Unbeatable encounter after exiting nashkel mines.
I just beat mulahey to finish the quest and i exited the mines immediately i am ambushed by what looks to be two 4th level or higher clerics a fighter and two rogues. They deicmated my entire party easily while taking little to no damage. How in the hell are you supposed to survive in this damn game. It was novel at first taking random damage form kobolds but i am completely destroyed in 2 turns.
I Tried maneuvering dynaheir to cast a color spray at them but it knocks one of them out at most and even then they usually save anyway which is utterly ridiculous. again i want an answer what exactly am i to do. i ahve been thrown at a wall after less than 1/10 of the entire game i even waited, until all of my party was level 2 before going and now i hit a wall anyway. this is the legendary baldur's gate ? what am i supped to grind random encounters for a few weeks until i get the 10,000 exp for level 5 ? every side quest i tried ended up the same way, it led to a level 5 spell caster with an army of summoned monsters with a quick party death following.
I would like an answer I dont have alot of options, my mage can cast 2 spells that suck because the enemies make saving throws 99% of the time, my only healer cant even heal more than 4 times with a spell that takes a week to cast and i have no buffs at all because i need every heal i can get because The enemies roll ridiculously high and even my fighters cant hit the broad side of a barn from inside the damn barn.
If there is something im missing here i would like to know. I was enjoying the game until this crap happened.
I Tried maneuvering dynaheir to cast a color spray at them but it knocks one of them out at most and even then they usually save anyway which is utterly ridiculous. again i want an answer what exactly am i to do. i ahve been thrown at a wall after less than 1/10 of the entire game i even waited, until all of my party was level 2 before going and now i hit a wall anyway. this is the legendary baldur's gate ? what am i supped to grind random encounters for a few weeks until i get the 10,000 exp for level 5 ? every side quest i tried ended up the same way, it led to a level 5 spell caster with an army of summoned monsters with a quick party death following.
I would like an answer I dont have alot of options, my mage can cast 2 spells that suck because the enemies make saving throws 99% of the time, my only healer cant even heal more than 4 times with a spell that takes a week to cast and i have no buffs at all because i need every heal i can get because The enemies roll ridiculously high and even my fighters cant hit the broad side of a barn from inside the damn barn.
If there is something im missing here i would like to know. I was enjoying the game until this crap happened.
People here will give a lot of good tips. Here are some of mine:
*Have your cleric cast silence and hold person (if you have them). Command also is great for the casters. It puts them down for a round and interrupts their spells. I don't have them memorize too many healing spells, because healing during fights is counter-productive.
*Blindness is a great spell for your mage to cast. They may save against it, but if they don't, they are out of the battle.
*Any area effect disable spells like web, grease, entanglement can really turn the tide, particularly if you have ranged characters.
Baldur's Gate is a difficult game for low level groups. Eventually you will run into walls less and less often and, if you can believe it, look back with some fondness on the difficulties you encountered early on.
Xan may be very effective with his charm person spells. If the spell sticks, you take control of one of the enemies and can use her to attack her former companions.
Color spray is a terrible spell to use in this battle, anyway. But Dynaheir can't cast enchantment spells. If she had a fireball wand, however, she could send a globe of burning death to the group from afar. If you switch the wand to Xan or another mage or bard, he can send in another fireball instantly and that will be the end of that group, really. Any lucky survivor will have little hp left and can be finished off with ranged attacks. (ranged weapons and especially bows are the king in bg1!)) If another party member has a burning oil potion to throw as well, those amazons stand no chance at all! The trick is ofcourse, getting a fireball wand or burning oil potion.
Baldurs gate can be a very unforgiving game, but it awards exploration. If you explore wilderness areas you will stumble upon many quests, encounters and rewards:magical items that will help you in your main quest, not to mention xp will make you level up faster. If you rush the main quest, with low lvl party and no good items, you will have a hard time, especially if it is your first time playing the game.
Also you don't have to battle the amazons you can leave the map from another point. If an encounter is too hard, retreat and return back when you are better prepared.
If your best armours are splint mails, if your mage is lvl 2 or know no useful spells, if your priests can't cast lvl 2 spells, just avoiding them for now may be the way to go.
How to Beat the Amazons in Three Easy Steps
Step 1: Roll a barbarian.
Step 2: Rage the barbarian.
Step 3: Be a barbarian.
However, if you are so determined to win that fight, here's what I suggest: use Minsc. Of course, if you don't have Minsc in your party then this won't work. First of all, Minsc's Berserk ability makes him immune to all the status effect spells that the clerics use. Second of all, the two thieves have extremely powerful long-range weapons but their melee weapons are much weaker. If you get up close to them they will switch to their melee weapons, making the battle easier. Third of all, putting on the Boots of Grounding that you got from Mulahey will help you resist the damage from the clerics' Glyph of Warding spell.
Here's the plan. Have Minsc enter stealth. He should have best armor you've got in his inventory, and he should have the Boots of Grounding equipped. Have him go right next to the two thieves, equip the armor, go berserk, and attack the enemies. He should do a decent job on his own, but the rest of your party members should also come in once they're focused on Minsc.
Hopefully this helps.
As previously mentioned, a tank getting up close and personal with anyone that casts spells is a recipe for success. Once the focus is on the tank (and the fools usually switch to melee) then your ranged attackers are shooting fish in a barrel.
Also, if your tank is well protected, don't be shy of laying down a fireball or skull trap, if he has the armour or protective gear, he'll shrug it off while the enemy dies.
No one in my party can cast beyond level one spells. I don't have access to command because my only divine caster is a druid.
I tried berserking minsc he got his $%$^ ruined sure the spells did nothing but the fighters diced him like a vegetable anyway. my other guys cant hit them more than 1 out of 4 times on average. and this is without a difficulty adjustment.
I scribed the scroll of web given that dynaheir just started wizard school last week and knows only two spells magic missile and burning hands. both of which are useless at this level. bad move maybe but i looked around and found no merchant selling spell scrolls so i figured scribing any higher level spell found was a good move.
I prioritized buying healing potions because just from doing a few sidequests i went through a dozen healing potions trying to keep the party's HP up because A. before i did so everyone was dropping like flies because apparently every two bit hobgoblin or kobold has better thaco than a my lvl 2 paladin with 18/60 str and 18 dex. and B. I have one multiclass druid who can cast four lvl one spells. so my healing spells are light.
I cant have buff spells anyway need all the heals I can get. Every time a group of measley kobolds attacks even my paladin will take one or two hits, and he has an ac of 0. so that means that these lvl 0 monsters are constantly rolling 18-20!!! its ludicrous. never mind the fact that even my paladin cant make one damn save vs a simple fear or hold spell.
I feel like i am being mercilessly punished for actually role playing in a role playing game and not just consulting a guide every five minutes.
I think one of the most important clues earlier provided is to handle what your level can handle.
Obviously your level is too low for the amazons outside nashkell mines south so go west on map and ignore them for now. They are not going anywhere, come back later.
Now your grief sounds a bit more encompassing than that.
You handled the mines, so you have a clue how to fight and fight well.
Think beyond this though. What can I do that gets me higher in level without getting me dead?
Well there are a few maps that can do this;
- High Hedge west of Beregost,
- the maps between Friendly Arm and Nashkell, did you clear them?
- the maps just barely east and west of these main road maps ( be aware, some have mini-bosses, you'll know them when you see them)
So the point is, a man needs to know his limitations.
No way in hell you are taking down a level 5 group at level 2 on first play-through ( or second).
Relax, They are going NOWHERE come back later.
@Sharguidesmyhand- I have my inquisitor paladin, imoen, jahieira khalid minsc dynahier.
You have the info.
Use it.
These are just the few tricks/tips that will net you tons of xp, and good items with little hassle. No need for cheating. Ofcourse you don't have to do such powergaming to win the game, either. If ranged attackers are causing you trouble, use Unshey's Girdle, and a large shield, they give extra protection against ranged attacks. And you will get the boots of avoidance soon, too. With boots, girdle and a good shield your ac will be 9 better against arrows than the listed amount. Get sword&shield style for up to +4 additional ac as well. Equip a plate mail, helmet and when you can afford it, a ring of protection and full plate mail. No ranged enemy can score a hit on you unless they roll a 20, a natural critical.
PS: If you're getting frustrated about that battle, then you may as well forget about playing Baldur's Gate 2. Those Amazons are a piece of cake compared to some of the encounters you'll come across in the next game.
1) Run away a lot.
2) Don't take a knife to a gunfight.
It is not a battle you can win with AI on, running into them and hoping for melee/ranged fighters to win it. There are two Hold Person casters in that group.
Now that you know the group is waiting for you, you have the typical advantage in BG games that you can prepare your group before moving towards them more carefully.
Retreating can be an idea. Get some distance between your heroes, too, so spells that target one hero don't hit your entire party.
Review what you can do with Minsc, Dynaheir and Jaheira. Glitterdust, Sleep, Hold Person, Web, Berserker Enrage. Check your collected potions and scrolls, too. Don't be afraid of "wasting" any wands you may have found.
Your party is versatile enough.
It's a long way from Candlekeep via Friendly Arm Inn and Beregost to Nashkel and Nashkel Mines. There are quite some areas you can explore on the way. Enough opportunity to gain experience. Not just with your heroes but also personal experience.
Nothing wrong with buying healing potions, but early on you don't have much gold, so buying antidote can be wiser. Think about Landrin's task in Beregost - you learn about it at Friendly Arm Inn. That's a fight that is easier early on, because you will meet harder enemies when you do it later. You can always return to an inn in Beregost to rest safely when you're afraid of resting outside. No need to heal with potions.
and always remember that some fights can be made easier or avoided entirely by choosing the right dialogue options, don't be afraid to load a save and explore every bit of dialogue and see if there's an easier way.
1. Some encounters just off the beaten track are insanely hard. The nature of the game is that you do have to learn from trial and error whether for instance it is a good idea to explore the area where you exit the mines or whether you should head west and go straight back to Nashkell. Your party is almost certainly carrying loads of loot that you need to sell anyway. Some areas are usually safe even for a low level party but can occasionally spawn extremely dangerous enemies. Don't be afraid to run away.
2. There are a few mini quests in places like Beregost. It is one of those games where it helps to spend some time exploring, going into random houses and seeing what people in them have to say. Even if the doors are locked, it can be worthwhile to pick the locks and go in anyway. You will miss out on easy experience if you don't.
3. In the game settings, make sure you have the game set to auto pause when either a weapon breaks or hostile creatures are spotted. This way you get to instantly order your mages and archers to target enemy spell casters. If you can get a shot in before a mage casts mirror image or horror for instance then you have a huge advantage.
4. What spells have you got Dynaheir to use? At low levels, magic missile is your best friend against enemy spell casters. Larloch's Minor Drain is a good alternative if you have a different spell caster in your party. A low level mage is pretty much useless for actually killing your opponents but is essential for countering enemy spell casters. A magic missile might only do 1 or 2hp damage but it will hit quickly and disrupt the enemy spell caster.
5. If you have a low level spell caster with magic missile scrolls then have the scrolls in a quick slot. If you cast a magic missile from a scroll it counts as being cast by a relatively high level caster which is useful for taking down mirror images.
6. Buy your paladin some full plate armour as soon as you can. It might seem insanely expensive the first time you see it for sale (about 9000 GP) but you can get the required gold a lot quicker than you expect, especially once you start finding magic weapons that aren't suitable for your party as you can sell them for a small fortune. Prices drop as your reputation increases as well.
7. Some monsters, e.g. ogres, are best dealt with by keeping your distance and shooting them with arrows. For others monsters, it is best to have the most heavily armoured character charge in melee immediately. Enemy archers are a prime candidate for this. Long/short bows, darts, throwing knives etc. give several attacks per round so it can be best to force them to draw their swords and fight with 1 attack per round in melee instead.
8. BG is a game that rewards exploration, trying out different things, different dialogue options etc.. This will result in lots of reloads at first but you might find encounters that seem deadly but with the right dialogue options are a lot easier, or someone might help you in some way if you say the right things.