Necromancy Builds!

Why, hello fellow practitioners of this dark, and even sometimes not-so-dark, art!
The Necromancer is my favorite trope in fantasy and as such on my next playthrough of Baldur's Gate I wish to play as one! Now then, considering all I want are access to Necromancy spells there are plenty of options of how I should go about doing this.
The obvious choice is a Cleric due to early access to animate dead. What I'm wondering is if any of you have created some crazy Necro-themed build and if there any items I should look out for in my next journey through the game. Maybe a Blade Bard with chill touches? Or a Blackguard that rebukes the undead under his command? Maybe a Cleric/Mage that uses all the Necromancy spells! I just want to know what viable options I have that are also fun since I plan on taking this character from BG:EE all the way to the end of ToB.
The Necromancer is my favorite trope in fantasy and as such on my next playthrough of Baldur's Gate I wish to play as one! Now then, considering all I want are access to Necromancy spells there are plenty of options of how I should go about doing this.
The obvious choice is a Cleric due to early access to animate dead. What I'm wondering is if any of you have created some crazy Necro-themed build and if there any items I should look out for in my next journey through the game. Maybe a Blade Bard with chill touches? Or a Blackguard that rebukes the undead under his command? Maybe a Cleric/Mage that uses all the Necromancy spells! I just want to know what viable options I have that are also fun since I plan on taking this character from BG:EE all the way to the end of ToB.
Also, he obviously wasn't allowed to use any Illusion spells.
It was a really fun restriction although very tough early doors, as you get lots of touch-range spells, but very few defence spells... Later game he has Spirit Armour and can call in Skelly Warriors and rain the pain with Skull Traps and Horrid Wiltings!
I might make a 2nd PC and have them be a sorcerer. . .
/Suddenly has the idea to make an entire party of Necromancers using all the different classes/kits.
It appears there's now an outbreak of necro stuff available for BG:EE.
If you create a Sorcerer then EEKeeper the Necromancer kit onto him then his spell choices are limited to that of the Necromancer, so no opposite school.
It highlights the Necromancer spells but sadly doesn't enforce choosing them.
Edit: I don't mod often, I only really use the tweaks to remove class/race restrictions and remove the exp cap.
Normally, it should suffice to unrar the archive in your \Data\00766 folder, or \Data\00783 folder (depending on which EE game you want to modify). After that, just run the mod.exe and follow its instructions.
Can you post what kind of error shows up?
ERROR: fl#add_kit_ee#get_2da_value could not find row SORCERER and column fallen_notice with 8 required cloumns
ERROR: [classtext.2da] -> [override] Patching Failed (COPY) (Failure("ERROR: fl#add_kit_ee#get_2da_value could not find row SORCERER and column fallen_notice with 8 required cloumns"))
Edit: the mod i'm mentioning still has to be ported to WeiDU, might get with that later...
I might make myself a Cleric/Necromancer...or just play a Cleric/Magic-User who prefers Necromantic magics.
I've checked it for myself. Are you sure, you're installing my mod?
BTW about the human restriction: in my 1st version there were no race restrictions at all. But then I've realized that most of the DnD rules have that human restrictions for the palemaster...
Open the "Setup-pale.tp2" file in a notepad and find a line below - clsrcreq = ~1 0 0 0 0 0 0~ - remove it.
It should work and all races will be availible.
Feel free to contact me if you run into bugs.
I hate to resurrect and hope I'm not going blind but this is my first attempt at adding any kits to the Baldur's Gate games. I've ran the file and successfully installed the kit in all directories but don't see anyway to use the kit. Can someone explain what I'm supposed to do to use it?I was blind.