaborate in 3.5, to the point new players would have a rough time. That said, the idea of your point expenditure affecting stuff beyond base casting is a nice idea, very versatile. Modt of it even looked fairly balanced in 3.5. Wilder in psrtivulsr looked entertaining.
I've always had a thing for Psionics