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Romancable Khalid?

the_spyderthe_spyder Member Posts: 5,018
So, I don't think it is a spoiler (or much of one) that he dies at the beginning of BG2. My question is, in an alternate version, where he didn't die, would people want him as a Romancable party member. Keep in mind that this would have ramifications on Jaheira and her romancibility as well.
  1. Romancable Khalid?49 votes
    1. Yes, I'd want him as romancable.
    2. No, he should not be romancable
    3. He and Jaheira should remain a couple
    4. Boo loves ya baby!!!


  • MERLANCEMERLANCE Member Posts: 421
    Its not a bad idea in and of itself, but the logical thing to do is switch it around so that Jaheira is dead instead. Could probably even reuse 90% of her romance to make his.
  • VitorVitor Member Posts: 288
    edited October 2014
    MERLANCE said:

    Its not a bad idea in and of itself, but the logical thing to do is switch it around so that Jaheira is dead instead.

    Well... I can think of other possibilities.

    ...Do you know threesome?
  • RavenslightRavenslight Member Posts: 1,609
    Interesting idea. I could see the possibility, but only if, as Merlance mentioned, Jaheira died.
  • meaglothmeagloth Member Posts: 3,806
    Vitor said:

    MERLANCE said:

    Its not a bad idea in and of itself, but the logical thing to do is switch it around so that Jaheira is dead instead.

    Well... I can think of other possibilities.

    ...Do you know threesome?
    With jaheria and Khalid? To weird.

    As to the OP, I would be open to it if jaheria died, but other than that, ^.
    The jahiera romance seems a bit off anyway(the concept. I've never played it)
  • VitorVitor Member Posts: 288
    edited October 2014
    meagloth said:

    Vitor said:

    MERLANCE said:

    Its not a bad idea in and of itself, but the logical thing to do is switch it around so that Jaheira is dead instead.

    Well... I can think of other possibilities.

    ...Do you know threesome?
    With jaheria and Khalid? To weird.

    As to the OP, I would be open to it if jaheria died, but other than that, ^.
    The jahiera romance seems a bit off anyway(the concept. I've never played it)
    Romancing Khalid is weird on itself. He clearly would remain faithful even in her death.

    Jaheira, in the other hand, is the one that flourish more wild instincts and that would be capable to become attracted to the Bhaalspawn, the most wrong it could be, even on her husband grave. This animalistic side of Jaheira is the interesting part of her romance.
  • LesseLesse Member Posts: 81
    Who says that it would be a straight romance? :p perhaps Jaheria's nagging ways got to him and he takes to batting for the other team?

    (I love Jaheria, really. I just find the concept of her putting poor Khalid off women unintentionally hilarious).
  • booinyoureyesbooinyoureyes Member Posts: 6,164
    Nimran said:

    Still waiting for a Tiax romance mod...

    "Ya lil' monkey-spanker"

  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,739
    This thread is not about ghasty Tiax (how exaxtly should it be pronounced?:)
  • kaguanakaguana Member Posts: 1,328
    I'm romantic by heart I think Khalid and Jaheira should stay together, when I first learn about Khalid death in BG2 I cry, it was just a cruel thing to do to this lovely couple and all this romancing with Jaheira doesn't really sit well to me, it too soon and seem weird to me but I know how easy one can just lean on an old friend and fall in love with after one lose his love once.
    Vitor said:

    Romancing Khalid is weird on itself. He clearly would remain faithful even in her death.

    This! I too think Khalid will stay loyal to Jaheira even after her death.

    don't get me wrong I want more options for romancing beside Anomen for woman because it suck having only one option (I don't include Hexxat or Dorn in it) but it still be wired for me to romance Khalid tho I may try it.
  • VitorVitor Member Posts: 288
    edited October 2014
    kaguana said:

    I'm romantic by heart I think Khalid and Jaheira should stay together, when I first learn about Khalid death in BG2 I cry, it was just a cruel thing to do to this lovely couple and all this romancing with Jaheira doesn't really sit well to me, it too soon and seem weird to me but I know how easy one can just lean on an old friend and fall in love with after one lose his love once.

    This! I too think Khalid will stay loyal to Jaheira even after her death.

    But don't you think Khalid and Jaheira are very different characters? I recognize a very pure love between them even in BG1, that's true. But while I see Khalid as a more fragile personality, absent of boldness and much more conservative, I guess he wouldn't love again if it was Jaheira's death.

    On the other side, Jaheira is much the opposite. She's strong and confident enough to go ahead. Also, she follows the nature's ways, which sharpen her primal instincts. If she felt attracted to the bhaalspawn, I can see she giving herself to this turbulent passion.
    kaguana said:

    don't get me wrong I want more options for romancing beside Anomen for woman because it suck having only one option (I don't include Hexxat or Dorn in it) but it still be wired for me to romance Khalid tho I may try it.

    Well... I haven't played with a female character in Shadows of Amn yet. But I think Anomen should be a great option for a romance. Haer'Dalis seems to fit well in the logic of the story too, and a third option could be... Valygar, perhaps. But if you're playing with a evil female, Keldorn could be interesting too... Some relation as complex as Arthur and Morgana (The Knight and The Witch).
  • kaguanakaguana Member Posts: 1,328
    Vitor said:

    kaguana said:

    I'm romantic by heart I think Khalid and Jaheira should stay together, when I first learn about Khalid death in BG2 I cry, it was just a cruel thing to do to this lovely couple and all this romancing with Jaheira doesn't really sit well to me, it too soon and seem weird to me but I know how easy one can just lean on an old friend and fall in love with after one lose his love once.

    This! I too think Khalid will stay loyal to Jaheira even after her death.

    But don't you think Khalid and Jaheira are very different characters? I recognize a very pure love between them even in BG1, that's true. But while I see Khalid as a more fragile personality, absent of boldness and much more conservative, I guess he wouldn't love again if it was Jaheira's death.

    On the other side, Jaheira is much the opposite. She's strong and confident enough to go ahead. Also, she follows the nature's ways, which sharpen her primal instincts. If she felt attracted to the bhaalspawn, I can see she giving herself to this turbulent passion.
    Yes they are different, Khalid is a sweet person that true true he isn't bold or the macho type and yeah he is more conservative person then Jaheira, all tho Jaheira looks like the strong woman type who always give order and all she is very sensitive and vulnerable that why she got attached to Charname, and one can see it in the end of the game she have a sad sad end if the bhaalspawn leave, she goes her way and won't go near the places that remind her of the past and from what known she stay alone after that.
    Vitor said:

    kaguana said:

    don't get me wrong I want more options for romancing beside Anomen for woman because it suck having only one option (I don't include Hexxat or Dorn in it) but it still be wired for me to romance Khalid tho I may try it.

    Well... I haven't played with a female character in Shadows of Amn yet. But I think Anomen should be a great option for a romance. Haer'Dalis seems to fit well in the logic of the story too, and a third option could be... Valygar, perhaps. But if you're playing with a evil female, Keldorn could be interesting too... Some relation as complex as Arthur and Morgana (The Knight and The Witch).
    As a female myself I don't play a male character so I never romance any of the females romance didn't even try as it not my test, all tho I know what happen and saw them on youtube, so the lack of romance option for female is kinda disappointing even after so many years of known that, so Anomen is nice option but it get kinda old after a few times.

    Yeah Haer'Dalis and Valygar could be nice, but Keldorn well he is married and also a Paladin so it kinda complicated thing (I know there is a mod for it but still it mean that one need to choose that he will give up his wife).
  • KamigoroshiKamigoroshi Member Posts: 5,870
    I find the idea of having an romanceable undead Khalid at your disposal strangely appealing. Zombies always needed a bigger role in BG2:EE. And his scarred, animated carcass would be a worthy candidate for zombiedom.
  • the_spyderthe_spyder Member Posts: 5,018
    Except zombies only love you for your BRAINS....
  • NimranNimran Member Posts: 4,875

    Except zombies only love you for your BRAINS....

    I always thought that's what women wanted from men, to have their brains eaten.
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  • the_spyderthe_spyder Member Posts: 5,018
    @typo_tilly - I am with you on that. I think that, personality wise, they are not a great match. I'd bet they both "Love" each other, but are they really perfect for each other? Well, just look at what Jaheira does upon his death? Jumps to what is probably the furthest thing from him, that of a (very probably) strong leader type of a group with some very interesting lineage. Just sayin...
  • MERLANCEMERLANCE Member Posts: 421
    I think that in the BG1 novel (I know, I know, we don't speak of that abomination), Khalid had cheated on Jaheira, so its plausible that he would be over her just as fast as she is over him.

    I first read the thread as "Romanceable Kale" Romanceable kale for everyone! :D

    Magic is impressive, but now Minsc leads. Kale for everyone!
  • DreadKhanDreadKhan Member Posts: 3,857
    Minsc is a health nut? Explains his dex and cons boost I guess.

    And the 18/93 strength on a dude that NEVER WORKS OUT.

    Do you even lift?
  • NimranNimran Member Posts: 4,875
    edited October 2014
    MERLANCE said:

    I think that in the BG1 novel (I know, I know, we don't speak of that abomination), Khalid had cheated on Jaheira, so its plausible that he would be over her just as fast as she is over him.

    I first read the thread as "Romanceable Kale" Romanceable kale for everyone! :D

    Magic is impressive, but now Minsc leads. Kale for everyone!
    As someone who works with kale, I approve this message. Except for the novel thing, that can rot in hell.
  • iavasechuiiavasechui Member Posts: 274
    I would love for him to live, and I just cannot come between him and Jaheira.
  • MoomintrollMoomintroll Member Posts: 1,498
    Romanceable Kale? sounds like broccoli talk to me..
  • SereverusSereverus Member Posts: 70
    if he were to live, i'd be very happy, but I would prefer it if they stayed a couple, mainly as in bg1 they are technically gorions chosen guardians for you, technically they were intended to be your parents, now think of this how many have romanced jaheira? *shudders*
  • NimranNimran Member Posts: 4,875

    Romanceable Kale? sounds like broccoli talk to me..

    It's a healthy relationship.
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