What do you think would be a fair price for Siege of Dragonspear?

Note: this poll is only about the most expensive version of Adventure Y i.e. the PC version. Android and iOS versions are generally cheaper.
Edit: http://www.gamestar.de/spiele/baldurs-gate-enhanced-edition-siege-of-dragonspear/artikel/siege_of_dragonspear,51968,3233354,fazit.html tells us the price will be around $20.
Edit: http://www.gamestar.de/spiele/baldurs-gate-enhanced-edition-siege-of-dragonspear/artikel/siege_of_dragonspear,51968,3233354,fazit.html tells us the price will be around $20.
- What do you think would be a fair price for Siege of Dragonspear?270 votes
- 1-2 USD  1.11%
- 3-4 USD  0.37%
- 5-6 USD  2.59%
- 7-8 USD  2.96%
- 9-10 USD25.19%
- 11-12 USD  4.07%
- 13-14 USD  1.85%
- 15-16 USD18.89%
- 17 USD or more (for e.g., 20 USD as a round number)41.11%
- I won't buy this expansion/game or I'm not interested  1.85%
Post edited by JuliusBorisov on
It does seem to be quite the story when you consider the background they gave, so it will hopefully be a bit longer than, say, Trials of the Luremaster or Watcher's Keep. I will buy it no matter what, but determining what I consider to be a fair price (though, really, a "fair price" is whatever people are willing to spend) is difficult without knowing how expansive the game will be.
BGEE's price is 19.99 USD. This is a full game with huge re-play value. We have 4 new NPCs there (although their stories are not long and detailed if compared to BG2EE).
BG2EE's price is 24.95 USD. This is even a bigger game with huge re-play value as well. We have 5 new NPCs with more detailed stories. We have ToB.
So to me, setting a similar price for an expansion (or a game that will have a limited storyline if compared to BGEE and BG2EE) seems wrong.
Taking into account all the background, the voice-overs, the meaning of this adventure for CHARNAME, and in the same time the fact that the scope of Adventure Y, no matter what "estimated play time" it has, is significantly less that the scope of BGEE, I would vote for the golden mean - 10 USD.
But I really don't know what to say other than this:
The more it will cost, the bigger it's going to be. So I hope it will be very expensive
If it's just an expansion to existing games, obviously less would be appropriate.
I have no problems whatsoever with paying for good products, and given that IWD:EE was quite well-done my confidence in the company is high enough to do it gladly.
Length of the adventure as well as any exclusive kits would be the driving factor in price.
It's a DLC so I'd price it as 50 cents per hour of main story game play, 25 cents per hour of subquest game play, $1 per new exclusive kit offered +1.
So if it is a 6 hour main plot playtime with a few (lets say 4) subquests and a 3 new kits, it'd be $8.
Regardless of what is in the game, it shouldn't be more than half the price of the original release. so 8 to 10 dollars.
Take my money!
basicly what @deltago said but with double numbers.
And expansion would be a downloadable content for bgee (like appstore) that would continue the game within bgee actually.
I also think the price point is hugely dependant on average content size. For a 6 - 10 hour story I would pay $10 potentially more depending on what the content is (short and sweet could win me over)
Adventure Y has shaped up to be larger than ToTSC but not quite the size of ToB.
So, what do people think with the new information available? Does it change your estimation? Are you ready to give your opinion?
So I still find the price of approximately 9.99 USD to be fair.
I think around 10 USD sounds about right. Though truthfully, I might pay a bit more if I keep hearing such promising news as I have been. I am looking forward to this with increasing anticipation!
So it's very hit or miss for me, i'll pay for it because it's a good game, or i won't get it at all, price isn't important for me.