[Fixed][Mac][GoG] Great game...but where is the music?
Member Posts: 21
I've loved this game for years, and am very excited about the EE. But where is the iconic theme music? And more importantly, where is the in-game music? (Yes, I have the sound turned up). So far, just ambience and character voices/sounds. i'm playing on OS X 10.10 if that's relevant.
Post edited by Cerevant on
Now, with the EE, I don't understand, but I can't hear any sound battle, there is only one soundtrack at the begining of the game on EastHaven, then nothing more. The game become very fast very borring due to the lack of musics.
Is this a bug ? My computer ? An oversight ?
Anyway, thanks for anyone to reply, and help me find out what is going on.
...dat music...
It looks like this is something that has been the case since the original. That or since HoW.
There are two background musical tracks that will loop in certain areas, but they are very soft and very subtle. One is a rhythm section track that you can hear during some areas and on inventory screen at the beginning of the game and then in some other areas, and the other is a minor third Gregorian Chant that plays in the barrows of the Vale of Shadows, and in some other areas.
The first time I played IWD, I was so frustrated at the lack of looping for combat and exploration music tracks that I put a "boom box" in my lap, and played Wagner's "Ride of the Valkyries" over and over every time I entered a combat scenario that had no looping musical soundtrack.
Nowadays, I just kind of accept the lack of music for most of the game as part of it. That's very ironic in a game that has accolades for its musical compositions, isn't it?
I wonder if it's something to do with Yosemite. Unfortunately I don't have a 10.9 system to test it on. I'd be interested to hear the experiences of other Mac users.
EDIT: Oh, and there is no combat music. The first combat music only plays occasionally when you encounter shades in the Vale of Shadows.
@Dee and @moderators, I expect a *lot* of threads about this. I would suggest some consolidation, and possibly an announcement of some kind about how IWD does not have music looping, and never did.
Through most of the game, there will be no music. IWD has always been like that, which is why, although I agree with the accolades that it gets for what music it does have, it is very, very misleading to promote this game based on its music.
What hardware are we talking about?
Meanwhile, OMG, OMG, yay! I came here to post that I just got to the various barrows of the Vale of Shadows in my own run, and the battle music plays *inside* the barrows! And it does so at every combat trigger, just like in Baldur's Gate. Happy, happy, joy, joy! The original game did not do that. Talk about enhancement!
I hope there will be more of these enhanced combat music triggers through the game (crossing fingers). Those barrows and the other dungeons used to be so darned silent, musically, thus my "Wagner Ride of the Valkyries ready to start with a boombox in my lap" solution from when I played during the original release.
At least the music is there inside the barrows during the Vale of Shadows now. And, it just so happens that the Vale of Shadows combat music is one of my favorite combat music soundtracks ever. Thanks, Beamdog, you guys are awesome.
@akak to confirm: Quit the game and start the game. Is there any music when you arrive on the main screen where you select between IWD and HoW?
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'MOVIES', 'LOGO', '1',
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'Game Options', 'Footsteps', '1',
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'Game Options', 'GUI Feedback Level', '5',
'Game Options', 'Locator Feedback Level', '3',
'Game Options', 'Bored Timeout', '3000',
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'Game Options', 'Subtitles', '1',
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'Game Options', 'Effect Text Level', '62',
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'Game Options', 'Cleric Ranger Spells', '1',
'Program Options', 'Font Name', '',
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'Game Options', 'Last Save IWD', '000000000-Auto-Save',
'Language', 'Text', 'en_US',
'Program Options', 'Display Subtitles', '0'
1) Any Mods?
2) Any unusual media applications / editing software? e.g. video players, sound editors, codec packs, etc.