Alignments for Rasaad, Neera, and Dorn?

I haven't seen anything yet stating their specific alignments, but I would like to see what people think they might be. Obviously, Rasaad will either be Lawful Good or Lawful Neutral and Dorn will be of an evil alignment. My predictions are:
Rasaad: Lawful Good, given his quote: "In the face of lies, we offer truth. In the face of hatred, we offer compassion."
Neera: Chaotic Neutral, since "she finds both delight and terror in her capricious magic."
Dorn: Neutral Evil, since he "lusts for revenge and glory in equal measure."
Rasaad: Lawful Good, given his quote: "In the face of lies, we offer truth. In the face of hatred, we offer compassion."
Neera: Chaotic Neutral, since "she finds both delight and terror in her capricious magic."
Dorn: Neutral Evil, since he "lusts for revenge and glory in equal measure."
I think Neera from what I've read sounds more like Chaotic Good
Dorn I actually think is most likely to be Chaotic Evil since Trent said in the 10-6 podcast that all Dorn cares about is power.
You are right though, none of us know much about his true intentions and at this time all we can do is speculate.
Dorn's path of "revenge and glory" seems to be he's determined to accomplish it, no matter if he's alone or with a group.
@Xavioria he might simply be attracted to the characters overall strength/power at first. Not only is the PC usually the strongest player in a group, but you also start getting some of your initial bhaalspawn powers in Nashkel so we'll see. I'm definitely interested to see how it'll play out. Especially since it'll be either an Elf or a Halfling romancing a Half-Orc.
Imagine the amount of complexity there would be if they incorporated alignment tendencies into the game.
*edited for typos--Mortianna is Lawful, after all.
Neera, well, either Chaotic Neutral or Chaotic Good.
As for Dorn, i imagine the powerhungry stereotype of Neutral Evil, but i would say that, if Blackguards are considered Knights in the game, no matter how unholy, he might have his own code and thus be Lawful instead.
Anyway, more or less what everyone else expected.
Neera: CG
Rashaad: LN
Dorn: NE
Altough I could see it shaking out like the OP had it.
The other reason I think of Dorn as chaotic evil is that Blackguards in AD&D were seen (if I remember correctly) as pretty much an Anti-Paladin which would make them Chaotic Evil. That said I've also heard of plenty of blackguards in 3E and 3.5E that were lawful evil. Dorn can really go any which way in evil and fit it in. It's just how much he cares about staying within the bounds of the law around him.
I've always seen mafia bosses a good examples of lawful evil. They have a strong loyalty to "the family," establish a clearly-defined hierarchy, observe defined codes of conduct (ala "Casino": you don't have sex with your friends' wives unless you wanna get whacked), and see a society's laws as restrictions to work around and use to their advantage. They adhere to the letter, not the spirit, of the rules they impose and observe.
The confusing part is he is from a monastery devoted to Selune who is CG which doesn't match with any lawful alignment.
And as for the half-orc I agree he is definitely evil, however his power grab and revenge thing can be equally fitted in both CE and NE alignments. We will simply have to wait since we don't have sufficient information.
Same thing about the monk. He is defo LN or LG but to be more specific than that we will have to have more than just one quote....something which reveals more of his personality.