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Imoen Romance V3.0 Release



  • rost400rost400 Member Posts: 13
    edited June 2019
    I didn't go through the entire conversation tree (it's kinda massive), but from what I'd seen it's just these initial responses that seem sweet and sisterly, down the line most of them skim or downright tread the lover territory, even option #2 which seems kinda neutral. Options #1 and #5 just take a roundabout way to get to the same point really.

    Would have to trim it significantly, or make two separate versions to make it sister-friendly.
  • megamike15megamike15 Member Posts: 2,666
    edited June 2019
    ok i am at a loss at this point. so for some reason when i make the final choice in throne of bhalll. when i pick staying mortal imoen says wow and i get a no valid reply and link errror and the final bosss gets back upat first i thought it was due to the fix pack or even tashia. then i did a fresh install with just imoen romance installed but i still got that.

    this was the only issue i have had with this mod and as it happens at the end it is disheartening.


    edit: i'm reinstalling the whole of bg 2 to see if that fixes it. if that does not do anything then i don't know what to do as it effects the tob ending whitch is very important to me.
    Post edited by megamike15 on
  • megamike15megamike15 Member Posts: 2,666
    edited June 2019
    ignore this post.
  • rost400rost400 Member Posts: 13
    edited June 2019
    Funny that, just finished (or was about to) my playthrough and ran into the same problem. My question would be, were you romancing Imoen? Because the issue seems to be with the possible values of the ImoenRomanceActive global variable (can be 1-5 depending on your relationship according to the readme)

    I just went through the FinalConversation file and there doesn't seem to be any final options for value 4 (Imoen is just a friend) and 1 (Initial value). I'll try changing it to 5 (you broke up but on good terms) which seems to be the closest to a friendship/vanilla route in the file (the file mentions it as vanilla choices) and see if it works.
  • megamike15megamike15 Member Posts: 2,666
    edited June 2019
    i was not romancing her. i also used console to warp directly to the final boss to check something else and got the same bug.

    the first instance of it was during a normal run so that teleporting was not the cause. like i said that was to test something to see if it was another mod that caused it as i had reinstalled my mods so using my old saves would have just broken it more.

    or i should say i was trying to romance her. but the romance broke at some point before chapter 7. so mabey messsing with the variables would fix it. but i would prefer the issue get an actual fix. for when i'm doing a run hwere i'm not romancing her.
  • rost400rost400 Member Posts: 13
    edited June 2019
    Can't fix it, but I can at least try to confirm what might be causing it.
    Just to be sure, try to check what value the ImoenRomanceActive actually is for you.

    EDIT: Also, if I'm right, it should work just fine for successful romance (value 2), only broken for friendship route.
  • megamike15megamike15 Member Posts: 2,666
    yeah setting the variable to 3 fixed it. well atlest i don't have to look forward to that bug again when i play the game again romancing neeera.
  • rost400rost400 Member Posts: 13
    edited June 2019
    Setting the value to 0 might work too, should be the actual vanilla response then.

    EDIT: Or scratch that, '0' route is supposedly followed if no other route triggers so that's what probably happened and then bugged out.
  • CalemyrCalemyr Member Posts: 238
    Ran into a bug that's derailed my game. It's a mega-modded run, so I'm not looking to blame anyone, but I'm wondering if there's a variable I can tweak to solve it.

    Got to Throne of Bhaal, and the Forest of Tethyr and the Master Wraith scene. Imoen identifies Phlydia and leads into the Master Wraith scene, but afterwards every attempt to talk to her has her call out to Phlydia. Annoying so far, then Yaga Shura dies and her call to Phlydia plays in her place there as well.

    Is there a variable I can tweak to convince the game that this conversation finished completely (I think it did)? I'm more than happy to use EEKeeper to fix it.
  • AngulimalaAngulimala Member Posts: 88
    I'm not a modder, only an enthusiastic fan, and while I like the concept of this mod, it has always caused me troubles with my playthroughs, even when installed and I dont have Imoen in the party, it interferes with other mods. I found this out by trial and error, and if I plan to play this mod again, it will likely be the only mod installed aside from a few minor convenience tweaks.
  • ZaxaresZaxares Member Posts: 1,329
    So I've been poking around in the Imoen Romance dialog files (mostly to make sure that I didn't inadvertently pick options that ended the romance, either with Imoen or others) and I happened to notice one particular dialog that seems to imply that Imoen steals some sort of bracer or bracelet from someone. I just want to check if this event is one that's scripted to occur before/after Imoen gets her soul back? I'm currently in Chapter 6 and finishing up all my loose ends before I head after Bodhi, so I just want to make sure that I'm not missing anything.
  • ArthasArthas Member Posts: 1,091
    It should be after you come back from underdark and last imoen mission. Given that I couldn't play the mod, but I had a friend that did, I recommend you not to spoil yourself the content because it is good.
  • ZaxaresZaxares Member Posts: 1,329
    I found the merchant. She's standing just north of the Adventurer's Mart in Waukeen's Promenade, so she would be hard to miss under normal circumstances. I'm quite sure she wasn't there before, however; I'm uncertain if the trigger was either getting the romance to progress further (past the point where you choose between a friendship or romantic path with Imoen), or the conversation about scars that she has with you past that point.
    I do have a minor complaint about that merchant scene though. I can understand why Imoen stole the bracelet (she's a lil kleptomaniac at heart :P), but my Lawful Good soul was rather disappointed that you couldn't go back afterwards and pay the merchant for the stolen bracelet. Something to consider if the mod makers are still working on this mod. :)
  • megamike15megamike15 Member Posts: 2,666
    were the banters imoen was supposed to have with other party members removed or something? i was looking at the files and all i got were banters with the other romanceceble characters [ jeheria, viconia and aerie] and saw no banter with say minsic and keldorn even tho i read she was supposed to have those.
  • megamike15megamike15 Member Posts: 2,666
    Angulimala wrote: »
    I'm not a modder, only an enthusiastic fan, and while I like the concept of this mod, it has always caused me troubles with my playthroughs, even when installed and I dont have Imoen in the party, it interferes with other mods. I found this out by trial and error, and if I plan to play this mod again, it will likely be the only mod installed aside from a few minor convenience tweaks.

    care to explain what issues you had? the only one i ever had was at the end of tob where her romance variable screwed up the last few interjections that i fixed by changing it in shadowkeeper. as for some reason the romance broke so much that the variable was one the game could not read so i had to force it to 3 to get the game to finish.
  • AngulimalaAngulimala Member Posts: 88
    edited July 2019
    @megamike15 the mod did not play well with other mods, I do not know which ones specifically, as I have a buttload installed. When I remove the imoen mod and leave everything else as is, the issues resolve. Certain parts of chapter 6 are insufferably laggy, Imoen keeps turning toward charname as if to initiate dialogue but says nothing, even with PID.

    Edit: I wish I could give a more detailed description of the conflicts, or knew which mods it doesn't work with. I didn't have the patience to go in exploring variables with EEKeeper and I dont use near infinity (yet). Some day I might play through again with Imoen Romance without my current buttload of mods and see if it plays nice.
    Post edited by Angulimala on
  • ZaxaresZaxares Member Posts: 1,329
    megamike15 wrote: »
    were the banters imoen was supposed to have with other party members removed or something? i was looking at the files and all i got were banters with the other romanceceble characters [ jeheria, viconia and aerie] and saw no banter with say minsic and keldorn even tho i read she was supposed to have those.

    I'm not 100% sure, but I think there are other hidden variables that determine whether or not certain banters fire. I only got one banter with Viconia about the Imoen dreams (even though technically since I was running multiple romances, all 3 should have happened at one point or another).

    Once I rescued Imoen from Spellhold and progressed the romance past a certain point (after the pivotal scene in the elven camp), then the other banters with the other characters about you being in a relationship with Imoen start to crop up. They appear scripted to happen with 1 character, then it starts a 1 day timer, then another character speaks up, another 1 day timer starts etc. I got banters with Keldorn, Anomen, Viconia, Jaheira, Jan, Valygar, Nalia and a few others. The EE companions have nothing to say about the romance, however, and curiously I could not find anything for Minsc, Edwin, Haer'Dalis or Mazzy in their dialogue files about it. I'm unsure if they really had nothing to say or if there was a conflict with some other mods going on and they got wiped accidentally.
  • megamike15megamike15 Member Posts: 2,666
    the ee characters only got a line during spellhold. which is a shame because i was romancing neera during this playthhrough so the underdark stuff with imoen had no option to just say say " hey imoen i'm dateing the elf that sets things on fire.' the writers really don't like the ee characters it seems as they got the bare minimum in terms of content in this mod. not even an interjection during the camping scene.

    i mean if you going to bother giving them a line during the hoicking up imoen at spellhold stuff. give them romance conflicts to like the other romances. don't be lazy.
  • IseweinIsewein Member Posts: 558
    You have to keep in mind that this mod had been in dev limbor for literally a decade; it was mostly the coding which remained to be done after EEs came around, so naturally the writing doesn't really take EE characters into account.
  • megamike15megamike15 Member Posts: 2,666
    like i said they bothered to give neera, rassad, dorn, and hexxat an interjection when imoen rejoins just like everyone else. it would not have been that hard to add one or two interjections during the camping scene.
  • wukewuke Member Posts: 113
    not sure if developers are still around and whether there will be any more bugfixes, but I want to report a couple of minor bugs:

    the first is in \dialogues\SOA\Banter\Stealing.d , this dialogue never happened even if my charname has that specific item, I guess
    should be

    I'm not sure the second is a bug, but
    in TOB part a female romanced charname can discuss having kids with Imoen, while comments in the dialogue file suggest this is only available to male charnames

    These are the only bugs I encountered in several playthroughs, thanks to everyone contributed to this amazing mod!
  • amberCoffeeCatamberCoffeeCat Member Posts: 90
    wuke wrote: »
    not sure if developers are still around and whether there will be any more bugfixes

    Well, the official mod page says "disappeared into the ether" in the "Authors" tab, so I guess they are not around anymore.

    That said, I'd also like to report a bug - just in case anybody encounters it or know how to fix it (I like my mods working properly, for future playthroughs for one).
    I have Immy and Aerie in my party, and they had their, heh, cheesy masturbation banter. Then after I approached Mira the Merchant... The same banter triggered again. I tried removing Aerie from the party before approaching Mira, but the banter still triggers even then (!). When I reload the game before the banter happens initially and then approach Mira, it works as intended.

    Now, I analyzed the script and the dialogs for both the banter and the bracelet steal, but I don't see anything that could cause such behavior, but I'm not that smart when it comes to BG scripting. Any suggestions how could I fix that for the future?

  • ZaxaresZaxares Member Posts: 1,329
    I just ran across an extremely annoying bug, not sure how to deal with it. After defeating Gromnir in Saradush, Imoen starts a dialogue with your romance partner (if you're running multiple romances, she talks with ALL the eligible romance partners in the party), but after it's over, she continues to keep freezing and my character continues to turn to face her, as if there's another scripted conversation that's supposed to happen, but something's broken and the dialogue isn't firing properly. Has anybody else ever experienced this bug? If so, any idea what's the dialogue that's supposed to occur so I can try and troubleshoot what's going wrong?
  • EdvinEdvin Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 3,244
    Hi guys!
    I'm preparing a new game with a lot of mods, and I have two quick questions.

    1) Imoen romance v3.6 is latest version, right?
    2) I hear that there are some problems with Ascension.
    What should be installed first? Should I overwrite conflicts?
  • megamike15megamike15 Member Posts: 2,666
    the only issue imoen romance has is at the very end if you don't change her variable to 3 in ee keeper if your not romancing her. it goes to 4 and the game has no idea what to do so her script breaks during the last few interjections during the final scene of tob.
  • EdvinEdvin Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 3,244
    So if I'm planning a romance, I shouldn't have any problems, right?
    (Who instal thing called "Imoen romance" and then don't plan romancing Imoen? :D )
    Anyway, what should be installed first? Ascension or Imoen romance?
  • megamike15megamike15 Member Posts: 2,666
    edited July 2019
    yes it's only an issue if you don't romance her.

    and just because it's called imoen romance does not mean there is no non romance content. there are alot of dialogue you get even if you don't romance her mostly in tob. it's more an imoen expansion mod if anything.

    imoen romance can be installed after ascension.
  • EdvinEdvin Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 3,244
    I know about "friendship route" but how many of you prefer something like that?
    Forbidden fruit tastes best... >:)

    Anyway, your information was very useful and I thank you for your help.
  • ZaxaresZaxares Member Posts: 1,329
    Yeah, the Imoen Romance mod is actually extremely extensive and offers lots of different paths for Imoen. (You can romance her, romance her badly, be friends with her, help her find love with someone else, and there's like at least 18 different possible endings for Imoen depending on choices you made throughout the game/mod, although in fairness some of the differences are pretty minor.)

    I haven't had a chance to sit down and troubleshoot my own issues, but I've got some ideas now for what might be causing the problem. I'll update here once I've tried them out.
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