I'm an hour and a half late. Oh and GMT has no offset from UTC they are one and the same
Still it's agreat idea to up the stakes but how would we gve points for it? also it's hard enough for CoryNewb to trawl through dozens of posts to find the points winners adding another variable will make it worse.
It is me!
And me choose you!
Back to you even though you'll never respond in time.
Jackjack next
Oi! Stinkbeard!
elminster halp!
Sylvus gives an idea. Why don't we make a guess for time stamps as well ?
Post en route from wubble on 11:00 ( GMT , UTC+2 )
Oh and GMT has no offset from UTC they are one and the same
Still it's agreat idea to up the stakes but how would we gve points for it? also it's hard enough for CoryNewb to trawl through dozens of posts to find the points winners adding another variable will make it worse.
i'll give it a try anyway CoryNewb at 13:30 UTC
Where is elminster ?
Nonnahswriter is somewhere around here...