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BG2 Hardcore Playthrough (SCS/No Reload/No Resting)

Jaheiras_WitnessJaheiras_Witness Member Posts: 614
Thought I'd do an update on my current playthrough, which I didn't think was possible but is still going strong.

It's the usual standard mods plus nearly all of SCS (no Improved Shade Lord is about the only omission). The variants are no reloading, no resting and no cheese (no running up and down stairs to avoid spells, simulacrums cannot use Quick Items etc). The only tweaks in my favour are No Traps & Locks and all items are identified.

I chose a Dwarven Berserker. Casters are useless without resting and with a Berseker I can continue to get more and more Enrages (which are key for survival) just through levelling up.

This was more an experimental run but it's turned out to be incredibly fun and a lot easier than I expected! I'm about to set off for's the character.


Level 34 already :0.

I blitzed through all Athkatla quests in about 3 days. Then did a full tour of the provinces, de'Arnise Keep, Umar Hills, Trademeet and Windspear Hills, before coming back to Athkatla and doing the Planar Sphere and Chapter 3 quests. Note that of the 14 days and 2 hours, nearly half that time is Cromwell upgrading stuff for me and 2 or 3 days were travel time. The actual adventuring has been done in about 5 days! It's just constant blitz when there's no resting, I'm going straight from one fight to another, which has the advantage of preserving buffs.

I've been fatigued since day 7 but it's hardly made a noticeable difference. When THAC0 is so low you only ever miss on a 1 and when AC is so good, most non-boss enemies can only hit on a 20.

The only Athkatla fights I haven't done so far are those for which I want the Cloak of Mirroring before attempting: Guarded Compound, the 3 liches across Athkatla, Kangaxx, the Twisted Rune and the Shadow Dragon (I had no consistent way to avoid level drain when I went to Umar Hills since Enrage only lasts 10 rounds - I have the upgraded Mace now so will do in Chapter 6). Firkraag was surprisingly easy - I used the Vhailor's Helm Simulacrum for that fight and then used a Restoration scroll on my clone. The sheer melee power of 2 level 26 Dwarven Berserkers was too much for the Dragon to handle, the fight lasted less than 30 seconds and I only used the clone's HLAs, didn't even need to touch my PCs GWWs.

I will continue to update as I progress into Spellhold. The key so far is potions, I buy every useful potion I can get my hands on and use them constantly to make the PC immune to as many status effects as possible.

So as I set off for Spellhold I'm about to get my only rest until the very end of SoA (the next one will be the transition from Suldanesselar to Hell)! When I get to Brynnlaw I will have 9 x Enrage, 3 x Hardiness, 1 x WW, 7 x GWW, 1 x Power Attack, 1 x Critical Strike and 1 x Smite to get me through the rest of the game, plus any gained through level ups (I'm playing without a XP cap but I believe I can still only get up to level 50, so only another 16 HLAs left). I also have a few 1 use per day items which will help, including the Iron Horn of Valhalla and Vhailor's Helm, plus 19 charges of Fireshield Red/Summon Fire Elemental from the Staff of Fire.

I didn't originally plan to do a write up for this playthrough since I didn't think it would last, but since I've got this far I will now post updates and take any questions on strategy and tactics :).


  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,773
    edited December 2014
    Interesting, I'll follow :) It's better late than never, so it would be good to read even while you started reporting at the 34th level:)

    Tagging "a group of no-reload monsters" like @BelgarathMTH‌ @Blackraven‌ @lolien‌ @CrevsDaak‌ @Gotural‌ @Elrandir‌ @kcwise - a solo berserker is entertaining :)
  • BelgarathMTHBelgarathMTH Member Posts: 5,653
    @Jaheiras_Witness‌ , I love your screen name. :)

    Good luck to you as you continue your run.
  • Jaheiras_WitnessJaheiras_Witness Member Posts: 614
    Well I seem to have run into an issue already...Bhaal won't follow me into Candlekeep! I've tried everything, standing near, standing far, walking in and waiting, he just won't come in. Help?!
  • Jaheiras_WitnessJaheiras_Witness Member Posts: 614

    Even when I'm this close he just won't follow. No idea what to do.
  • Jaheiras_WitnessJaheiras_Witness Member Posts: 614
    Just tried reloading from entering Spellhold and still same issue, so it must be a bug, possibly mod related. Has anybody encountered this or know what the solution is?
  • CrevsDaakCrevsDaak Member Posts: 7,155
    It's a vanilla bug that happens on solo runs. I firgot how to fix it (and in my latest install I haven't get past BG1 Chapter1 yet).

    I think that you should have chosen a Half-Orc Barbarian, since Zerker's Rage make you fatigued when it ends. Wizard Slayer Dwarf could also be a good one here too.
  • Jaheiras_WitnessJaheiras_Witness Member Posts: 614
    The fatigue from Berserker rage only lasts for 1 minute and is irrelevant since nothing lasts that long. The Berserker is otherwise superior to the Barbarian in just about every way, and Dwarf is the only race suitable. Survivability is king and the saving throw bonuses trump everything else.

    Not that any of that is relevant unless I can get past this bug :(
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,773
    According to this you should spawn Bhaal inside candlekeep CLUAConsole:CreateCreature("PPBHAAL")

    According to this it really works!
  • Jaheiras_WitnessJaheiras_Witness Member Posts: 614
    Thank you, I will try that tonight. Yeah it is a bit unsatisfactory starting reporting at level 34 (now 35!). Now that I know that this variant is possible I might do another run with a different character starting in Irenicus''s just not easy letting go of an epic berserker that can slaughter anything in a couple of rounds!
  • VreejackVreejack Member Posts: 60
    Just experienced this one myself. Very strange that it only happens in solo games as this is seriously the only place where, whatever the size of your party, everyone must play solo.
  • semiticgoddesssemiticgoddess Member Posts: 14,903
    @Jaheiras_Witness: How do you conserve your HLAs and item uses like Vhailor's Helm? Do you recharge items at stores? Or do you only get to use Vhailor's Helm once in the entire playthrough?
  • hisplshispls Member Posts: 166
    Ballsy challenge here, but how do you role play not sleeping for 2 weeks straight?
  • semiticgoddesssemiticgoddess Member Posts: 14,903
    @hispls: I roleplayed my restless Mage/Fighter by saying as a Lawful Neutral character she was paralyzed at the idea of being caught sleeping on the streets. After going enough time without sleep, she lost her mind and didn't sleep for over a month.
  • hisplshispls Member Posts: 166

    @hispls: I roleplayed my restless Mage/Fighter by saying as a Lawful Neutral character she was paralyzed at the idea of being caught sleeping on the streets. After going enough time without sleep, she lost her mind and didn't sleep for over a month.

    I think you'd be batshit crazy within 5 days. It would explain that demonic dream you had when you finally passed out though...
  • Jaheiras_WitnessJaheiras_Witness Member Posts: 614

    @Jaheiras_Witness: How do you conserve your HLAs and item uses like Vhailor's Helm? Do you recharge items at stores? Or do you only get to use Vhailor's Helm once in the entire playthrough?

    I don't do any recharging.

    Most x use/day items are useless in this variant. I normally use the single charge and then sell them. The only ones I kept were the Iron Horn (the level 9 berserker is pretty decent and for the absolute toughest fights summons are handy. Curiously the berserker summons use and drop potions too under SCS!) And I bought Vhailor's Helm, just because the Simulacrum is so powerful that it's worth it even if I can only use it 3 times in all SoA (3 times is because of the free rests when going to Spellhold and Hell, which recharge the Helm). So far I had used Vhailor's against Firkraag and I intended to use the second time for Demogorgon's 5 Demon Knights. Third time would be in the final battle against Irenicus.

    Conserving HLAs is a non-issue...I was getting HLAs faster than I could use them. With 9/2 APR and only 5% miss, not to mention the FoA Slow effect, nothing lasts more than a couple of rounds anyway, so I was very rarely needing to use HLAs. In fact after Chapter 3 Bodhi, which was supposed to be my last fight before Spellhold, I had a Hardiness and 2 GWWs left over, so I travelled across the city until I got a random encounter just to burn those HLAs :open_mouth:

    Enrages are more precious, but only to counter Maze spells and level drain (could also use the mace for the latter). Saving throws and innumerable Potions of Invulnerability could deal with everything else, but Enrage is the only defence against Maze (if an enemy mage ever started casting a long conjuration spell "Kyo wocho...", I used that as my cue to Enrage, even if the majority of the time it turned out to be a summoning spell! I was paranoid of Maze, such an annoying spell and so unfair for solo no-load characters).

  • Jaheiras_WitnessJaheiras_Witness Member Posts: 614
    hispls said:

    Ballsy challenge here, but how do you role play not sleeping for 2 weeks straight?

    This was a tactical challenge, not a roleplay :)
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