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Aerie in BG:EE v1.1

CoutelierCoutelier Member Posts: 1,282
edited August 2023 in BG:EE Mods
This simple little mod simply adds an appearance from the wingless wonder, Aerie, at the Nashkel Fair in BG1. She's not a joinable NPC (although you can of course do the console thing to add her to your group if you want, but there are no banters written for her). There are a couple of little things you can help her with, and in return she opens a little store at the fair.


Russian translation:

BG1AerieV11 + rus.rar


It's actually the first ever mod I attempted, just repackaged and rewritten quite a bit. Since I started learning modding pretty much as I was going along, I spent more time messing around and trying to see what could be done then I did actually writing anything. So now it's been tidied up quite a bit, trimmed, most of the really silly dialogue taken out.

Thank you all for enjoying this little mod I made years ago! I actually had bigger plans to add a few other BG2 cameos into BG1 if there was a way to justify it. Aerie was easy because she tells you in BG2 the circus went to Nashkell. But maybe you might have ran into Mazzy out on a quest somewhere etc.

Anyway, just to copy-paste what I said on the Tenya mod: if you want to contact me for any reason, the best bet is probably using Tumblr - its the only platform I check semi-regularly. Although bear in mind I'm not modding this game anymore - I haven't even played it in years so wouldn't know how to begin. Might go back to it after playing Baldur's Gate 3 for a bit.
Post edited by Coutelier on


  • CoutelierCoutelier Member Posts: 1,282
    Incidentally, you know how dialogue and text can be scripted to pop up over a characters head sometimes... can that be done via a translation file?

    In any case, I like the tra files as they allow me to just see all the dialogue without all the code surrounding it, making tweaking it a bit easier.
  • CoutelierCoutelier Member Posts: 1,282
    I forgot I included Aerie's soundset in this. That's for people like me who might like to add to their party using the console (even though, as I mentioned, she's not written as a joinable NPC and doesn't have any banter if you do that). Most of a soundset anyway... I remember I had to delete the spell failure line because for some reason she would keep randomly saying it while just standing there. I've no idea why.

    But if 3 mb is too much for some people, maybe I'll post a version without all the sounds.
  • AstroBryGuyAstroBryGuy Member Posts: 3,437
    Coutelier said:

    I forgot I included Aerie's soundset in this. That's for people like me who might like to add to their party using the console (even though, as I mentioned, she's not written as a joinable NPC and doesn't have any banter if you do that). Most of a soundset anyway... I remember I had to delete the spell failure line because for some reason she would keep randomly saying it while just standing there. I've no idea why.

    But if 3 mb is too much for some people, maybe I'll post a version without all the sounds.

    If you look at the end of SNDSLOT.IDS file you'll see a few lines duplicated. Note that slot 71 is both SPELL_DISRUPTED and EXISTANCE2 (sic).
    69 PICKED_POCKET           
    72 SET_A_TRAP
    IIRC, the engine uses the slots differently for non-party NPCs vs. party members. Non-party NPCs use them as "existence lines" and keep saying them over and over. Party members use them for the special cases (e.g., SPELL_DISRUPTED).
  • CoutelierCoutelier Member Posts: 1,282
    When I was starting out, I was following tutorials for making party-joinable NPC's, even though I wasn't really intending to make her one.

    In this case, I don't think anyone will really miss that one line even if they intend to add to their party via console. But it's definitely useful information for the future.
  • AmyRoseAmyRose Member Posts: 2
    Figured I would leave you a little review or two.

    There's not much to say about this one. You mention your idea was for cameos, I guess serving as an early introduction to those characters ahead of BG2. In Aerie's case, she's integrated very well and the justification for her being there makes perfect sense. It works so well in fact that I'd actually like to see it turned into a full NPC mod, but I know you're already busy.

    But for what this mod is, it's very good.
  • CoutelierCoutelier Member Posts: 1,282
    AmyRose said:

    There's not much to say about this one. You mention your idea was for cameos, I guess serving as an early introduction to those characters ahead of BG2. In Aerie's case, she's integrated very well and the justification for her being there makes perfect sense. It works so well in fact that I'd actually like to see it turned into a full NPC mod, but I know you're already busy.

    I've given the matter of turning her into a full NPC mod a little bit thought, and while it's certainly doable, I think it would mean having to change quite a lot in BG2 as well. Obviously, there's adding in the bits where she already would recognise you and explain why she went back to the circus. I think she has a talk where she asks about your adventures in the north, so that would have to be changed. If she actually knew Khalid, then there's no chance she would ever say anything bad about him, so those parts of the romance conflict would have to be rewritten. And on the subject of romance, should any of that be imported from BG2 and then new ones written there, or should a romance be started in BG1 with just a lot of shy and awkward getting-to-know-you type conversations. And overall there's the fact that the Aerie would obviously already be more experienced and likely more confident, meaning more changes... basically, the BG2 Aerie would now be in BG1, and the ToB Aerie would start in BG2.

    Like I said, I'm sure it could all be worked out and done quite well, but yeah, I do have other projects I'm focusing my attention on right now.
  • CoutelierCoutelier Member Posts: 1,282
    edited October 2019
    This little update just adds a little scene and a fight if you return to the fair a couple days after helping Aerie find her boots. There'll be a new character that appears outside her tent (but only at night) you can talk to.



    Maybe I'll give a prize or something to anyone who can identify the song Aerie is singing.
    Post edited by Coutelier on
  • YupImMadBroYupImMadBro Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 347
    Isn't it lyrics to a Star Trek theme?
  • AstroBryGuyAstroBryGuy Member Posts: 3,437

    Isn't it lyrics to a Star Trek theme?

    Yup. It's lyrics Gene Roddenberry wrote for the theme to Star Trek (TV show). He did it purely to claim half the performance royalties for the theme, much to composer Alexander Courage's dismay. The lyrics were never used in the show.
  • CoutelierCoutelier Member Posts: 1,282

    Isn't it lyrics to a Star Trek theme?

    Yup. It's lyrics Gene Roddenberry wrote for the theme to Star Trek (TV show). He did it purely to claim half the performance royalties for the theme, much to composer Alexander Courage's dismay. The lyrics were never used in the show.
    Yup. I first found out that these lyrics existed years ago when I bought a Stat Trek music book to learn to play all the themes. I believe Tenacious D have performed it in concerts as well.

    As for your prizes... well, being a nerd, the most attractive and desirable people there are, is prize enough I think.
  • ALIENALIEN Member Posts: 1,271
    edited March 2015
    @Coutelier I've always liked Arie and I can't wait when I will have chance to play you mod!
    Post edited by ALIEN on
  • CoutelierCoutelier Member Posts: 1,282
    ALIEN said:

    @Coutelier I've always liked Arie and I can't wait when I will have chance ti pay you mod!

    Don't be fooled by the filesize... that's mainly just because of her sound set. This is a small mod. But best to install it before visiting the Nashkel Carnival for the first time.
  • DunyDuny Member Posts: 6
    Hmm I think this mod is dead because the hosting is down for 2 years :(
  • DunyDuny Member Posts: 6
    oooo, thanks!!!! \o/
  • CoutelierCoutelier Member Posts: 1,282
    edited October 2019
    I've been informed that a Russian translation is available, so I've posted a link to it here (I've also updated the main link here - ages ago I messed around with Wordpress and it broke a lot of links, although it seems to be mostly just a matter of removing the www part).

    BG1AerieV11 + rus.rar
  • jasteyjastey Member Posts: 2,810
    Hello @Coutelier do you also intend to update the download at SHS (Link) or is it outdated and SHS staff should remove it?
  • CoutelierCoutelier Member Posts: 1,282
    jastey wrote: »
    Hello @Coutelier do you also intend to update the download at SHS (Link) or is it outdated and SHS staff should remove it?

    I didn't submit that, but it looks like the latest English version. The only change is the Russian translation, but that wasn't done by me.
  • jasteyjastey Member Posts: 2,810
    Ah. Do you want me to delete the file download and accompanying thread at SHS?
    Just for info: You can upload your mod yourself there, the "BG:EE Mods" section is for everyone (i.e. not officially hosted by SHS).
  • CoutelierCoutelier Member Posts: 1,282
    jastey wrote: »
    Ah. Do you want me to delete the file download and accompanying thread at SHS?
    Just for info: You can upload your mod yourself there, the "BG:EE Mods" section is for everyone (i.e. not officially hosted by SHS).

    There's not likely to ever be another update, so I would just leave that one there.
  • Austin87Austin87 Member Posts: 343
    edited February 2021
    The corrected version of the mod with the Russian translation in the attachment! In the previous version, there was an encoding error, everything is fixed here!
    Post edited by Austin87 on
  • DJKajuruDJKajuru Member Posts: 3,300
    It's a shame that you can't have her join you in BG1 . In fact, it just came to my mind that a modder could transfer her whole romance to BG1 and extend her talks in bg2 to a "stronger" Aerie .
  • SinaheribSinaherib Member Posts: 38
    DJKajuru wrote: »
    It's a shame that you can't have her join you in BG1 . In fact, it just came to my mind that a modder could transfer her whole romance to BG1 and extend her talks in bg2 to a "stronger" Aerie .

    That... sounds like a great idea! Of course, it would be big mod and require much time and effort, but it would be awesome if such mod ever appeared.
  • CoutelierCoutelier Member Posts: 1,282
    DJKajuru wrote: »
    It's a shame that you can't have her join you in BG1 . In fact, it just came to my mind that a modder could transfer her whole romance to BG1 and extend her talks in bg2 to a "stronger" Aerie .

    I had considered that, but as you say it would have been a lot of work and involved having to write a whole new set of talks for BG2. Some things I'd considered ended up in my BG2 Wings mod - for example I wanted it to appear more that she's already got to know you a little bit before confiding all of her feelings.

    There is a voice set in this mod so you can add her to the party using console commands and she'll act like a normal NPC, but of course she doesn't have any banters.
  • zelurkerzelurker Member Posts: 172
    edited April 2020
    problem with eet : this mod is advised to be installed in the bg1ee part so that's what I did, but in eet when I meet her at the festival she comes to me but can't talk, and I can't talk to her...

    edit : it was a weird problem in either bg1 or bg2, I had to uninstall everything and reinstall from scratch to fix things, aerie works fine in eet now, congratulations for the mod by the way, very well done ! :)
    Post edited by zelurker on
  • zelurkerzelurker Member Posts: 172
    Wow I had never seen the part "Aerie the hero" the 1st time I had tested this mod, quite spectacular, and also very surprising ! Great job !

    Also in the long run it's quite convenient to have someone able to identify anything for free, especially in early bg1 where usually you don't have any good mage and all your characters have a low lore score...

    Anyway really excellent mod, a must have !
  • Austin87Austin87 Member Posts: 343
    Hello! I'm sending an updated Russian translation for the "Aerie in BG:EE" mod! There remained lines that were not transferred to the tra-files.
    + soundset lines fixed as they caused an error!

    Can any admins update the mod please?
    Coutelier has not responded to messages for more than six months.
  • KinasinKinasin Member Posts: 6
    edited July 2022
    I'm getting an audio error when trying to install this with project infinity for EET. Could someone help me problem solve what is going on. The creator of poject infinity said this mod isn't setup right or something is wrong with it.
    //[C:\Games\Project Infinity\Tools\WeiDU\249.00\weidu.exe] WeiDU version 24900
    //Using Language [English]
    //Using .\lang\en_us\dialog.tlk
    //Installing [Aerie for BG:EE]
    //Copying 1 file ...
    //ERROR: error loading [BG1Aerie/audio]
    //Stopping installation because of error.
    //ERROR Installing [Aerie for BG:EE], rolling back to previous state
    //Will uninstall 0 files for [setup-BG1Aerie.tp2] component 0.
    //Uninstalled 0 files for [setup-BG1Aerie.tp2] component 0.
    //WARNING: BG1AERIE:0 has encounter errors durring installation, exited with ExitCode = 2
    //ERROR: Unix.Unix_error(20, "stat", "BG1Aerie/audio")
    //Please make a backup of the file: Setup-BG1Aerie.debug and look for support at: Coutelier (
    //Automatically Skipping [Aerie for BG:EE] because of error.
    //Using Language [English]

    v0.9.9 of project infinity installed it just fine but the 10 version didn't.
    Post edited by Kinasin on
  • EndarireEndarire Member Posts: 1,519
    What file did you use? Is it meant to be installed before or after EET core?
  • MordekaieMordekaie Member Posts: 269
    @Coutelier At the moment your mod has to be installed in BGEE (before EET_core in an EET install) as listed in the Mod Compatibility List for EET

    Are you planning to have it fully compatible with EET ?

    Anyway, a sweet idea to bring Aerie in BG1 as a storekeeper.
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