Best Non-Party Member NPC Selection Text One Liner?

- Best Non-Party Member NPC Selection Text One Liner?69 votes
- My Hotels as clean as an Elven Arse20.29%
- Don't Touch me, I'm Super Important23.19%
- Don't Touch me!.....I might catch something.  1.45%
- You would be good to watch your actions while in this wood.  1.45%
- Ho there, Wanderer!. Stay thy course a moment to indulge an old man.10.14%
- I serve the Flaming Fist!  8.70%
- For the Glory of Amn!  1.45%
- The Best Surfacer, is a DEAD Surfacer.  4.35%
- Justice may be blind, but I'm not!  0.00%
- Other (Because I can't fit anymore, just pick one)28.99%
Noober gets my honorable mention....
2-But my favourite is: "Korax thinks you look very tasty today" XD, even though he's kind of a party member, for a while
"Hush little baby, don't say a word. NIMBUL's gonna show you the big, black bird."
"Taking a reward for this easy a kill is ALMOST a crime" (followed by sinister laughter).
. . . for a limited time with medium fries and drink.
Because yeah, I think the Flaming Fist would be an awesome burger.
"You're rather outlandish folk to be wandering 'round here."
"You wouldn't hurt a gnome, would you?"
I think that may actually be my favorite.
Please stick to quotes that ARE in the game please.