How the hell does one *thief*? (sneak OR search, really?!)

This has annoyed since the release of the original game:
If you are sneaking you cannot search for traps. If you are searching you stop sneaking. (Though there is a few seconds of delay when you can do both, if you don't mind repeatedly switching.)
How do *you* thief?
I just don't know how to.
If you are sneaking you cannot search for traps. If you are searching you stop sneaking. (Though there is a few seconds of delay when you can do both, if you don't mind repeatedly switching.)
How do *you* thief?
I just don't know how to.
But that essentially means that the skills Hide in shadow/Move Silently are useless!
Is there any way for a thief to actually sneak a dungeon WHILE checking for traps?
Even with a mod?
(ToEE let you do this, but lowered your movement speed, which is fine compromise.)
Stealth and approach; detect and remove traps for the several seconds before leaving stealth; retreat; re-stealth and re-approach; rinse and repeat.
I suppose you could eekeeper in a couple of sanctuary innate abilities to your thief, if you didn't consider that too cheesy.
For BG2 I normally use "Power Word: Reload" where I can't remember that there is a trap and things go horribly wrong. Luckily there ain't too many floor traps since trapfinding in BG is really poorly implemented.
From what I gather, though, the reason you can't use Stealth and Find Traps at the same time is an engine limitation from the original code. I can definitely empathize with wanting it to behave differently, though.
In any event, Yeah, I think that conceptually you should be able to do both, even if you had to take a hit of movement rate. shame it can't be done.
Invisibility is an easy spell to get, use potions beforehand. In BG1 I would create a backstabber and trap finder. Put points in trap finding, up to 100, cast invisibility, then scout and disarm a dungeon of traps then sidle up behind the big boss, and backstab! My wizard would oft follow and cast sleep on mobs.
Or... Note you can't do both at the start...
Create a lockpicker / pickpocketer. Note open locks becomes redundant with the spell knock.
Create a trapper and true sight specialist. My personal favourite is to put a trap outside a door, go into stealth, get another character to open it, then fire missile weaponry into the room, (the monster will not be able to get past your stealthed character) then step back to let the luckless monster left to stumble into the trap.
As a single class thief, or kitted, you have plenty of points to spend so by BG2 you can do all roles comfortably.
However a dualled or multiclass thief is truly terrifying. A kensai / thief, a character with the ability to land a maximum damage backstab... Plus the use any item ability makes the kensai restrictions mute... This is just one option of many powerful powergamer options available...
Lastly... Gnome thieves... YOU DO NOT KNOW THE POWER OF THE GNOME SIDE! ! !
A moderate level of stealth is always useful imo.
BG:EE cleaned up the scripts a bit, so now the thief0 script is pretty good and can do the above.
If you install the Valen mod, you will see that she is scripted to first hide and then search automatically. Unfortunately she's also a psycho vampire who will often try to frontstab without warning. However, with obsessive levels of control she can be utterly terrifying. I assume one or another mod pack includes just the Valen script, or perhaps something even better.
1. Most of my charnames are thieves or at least partly thieves.
2. I don't put more than 75 points into Open Locks and Disarm Traps. In the second game there're enhancing rings for these skills and before you find them if you need more points in the particular skill, you can always use a potion.
3. I try to put points into Set Traps and use this skill to its fullest. 80 is enough because in BG2 there's an enhancing ring.
4. Another skill I develop is Detect Illusions. 100 points into it and you don't need True Sight. Period.
5. For stealthing skills there're many enhancing things in both games, starting with the Zhurlong boots. So I've found out even default numbers in HiS and MS are enough for a game. If you fail to hide, just try once more till you succeed.
6. Invisibility spells and potions can help greatly in battles for multiple backstage. It's good to use them for scouting as well. But when I need to chunk one separate enemy I use HiS.
7. Chunking a mage from the shadows is priceless.
Advice for the OP: make a multi class fighter/thief, use HiS for dealing with separate enemies - you'll like it and you'll understand how to use a thief.
In my current no-reload run (BGEE w SCS) Coran joined my party. Perhaps I'll begin using him as the sneaky backstabber/trapper now.
In all my BG playthroughs of the last decade and a half, I have not once backstabbed anyone!
(Perhaps, I need an intervention on this.)
This is how I do it. 6 seconds is what you have to find the trap and then rehide. You can rehide right after the trap is revealed (I think you have 2-3 seconds here) or scamper away to rehide. Once you know where the trap is, and you are rehidden, you can go up and disarm it while stealthed and repeat the process.
It takes patience sometimes, but if you are gonna metagame the traps might as well add a little bit more challenge to them.