Stupid Female Fighter-Class Portraits

Why is it that Baldur's Gate seems to have the best female warrior class portraits, while other RPGs fall into the trap of "Oh, I don't need armor in my picture- my almost bare chest is armor enough!" (I guess they expect male opponents to do a Tex Avery wolf-style freakout when going into battle...) This female character will almost certainly be wearing her own blood as a new breastplate. This female character will almost certainly be wearing her own blood as a new breastplate.
Post edited by LadyRhian on
Still, for me, fully armored women are in many ways sexier than half-naked women. But, then, I like a girl I'm confident could beat me up.
I think 1PP fixed this. There's a big movement against this kind of art...and storytelling...lately, but it'll be a while before things improve I think.
Hope BGEE will introduce such upgrade.
Not entirely true on the WoW bit. My female orc warrior was generally fully-clothed past level 40 or so. Not that this excuses the art direction for levels 1-39.
I agree with what @Schneidend said regarding armors for women though. Never got what's up with the sexy nudist stuff anyway >.<
I don't mind hot looking outfits at all, but there is a certain amount of compromise to be reached here I think.
Anyway. It's probably more armour than Conan ever wore.
I am also wondering what "shooting range" is and what "merciful" means.
(She was hit by a longbow arrow in the neck/shoulder area though)
Chainmail bikini's are, of course, ridiculous (and they chafe like *hell*) bu I've seen a fair amount of recent games where this is muchly improved. Practicly all fantasy art from the eighties was in Conan style; Men with bared super muscular chests wielding giant weapons, women with giant boobs and a max of half a kilo of armour on. Recent artwork and game design sees a fair bit more equality, which is always a good thing.
Obtuse thinking get people nowhere nowadays. I've seen female martial artists and fencers beat the sorry asses of males many times now. Truth is - I am a big guy, strong physically, but against a trained woman in combat, I would be dead in 1 second.
Physical capabilities or not, it simply is like that. Oh and Female bodybuilders are exactly what they are - female. Not calling them so makes people even more obtuse.
There are enough examples through history of ordinary women doing extraordinary things on the battlefield to not make it purely the domain of men.
Jolanthus: Again, you dig up the strangest things. Women warriors work in Baldur's Gate because it is a computer game; it is not trying to be real. They could be (and often are) portrayed as 90 pound bikini-clad runway models, but so long as their stats say Str 18/00, Dex 18 and Con 18, they'll do just fine. If you wish for the art to be more realistic, have all the female art be of hulking, square-jawed amazons in full plate. Now those kind of women could and (rarely) do exist and could fight along with men, but why bother? People want attractive art (I would actually like modest art) to represent their characters. They don't care much for realism in video games.
To be clear: My issue is with people who want females to be in armor appropriate for medieval combat- because being dressed in a metal skirt and bra is unrealistic, but are fine with the appearance of women warriors otherwise. It seems very arbitrary. The notion that "It is okay to have a 90 pound she-warrior, so long as she is dressed realistically" does not resonate with me.
Come on men, am I right or am I right?
My favorite female character to this point is Ashley Williams from Mass Effect - tough as nails and doesn't do the sterotypical things that make her either seem to be a caricature of a woman or a sex toy. In BG, I always appreciated that about Jaheira - one of my favorite characters ever. There's a lot of Jaheira hate that I don't understand, but that doesn't happen in my world. She's tough, honest and packs a wallop when she tromps you.
Compare that to Aerie. I'd cast her off as annoying after 20 minutes. If it even took that long.
Have yet to add Viconia to a party. It's on my to-do list. Just never had a need for her skills, so I didn't try with her in the party.