Yeorg NPC mod for BGEE

Please Note: I've decided to make Yeorg an optional component of my upcoming Eve of War mod. So it will no longer be a standalone mod.
Who is Yeorg
Yeorg is a level 4 Dragon Disciple. He is found in Gullykin. The reason he is there (at least the reason he initially tells you) is to search for artifacts in Durlag's Tower and the Firewine Ruins (more specifically he is searching for an artifact that would benefit his masters in the Cult of the Dragon). The reported existence of a wild magic zone around Gullykin (which is actually mentioned in Volo's Guide to the Sword Coast) has only served to peak his interest in the region.
Yeorg, Dragon Disciple (level 4)
Neutral Evil
STR: 16
DEX: 9
CON: 15
INT: 15
WIS: 16
CHR: 15
Total = 86
Starting HP: 24 hp (which includes the constitution bonus)
Innate abilities:
Dragon Disciple abilities.
Biography: When asked about his past Yeorg is reluctant to delve too much into details. He mentions that he is from Caer-Dineval, an otherwise unremarkable fishing village and one of the Ten Towns. When asked about his family he seems to have little interest in furthering the discussion, though when the topic of his ability to breathe fire is brought up he does explain that it is trait that Yeorg inherited from a distant ancestor's relationship with a red dragon.
His name itself interests you and when you ask him about it he states that he is named after a warrior in his family, someone who many years prior fought amongst the frozen dales of the north.
When pressed on his reasons for travelling to Gullykin he declares that he will tolerate no further inquiries into his nature or business.
Character Conceptualization (most of what you see here probably won't get an in-game explanation for it)
Strength, Dexterity, Constitution
Yeorg is unusually physically strong and hearty for a spellcaster. However, that strength comes at the price of a lack of agility.
Intelligence and Wisdom
As for his the intelligence and wisdom I wanted to differentiate him from Baeloth and to give him stats that I felt were more representative of where the character is heading (he is above average intelligence certainly and this has allowed him to be smart enough to recognize opportunities when they come about and to work his way into them). In at least a few ways I view him as an opposite of Baeloth (whose comparison is sort of inevitable given they share the same main class). Whereas Baeloth seems more interested in creating a spectacle and with having large scale plans, and arguably shows a lack of wisdom with his endeavors, Yeorg favours slowly gaining ability through much less grandiose means. Yeorg is still interested in acquiring power but he is much more risk averse and is much more concerned with always having an escape plan or way out of an arrangement or situation.
Yeorg is also fairly familiar with the history behind the Firewine Ruins, Gullykin, and Durlag's Tower. If you are interested he may offer to share his knowledge with you, but only really if he feels like he is gaining something from doing so (which in this case is really as simple as informing you of potential dangers he has read about so that you don't get him killed).
Yeorg can be cruel if the situation calls for it, but most of the time he is more interested in keeping the money rolling in or his other plans moving forward. He has no qualms about killing, stealing, or basically doing anything to get what he wants, including killing his partners in crime if the situation calls for it. He would prefer a situation not come to that however, if only because it tends to mean that matters have become more complicated than he would prefer (for instance a group of goody two shoes adventurers have uncovered part, if not all, of his plans). He also has no interest in slaughtering a village on a whim.
Starting Location: AR4013 (a small hut in the north-east part of Gullykin)
More detailed explanation for his presence in Gullykin
He's actually a member of the Cult of the Dragon. He has been tasked by his superiors to find an artifact that was once held by a powerful dragon in the region. He has tracked it down to somewhere around Gullykin, though he can't say he knows with absolute certainty. As it turns out it can be found near the bottom of Durlag's Tower (in the room with the giant dragon corpse).
Level 1: Burning Hands, Identify, Shield
Level 2: Agannazar's Scorcher
Biography - 100%
Dialogues - 70%
Interjections - 33%
Banters - 25%
Portrait - 75%
TP2 File - 98%
Audio - 0%
cre file - 50%
Unique Items and Spells - 100%
Scripts - 75%
Readme - 50%
Find Place to Host Mod - 100%
Who is Yeorg
Yeorg is a level 4 Dragon Disciple. He is found in Gullykin. The reason he is there (at least the reason he initially tells you) is to search for artifacts in Durlag's Tower and the Firewine Ruins (more specifically he is searching for an artifact that would benefit his masters in the Cult of the Dragon). The reported existence of a wild magic zone around Gullykin (which is actually mentioned in Volo's Guide to the Sword Coast) has only served to peak his interest in the region.
Yeorg, Dragon Disciple (level 4)
Neutral Evil
STR: 16
DEX: 9
CON: 15
INT: 15
WIS: 16
CHR: 15
Total = 86
Starting HP: 24 hp (which includes the constitution bonus)
Innate abilities:
Dragon Disciple abilities.
Biography: When asked about his past Yeorg is reluctant to delve too much into details. He mentions that he is from Caer-Dineval, an otherwise unremarkable fishing village and one of the Ten Towns. When asked about his family he seems to have little interest in furthering the discussion, though when the topic of his ability to breathe fire is brought up he does explain that it is trait that Yeorg inherited from a distant ancestor's relationship with a red dragon.
His name itself interests you and when you ask him about it he states that he is named after a warrior in his family, someone who many years prior fought amongst the frozen dales of the north.
When pressed on his reasons for travelling to Gullykin he declares that he will tolerate no further inquiries into his nature or business.
Character Conceptualization (most of what you see here probably won't get an in-game explanation for it)
Strength, Dexterity, Constitution
Yeorg is unusually physically strong and hearty for a spellcaster. However, that strength comes at the price of a lack of agility.
Intelligence and Wisdom
As for his the intelligence and wisdom I wanted to differentiate him from Baeloth and to give him stats that I felt were more representative of where the character is heading (he is above average intelligence certainly and this has allowed him to be smart enough to recognize opportunities when they come about and to work his way into them). In at least a few ways I view him as an opposite of Baeloth (whose comparison is sort of inevitable given they share the same main class). Whereas Baeloth seems more interested in creating a spectacle and with having large scale plans, and arguably shows a lack of wisdom with his endeavors, Yeorg favours slowly gaining ability through much less grandiose means. Yeorg is still interested in acquiring power but he is much more risk averse and is much more concerned with always having an escape plan or way out of an arrangement or situation.
Yeorg is also fairly familiar with the history behind the Firewine Ruins, Gullykin, and Durlag's Tower. If you are interested he may offer to share his knowledge with you, but only really if he feels like he is gaining something from doing so (which in this case is really as simple as informing you of potential dangers he has read about so that you don't get him killed).
Yeorg can be cruel if the situation calls for it, but most of the time he is more interested in keeping the money rolling in or his other plans moving forward. He has no qualms about killing, stealing, or basically doing anything to get what he wants, including killing his partners in crime if the situation calls for it. He would prefer a situation not come to that however, if only because it tends to mean that matters have become more complicated than he would prefer (for instance a group of goody two shoes adventurers have uncovered part, if not all, of his plans). He also has no interest in slaughtering a village on a whim.
Starting Location: AR4013 (a small hut in the north-east part of Gullykin)
More detailed explanation for his presence in Gullykin
He's actually a member of the Cult of the Dragon. He has been tasked by his superiors to find an artifact that was once held by a powerful dragon in the region. He has tracked it down to somewhere around Gullykin, though he can't say he knows with absolute certainty. As it turns out it can be found near the bottom of Durlag's Tower (in the room with the giant dragon corpse).
Level 1: Burning Hands, Identify, Shield
Level 2: Agannazar's Scorcher
Biography - 100%
Dialogues - 70%
Interjections - 33%
Banters - 25%
Portrait - 75%
TP2 File - 98%
Audio - 0%
cre file - 50%
Unique Items and Spells - 100%
Scripts - 75%
Readme - 50%
Find Place to Host Mod - 100%
Post edited by elminster on
This discussion has been closed.
If anyone with more weidu experience can identify what specifically is wrong I'd appreciate it.
Line 3: Global("YeorgJoins"), "LOCALS", 1) -> Global("YeorgJoins", "LOCALS", 1)
Line 4: ++ ~No, I made a mistake. Please stay.~ ~JoinParty()~ -> ++ ~No, I made a mistake. Please stay.~ DO ~JoinParty()~
Line 6: CreateCreature("k9Yeorg",[320.236],SW) -> CreateCreature("k9Yeorg",[320.236],2) (see here)
Line 19: DO ~SetGlobal ("YeorgJoins", "LOCALS", 1) -> DO ~SetGlobal("YeorgJoins", "LOCALS", 1)
Line 61: ~SetGlobal("YeorgJoins","LOCALS",2)~ IF ~~ EXIT -> IF ~~ DO ~SetGlobal("YeorgJoins","LOCALS",2)~ EXIT
Line 77: ~ EXIT Enemy()~ -> IF ~~ THEN DO ~Enemy()~ EXIT
It is on line 29 of k9yeorgp.d: DO ~SetGlobal("YeorgJoins", "LOCALS", 1) JoinParty()~ EXIT
between ) and JoinParty.
I know this is still a work in progress, but I would recommend some other changes to improve compatibility with other mods:
1) in setup-YeorgNPC.tp2 you should not copy PDIALOG.2da, but just append to it:
APPEND ~PDIALOG.2da~ ~k9Yeorg k9Yeorgp k9Yeorgj~ UNLESS ~k9Yeorg~
2) likewise you should edit CLABSO01.2da in the tp2 file instead of copying it.
3) instead of simply compiling AR4013.baf you should use EXTEND_TOP or EXTEND_BOTTOM as this script is missing in the vanilla game, but not necessarily in a modded game.
Edit: black, or grey-silver?
The dialogue is still a work in progress but just say 1 and 1 for it and he should join.
Positive feedback: it looks interesting. Keep up the good work.
Negative feedback: being a Dragon Disciple your NPC is BG:EE only and you will not be able to support Tutu/BGT. I'm a bit disappointed, but I respect your design choice nevertheless.
I like the portrait by @lolien (at least, the most recent one because it's the one I've seen). Looks quite fitting.
The one thing I'm stumped on is getting Yeorg to recognise dialogue that occurs when you are forcing him out of the party.
I tried looking in for instance the Branwen NPC mod (as well as decompiling various NPC's dialogue files) but I couldn't find anything of use there. So if anyone can help out that would be appreciated.
I've got yeorg yeorgp and yeorgj to appear in the pdialog.2da file and the files (though they are incomplete) are compiling properly.
However, when I try to have him trigger a conversation when we enter a particular area (AR0500) all I get is his selection dialogue going over and over.
Any ideas on what the issue could be?
@Ravenslight I notice you've been working on your own NPC mod. Could you possibly have a look at mine and point out where I've screwed up?
Alternatively maybe @Wisp @CrevsDaak @DarkDogg @AstroBryGuy @Coutelier might be able to help?
So in her override script is the following:
And the actual dialogue is in her 'join' dialogue file, rather than banter (B2#TenyJ, rather than B2#TenyB), with the following trigger:
IF ~Global("B2#TenyaUndercity","GLOBAL",1)~ THEN BEGIN 58
SAY @145
We are just figuring it out as we go too. Though, I think, if I am understanding your question correctly, he might be able to point you in the right direction. I just hate to say for certain, then find out from him it’s not what you meant at all. I will certainly ask him if he has time to look this weekend.
I can’t tell you how many times I thought something would be simple enough to add to our own mod, only to get “that look” again.
I get the impression that the problem is that the script is telling the game to look for a file but that its not looking for the right file. That or because Yeorg is in my party I'm using the wrong dialogue file to do this. So maybe its a problem with the dialogue files instead?
I've also had a similar problem in the past with getting the dialogue for when he is kicked out of the party to work.
Anyways, thank you very much!