Do you max your HP/level rolls?

So in my current game I am using core difficulty on SCS, and I notice that - especially on the lower levels - it's really annoying to have characters with low hp. A lucky kobold or a single spell can kill my characters in one time! So I thought about simply using the max hp/level difficulty slider workaround, but then i kind of feel like cheating... so I wonder, how do you guys play it?
Myself, I've used the following rule: I have to accept any result that it at least half of the max possible. So if I level up a thief which, could get a max of +6 hp/level, I am allowed to reload if he only gets 1, 2 or 3 hp on level up. But a 4, 5, or 6 will stay.
How do you do it?
Myself, I've used the following rule: I have to accept any result that it at least half of the max possible. So if I level up a thief which, could get a max of +6 hp/level, I am allowed to reload if he only gets 1, 2 or 3 hp on level up. But a 4, 5, or 6 will stay.
How do you do it?
- Do you max your HP/level rolls?132 votes
- Yes, using mods or difficulty settings I always get max HP/level49.24%
- No, I always accept my HP/level even if it's really low28.03%
- No, but if it's really low I might reload and try again22.73%
Almost in every game.
Even if I play with reloads, I take HP rolls as they are.
They even themselves out in the end. It's one of those things that make every character different.
@bengoshi @Heindrich
Your solution seems fine, but perhaps a "fairer" solution would be to reroll the top and bottom 20% of rolls, and accept everything in the middle. So for a Fighter with a range of 1-10, you reroll 1,2, 9 and 10. You'd basically be minimising the swings due to random chance, but not making the game any easier or harder on average, and hence not "cheating".
Honestly, I haven't found it to actually matter than much in any type of approach that I use. But that said, I suppose if I played with SCS and was playing strict no-reload (which I don't--that's too unforgiving for my taste), I would feel entitled to max HP.
Most big enemies have max or near max hitpoints for their levels, anyway. It is only fair IMHO. I don't see an enemy lvl 15+ fighter with 50 hit points.
I never have any qualms about using reload to emulate the sort of discretionary control that exists in most PNP games.
While playing the computer version, you will want to defeat as many monsters as possible. Otherwise you will miss parts of the story.