Match each alignment with each school of magic (and other talk about the schools of magic).

For example:
Lawful Good - Abjurer
Neutral Good - Transmuter
Chaotic Good - Illusionist
Lawful Neutral - Invoker
True Neutral - Diviner
Chaotic Neutral - Wild Magic
Lawful Evil - Conjurer
Neutral Evil - Enchanter
Chaotic Neutral - Necromancer
Lawful Good - Abjurer
Neutral Good - Transmuter
Chaotic Good - Illusionist
Lawful Neutral - Invoker
True Neutral - Diviner
Chaotic Neutral - Wild Magic
Lawful Evil - Conjurer
Neutral Evil - Enchanter
Chaotic Neutral - Necromancer
Post edited by Lateralus on
For e.g., I can see a necromancer as a neutral evil for obvious reasons ("the necromancery is a bad, bad thing") and as a neutral good (he tries to bring back those who went away too young).
Maybe the only type of wizards I can more or less guess the alignment is a wild mage. He just has to be chaotic neutral because everything can happen, whether it's a good thing or a bad thing.
As for playing specialists in-game, I use a self-imposed rule that at least half the spell slots must be filled with the specialization school's spells.
And I once enjoyed running a custom party comprised mostly of specialist mages that used only their own school's spells. Actually it was Conjurer, Enchanter, Illusionist, and Necromancer. And rounding the party out was a Mage/Thief and a Cleric who used only spells, no martial weapons. Very difficult early on, as one can imagine. But they became surprisingly powerful by chapter 4--in fact so much so that I actually lost interest.
Neutral Good - Generalist
Chaotic Good - Conjuration
Lawful Neutral - Abjuration
True Neutral - Necromancy
Chaotic Neutral - Illusion/Wild Magic
Lawful Evil - Enchantment
Neutral Evil - Alteration
Chaotic Evil - Invocation
Had to think hard about this, but this is how I would personally put it. An interesting perspective considering Dynaheir and Edwin are complete opposites to how I've put the schools.
I agree most of them are evil and it isn't a school of magic that people assosciate with "good" but hey, don't forget this is BG and D&D everything is possible
Afaik, when a necromancer raises the dead it's only their physical remains which are animated - their souls remain where they belong. I think maybe the most powerful necromancers will take souls as prisoners, but refer to above for what the other schools can do respectively.
This isn't the TES universe where the slain are trapped in black soul gems and sent to an abyss of tormented souls once the necromancer is done with them.
For me, Magic is energy, pure and simple. It isn't 'necessarily' tied to any alignment or ethos. Divination can be used to find out someone's secrets and blackmail them. Necromancy actually has various healing spells in it's sphere.
However, if I were given a specialist wizard of each type and asked to give them an alignment - the above would be my choice.
Off topic but somewhat relevant: I tried documenting my initial reactions to situations to see what alignment I lean towards. An example: Somebody cut me off and my initial reaction was surprise at how dumb and irresponsible that person is. I throw my hands up in the air after honking the horn a couple times, and then go on my way. I wasn't overly stressed out, or particularly happy that day. Other days I might have leaned on the horn and cursed, or I might have just rolled my eyes. You see where this is going, right? People are very complicated and how you physically see somebody in a moment is never who they ARE all the time. If I cursed and flipped them the bird it might have been because I wanted to make sure they understood their mistake, so as not to harm my less experienced loved ones who will be on the road soon. People who take the high road and just smile and ignore the situation, may in fact be doing more harm than good. But, I guess I would like to be chaotic neutral simply because I really love my freedom, and cherish time to myself. And I'm just way to busy trying to survive to really dedicate time to helping others. I mean subtract the taxes from your salary and everything else you pay taxes on and what are you left with? Like HALF of what you really earn? That's more than enough charity, I'm not giving up my winter beach getaway to feed kids across the world. They can use my tax money for that! So yeah, CN.