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[MOD] Improved Archer Kit (for BGEE, BG2EE, IWD:EE and original BG2/BGT)

argent77argent77 Member Posts: 3,521
edited August 2021 in General Modding


Improved Archer Kit (latest)



The original Archer kit does not scale very well with progressing levels. While the kit is very strong in the earlier parts of the game, it becomes less useful compared to other ranger kits later on.

This mod attempts to rebalance the kit, so that low level archers don't outshine other classes, while high-level archers may still keep up with other ranger kits. The mod adjusts overall power of the Archer and adds a couple of useful skills and abilities to the kit.

Additional components provide you with Archer-like kits for figher, paladin and thief classes, or install a set of powerful bows and ammunition to the game.


1. Improved Archer Kit (for BG2, BGT, BG:EE, BG2:EE, EET and IWD:EE)
Improves the Archer kit by balancing stat progression and adding a couple of unique skills and abilities.

2. Add fighter kit: Marksman (for BG2, BGT, BG:EE, BG2:EE, EET and IWD:EE)
Installs the fighter kit "Marksman" to the game.

3. Add paladin kit: Bow Knight (for BG2, BGT, BG:EE, BG2:EE, EET and IWD:EE)
Installs the paladin kit "Bow Knight" to the game.

4. Add thief kit: Sharpshooter (for BG2, BGT, BG:EE, BG2:EE, EET and IWD:EE)
Installs the thief kit "Sharpshooter" to the game.

5. Add +4 arrows, bolts and powerful bows to the game (for BG2, BGT, BG2:EE, EET and IWD:EE)
Adds +4 arrows and bolts to a number of stores and creatures in the ToB part of the game as well as to Watcher's Keep.
BG2, BGT, BG2:EE and EET:
- Adds a powerful longbow somewhere to the third level of Watcher's Keep
- Adds an even more powerful composite longbow to the outdoor area of Sendai's Enclave
- Adds several bows as well as a few +4 arrows and bolts to Conlan's shop in Kuldahar after reaching chapter 2 and 4.
Since there is a lack of good shortbows in IWD:EE, this component also distributes several powerful shortbows across various maps and stores of the main game as well as the Heart of Winter expansion.

All components can be installed independently.

Kit Description

ARCHER: The Archer is the epitome of skill with the bow-the ultimate marksman, able to make almost any shot, no matter how difficult. To become so skilled with the bow, the Archer has had to sacrifice some of his proficiency with melee weapons and armor.

- +1 bonus to hit and damage rolls with any missile weapon every 4 levels.
- +1 bonus to armor class vs. missile weapons every 6 levels.
- +5% chance to score a critical hit at level 13 and 18.
- May achieve Grandmastery (5 slots) in longbows, shortbows, and crossbows.
- May use Rooting Shot ability once per day every 4 levels, starting at level 4. Can not be used together with other shot abilities.
- May use Power Shot ability once per day every 4 levels, starting at level 8. Can not be used together with other shot abilities.
- May use Explosive Shot ability once per day every 4 levels, starting at level 8. Can not be used together with other shot abilities.
- May use Create Blessed Ammunition ability once per day every 8 levels, starting at level 4.

ROOTING SHOT: All successful ranged attacks within the next 12 seconds will entangle the target, according to the level of the Archer:
  4th level: Target is entangled for three rounds if failed save vs. Spell.
  8th level: Target is entangled for three rounds if failed save vs. Spell at -1 penalty.
  12th level: Target is entangled for four rounds if failed save vs. Spell at -1 penalty.
  16th level: Target is entangled for four rounds if failed save vs. Spell at -2 penalty.
  20th level: Target is entangled for five rounds if failed save vs. Spell at -2 penalty.

POWER SHOT: All successful ranged attacks within the next 12 seconds have a chance to knock back the target, according to the level of the Archer:
  8th level: Knock back target if failed save vs. Breath.
  12th level: Knock back target if failed save vs. Breath at -1 penalty.
  16th level: Knock back target if failed save vs. Breath at -2 penalty.
  20th level: Knock back target if failed save vs. Breath at -3 penalty.

EXPLOSIVE SHOT: All successful ranged attacks within the next 12 seconds will explode on impact and cause physical damage to nearby targets in 15' range, according to the level of the Archer:
  8th level: 1d4 damage to nearby targets
  12th level: 1d4+2 damage to nearby targets
  16th level: 1d4+4 damage to nearby targets
  20th level: 1d4+6 damage to nearby targets
Caution: Damages enemies, allies and innocent bystanders alike.

CONJURE ELEMENTAL AMMUNITION: Create a specially prepared arrow or bolt blessed by the Archer's worshipped god or goddess for 8 hours containing one score of charges. Number of charges doubles at levels 8 and 16 respectively.
  4th level: +1 enchantment, +1 to hit rolls, additional 1d3 fire damage.
  8th level: +2 enchantment, +2 to hit rolls, additional 1d3 fire damage and 1d3 cold damage, entangle for two rounds vs. unnatural creatures if failed save vs. Spell.
  12th level: +2 enchantment, +2 to hit rolls, additional 1d3 fire damage, 1d3 cold damage and 1d3 acid damage, blindness for two rounds vs. unnatural creatures if failed save vs. Spell.
  16th level: +3 enchantment, +3 to hit rolls, additional 1d3 fire damage, 1d3 cold damage, 1d3 acid damage and 1d3 electrical damage, slow for two rounds vs. unnatural creatures if failed save vs. Spell at -2 penalty.
  20th level: +4 enchantment, +4 to hit rolls, additional 1d3+2 fire damage, 1d3+2 cold damage, 1d3+2 acid damage and 1d3+2 electrical damage, slow and blindness for two rounds vs. unnatural creatures if failed save vs. Spell at -4 penalty.

- -1 CON penalty.
- May not wear any metal armor.
- May only become Proficient (one slot) with melee weapons.

Furthermore, the Archer gains access to two special HLAs (BGT, BG2 and BG2:EE only):
- Missile Trap allows the Archer to set a powerful spring-loaded missile trap in the chosen location when no hostile creatures are in sight. It does 3d10 missile damage and each 1d10 damage of various elemental types to the unsuspecting creature that sets it off.
- The Sure Shot ability calls forth every bit of skill and experience to target vital areas of the opponent with frightening speed and precision. By enabling this ability, the Archer takes up his/her stance and shoots missiles in rapid succession. For the next 12 seconds this ability sets one's number of attacks per round to 10 and every shot is considered a critical hit. Since this technique requires utmost skill and concentration, the Archer is rooted to the spot for the next two rounds. It can not be used together with other shot abilities.

Fighter kit: Marksman
This kit provides the same characteristics as the Archer kit with the following differences:
- Conjure Elemental Ammunition ability is replaced by Produce Reinforced Ammunition ability.
- Set Missile Trap HLA not available.
- May become Specialized (two slots) with melee weapons.
- May only allocate one slot in any fighting style.

Paladin kit: Bow Knight
This kit provides the same characteristics as the Archer kit with the following differences:
- Conjure Elemental Ammunition ability is replaced by Evoke Blessed Ammunition ability.
- Explosive Shot ability not available.
- Set Missile Trap HLA not available.
- No bonus proficiencies for Darts.
- May only become Proficient (one slot) with melee weapons.
- May only allocate one slot in any fighting style.

Thief kit: Sharpshooter
This kit provides the same characteristics as the Archer kit with the following differences:
- +1 bonus to hit and damage with missile weapons only every 5 levels.
- +1 bonus to armor class vs. missile weapons only every 8 levels.
- +5% chance to score a critical hit at level 18.
- Conjure Elemental Ammunition ability is replaced by Craft Endowed Ammunition ability.
- Power Shot ability not available.
- Sure Shot HLA not available.
- May only distribute 15 skill points per level among thieving skills.
- May not use Backstab ability.

Longbow Descriptions

Great Sun-Reacher +3
The elves of Evereska are known for their isolationism as much as their skill and bravery in battle. One of their most well known warriors in human lands was the incredibly accurate archer Bariah Goldendown. Though the elves will neither confirm nor deny the legend, some human tales state that keen-eyed Bariah never missed a target in battle. His bow, crafted by his mother, was never given a name that was known outside of the family. The humans that suffered under its power called it "Great Sun-Reacher," believing that Bariah's arrows could reach into the heavens themselves. In a battle that many Evereskans are bitter about to this day, Bariah's griffon mount was killed in the sky by the spells of invisible wizards that ambushed an elven patrol. Though only one mage escaped with his life, he did manage to take Great Sun-Reacher with him.


Charge abilities:
- Protection From Normal Missiles twice per day

Combat abilities:
- When no arrows are equipped, the bow fires +3 arrows that receive +4 to hit and deal 1d6 missile damage

THAC0: +4
Weight: 3
Speed Factor: 2
Proficiency Type: Long Bow
Type: 2-handed
Requires: 6 Strength
Not Usable By:

The Defender +5
Composite longbows are bows whose staves are made from more than one type of material. This gives greater flexibility and makes arrows fired from this bow deliver more damage.
In addition to powerful enchantments, the materials used for this particular bow are of especially exquisite quality. The bow's exceptionally durable frame can be used to deflect even the strongest blows and the ergonomic design allows the user to shoot missiles in rapid succession.


Equipped abilities:
- +4 AC bonus against melee weapons
- 3 shots per round

THAC0: +6
Damage: +2 (missile)
Weight: 5
Speed Factor: 2
Proficiency Type: Long Bow
Type: 2-handed
Requires: 18 Strength
Not Usable By:

Post edited by argent77 on


  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,021
    i already find the archer kit to be very powerful already, they hit very fast and that is what makes them so deadly, and there is only a small handful of enemies that the archer even needs +4 weapons or higher to hit with, and for those i just used the gesen bow, but that is just my opinion though, i thought the archer was already good as how it was
  • argent77argent77 Member Posts: 3,521
    edited September 2014
    Sure, you don't need a revamped version of the Archer kit. But it's always nice to have the chance to upgrade in case the original kit becomes uninteresting or less useful.

    The kit is something I came up with spontaneously for my next run through BG1 and BG2. I've played an Archer character once long time ago, but lost interest in it eventually after reaching ToB.
  • PaladinPaladin Member Posts: 335
    edited September 2014
    This is wonderful! Thank you for putting this together. I just completed a game of BG1:EE with an Archer but have been hesitant to carry him over into BG2:EE. I've heard that the kit does not scale well to higher levels (and honestly is a bit dull because of the lack of abilities). Additionally, I dislike it that the shortbow is a bit superior than the longbow at times, so hopefully the added bows will change that! I will certainly install this and see how it works! Tanthalas, my elven archer, thanks you.
  • argent77argent77 Member Posts: 3,521
    Importing your BG1 Archer character will mess up his innates a little bit, since I have completely redesigned his available abilities. It's probably safer to recreate your character from scratch and modify your stats in EE Keeper or NI.
  • comebackhomecomebackhome Member Posts: 254
    Nice variety in this kit :)
  • argent77argent77 Member Posts: 3,521
    Because of a bug in both BGEE and BG2EE, the duration for the Blessed Arrows and Bolts is reduced from 8 hours in-game time (= 40 min. realtime) to about 30 min. in-game time (= 2:30 min. realtime). The original BG2 is not affected.
  • argent77argent77 Member Posts: 3,521
    The Improved Archer kit has been updated to version 2.0. It now provides IWD:EE support and a few optimizations. More information can be found in the first post.
  • OlvynChuruOlvynChuru Member Posts: 3,084
    edited November 2014
    argent77 said:

    The original Archer kit does not scale well with progressing levels. While the kit is very strong in the early parts of the game, it becomes more and more useless later on.

    The Archer kit is never "useless." In fact, it gets better later on. Early on in BG1 although archers are really powerful, that's simply because ranged weapons are more powerful in that game. A level 1 fighter is about as good with ranged weapons as a level 1 archer. The whole point of this kit is that as it levels up it gets bigger bonuses to hit and damage, so I don't see how it doesn't scale well. It scales better than almost all other warrior classes/kits.
  • argent77argent77 Member Posts: 3,521
    edited November 2014
    You're right that the kit isn't "useless" on higher levels, but it becomes increasingly more difficult to deal damage in the ToB part of BG2 compared to melee fighters or rangers. For once because of the limited damage arrows and bolts are dealing by themselves, but mostly because the games provide many melee weapons with special enchantments that help to damage even protected enemies.

    IWD rectifies it a bit by providing a broader range of ammunion types, but on the other hand it's harder to get a decent amount of good arrows or bolts in the game compared to BG2.
  • BelegCuthalionBelegCuthalion Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 454
    edited November 2014
    so if i am right now playing an unmodded archer in BG:EE, and later i'd like to move it over to BG2:EE and add that mod there ... would that work with my imported "vanilla archer"?
  • argent77argent77 Member Posts: 3,521
    It'll work, somehow. You would probably have a mixed up selection of innate abilities, but apart from that you shouldn't have any problems.
  • smeagolheartsmeagolheart Member Posts: 7,964
    @argent77 Have you tried cluaing in your enhanced bows in IWDEE? I'm having issues with IWDEE not reading the string correctly on my mod so I tried to see if your bow was working or it was just a problem with my code so I cluaed it in and it had no description (same as the problem with my items). Works for you in IWDEE?
  • argent77argent77 Member Posts: 3,521
    @smeagolheart‌ The bow names and everything else is displayed correctly in my installation.

    If only modded content is affected, then you might have installed the mod in the wrong language. Open the file "weidu.conf" in the game's root folder and check if it matches the language you are actually playing the game with. Also make sure you are using WeiDU version 237 or later. Earlier version don't recognize IWD:EE correctly and will automatically choose the first available language.
  • brynbryn Member Posts: 36
    Hi argent77, I have been playing BG2 for a while now, 6 characters around 15th level. I have a highly modded game and using EE keeper. I have converted Valygar into an archer and I am wondering if I can implement your mod into my game and make Valygar more awesome? Will it work? Perhaps if I convert Valygar into an Archer again once the mod is installed? Will it mess with my saves etc?
  • argent77argent77 Member Posts: 3,521
    Installing the Improved Archer mod in the middle of the game will have some side effects on your characters. I'd guess that the character will keep the original Archer abilities (Called Shot, hit/damage bonuses) up to the current level and start gaining the improved abilities from that point on at each level up, but I haven't really tested this.
    So if your character is already at level 15, you'll most likely miss two or three instances of each special innate ability and a small AC bonus vs. missile weapons.
  • brynbryn Member Posts: 36
    Thanks, So if I install the mod, then use ee keeper to revert Valyger back to 1 exp, make a new save through ee keeper, load that game, level Valyger at level 1, save, then quit, reopen ee keeper and restore his exp points he should be ok and gain all the abilities and AC bonus? It shouldn't affect anything else right? I only ask as I'm quite far in the game and I don't want to mess anything up.
  • argent77argent77 Member Posts: 3,521
    bryn said:

    Thanks, So if I install the mod, then use ee keeper to revert Valyger back to 1 exp, make a new save through ee keeper, load that game, level Valyger at level 1, save, then quit, reopen ee keeper and restore his exp points he should be ok and gain all the abilities and AC bonus? It shouldn't affect anything else right? I only ask as I'm quite far in the game and I don't want to mess anything up.

    Yes, this should work.

    Since you mentioned that you're already very far into the game. If you install the second component which adds more ammo and bows to the game, chances are that ammo and/or bows are not available anymore if you already visited the respective areas or stores. You should be fine though if you're still in the SoA part of the game and haven't visited Watcher's Keep yet.
  • brynbryn Member Posts: 36
    Thanks I will try it out
  • bob_vengbob_veng Member Posts: 2,308
    do rangers routinely worship a specific god? i don't think that blessed ammo idea makes a lot of sense lore-wise; maybe you should make this ability more nature-flavored
  • argent77argent77 Member Posts: 3,521
    Since Rangers are granted divine spells, they have to worship or at the very least pay homage to one or more gods of nature, such as Mielikki or Silvanus. I'm seeing blessed arrows merely as another aspect of divine power they can make use of.
    You are right though that the enchanted missiles should include effects which are more suited for the duties of a ranger. Do you have ideas how to improve this ability without making it less useful for the player?
  • bob_vengbob_veng Member Posts: 2,308
    edited January 2015
    we are both technically correct...
    from 2ed ranger reference:
    ~Types of Faith~
    Many rangers venerate nature itself. Others develop private faiths, more follow
    recognized religions that are based on established traditions and doctrines...
    Regardless of how a ranger practices his faith, there will be some power that is the
    beneficiary of his devotion:
    a) Nature - Many rangers choose nature itself as the focus of their devotion. Nature worshipers
    revere nature as a process and a source of life...The natural
    life force of the world can be felt by the ranger who becomes attuned to it.
    b) Gods - Rangers with gods worship them in a variety of ways...
    c) Philosophy - A belief system derived from intellectual concepts rather than supernatural forces or
    the natural world may also be the basis for a ranger's religion. The sheer intensity of the
    believers' devotion is sufficient to attract the magical energy necessary to cast spells...

    but imho a deity materializing high-level enchated items in your hands seems a bit too much. druidic spheres don't seem to have an emphasis on conjuring enchanted anti-undead stuff. but a nice compromise can be made here - since crossbows are mechanical weapons and don't seem very naturey, the projectiles can diverge so that bolts are less nature-flavored and arrows more.

    also, i think your kit design is too heavy on features. no other kit gets that many kit abilities. you should keep called shot and migrate all other effects to projectile procs. i also don't think that adding kit-specific hlas is generally a good idea, that just feels wrong since no other kit gets that.

    so, here are some ideas for more nature-themed names and properties:

    skill no.1, *create endowed ammunition* (make 5 pcs at once, number of uses should progress slowly, every 6 or 7 levels for example but it should cap at some point; there may be different types of projectiles and they could feature alternatively - you choose the type via sub-level buttons; upon getting higher-tier ammo type you're automatically switched to it at no disadvantage of losing previous types)
    tier 1 (gain at lvl3)
    - spore-coated arrow/bolt (entangle on single target, +2 save bonus, very short duration)
    - crow-feathered a/b (th+2, ench+2)
    - spiny a/b (dam+2, not enchanted)
    tier 2 (gain at lvl9)
    - lichen-covered a/b (entangle on single target, normal save, fairly short duration)
    - raven-feathered a/b (th+3, ench+3; doom)
    - chitinous a/b (dam+4, ench+1)
    tier 3 (gain at lvl12)
    - moss-grown a/b (dam/th/ench+1; entangle on single target, -2 save penalty, short duration)
    - vulture-feathered a/b (th+4, ench+4; doom, 50% -1 ac of target)
    - bone a/b (dam+6, ench+2; 25% bleed a moderate portion of health)

    skill no.2, *conjure elemental arrows* (5 pcs, single use only, gain at lvl15)
    - blazing arrow (th+3, ench+3, +2d6 fire, blinds undead, -2 save penalty)
    - frostshard arrow (th+3, ench+3, +2d4 cold, slow chance 25%, -4 save penalty)
    - fulminous arrow (th+3, ench+3, +1d6 electrical, 50% level 4 chain lightning, save vs. half included)
    - caustic arrow (th+3, ench+3, melf's acid arrow, 3 rounds)

    skill no.3, *evoke spiritual bolts* (5 pcs, single use only, gain at lvl18)
    - hallowed bolt (+1d8 magic, ench+4, +2d8 magic vs undead; hold undead, normal save)
    - glimmering bolt (+1d8 magic, ench+4, +2d8 piercing vs beholders; blindness, normal save)
    - shadow bolt (+1d8 magic, ench+4, -1 con of target)
    - screaming bolt (+1d8 magic, ench+4; confusion & deafness on target, save bonus +2)

    with all that in mind i propose a new disadvantage: CANNOT CAST SPELLS
    also, nerfing damage and thaco bonus gain to +1 every 4 levels instead of every 3 might be a good idea too
  • argent77argent77 Member Posts: 3,521
    bob_veng said:

    with all that in mind i propose a new disadvantage: CANNOT CAST SPELLS
    also, nerfing damage and thaco bonus gain to +1 every 4 levels instead of every 3 might be a good idea too

    I tried that already. Actually, the first version of my mod included this disadvantage, but the game engine doesn't offer a good way to implement it. The best I can do is disabling the spellcasting button in the toolbar. You'd still be able to memorize spells though. Nerfing the attack/damage bonuses is doable though and sound like a good idea. I might even restrict weapon proficiencies and/or usage to non-metal weapons only (staves, clubs and maybe spears).

    Kit-specific HLAs may be unusual, but that was primarily a design decision of the game developers. Actually I would prefer to see specific HLAs for more kits (I believe Kit Revisions also introduces kit-specific HLAs).

    Your list of suggestions for archer-specific abilities looks great. It's definitely a good basis to come up with abilities which are more suited for Archers. I have to see what is possible to realize though.
  • bob_vengbob_veng Member Posts: 2,308
    edited January 2015
    i don't know anything about actual modding but could the inquisitor not having priest spells be a clue as to how/whether it can be done? :)
    Post edited by bob_veng on
  • argent77argent77 Member Posts: 3,521
    edited January 2015
    This was my first thought as well when I tried to disable the spellcasting ability in the first version of the mod. I couldn't find any indication how it has been done however, so I have to assume it has been hardcoded into the game (as are the two extra proficiency points in two-weapon style for rangers).

    There is a spell effect which allows you to add or remove a given number of spell slots, but it has been poorly implemented. If you remove more slots than are available, the effect will wrap around and create a huge number of additional spell slots. I guess I have to settle for different kinds of restrictions instead.
    Post edited by argent77 on
  • bob_vengbob_veng Member Posts: 2,308
    edited January 2015
    okay, what about giving the archer d8 instead of -1 con and slowing down the special th/dam progression to every 4 levels?

    could you make the archer have less spell slots, or remove some of spells from the book (or replace his spells altoghether with a handful of archer-specific ones)? or remove some levels (so that he'd only be able to cast lvl1 for example)

    could you remove or slow down ranger stealth?

    removing free dual wielding pips?

    can't think of anything else...

    maybe you could ditch the +4 projectiles part of your mod and have those projectiles only be available in small quantities via creation skills. that would be a relatively serious gimp (and a positive one, i feel).
  • argent77argent77 Member Posts: 3,521
    Reducing HP amount per level sounds good. Together with the CON penalty it's fitting for a character who is primarily attacking from afar. On the other hand, stealth is still very important for an Archer. It's important for all rangers.
    The two extra proficiency points in two-weapon style are hardcoded for rangers unfortunately. They are even shown if I disable the two-weapon style completely.

    The spell progression table can only be changed per class and using the bonus spell effect mentioned in my previous post is too dangerous. I don't know if it's possible to reduce the number of available spells. From what I've seen, the whole divine spellcasting system is very limited in what can be modified.

    +4 projectiles are needed for some enemies who are immune to +3 weapons or less. Since you get them only very late in the game, it shouldn't really affect the game balance.

    All in all, I can imagine using the following disadvantages for the Archer kit:
    - Reduced HP gain per level.
    - May not wear any metal armor.
    - Restricted to non-metal melee weapons, such as quarterstaves, clubs and (maybe) spears.
    - May only become Proficient (one slot) with melee weapons.
  • bob_vengbob_veng Member Posts: 2,308
    that sounds good and i propose only these modifications: instead of druid / beastmaster restrictions, thief restrictions would be more appropriate for his scout theme ("light" weapons instead of wooden weapons). this way archer could be seen as a blend between ranger and thief with a ranged focus, compared to stalker which has a melee focus

    also along these lines, instead of non-metal armor, maybe light armor would now be more appropriate (that means not heavier than studded leather, so same as thief and stalker; no ankheg armor for example)
  • argent77argent77 Member Posts: 3,521
    This sounds reasonable. Rangers aren't as dedicated to nature as druids and should also be more practical in what tools to use to accomplish their tasks.
  • GrammarsaladGrammarsalad Member Posts: 2,582
    edited January 2015
    argent77 said:

    bob_veng said:

    with all that in mind i propose a new disadvantage: CANNOT CAST SPELLS
    also, nerfing damage and thaco bonus gain to +1 every 4 levels instead of every 3 might be a good idea too

    I tried that already. Actually, the first version of my mod included this disadvantage, but the game engine doesn't offer a good way to implement it. The best I can do is disabling the spellcasting button in the toolbar. You'd still be able to memorize spells though. Nerfing the attack/damage bonuses is doable though and sound like a good idea. I might even restrict weapon proficiencies and/or usage to non-metal weapons only (staves, clubs and maybe spears).

    Kit-specific HLAs may be unusual, but that was primarily a design decision of the game developers. Actually I would prefer to see specific HLAs for more kits (I believe Kit Revisions also introduces kit-specific HLAs).

    Your list of suggestions for archer-specific abilities looks great. It's definitely a good basis to come up with abilities which are more suited for Archers. I have to see what is possible to realize though.
    Couldn't you disable casting by:
    1) removing all slots in the clab(Opcode 62)
    2) disabling the spellcasting button
    3) remove all spells in clab with a delayed AP_xxx (see kit revisions paladins for an example--i believe it needs to be applied every level) ie a delayed 172--players will have the spells for about a second on level up with a delay of 1, and they would have no slots to memorize them anyway

    This way you have no spells, no slots, and no button

    Edit: clarification
  • argent77argent77 Member Posts: 3,521
    The key problem is effect opcode 62. It is possible to eliminate all available spell slots. But if, for some reason (e.g. by altering the spell progression table), the resulting slot count is negative, it wraps around and gives you 12 spell slots instead.

    I guess I have to stick with the restrictions suggested in the previous posts.
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