Items you would like to see...

Just lightheardedly musing on weapons/ items that I'd like to see introduced to the game, whether for RP, balance or outright power reasons.
Feel free to join in.
1) The Main-Gauche
Dagger +3
Equipped effects:
Increases APR by 1
Increases AC by 2
To my mind, a dagger should be amongst the best available off-hand choices... Maybe it could be won from a one on one combat against a lairy swashbuckler?
2) The Longbow of Ever-Firing +4 Arrows!
Ok, so I accept that the name needs work, but the game's crying out for an infinite ammo longbow!
3) Javelins
Non-magical throwing spears that can be wielded as single-handed melee spears (maybe with reduced damage), and also thrown like axes/daggers.
4) Hoods
My rogues & rangers want some more headgear options!
I know such things are unlikely, but a boy can dream.
Feel free to join in.
1) The Main-Gauche
Dagger +3
Equipped effects:
Increases APR by 1
Increases AC by 2
To my mind, a dagger should be amongst the best available off-hand choices... Maybe it could be won from a one on one combat against a lairy swashbuckler?
2) The Longbow of Ever-Firing +4 Arrows!
Ok, so I accept that the name needs work, but the game's crying out for an infinite ammo longbow!
3) Javelins
Non-magical throwing spears that can be wielded as single-handed melee spears (maybe with reduced damage), and also thrown like axes/daggers.
4) Hoods
My rogues & rangers want some more headgear options!
I know such things are unlikely, but a boy can dream.
And no Wraithform items in any of the games
Wakizashis, because dual-wielding katanas is stupid.
At least one longbow which doesn't need ammo.
Leather armor which allows spellcasting. My thieves want to look classy, not like pansy elves with their elven chain (I actually love FR elves, but you know this is true)
More combat-oriented quarterstaves. It sucks how the Staff of the Ram is an amazing melee weapon, but you have to make do with garbage until you get it.
At one time I had created a Robe of Acid Resistance (seriously--why is this one missing?) and then had Thalantyr set up where he would take all four elemental resistance robes form you and fuse them into one robe that granted all the resistances.
I have all clubs set so that mages may also use them by taking club as a weapon proficiency. The description of club clearly states "anyone can find a good stout piece of wood and swing it".
I like spears, as well, @Artemius_I. Rather than a longbow which needs no ammunition, how about an atlatl that magically creates spears that you throw? We could set it to allow the strength bonus for more damage.
They would of course work like big iron boots of the cheetah, offering enhanced movement. But they would also add an armor value, and be a fashion statement too boot...
Sais? Even if they're just daggers.
Two-handed variants of...
-Military picks
Military picks
One-handed spears (like Hoplites!)
Nine Lives Stealer sword
Life-Drinker axe.
Mace of Smiting
Yeh, javelins, too. And hand axes.
Will probably make mages even more overpowered though
Teleport potion. When drank it teleports you to a random location on the map.
Traps that anyone can use. They'd have to be rare and heavy. Maybe an NPC could craft them.
Food/rations. Applies a slow regen effect. Mostly useless in combat but will increase healing when you rest.
Wakizashis are already in game.
Mundane belts/ boots/ gloves/ cloaks/ hoods ftw!
Long sword that does 1d6 + 2 damage and removes 2D10 gold pieces from your inventory each attack.
On hit: confuse.
Overpromises, under delivers, and costs more in the long run than originally promised but confuses your opponents on why you'd use such a weapon in the first place.
The Truestriker
Improves critical hit range by 3
On Critical Hit: 25% to cast Implosion on target
The Cudgel of Pithy Wisdom is a powerful intelligent weapon crafted by a powerful Shou holyman, to be given to promising but arrogant students. The club speaks in the user's mind when being wielded, spouting seemingly profound statements that are on further examination absurd. Ocasionally, the club offers a deep, insightful thought designed to allow the student to slowly learn perspective, if not humility. The club is surprisingly light, but can be effective.
THAC0 +3
Damage: 1d4+3
Speedfactor 1
10% chance of causing confusion on the wielder (save at -4), which lasts 3 rounds.
5% chance of causing a berserk rage on wielder, which lasts until no enemies are left.
Wielders with wisdom of 16 or better are immune to this confusion, and the berserk effect is instead as a berserker.
Strikes as a +5 weapon
Black heart of Kazgaroth Only usable by Evil Clerics, If a Druid equips it, he will be Feebleminded.
The Moon of Selune is a peculiar flail, with a smooth silver head, and is heavier than one would expect. Selunites have long stood firm against the depredation of lycanthropes, but he warrior priests were often stymied by the most powerful lycanthropes legendary toughness. One priestess, having lost far too many allies to the foul beasts crafted this powerful flail to aid her cause. When used against a shapeshifter, he flail is encased in silvery fire, and its effects are devestating.
THAC0 +2, +4 vs Shapeshifters
Damage 1d8+3, +5 vs Shapeshifters
Speedfactor 10
Can injure shapeshifters and lycanthropes regardless of damage reduction
The d8 is to represent the density of the silver alloy head. I think we could use a cleric weapon to fight certain lycanthropes though.
Can't remember where I heard that story, but I laugh every time someone mentions the hand and the eye.