The Manliest Monk Class v.1

The final chapter of my class polls has come, and this is one dear to my heart. Monks are just plain awesome. Note, I'm not putting Chuck Norris on this list because he would always win the title of "Manliest Monk". This is between the in game classes only. As always, this is for personal preference, and not to say what is the strongest kit. That said, feel free to debate to your heart's content in the comments! Also, so those of you who weren't there the first time know, the reason this poll is "v.1" is due to the fact that this one never HAD a predecessor. Dee shut me down before I got this one out last time, but now it is here for all the world to see! Once again, thanks to everyone who made these polls great. Dee, for allowing me to repost these polls. @Tresset, for helping me to recover the "lost" polls so that they could be remade just as well as they were before. And all of you, for commenting, debating, and making this a great series of polls! Thanks!
- The Manliest Monk Class v.152 votes
- Monk: Never give them a high five...40.38%
- Sun Soul Monk: Bliiiiinded by the liiiight!15.38%
- Dark Moon Monk: Is it cold in here, or is it just me?25.00%
- Just show me the results. (This is not the Chuck Norris option. Stop trying.)19.23%
I really do need, and want, to play around with the new kits. I'm so set in my ways, though...
I have played the game thru with DMM+Rasaad (as the only members of the group) to get the feeling of both kits and I still like DMM a bit more.
That I only played Female Monks...
Other than that, I'd stay with the Dark Moon Monk, for role-playing!
let's not even go into me and vampires