Not Going To Play BG:EE....

until the release of its sequel that is. As excited as I may be (and I am as excited as the rest of you so don't say I am not!) I cannot bear to play BG:EE until the release of BGII:EE. It'll take some serious patience and willpower but I will not cave. Anyone else going to do the same and wait a year or so?
Once BG2:EE comes out, I will likely play that, then go back and play the entire EE series as one game. Yes, I play BG alot.
More support = more chance future enhanced games will be produced.
Lol, no, I won't wait until BG2:EE comes out to play BG:EE. I'll try to play BG:EE as soon as it's available. It's how much time I have to complete it that's the problem for me.
As has been stated though, another year with no BG is a long time to wait, so I'll likely play it. If push comes to shove I can always recreate the character in regular BG2 and keep going from there, minus new NPC:s and such.
BG:EE took some months and had a lot troubles being the 1st project.
I'm going to play it right away about 5 times, with many different party combinations. I waited 14 years for this game to be improved...I'm pretty much done waiting.
I also believe BG2:EE will probably follow on much quicker than it took to do BG:EE, though they may space out it's release to allow for people to be ready to spend money release them too close together and you risk overloading the consumer wallet not that these games cost much but for some $20 is more than it is for others.
I was inspired by similar titles such as: "I keep beating my wife" Call of Duty etc.
Ahem... joking aside... :P
I agree that waiting one year is a bit much, or whatever time BG2:EE comes, maybe waiting a bit at the start though would be ok.
I probably won't be able to play it since the start of October or mid October, because of exams
If i play it, exams are screwed :P
My guess is that while they're working on BG2:EE, they'll release a few DLCs. I have every intention of exploring every nook and cranny--multiple times.
Speaking, of course, as someone who has completed two full playthroughs of the entire saga this year alone. (I'm currently playing Dragon Age: Origins to pass the time, and I'm bored to tears.)
I've been trying to play DA: O to pass the time but as I outlined in another thread its not exactly working. I forget which thread it was or I'd link my detailed reasons why again.
Of course, if the world ends with the Mayan Calendar, we're all hosed and will never see BG2:EE. And wouldn't that be a crying shame?