I dunno, mods will provide all you need soon enough. I found with NWN2 that after my first play through I had so much choice I had a hard time settling on a character and class that I could play long term. Don't know if that's just me... :P
I dunno, mods will provide all you need soon enough. I found with NWN2 that after my first play through I had so much choice I had a hard time settling on a character and class that I could play long term. Don't know if that's just me... :P
It's not just you. Any time I play an RPG (any RPG, whether it's Baldur's Gate or Dragon Age or The Old Republic) I usually spend about ten hours just going through the first hour of the game as different characters to see which one I like best.
I usually do that because my first couple characters were garbage/I make bad gameplay choices. Its very esdy in BG to make characters a newbie cannot win with. KOTOR wasnt as bad for this, but is a cakewalk if you build a deliberately powergamey character, so in easy RPGs, I only build 1 or 2 technically garbage characters. I'll always remember my morally gray scoundrel Duelist blaster using Revan... because I had to use thermal detonators to kill Malak. *sheepish*
@DreadKhan - ha ha. yeah, I have spent far to many hours lately playing Dark Souls. I get so far and then decide that I don't like the makeup or balance of the character I created. Or I get my nethers handed to me by some YOB who likes griefing lower levels and decide I will try something else.
Current focus is on fixing existing content and not on adding new content.
Good, that's as it should be.
And if, at some later stage, the team reverts to content creation, then yet more kits is probably not the most useful enhancement: we've already got loads of kits to try. The only class where I can see any justification for yet more variations would be to enable Clerics of two or three more gods (for which appropriate temples already exist in-game), every other class has already got ample variety.
It's not just you. Any time I play an RPG (any RPG, whether it's Baldur's Gate or Dragon Age or The Old Republic) I usually spend about ten hours just going through the first hour of the game as different characters to see which one I like best.
Oh my god. Dragon age game me hell. I had to restart about 6 times to see every origin story then it's like, it's different for females... IT'S DIFFERENT FOR FEMALES! A dozen restarts later... Maybe a mage would be more fun... because I don't like the way my rouges hair sits on the side of his face. Besides, he runs funny and magic is where it's at everyone knows that.
Also, NWN plays completely different from BG. I don't see how having played a kit in NWN would really affect how interesting it would be to play the same kit in BG.
Also, NWN plays completely different from BG. I don't see how having played a kit in NWN would really affect how interesting it would be to play the same kit in BG.
I dunno, I still think non-good Rangers should nab a kit.
The original devs were Aragorn fanboys and therefore decreed that Rangers were always Good-aligned. I reckon that definition of "what it means to be a Ranger" probably now counts as part of the "original content", so Overhaul aren't supposed to monkey with it.
Of course a modder could develop a non-Good Ranger kit, but I doubt it'll ever be official content.
^ bullshit. Most of the kits are used in nwn 1-2. Nothing new to try there...
^BS to you too. This is BG, not NWN. It's irrelevant what kits are (or in the case of half of them, actually aren't) in NWN. Not only are these different games which play differently, but also many of the old BG players and very probably most of the new-generation BG players have never played NWN 1/2. Quite likely many of the new players have never even heard of NWN, and new-generation players are bound to be the main target for Beamdog's marketing.
Hardcore long-term players are naturally a big presence here in this forum, but don't kid yourself that this forum is remotely a representative sample of the overall market. Overhaul have to spend their development resources where there's going to be some general appeal, and "people who have played so much NWN that they're bored-in-advance with any BG feature which resembles any NWN feature" is a minuscule segment of the marketplace who aren't worth taking into account in resource allocations.
I dunno, I still think non-good Rangers should nab a kit.
The original devs were Aragorn fanboys and therefore decreed that Rangers were always Good-aligned. I reckon that definition of "what it means to be a Ranger" probably now counts as part of the "original content", so Overhaul aren't supposed to monkey with it.
Of course a modder could develop a non-Good Ranger kit, but I doubt it'll ever be official content.
It's less the original developers and more the original rules from PnP. Rangers in AD&D could only be good-aligned, and there was no "anti-ranger" to justify bending that rule like there is for paladins.
I played the hell out of nwn 1 and 2, and I don't think the kits (prestige classes) from there are boring at all in BG. They're different games, different stories, and based off of different rules systems.
That said, I would love some more kits. I do think BG:EE(2) already has all the most fun kits from nwn, though, and would like to see something different. I wonder if it'd possible to have multi-class kits, like the old bladesinger. Probably would get stupid overpowered, but there might be some other more balanced an interesting kits that could work.
New races could be something else that could be fun. Who hasn't wanted to play a Tiefling in BG2?
laaaaammmeee Thieves, "paladins", fighters and even those damn sorcerers get a new kit Monks got two. Plus... a bear kit! what about us? (bards) Time to sing the Ballad of Infinite Sorrow
I like the idea of properly enabling multi-class kits. I think it was somehow possible to mod it in vanilla BG2, but I don't remember if it worked well.
I dunno, I still think non-good Rangers should nab a kit.
The original devs were Aragorn fanboys and therefore decreed that Rangers were always Good-aligned. I reckon that definition of "what it means to be a Ranger" probably now counts as part of the "original content", so Overhaul aren't supposed to monkey with it.
Of course a modder could develop a non-Good Ranger kit, but I doubt it'll ever be official content.
It's less the original developers and more the original rules from PnP. Rangers in AD&D could only be good-aligned, and there was no "anti-ranger" to justify bending that rule like there is for paladins.
I dont have all the 2nd edition kit books, so I'll take your word for it.
Incidently, BG2 has kits/classes strictly inspired by 3rd edition, and BGEE does too. *whistles nonchalantly*
^ bullshit. Most of the kits are used in nwn 1-2. Nothing new to try there...
^BS to you too. This is BG, not NWN. It's irrelevant what kits are (or in the case of half of them, actually aren't) in NWN. Not only are these different games which play differently, but also many of the old BG players and very probably most of the new-generation BG players have never played NWN 1/2. Quite likely many of the new players have never even heard of NWN, and new-generation players are bound to be the main target for Beamdog's marketing.
Hardcore long-term players are naturally a big presence here in this forum, but don't kid yourself that this forum is remotely a representative sample of the overall market. Overhaul have to spend their development resources where there's going to be some general appeal, and "people who have played so much NWN that they're bored-in-advance with any BG feature which resembles any NWN feature" is a minuscule segment of the marketplace who aren't worth taking into account in resource allocations.
Just sayin, it would have been nice to see some kits that have never been used in nwn 1-2 before considering all the resources available for this setting. Why assassin, shadowdancer, RDD, etc. again? Why not bladesinger or something never used before in either game? A shadowdancer in bg plays similar to that of a cookie-cutter shadowdancer in nwn. HIPS and melee...same flavor but different wrapper.
Personally for me, the addition of the some of the kits was not as satisfying as it could have been. As someone that has played BG--->NWN--->NWN2--->then back to BG again a RDD, shadowdancer, etc. is not as exciting.
@fish0331 you are fully aware that BG2 is older than nwn, right?? The added in kits for EE are inspired from core 3.0 prestige classes, ie same source as nwn. You are coming off a bit wonky imo, complaining thst DnD products use the same source material. They are SUPPOSED to be similar.
I'm not sure I can understand your problem, playing BG2 is a very different experience from nwn.
But, @fish0331 , don't be said.
The 1.3 patch will adress the problem with kit mods installation. So, you'll be able to get new kits from mods. For those mods, check http://forum.baldursgate.com/discussion/15380/bg-ee-mods-and-modding-tutorials-quick-links/p1.
And if, at some later stage, the team reverts to content creation, then yet more kits is probably not the most useful enhancement: we've already got loads of kits to try. The only class where I can see any justification for yet more variations would be to enable Clerics of two or three more gods (for which appropriate temples already exist in-game), every other class has already got ample variety.
Create your own kit:)
Priest of Helm/Lathander/Talos
Totemic Druid
Wizard Slayer
Wild Mage
Undead Hunter
Bounty Hunter
SwashbucklerDark Moon/Sun Soul Monk
Also, NWN plays completely different from BG. I don't see how having played a kit in NWN would really affect how interesting it would be to play the same kit in BG.
Of course a modder could develop a non-Good Ranger kit, but I doubt it'll ever be official content.
Hardcore long-term players are naturally a big presence here in this forum, but don't kid yourself that this forum is remotely a representative sample of the overall market. Overhaul have to spend their development resources where there's going to be some general appeal, and "people who have played so much NWN that they're bored-in-advance with any BG feature which resembles any NWN feature" is a minuscule segment of the marketplace who aren't worth taking into account in resource allocations.
That said, I would love some more kits. I do think BG:EE(2) already has all the most fun kits from nwn, though, and would like to see something different. I wonder if it'd possible to have multi-class kits, like the old bladesinger. Probably would get stupid overpowered, but there might be some other more balanced an interesting kits that could work.
New races could be something else that could be fun. Who hasn't wanted to play a Tiefling in BG2?
Thieves, "paladins", fighters and even those damn sorcerers get a new kit
Monks got two. Plus... a bear kit!
what about us? (bards)
Time to sing the Ballad of Infinite Sorrow
Incidently, BG2 has kits/classes strictly inspired by 3rd edition, and BGEE does too. *whistles nonchalantly*
I'm not sure I can understand your problem, playing BG2 is a very different experience from nwn.