Famous Last Words of Epic Fail

Upon entering the Cloakwood Mines in BGEE an unnamed guard walks up to the nearest character and delivers this memorable line shortly before his swift demise:
I'm not sure there is an encounter in either game which has such a disparity between threat of violence and actual threat. Most other encounters provide at least some challenge to a party of appropriate level, but this one I can't imagine being much of a threat to any party at that point in the game. Thus, unnamed guard, you sir get the award for famous last words of epic fail!
What famous last words scenarios are you fond of in the games?
"You're those bastards who've been taking down our mining ops. Well you've come to the wrong place kiddos. I'm one mean son of a bitch, and I'm gonna give you a world o' hurt."Now, I'm not sure he has the most dialog of an unnamed NPC, but he certainly has the most bravado. I feel bad about killing the guy, and even sorrier that he didn't even rate a name. It makes me wonder who he was and what led him to believe he was bad ass enough to take on a fully armed and armored party of six.
I'm not sure there is an encounter in either game which has such a disparity between threat of violence and actual threat. Most other encounters provide at least some challenge to a party of appropriate level, but this one I can't imagine being much of a threat to any party at that point in the game. Thus, unnamed guard, you sir get the award for famous last words of epic fail!
What famous last words scenarios are you fond of in the games?
There's also something funny and awesome about Narlen saving your bacon from a murderous Halruaan mage with a well-timed blade to the back.
Also, his line was epic: "Not this night, ye gamon dead man!"
I'm a fair kind of guy. I don't care that he called your mom a whore or pissed in your cornflakes before you ate it this morning, nobody deserves to die unless they killed someone first.
Dead ogrillon
and "Charname! I will tear out your heart and-" or something like that.
How about those incessantly spawning muggers at the entrance to the Docks district in Athkatla? "All right, you and me, let's go!" ad infinitum, no matter the odds. It makes me with I could just leave the bodies of all the dead ones over the archway as a warning not to spawn there. Seriously, the ground could be littered with leather armor from the guys before and it doesn't even faze them.
...turn undead, chunk....
Yours wasn't, vamp.
I've played too many rpg's over too many years, and I'm getting old.
...wanders off confusedly, muttering to self...
As forepic level bravado... Edwin. 1000 years eh? So you'll be Edwina for around 970 years? Good luck, and don't get too bitter now!
He surely deserved to die.
Oh, he's not unnamed. That's Guard Guardson of the Cormyr Guardsons, out making his fortune before he returns home to avenge his father's death and marry the girl of his dreams. Once a month he heads up to Baldur's Gate and organizes healthy outdoor sports for the orphans at the temple of Ilmater.
Oh, rly?
I'm afraid my character used his head for a puppet making it say: "Always kill the mouthy one" as i drank large amounts of mead.