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Tenya Thermidor v1.5



  • Necromanx2Necromanx2 Member Posts: 1,246
    I like this mod allot. Great work!
    I use DoF, so it resets her abilities to the Umberlee kit while leaving the interactions and quest alone.
  • MaurvirMaurvir Member Posts: 1,097
    Yes, the more I play a party with her, the more I'm liking Tenya. I'm looking forward to seeing how her story turns out, and now that the party isn't all level one anymore, she isn't so vastly overpowered. That said, she made the fights in Peldvale go much easier once the grease/web were laid out.

    She did just request seeing someone at a ruin, though, but I haven't been able to find said person yet. I plan to return tonight, though.
  • Wise_GrimwaldWise_Grimwald Member Posts: 3,868
    Maurvir wrote: »
    Yes, the more I play a party with her, the more I'm liking Tenya. I'm looking forward to seeing how her story turns out, and now that the party isn't all level one anymore, she isn't so vastly overpowered. That said, she made the fights in Peldvale go much easier once the grease/web were laid out.

    She did just request seeing someone at a ruin, though, but I haven't been able to find said person yet. I plan to return tonight, though.

    That person is in an area that you wouldn't go to unless you were looking for that person. A deliberate choice, I think.
  • MaurvirMaurvir Member Posts: 1,097
    edited October 2019
    I found them...

    My previous thoughts on anyone related to Umberlee, Tenya excepted, proved prescient. I just hope that bowl was worth the THIRD trip to the temple for Aura.

    As an aside, my PC got lectured on stupidity by a kid, and the kid wasn't wrong.
  • ArthasArthas Member Posts: 1,091
    edited October 2019
    hey @Coutelier,
    will you ever release a version for bg2?
  • CoutelierCoutelier Member Posts: 1,282
    Arthas wrote: »
    hey @Coutelier,
    will you ever release a version for bg2?

    Not in the forseeable future I'm afraid. I have too much going on right now. Maybe one day things will settle down and I'll be in a financial position to take a break and work on things like that, but not just now.
  • Seth_Phoenix2000Seth_Phoenix2000 Member Posts: 5
    Your mod is broken. Completed the quest where I cleared out the Seven Suns building. Talked to Scar to let him know it's been done and she disappeared completely. She wasn't in my party, couldn't select her, she was gone.
  • MaurvirMaurvir Member Posts: 1,097
    Your mod is broken. Completed the quest where I cleared out the Seven Suns building. Talked to Scar to let him know it's been done and she disappeared completely. She wasn't in my party, couldn't select her, she was gone.

    Calling the mod broken because something didn't go right in your modded install isn't a very good opening. I have played through BG1 with Tenya, and she was fine all the way to the end.
  • Seth_Phoenix2000Seth_Phoenix2000 Member Posts: 5
    Maurvir wrote: »
    Your mod is broken. Completed the quest where I cleared out the Seven Suns building. Talked to Scar to let him know it's been done and she disappeared completely. She wasn't in my party, couldn't select her, she was gone.

    Calling the mod broken because something didn't go right in your modded install isn't a very good opening. I have played through BG1 with Tenya, and she was fine all the way to the end.

    She also has no portrait, she's neutral evil, her elemental bowl disappeared completely and if dismissed, she disappears as well.
  • MaurvirMaurvir Member Posts: 1,097
    edited July 2020
    Maurvir wrote: »
    Your mod is broken. Completed the quest where I cleared out the Seven Suns building. Talked to Scar to let him know it's been done and she disappeared completely. She wasn't in my party, couldn't select her, she was gone.

    Calling the mod broken because something didn't go right in your modded install isn't a very good opening. I have played through BG1 with Tenya, and she was fine all the way to the end.

    She also has no portrait, she's neutral evil, her elemental bowl disappeared completely and if dismissed, she disappears as well.

    Ok, now I suppose it's my turn to eat crow. You are right, there is something going on. I reinstalled recently and I just sent my party to get her. Indeed, her portrait is missing and she is showing up as neutral evil. Worse, her equipped weapon, a flail, is illegal for her to use, so unequipping it means she has no weapon.

    At this point, I'm not sure what is going on. I have used Tenya before and she worked fine. I can only guess that there is a mod conflict.

    EDIT: It looks like a later mod made her a regular cleric. Looking at her stats in EEKeeper, she looks like she has a regular loadout of divine magic for a 5th level cleric, without the special spells mentioned in the first post. I would be willing to bet one of the tweak packs that alters clerics messed her up.

    As it happens, I don't think I ran SCS in my last BG1 run, and it definitely messes with clerics. Not for certain, but the rest of my BG1 mods didn't change much.
    Post edited by Maurvir on
  • EndarireEndarire Member Posts: 1,519
    Greetings! May we resolve intermod incompatibilities with Tenya and Garrick: Tales of a Troubadour?
  • CaedwyrCaedwyr Member Posts: 176
    edited November 2020
    I'm using Tenya in a megamod playthrough and while the mod is generally working pretty well, there are a few messed up combat text lines. It seems as though Sirene has been getting some of Tenya Thermidor's lines as battle text/battle cries. Tenya was the next mod in my install order and both mods were installed on BG1:EE prior to using EET.

    My suspicion is that making Tenya able to be installed natively onto an EET install would help avoid this situation. I'm not sure if the issue is with Sirene or with Tenya, though my guess is that Tenya is the one causing problems.

    This is just a warning for anyone else wanting to play a megamod install with both mods. You may also get away with things and my issues could just be the peculiarities of a megamod install.
  • Eddard_StarkEddard_Stark Member Posts: 52
    edited December 2020
    Coutelier wrote: »
    Tenya for BG:Enhanced Edition

    Tenya:- No! Bring her back! I want to kill her again!


    I took a little break from working on my Aerie mod for BG2, to try something a little more fun. This is a mod that makes 12 year old Umberlant Tenya a joinable NPC, after you help her of course. Yes, if you like character like Arya Stark or Hit-Girl, but feel they don't talk about carnivorous sea snails or sing shanties enough, now you can become guardian of your own darling little tempestuous ball of fury.


    Tenya has a low strength for a cleric, but makes up for it with some special abilities and unique items. She can cast Storm Shield once per day like a cleric of Talos. She also of course has the Bowl of Water Elemental Control... but her mother never even told her how to make it work, so she has to learn elsewhere.

    She has at least one interaction with every Bioware and Beamdog NPC as well as several comments along your main quest and a few interjections elsewhere, (in particular around the temple of Umberlee, of course).

    Otherwise, what is there is to say? Tenya is a twelve year old priestess wielding a lot of power for someone so young. Her earth-mother never treated her well, but a child's love for her mother is unconditional. After her mother's murder she, consumed by anger, turn to Umberlee. She wished for vengeange, but it was the bowl her mother had entrusted her to protect Tenya most wanted back. She had hoped she would be able to scare the fishermen who stole the artifact into returning it, but they were proving more stubborn than she had anticpated and she was starting to consider more desperate measures, when of course, you step in.

    In addition to banters, small quest, and interjections, Tenya now has a small number of Player Initiated Dialogues... press on the speech button and then on Tenya while she's in the party to have a little chat.

    Here is a big portrait. The actual in-game portrait has been redone a little by @Asthner, adding a bit more tecture to her scarf.

    Some other notes:

    Class: Cleric


    STR 9
    DEX 16
    CON 14
    INT 12
    WIS 16
    CHA 13

    Alignment: Chaotic Neutral ( I changed her alignment to CN, for several reasons. First, I don't really go along with the idea in a lot of other media that the field of child psychology is really just a diversion from the truth that all children are possessed by the spirits of evil aliens. Second, I feel it better reflects her personality anyway - she is quick to anger, abrasive, and like children do will sometimes try to test the limits of people around her to see how much she can get away with. But, she can actually be quite helpful and even nice, on occasion. Lastly I just wanted to leave it open so that maybe in some future expansion she can develop either way due to your influence.

    Her stats are not magnificent, but she has a fair bit of stuff. Like a ring that gives an extra cleric spell each level and also functions as a ring of protection +2.

    She has a bunch of mephit spells she can cast (steam and ice shards etc... basically all the ones that have any sort of connection to water. She's a waterbender). Not really very powerful, but can be useful on occassion.

    She can also cast Storm Shield once per day like a Cleric of Talos.


    Hi Coutelier,

    If it isn’t too much to ask, I was wondering if there is any possibility in the future for you to take the time to make an alternative version of your Tenya mod where Tenya joins the party with the original stats that the vanilla game provides her with? By original stats, I mean Neutral Evil, the flail, no portrait, and the following attributes:

    STR 9
    DEX 11
    CON 10
    INT 14
    WIS 14
    CHA 13

    Maybe you can make separate folders for each aspect of the mod to provide customization?

    Thank you for reading my question.

    On a side note, I have a mod suggestion that you could possibly take. In the base game, in the north Baldur’s Gate district, there is a quest called Petrine’s Cat. This quest involves getting a cat called Angel to leave a house by getting a specific item from the second floor. The thing about this quest is that the elf child, Petrine, is actually running away from her uncle, Bheren, and wants her cat, Angel, to leave with her. The game actually notes in the quest journal that she is one of Baldur’s Gate’s many orphans. Due to your success with the Tenya mod, I think that it would be very cool if you make a similar mod for Petrine. Also, I can already think of an interaction she could have with Minsc, specifically Angel and Boo, and how cats love chasing rodents.
    Post edited by Eddard_Stark on
  • Wise_GrimwaldWise_Grimwald Member Posts: 3,868
    @Eddard_Stark Having such s cat in the party could be amusing.
  • W_GorionsonW_Gorionson Member Posts: 15
    I don't see Tenya on the list of 2.0+ compatible mods but everything I'm reading here indicates she works fine with the newest BGEE version. Am I right? Thanks
  • EndarireEndarire Member Posts: 1,519
    Tenya was updated to EET compatibility in the unofficial v2.
  • Austin87Austin87 Member Posts: 349
    edited March 2021
    Here is the version of the mod with the added Russian translation from yota13 & p_zombie and technical improvements from the tipun: (v.2.1)
    Please update the mod!

    -for EET-compatibility added ALWAYS section, where added setting of variables and several functions, incl. checking game version to install animation

    -added check for BGEE / EET (REQUIRE_PREDICATE GAME_IS ~ bgee eet ~ ~ Not support game ~)

    -added setting for animation of water elementals, if the game version is 2+, and adding it to files of elemental characters

    -so that due to all the one-time use of the spell from the mod it does not occupy a slot in spell.ids, the spell is replaced with the RES version

    -when compiling scripts and dialogs, added EVALUATE_BUFFER to account for variables for BGEE / EET
    added a check for a script in Tenya's house. Previously, it just compiled, but now, if the script already exists, it is patched and not overwritten.

    -added EET_NPC_TRANSITION function

    -added removal of Tenya from the party in SOD, after clearing Corlaz

    -4 lines have been added to TTsetup.tra that were not previously traifyed
  • EndarireEndarire Member Posts: 1,519
    May we get 2.1 uploaded to your GitHub with proper credit to all contributors?
  • Austin87Austin87 Member Posts: 349
    edited April 2021
    Endarire wrote: »
    May we get 2.1 uploaded to your GitHub with proper credit to all contributors?

    I cannot upload other people's mods to my GitHub without permission. So I asked to update the mod here - hopefully the author or someone else who can do this will see this message.
  • CaedwyrCaedwyr Member Posts: 176
    Endarire wrote: »
    Tenya was updated to EET compatibility in the unofficial v2.

    Linking to Roxxanne's site for her "unofficial" releases is not generally considered all that respectful of the original mod creators, and having done some digging into the files myself, not all that great for people looking to get the mod either as there are frequently a bunch of behind the scenes changes made as well. This is decidedly not cool.

    That said, here's some comments from my recent playthrough of BG1:

    Tenya Thermidor: I didn't take her in my party, but for adding a bit more colour to the world, I'd still recommend this mod. I did make some modifications to tone down the bowl of elemental summoning you get. There were a few issues with Sirene for some of the dialogue, but nothing game-breaking. I'd love to see this mod updated to full EET compatibility.
  • MordekaieMordekaie Member Posts: 269
    edited March 2022
    Caedwyr wrote: »
    Endarire wrote: »
    Tenya was updated to EET compatibility in the unofficial v2.

    Linking to Roxxanne's site for her "unofficial" releases is not generally considered all that respectful of the original mod creators, and having done some digging into the files myself, not all that great for people looking to get the mod either as there are frequently a bunch of behind the scenes changes made as well. This is decidedly not cool.

    That said, here's some comments from my recent playthrough of BG1:

    Tenya Thermidor: I didn't take her in my party, but for adding a bit more colour to the world, I'd still recommend this mod. I did make some modifications to tone down the bowl of elemental summoning you get. There were a few issues with Sirene for some of the dialogue, but nothing game-breaking. I'd love to see this mod updated to full EET compatibility.

    @Caedwyr Would you precise what kind of modification did you do to tone down the bowl of elemental summoning ?
  • MordekaieMordekaie Member Posts: 269
    @Caedwyr Working on my EET install and starting tests with PI in order to optimize the installorder. Considering the few issues you notice between Sirene and Tenya, would you consider installing Tenya before Sirene as a preferable order?
  • Wise_GrimwaldWise_Grimwald Member Posts: 3,868
    Other than using Roxanne's version is there any way of using this mod if using EET?
    Installing it before EET for instance.
  • MordekaieMordekaie Member Posts: 269
    Other than using Roxanne's version is there any way of using this mod if using EET?
    Installing it before EET for instance.

    Yes. Just install this 1.5c version on BGEE before applying EET Core to BG2EE
  • Wise_GrimwaldWise_Grimwald Member Posts: 3,868
  • YomikoYomiko Member Posts: 2
    edited November 2022
    Hello, question about the mod, where is lethe suppusoed to be exactly ? couldnt find that person, so dunno if i just missing it or if something went wrong my installation

    edit : nevermind, there was just a very small portion of the map i forgot to check
    but, another problem have emerged. at some point in the discussion with lethe, when i say to her that she forgot something, tenya got up...and then talk about bandits and flaming fist doing nothing, and we should get ride of them. no more discusion with lethe, lethe start to leave, is blue, can't be killed, and i don't know what i should do.
  • Wise_GrimwaldWise_Grimwald Member Posts: 3,868
    edited November 2022
    Yomiko wrote: »
    Hello, question about the mod, where is lethe suppusoed to be exactly ? couldnt find that person, so dunno if i just missing it or if something went wrong my installation

    edit : nevermind, there was just a very small portion of the map i forgot to check
    but, another problem have emerged. at some point in the discussion with lethe, when i say to her that she forgot something, tenya got up...and then talk about bandits and flaming fist doing nothing, and we should get ride of them. no more discusion with lethe, lethe start to leave, is blue, can't be killed, and i don't know what i should do.

    If you give a different answer [If I could just reach my belt] you end up fighting her and end up with some excellent equipment for a mage as well as a halberd for the use of Tenya. The equipment is slightly better than the equipment that is readilly available in shops.
  • YomikoYomiko Member Posts: 2
    yeah, i think somethig weird happened during the installation. even after that, sh'es still seen as non-hostile no matter what, even with her attacking me and my characters attacking her, and she can't be killed. welp
  • trebuszętrebuszę Member Posts: 49
    Is there any cross-mod content for Tenya? Does she got any banters with other mod NPCs?

  • EndarireEndarire Member Posts: 1,519
    She may get cross mod with Garrick if you install Tenya after Garrick: Tales of a Troubadour.
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