@Quartz Basically, if you're hooking up with Dorn, it's because you just saw him chop something in half and you got a little hot and bothered by that. That's the impression I get.
Heh. So he has the same appeal as lumberjacks then.
So, will the new companions actually interact with the older ones? I thought that was not possible. Maybe I did not understand that correctly.
They can't change existing dialogue, but they're allowed to write new dialogue for the old NPCs to react to new situations and characters.
For example, Dorn and Minsc could have a chat about how friggin' awesome swords are, but Minsc and Dynaheir can't have new banters with one another.
Actually, the thing we can't do is add new voice recording to the original game. We can (and will) add new voice recording to the expansion modules. It's a guild contract obstacle, not a problem with the licensor.
We've done some editing and very minor additions to the original dialogue, but no substantial changes.
Just decided to look over the characters again. Noticed the reverence to Selûne for the monk dude. As taken from the forgotten realms wiki:
Selûne (pronounced seh-LOON-ay[3]), also known as Our Lady of Silver and the Moonmaiden, is the goddess of the moon. She is also venerated in Faerûn as a goddess of light, stars, navigation, navigators, wanderers, questers, and goodly lycanthropes.[4]
She's Chaotic Good, meaning she shouldn't even have a monastic order according to 3e rules. A worshiper of a diety can only be one alignment type off it, meaning Selûne worshipers should theoretically only be Chaotic Good, Chaotic Neutral or Neutral Good. Still, she's a good-aligned diety which would highly suggest Rasaad is going to be good aligned himself.
I wonder if he'll have some tie-in quest with lycanthropes. If so, it'd be really cool to see how he plays out with Cernd in BG2. (Also, I hope they make shapeshifters worthwhile because they are totally ass right now, and by extension so is Cernd.)
For the other ones, I would guess CG or CN for Neera. I hope CN, because neutral NPCs don't quit your party! They just whine a lot.
I actually figure that Dorn will be Lawful Evil. He's got a clear motive and a sense of "duty." He'll slaughter weaklings but it doesn't strike me (at least from what we know about him) out of mere spite.
I think Rasaad is going to be Lawful Neutral because he most likely belongs to a monk order of some sort and probable wants to preserve the "balance". I think Neera is chaotic good because i think it would take a good person to leave the wizards of Thay and set things right, chaotic because she is unpredictable. Dorn has to be chaotic evil. Orcs are chaotic and blackguards are evil.
Makes me wonder what Neera will be. Probably neutral, question remains, which type...
From the short story, she strikes me as a wild child and has problems with authority and doing things by the rules. I stand by my first guess of Chaotic Neutral.
From the short story, she strikes me as a wild child and has problems with authority and doing things by the rules. I stand by my first guess of Chaotic Neutral.
Rasaad: Lawful Good... people who early in life are anti-social (for whatever reason) and later succeed in turning their life around, often do so via a wholehearted conversion to a religion or philosophy.
Dorn: Lawful Evil... he's driven by revenge, and question is will he be methodical and pragmatic... I'm guessing that he will be focused. I think they will try to avoid a cliche stereotype (i.e., orcish blood and the kit itself) and make him Lawful. Hopefully, he'll have decent intelligence as well.
Neera: Chaotic Good... because she lacks discipline and seems to have a heart of gold, i.e., is deeply caring about others and how her actions affect them, etc. Could be NG too I guess. I forget if a Wild Mage is restricted to Chaotic alignment...
I'm going to deliberately ignore the one guy saying that "only caring about his own power" (basically, the very definition of NE) means that he's CE. <.< Similarly, anyone saying that Neera is not Chaotic must not be taken seriously. :P
Personally, I just hope Rasaad and Neera aren't both Good or both Neutral, because I want to pick one for my Good team and one for my Neutral team.
Now, I have two questions:
1) Aren't Blackguards SUPPOSED to be Lawful, by the rules? My memory is fuzzy on this subject, but from the start this one was the only alignment I was sure about.
2) I read the short story about Neera, but didn't find the one about Rasaad. Link, please??
Following this, if they make a balanced alignment distribution Dorn will be probally neutral in chaos/law terms, so i guess Dorn will be neutral evil. The fact he's urging for revenge shows an willful conduct, and this kind of stability and permanence would not fit in chaotic alignment and neither a person that lived most of his life in Luskan by raw power would be compatible with an lawful alignment.
Based on Neera's story, she should be probally be of good alignment, unless the traumatic events are used to make her chaotic neutral.
Rasaad didn't fit for me as a good character, based on his past lawful good would mean to condemn pickpocket or any non legal behavior, and he felt in his own skin that sometimes the world isn't white and black (we was an orphan that lived of small pickpokets), as lawful neutral he could follow a strict code that his heart doesn't agree but his duty sense commands.
1) Aren't Blackguards SUPPOSED to be Lawful, by the rules? My memory is fuzzy on this subject, but from the start this one was the only alignment I was sure about.
I think Blackguards were added in 2nd edition AD&D as a specific Fallen Paladin kit (when Fallen Paladins formally devote themselves to the path of evil). The focus is on the good/evil axis rather than law/chaos. I see it as the counterpart to the Cavalier class of 1st edition AD&D, which could be of any good alignment.
Lawful Evil does seem to "fit" Blackguards though. It's that whole "black" and "guard" thing, I suppose.
I know that everyone is thinking One good, one neutral and one evil new NPC. I for one am rooting for two of neutral alitnment. In BG2, we don't need another goodhearted warrior with or without stealth and we don't need such a mage either.
Neutral may not need a stealther as they have Jan, but without a pure warrior, a hole will be filled. Also, whilst drowning in priests, they lack access to the high level magic until Jan gets there.
I've often felt forced to play a good cleric, a neutral mage or an evil thief unless I mix the group's alignments.
There is another possible clue to Rasaad. Rasaad belongs to the Order of the Sun Soul, and he was raised specifically at a monastery that worships Selune. Selune is a decidedly Good goddess. And she is also Chaotic.
Selune's worshipers have the alignment restriction of NG, CG and CN. Not that Rasaad is a devout worshiper, necessarily. But if he was raised at monastery that worships that goddess that would have been a strong shaping influence.
Yeah i'd guess that Rasaad is Lawful Good, coming from his dialogue, Neera sounds mostly Chaotic Neutral, so that leaves Dorn to be Neutral Evil, or Lawful Evil if Blackguards are forced to be lawful.
At this rate, we should have some sort of betting pool set up for this. ;-)
When Dorn's short story comes out, we'll probably have a better idea of the law/chaos axis of his evil alignment. Rasaad's and Neera's stories could be interpreted in different ways in terms of the good or neutral issue. The suspense!
Rasaad *cannot* be Lawful Neutral. These two quotes: "In the face of lies, we offer truth. In the face of hatred, we offer compassion." and "If he can also find opportunities to reflect his inner light on those in need, he is eager to do so." are clear about that. Lawful Neutral characters don't give a shit about compassion or helping people, they only care about order. He has to be Lawful Good.
As for Neera, that's a tough call IMO. She definitely seems chaotic but Chaotic Neutral characters tend to be selfish and lunatic. She almost seems too "nice" for this alignment. It would not surprise me if she was Chaotic Good and there was no Neutral character...
@Mera Agreed on Rasaad. I think Neera's Chaotic Neutral because, in her story, she's not concerned about the impact of her actions on others as much as what she thinks of herself. Take, for example, the last paragraph:
"That's not- I didn't mean- Oh, I hate you all!" Neera raised the staff she had won from Pollae, wanting desperately to hit someone. Pollae and the Binsters flinched and stepped back. When she saw the fear on their faces, Neera felt horrified-not by her friends, not by the situation, but by herself.
She was horrified when she realized what she was capable of doing. Chaotic Neutrals don't actively seek to harm or help others. Rather, they are concerned primarily about themselves and having the freedom to pursue their whims. In this case, she realized she has a violent and destructive side as well.
Monks aren't clerics as they don't need to follow a deity alignment even if worship them, at least that's what i know of them atm, they don't have divine powers to receive anyway.
There's this link to an NWN2 page that expose the monastic orders that exist on Faerûn atm:
Based on the info above the sun souls can be lawful good or lawful neutral, the presented moto belongs to the order as i see and the order can be of both alignments.
As i put before, Neera will be chaotic good/neutral, good if they stick with her personality, neutral if they assume the events after her leave of wizard school changed her somehow or based in game needs neutral if they want to balance the alignments.
BG has Dynaheir (good aligned), Xan (neutral aligned), Edwin and Xzar (evil aligned), but in BG2 we stick with Nalia, Imoen, Aerie, (good aligned ), Jan (neutral aligned) and Edwin (evil aligned). So in the sum of both games we have 4 good mages, 2 neutral mages and 2 evil mages, being obvious that Neera isn't evil in terms of equalism neutral will fit a better alignment, but i still stick with chaotic good.
Rasaad *cannot* be Lawful Neutral. These two quotes: "In the face of lies, we offer truth. In the face of hatred, we offer compassion." and "If he can also find opportunities to reflect his inner light on those in need, he is eager to do so." are clear about that. Lawful Neutral characters don't give a shit about compassion or helping people, they only care about order. He has to be Lawful Good.
As for Neera, that's a tough call IMO. She definitely seems chaotic but Chaotic Neutral characters tend to be selfish and lunatic. She almost seems too "nice" for this alignment. It would not surprise me if she was Chaotic Good and there was no Neutral character...
Agree again. I think it's implied that she is remorseful. I'm going to guess that she's a zany, free spirit who is also caring and socially connected. I doubt she'll be self-centered above and beyond any young person's penchant to be so.
I've had dwarven strippers who were less of a tease than this.
Only three more weeks...
We've done some editing and very minor additions to the original dialogue, but no substantial changes.
Wow. I liked BG:EE a lot before. Now it´s just an unbelievable amazing product
Selûne (pronounced seh-LOON-ay[3]), also known as Our Lady of Silver and the Moonmaiden, is the goddess of the moon. She is also venerated in Faerûn as a goddess of light, stars, navigation, navigators, wanderers, questers, and goodly lycanthropes.[4]
She's Chaotic Good, meaning she shouldn't even have a monastic order according to 3e rules. A worshiper of a diety can only be one alignment type off it, meaning Selûne worshipers should theoretically only be Chaotic Good, Chaotic Neutral or Neutral Good. Still, she's a good-aligned diety which would highly suggest Rasaad is going to be good aligned himself.
I wonder if he'll have some tie-in quest with lycanthropes. If so, it'd be really cool to see how he plays out with Cernd in BG2. (Also, I hope they make shapeshifters worthwhile because they are totally ass right now, and by extension so is Cernd.)
For the other ones, I would guess CG or CN for Neera. I hope CN, because neutral NPCs don't quit your party! They just whine a lot.
I actually figure that Dorn will be Lawful Evil. He's got a clear motive and a sense of "duty." He'll slaughter weaklings but it doesn't strike me (at least from what we know about him) out of mere spite.
Dorn will obviously be Lawful Evil as a Blackguard.
Makes me wonder what Neera will be. Probably neutral, question remains, which type...
Dorn: Lawful Evil... he's driven by revenge, and question is will he be methodical and pragmatic... I'm guessing that he will be focused. I think they will try to avoid a cliche stereotype (i.e., orcish blood and the kit itself) and make him Lawful. Hopefully, he'll have decent intelligence as well.
Neera: Chaotic Good... because she lacks discipline and seems to have a heart of gold, i.e., is deeply caring about others and how her actions affect them, etc. Could be NG too I guess. I forget if a Wild Mage is restricted to Chaotic alignment...
Rasaad: LN or LG
Neera: CN or CG
Dorn: LE or NE
I'm going to deliberately ignore the one guy saying that "only caring about his own power" (basically, the very definition of NE) means that he's CE. <.<
Similarly, anyone saying that Neera is not Chaotic must not be taken seriously. :P
Personally, I just hope Rasaad and Neera aren't both Good or both Neutral, because I want to pick one for my Good team and one for my Neutral team.
Now, I have two questions:
1) Aren't Blackguards SUPPOSED to be Lawful, by the rules? My memory is fuzzy on this subject, but from the start this one was the only alignment I was sure about.
2) I read the short story about Neera, but didn't find the one about Rasaad. Link, please??
Neera is Chaotic.
Rasaad is Lawful.
Dorn is Evil
Following this, if they make a balanced alignment distribution Dorn will be probally neutral in chaos/law terms, so i guess Dorn will be neutral evil. The fact he's urging for revenge shows an willful conduct, and this kind of stability and permanence would not fit in chaotic alignment and neither a person that lived most of his life in Luskan by raw power would be compatible with an lawful alignment.
Based on Neera's story, she should be probally be of good alignment, unless the traumatic events are used to make her chaotic neutral.
Rasaad didn't fit for me as a good character, based on his past lawful good would mean to condemn pickpocket or any non legal behavior, and he felt in his own skin that sometimes the world isn't white and black (we was an orphan that lived of small pickpokets), as lawful neutral he could follow a strict code that his heart doesn't agree but his duty sense commands.
So my guess is:
Neera - Chaotic Good
Rassad - Lawful Neutral
Dorn - Neutral Evil
Neutral may not need a stealther as they have Jan, but without a pure warrior, a hole will be filled. Also, whilst drowning in priests, they lack access to the high level magic until Jan gets there.
I've often felt forced to play a good cleric, a neutral mage or an evil thief unless I mix the group's alignments.
Selune's worshipers have the alignment restriction of NG, CG and CN. Not that Rasaad is a devout worshiper, necessarily. But if he was raised at monastery that worships that goddess that would have been a strong shaping influence.
When Dorn's short story comes out, we'll probably have a better idea of the law/chaos axis of his evil alignment. Rasaad's and Neera's stories could be interpreted in different ways in terms of the good or neutral issue. The suspense!
As for Neera, that's a tough call IMO. She definitely seems chaotic but Chaotic Neutral characters tend to be selfish and lunatic. She almost seems too "nice" for this alignment. It would not surprise me if she was Chaotic Good and there was no Neutral character...
"That's not- I didn't mean- Oh, I hate you all!" Neera raised the staff she had won from Pollae, wanting desperately to hit someone. Pollae and the Binsters flinched and stepped back. When she saw the fear on their faces, Neera felt horrified-not by her friends, not by the situation, but by herself.
She was horrified when she realized what she was capable of doing. Chaotic Neutrals don't actively seek to harm or help others. Rather, they are concerned primarily about themselves and having the freedom to pursue their whims. In this case, she realized she has a violent and destructive side as well.
There's this link to an NWN2 page that expose the monastic orders that exist on Faerûn atm:
Based on the info above the sun souls can be lawful good or lawful neutral, the presented moto belongs to the order as i see and the order can be of both alignments.
As i put before, Neera will be chaotic good/neutral, good if they stick with her personality, neutral if they assume the events after her leave of wizard school changed her somehow or based in game needs neutral if they want to balance the alignments.
BG has Dynaheir (good aligned), Xan (neutral aligned), Edwin and Xzar (evil aligned), but in BG2 we stick with Nalia, Imoen, Aerie, (good aligned ), Jan (neutral aligned) and Edwin (evil aligned). So in the sum of both games we have 4 good mages, 2 neutral mages and 2 evil mages, being obvious that Neera isn't evil in terms of equalism neutral will fit a better alignment, but i still stick with chaotic good.