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Halizurex, the Pacifist Mass Murderer



  • BlackravenBlackraven Member Posts: 3,486
    Hey @OlvynChuru! Awesome to see you continue this! I was quite curious as to how Halifex' antics would work in BG2. It's good to see that chaos continues to be sown... :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
  • kcwisekcwise Member Posts: 2,287
    Woohoo! Our friendly neighborhood murderer is back!
  • OlvynChuruOlvynChuru Member Posts: 3,084
    Time for more of the six Halizurex playthrough of BG1.

    Now, they came for Thalantyr. The six Halizurexes surrounded him; one of them cast Haste and then they all slapped the Mighty Mage of Beregost until he fell unconscious. A minute or so later the poor guy had his brain punched out by one of his own flesh golems.

    Next, the Halisix decided to head north to Ulgoth's Beard. On the way, they stopped at the Friendly Arm Inn. Five of them turned invisible, and the other one gave all the guards outside the inn a good knock on the head. All the guards followed him within the walls, then he exited the courtyard and stood on the drawbridge while the five unseen Halis stood in a line across the gateway, blocking it. The guards had no way of reaching the Hali that they could see, so he just made silly faces at them and turned them into squirrels. Then ALL of the Halis started singing, and the squirrelguards ate each other up.

    Later on the trail, they found the paladin Ajantis, who one of the Halis decided to squirrelize. Of course, Ajantis wasn't too happy about this, so he imbued his paws with the power of Helm and sprang to the attack, but then of course he got charmed. The Hali who charmed him asked him to do a favor: clear out those ankhegs that were infesting the area. The brainwashed Ajantis accepted, charged valiantly at a pair of ankhegs and was dissolved by the acid.

    Farther north, they found Farmer Brun. The Halis turned him AND all his livestock into squirrels, summoned lots of war dogs and wolves to eat them, and fled even farther north.

    They went north beyond even the bridge to Baldur's Gate and found Tenya. She was charmed and asked to not only unequip her flail but also go fight an ankheg. The ankheg was squirrelized to make it a fairer fight. Tenya managed to knock the squirrelankheg unconscious, then she and the ankheg were eaten by wolves and war dogs.

    That's it for now. I'm probably going to go back to BG2 next.
  • kcwisekcwise Member Posts: 2,287
    Meanwhile, back at the ankheg farm...
  • epicrakshasasepicrakshasas Member Posts: 71
    This makes all the chaotic evil-massacre everyone parties look like idiots.
  • FinnTheHumanFinnTheHuman Member Posts: 404
    This thread inspired me in how I play the game and to get an account here and write my own adventures. Thanks.
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