In a recent interview Trent Oster mentions they have three active projects. There's Adventure Y, and there's Adventure Z/Beartrap. So what's the third? Could it be PS:T EE?
PS:T EE needs to happen, there are so many ppl that would buy it right now out of sheer nostalgia! And I'm sure even more will want to after Tides of Numenera release. But right now I can't force some of my clueless friends to play the old game because even modded it didn't age well into the widescreen generation. So pls, Beamdog, I know it's a big challenge, but would you consider accepting it for the sake of old-school rpg classics preservation and reintroduction to the new generation of gamers?
I personally have no problem with running Planescape: Torment on my new PC that I've bought several months ago. The same is for any IE game, so I see no need for an EE version of PS:T. When I was buying the PC I carfully chose each component having in mind that I'll be playing old games as well. I don't like widescreen mods and having two black bars on the sides of my monitor works just fine for me.
So, I don't mind for an updated version, I might check it out, but will probably keep playing the original, as I did with Baldur's Gate. However, if there'll be PS:T:EE I'm hoping it won't use BG2 engine, because that ruined both BG1:EE and IWD1:EE for me.
Planescape is really full of bugs. As I've said before, I couldn't even finish my first playthrough because I had a CTD in the cannons room.
Bug fixing, zoom, fast loading/saving and maybe a better UI would all be reasons for me to buy an eventual Planescape EE.
Ya it really was full of bugs and i still loved it and would be buying an enhanced edition for certain WHEN it comes out, because it MUST! It would just be cruel to never make it happen. Yes there are mods of the original, but i found problems with those as others have and won't bother trying that again..
PST:EE would probably not benefit as much from big, invasive add-ons, but imho the actual Planescape IP could gain much from both Torment and Tides of Numenara, and this might appeal to WotC. Its a very interesting setting, and benefits immensely from how much can be tied into it. If Torment EE came out after Numenara, it could indeed bump up publicity and interest.
I could see a mobile version being pretty effective, especially if everyone's favourite IWD:EE addition came as an option... Storymode would be especially relevant for Planescape, as nobody really loved the combat anyways. Heck, who WOULDN'T do a run with maxed out mental abilities with Storymode? A role playing game in which you really do nothing but role play? Thats a pretty unique experience in gaming.
Is it possible that Beamdog use Unity engine for some unkown IP? Maybe some succesor to BG. Planescape EE probably won't happen because of Numenera release.
Planescape EE probably won't happen because of Numenera release.
Just on the contrary, I think that when TToN is released the common interest in the vanilla game will increase greatly. And this is why it will be the perfect time to announce PSTEE.
Taking into account that so far Beamdog hasn't decided on their future project and up to the time of the TToN release the patching process for BGEEs, IWDEE and Adventure Y (fingers crossed) will be nearly done, I actually think that the first half of 2016 can become a good choice for the PSTEE announcement.
I agree with @Bengoshi if anything seeing Numenera released will probably increase the exposure of Planescape Torment. It was not a particularly well selling game to begin with after all.
Maybe, but I think that Beamdog should consider making distant future plans for unknow IP in Unity or GemRG if they don't own licence for Infinity. They'll got more attention from fan and players. Again PSTEE would be great but look what Obsidian made with POE.
Enhanced Planescape would be so awesome. I'm playing through the original right now but there are so many problems with it, even with all the mods...spells don't show graphics correctly, frequent crashes, and slowdowns on a modern PC...If they just updated it and made the UI as easy to use as the other enhanced editions, that would be perfect.
Planescape: Torment and IWD2 NEED an Enhanced Edition.
IWD2 was very rushed and Josh Sawyer had to write the story of it in just a few days, it was also missing 3D Acceleration. Something that IWD1 had. The 3E rules could also be improved as 3E was very fresh and new when IWD2 came out and they were half-implemented.
PS:T also could use a much cleaner and updated interface. Not something from scratch, but the icons and their placement were so obscure that you had no idea what some of them did and were squeezed in awkward corners. Bug-fixing, restoring unfinished quests, fixing some of the dialogue errors (if any), fixing some spells (if needed), perhaps adding new spells from the Planescape setting.
Both games need an update more than any other Infinity Engine game, except BG1.
PS:T … Bug-fixing, restoring unfinished quests, fixing some of the dialogue errors (if any), fixing some spells (if needed), perhaps adding new spells from the Planescape setting.
Do you mean Qwinn's work is not good enough? That combined with Bigg’s Widescreen and Ghostdog’s incredible UI makes the game play really well on modern machine imho.
I would love to see a PS:T:EE, mind you, but that's because I wish I could play it on my iPad! Of course, if the original art was still around, that would be really amazing but it seems pretty clear that if it were the case, Beamdog would already have made their move.
PS:T … Bug-fixing, restoring unfinished quests, fixing some of the dialogue errors (if any), fixing some spells (if needed), perhaps adding new spells from the Planescape setting.
Do you mean Qwinn's work is not good enough? That combined with Bigg’s Widescreen and Ghostdog’s incredible UI makes the game play really well on modern machine imho.
I would love to see a PS:T:EE, mind you, but that's because I wish I could play it on my iPad! Of course, if the original art was still around, that would be really amazing but it seems pretty clear that if it were the case, Beamdog would already have made their move.
Agreed, following the modding guide that is on GOG for Planescape really makes the game shine. It has to be done in order and precisely, and you would be advised to not have anything running in the background, but other than that it looks pretty damn good. I'd argue that IWD2 needs the update even more since it was never extensively modded, but I'm hoping for both of them eventually. Badly.
So, I don't mind for an updated version, I might check it out, but will probably keep playing the original, as I did with Baldur's Gate. However, if there'll be PS:T:EE I'm hoping it won't use BG2 engine, because that ruined both BG1:EE and IWD1:EE for me.
Bug fixing, zoom, fast loading/saving and maybe a better UI would all be reasons for me to buy an eventual Planescape EE.
I could see a mobile version being pretty effective, especially if everyone's favourite IWD:EE addition came as an option... Storymode would be especially relevant for Planescape, as nobody really loved the combat anyways. Heck, who WOULDN'T do a run with maxed out mental abilities with Storymode? A role playing game in which you really do nothing but role play? Thats a pretty unique experience in gaming.
Planescape EE probably won't happen because of Numenera release.
Taking into account that so far Beamdog hasn't decided on their future project and up to the time of the TToN release the patching process for BGEEs, IWDEE and Adventure Y (fingers crossed) will be nearly done, I actually think that the first half of 2016 can become a good choice for the PSTEE announcement.
IWD2 was very rushed and Josh Sawyer had to write the story of it in just a few days, it was also missing 3D Acceleration. Something that IWD1 had.
The 3E rules could also be improved as 3E was very fresh and new when IWD2 came out and they were half-implemented.
PS:T also could use a much cleaner and updated interface. Not something from scratch, but the icons and their placement were so obscure that you had no idea what some of them did and were squeezed in awkward corners.
Bug-fixing, restoring unfinished quests, fixing some of the dialogue errors (if any), fixing some spells (if needed), perhaps adding new spells from the Planescape setting.
Both games need an update more than any other Infinity Engine game, except BG1.
I would love to see a PS:T:EE, mind you, but that's because I wish I could play it on my iPad! Of course, if the original art was still around, that would be really amazing but it seems pretty clear that if it were the case, Beamdog would already have made their move.
Probably nothing, but I am hopeful...
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I'm sure the mere fact of retweeting a tweet about not the already released EE game and/or the Adventure Y should mean it.