Shouldn't characters know their own armor restrictions??

In my most recent playthrough of BG1:EE, my barbarian charname boasted that she would "look ferocious in" the set of ankheg armor that Taerom was preparing for her.

The moral of the story?

It's just that she was disappointed that Thunderhammer went with the practical option instead of the bikini option.
Time to bury it in some farmer's field never to be seen again.
"I returned to Taeron "Thunderhammer" of Beregost to pick up my ankheg-shell plate armor today. Three day rush he said. Three day flush more like.
Seriously what was the guy thinking? All that time we spent discussing coloring, light reflection and flattering cuts and what does he produce? Something that looks like a muddy green blob. No way anyone will catch me wearing that!
I guess it's my fault really - with hindsight anyone dumb enough to call themselves "Thunderhammer" can't have much of a sense of style.
At least it's not a total write off. Dorn is so ugly that he can't possibly look any worse in it".