Indira v12.0 BETA 3 for Tutu, BG:EE and BGT

I have tested the mod myself on all BG environments and there shouldn't be any major issues. However I would appreciate any kind of feedback.
Download Link: Indira v12.0 BETA
Download Link: Indira v12.0 BETA 2
Download Link: Indira v12.0 BETA 3
[spoiler=Record Screen]
Download Link: Indira v12.0 BETA
Download Link: Indira v12.0 BETA 2
Download Link: Indira v12.0 BETA 3
[spoiler=Record Screen]


Post edited by Erg on
Thank for bringing another mod to BGEE.
I installed Indira on BGEE in French. I only checked by recruiting her in the party. These dialogs, her biography and her special item are properly displayed with all necessary special characters. I assume the rest of her dialogs is ok then. I'm sorry I can't test the mod itself at this time.
I have a small request for an update of the mod. Could you add the following lines at the end of french\setup.tra, so that most WeiDU prompts are translated, please?
// WeiDU prompts @-1000= "Le mod %TP2_FILE_NAME% contient" @-1001= "composants optionnels distincts. Pour gagner du temps, vous pouvez choisir ce que vous souhaitez faire d'eux au niveau general plutot que de repondre aux questions pour chacun. " @-1002= "Que faut-il faire de tous les composants qui NE sont PAS ENCORE installes ? Les [I]nstaller, les [S]auter, dem[A]nder pour chacun ? " @-1003= "Que faut-il faire de tous les composants qui sont DEJA installes ? Les [R]einstaller, les s[U]pprimer, les [S]auter, dem[A]nder pour chacun ? " @-1004= "S'IL VOUS PLAIT, envoyez par e-mail le fichier" @-1005= "a" @-1006= "Installer le composant [" @-1007= "] ? [R]einstaller, co[N]server, s[U]pprimer ou [Q]uitter ? " @-1008= "] ? [I]nstaller, [N]e pas installer ou [Q]uitter ? " @-1009= "Entrez une partie du nom du module : " @-1010= "Reinstallation du composant [" @-1011= "] " @-1012= "Reinstallation dans la langue" @-1013= "Suppression de l'ancienne installation de [" @-1014= "] au prealable..." @-1015= "SUPPRESSION REUSSIE DE L'ANCIEN" @-1016= "Installation en cours" @-1017= "ERREUR pendant l'installation de [" @-1018= "], retour a l'etat anterieur" @-1019= "INSTALLATION REUSSIE" @-1020= "Saute" @-1021= "Suppression de [" @-1022= "] (composant #" @-1023= ")" @-1024= "SUPPRESSION REUSSIE DE [" @-1025= "] ? [R]einstaller, co[N]server, s[U]pprimer, [Q]uitter ou choisir un parmi :" @-1026= "] ? [N]e pas installer, [Q]uitter ou choisir un parmi :" @-1027= " (installe actuellement)" @-1028= "Souhaitez-vous afficher les composants de [" @-1029= "] ? [Y]Oui, [N]on ? " @-1030= "] ? choisir un parmi :" @-1031= "] ? [R]einstaller, co[N]server, [Q]uitter ou choisir un parmi :" @-1032= "INSTALLATION ECHOUEE A CAUSE D'ERREURS" @-1033= "INSTALLATION AVEC DES ALERTES" @-1034= "Souhaitez-vous afficher les instructions (ReadMe) ? [Y]Oui [N]on" @-1035= "Dans la langue" @-1036= "Saute le GROUPE [" @-1037= "] pour cause d'absence des pre-requis." @-1038= "dem[A]nder pour chaque composant, tout [S]auter, ou choisir une selection pre-definie :" @-1039= "dem[A]nder pour chaque composant, [R]einstaller la configuration courante, tout s[U]pprimer, tout [S]auter, ou choisir une selection pre-definie :" @-1040= " Veuillez choisir la langue dans laquelle vous souhaitez jouer au jeu. Si par la suite vous desirez jouer au jeu dans une langue differente, il vous faudra editer le fichier weidu.conf et reinstaller vos mods. " @-1041= "Tcheque" @-1042= "Allemand" @-1043= "Anglais" @-1044= "Espagnol" @-1045= "Francais" @-1046= "Italien" @-1047= "Polonais" @-1048= "Portugais" @-1049= "Turc" @-1050= "Japonais" @-1051= "Coreen" @-1052= "Chinois simplifie" @-1060= " Ce jeu est disponible en plusieurs langues mais WeiDU ne sait pas laquelle a ete choisie quand ce mod a ete installe. Veuillez indiquer quelle langue du jeu a ete utilisee quand vous avez installe ce mod. Votre choix servira jusqu'a ce que WeiDU s'arrete mais ne sera pas memorise. " @-1061= " Utilisation de" @-1062= " et "
The texts don't contain any special character, hence you can copy this into BGEE\french\setup.tra without conversion.
Moreover, may I suggest you remove the following line at the end of the tp2 file
AT_INTERACTIVE_EXIT ~VIEW IndiNPC/Docs/indi_readme.html~
and replace it with a more up to date way
README ~IndiNPC/Docs/indi_readme.html~
at the beginning of the file (around AUTO_TRA line)?
This asks the user, at the beginning of installation, if he/she wants to read it, so that information is available prior to any component is displayed.
Thank you.
PS: I also tried Finch successfully but I'll report once I have translated a few missing items.
I will update the mod accordingly.
I'm not the original author, just a maintainer. I wouldn't dare changing the portrait
Anyway, I'm glad that you like it and that you want to try the mod
Ah got her mixed up with Isra, don't know how lol.
- Replaced AT_INTERACTIVE_EXIT with the more up to date README as command to display the ReadMe (suggested by @Isaya)
- French translation improved by @Isaya
I am going to update this thread (
Indira should be available in Italian too. Is that correct?
EDIT: Yes, she is.
On EE games, HANDLE_AUDIO will just copy the .ogg file and rename it .wav. It's smart enough to know that the EEs can handle ogg files.
Inside there is a 3.04 MB sox file. It this the right file or should I use something else ? @subtledoctor, I'm planning to move the mod on GitHub and eventually add a download link for Mac users. Should I do something else other than adding the OS X executables for sox and Weidu ?
- Removed Backup folder (obsolete practice)
- WeiDU updated to version 239
- Added OSX binary files for SoX and WeiDU
- The mod has now separate download links for Windows and OSX
- The mod is now hosted on GitHub
Download Link: Indira v12.0 BETA 3
@AstroBryGuy, @subtledoctor, please let me know if the OSX archive is fine or if I need to change something.
I realize this is an old thread, but kudo's @Erg . She is a super NPC in both Tutu AND EE. She helped my only coast to coast/completionist no-relaod run. She was excellent. CT
Vesion 13 comes with an improved Russian translation by yota13 and EET compatibility by tipun and jastey.
It's flagged as a pre-release for now. Please let me know if you encounter problems!
Thank you @Erg for providing BG:EE compatibility!
- EET compatibility added.
- Russian translation completed and improved by yota13.
- Banter triggers are more stable (banter should only start if both NPCs are in the group and can talk).
- Revised Italian Version by Coland.
- Full Russian translation will be used for EE games, too.
- Fixed EET install error (EET v13.x).
- added globally unique LABEL to support Project Infinity.