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Where is ipad patch 1.3?

Rumors said Jan 22. It is Jan 22. Where is the patch?

Sick of waiting for it, and even sicker of Apple. They make more money than the Russian stock market but can't release a basic patch 6 weeks after initial release? Incompetence.

Admin / developer, please respond with iOS official release date.


  • GreenWarlockGreenWarlock Member Posts: 1,354
    The latest patch, addressing Apple's concerns from previous submissions, was sent in on Monday. If Apple find no further issues, it should be live around the end of next week - although you don't get to know in advance exactly how long a review will take, so we might get lucky and see it a couple of days sooner, or it could still roll into the following week if the App Store submissions are busy.

    The date above was given by Dee in the sticky 1.3 Patch Release thread in the News forum.
  • GrumGrum Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 2,100
    So it looks like I'll have time to finish yet another run through if bg1...
  • jackjackjackjack Member Posts: 3,251
    It's in limbo. I'll believe it's here when I see it. It's already been pushed back twice.
  • mormegil27mormegil27 Member Posts: 27
    edited January 2015
    Ok, I found a thread on another forum suggesting that Beamdog is purposefully slowing the patch so they can make more money selling the PC version directly. It wouldn't surprise me to learn that Apple gets a good chunk of the profit.

    Meh, this irks me. I like BG, but not enough to get tooled by a company this way. If you wanted all the profit, you shouldn't have dealt with the devil.

    So I suspect we won't see the patch anytime soon, kiddies. I guess I can ask whether my BG1 final save on my iPad can be exported to my PC? Does anyone know?
  • WowoWowo Member Posts: 2,064

    Ok, I found a thread on another forum suggesting that Beamdog is purposefully slowing the patch so they can make more money selling the PC version directly. It wouldn't surprise me to learn that Apple gets a good chunk of the profit.

    Meh, this irks me. I like BG, but not enough to get tooled by a company this way. If you wanted all the profit, you shouldn't have dealt with the devil.

    So I suspect we won't see the patch anytime soon, kiddies. I guess I can ask whether my BG1 final save on my iPad can be exported to my PC? Does anyone know?

    How does this make any sense?
  • syndalissyndalis Member Posts: 5
    @mormegil‌ that is not what is happening here. They want this patch in as many hands as possible. Google play takes the same cut as apple does (70/30). This is just the long, convoluted iOS App Store approval process.

    Fingers crossed we get version 1.3 this Thursday.
  • GreenWarlockGreenWarlock Member Posts: 1,354
    As far as I know, the reason for the delay is simple - Apple have very stringent quality controls. The app was submitted at the same time the patch was released, but bounced back by Apple for some concerns with the icon (apparently), and after addressing that, the next patch was rejected (per the rumor) for some issues with the implementation of in-app purchase. So far it seems we have heard nothing about pushing back the current attempt, so hopefully third time is the charm.

    It does not help that Apple shut down the app store submission process for a week or so around Christmas, and then the process has built up a big backlog when processing restarts, so the approval process is even more delayed than normal.

    We don't need conspiracy theories about why BeamDog would rather sell on one platform than another. iPad customers don't necessarily have PCs or other devices, so every day this is missing from the App Store is potential lost sales, not a bait-and-switch to a different medium.

    Just hoping the Mac patch ships this week - over 14 months waiting for the patch that shipped 2 days before the Mac version was released, that fixes minor issues like corrupting saved games. For me, that is 14 months where the game has been unplayable, but soon, so very soon...
  • deltagodeltago Member Posts: 7,811

    Ok, I found a thread on another forum suggesting that Beamdog is purposefully slowing the patch so they can make more money selling the PC version directly. It wouldn't surprise me to learn that Apple gets a good chunk of the profit.

    Meh, this irks me. I like BG, but not enough to get tooled by a company this way. If you wanted all the profit, you shouldn't have dealt with the devil.

    So I suspect we won't see the patch anytime soon, kiddies. I guess I can ask whether my BG1 final save on my iPad can be exported to my PC? Does anyone know?

    Because what random people say on the internet is always true.
  • elminsterelminster Member, Developer Posts: 16,317

    Ok, I found a thread on another forum suggesting that Beamdog is purposefully slowing the patch so they can make more money selling the PC version directly

    But most of their sales for BG2EE on PC would have already happened. The game has been out for like 14 months after all. Besides they updated the game for Androids and Linux. It wouldn't make any sense to damage their Ipad sales further by not patching the game.
  • mormegil27mormegil27 Member Posts: 27
    Really, an icon? Hahahahaha!

    --- Scene 1: cubicles at Apple HQ. Employee sits at his desk typing a PM on Facebook with his left hand while simultaneously playing Tetris on numpad with his right. Bill Lumburgh approaches, coffee cup in hand. ---

    "Hiiii, Peter. How is that Beamdog app approval coming along?"

    -- Without looking up -- "Yeah, I'm gonna reject it. I don't like the icon."

    "Um, yeahhhh. We have a large backlog so I'm going to have to go ahead and ask you to come in on Saturday. Did you get that TPS report?"

    -- Temporarily stops Tetris to methodically reach into Dorittos bag and place chip in mouth -- "Not now Lumburgh, can't you see I'm busy?"


    I like my conspiracy theory better, at least it makes Beamdog look savvy, if a bit diabolical, as opposed to incompetent and inept. If this were any other industry both of these companies would be laughed out of business. I went into the wrong field, I too could be doing jack-all living it up off the Apple fanboy tit. Ah well, hindsight is 20/20.
  • mormegil27mormegil27 Member Posts: 27
    I'm in the same boat as you, though. Every review of this game suggest it is the best app ever, but it is also broken without the patch. So I've been waiting to buy it as well.
  • jackjackjackjack Member Posts: 3,251
    Now imagine having owned it for more than a year and rage quitting because of the bugs riddling the new content.
  • ElzarathElzarath Member Posts: 173
    Definitely held off buying it ever since BG:EE entangle spell issue (to clarify I don't mean entangle specifically but AoE spells in general). Shame really, cause I head IWD:EE is practically flawless but once biten, twice shy
  • syndalissyndalis Member Posts: 5
    Elzarath said:

    Definitely held off buying it ever since BG:EE entangle spell issue (to clarify I don't mean entangle specifically but AoE spells in general). Shame really, cause I head IWD:EE is practically flawless but once biten, twice shy

    BG1:EE and IWD:EE are both perfect experiences on the iPad now.

    BG2 is the only one left to not get the much needed update.

    Post in the news thread said they are still awaiting review... it's possible no patch this week. Ugh.
  • GreenWarlockGreenWarlock Member Posts: 1,354
    Rejecting an app for its icon sounds crazy, but Apple are very clear about the look and feel they expect on their devices, and have detailed guidelines about 'correct' visual style. Those guidelines have probably been updated for both Mac and iOS since the last app store releases. People go through the hassle of doing even trivial things Apple's way as it buys access to the large and loyal Apple customer base. I have no idea how an in-app purchase bug could affect the Mac port, I just assume that both versions file simultaneously, or there could have been further issues we have not yet heard about here.

    The key is that, for the last 6 weeks, we have mostly been in Apple's hands, not BeamDog's.
  • mormegil27mormegil27 Member Posts: 27
    While my point stands that rejecting an icon makes Beamdog look inept, I'm primarily making fun of Apple here. That the entire absurdity rests with Apple would not surprise me in the least.
  • jackjackjackjack Member Posts: 3,251
    The IAP bug was present in November of 2013. I'm appalled it wasn't fixed before now. Unless it was and there's a new bug with in-app purchases. Either way, I say yeesh.
  • furyswefuryswe Member Posts: 3
    edited January 2015
    Well, I say lets pester Apple once a day by asking when the baldurs gate patch comes out. Im almost loosing My faith in them. The approval process is a joke, for example search on baldurs gate ee on a iphone and look at the hits you get. Does that seem like quality controll?
  • GreenWarlockGreenWarlock Member Posts: 1,354
    Just in case anyone reading this is not following the News thread - the patch was again rejected by Apple on Friday so will require at least one more Apple-specific patch and a resubmit. I would not expect to see the patch for another two weeks or so.
  • lunarlunar Member Posts: 3,460
    I find this pretty weird. There was never such a long delay with other patches. There must be something really broken with the new patch on ios, I doubt I will get it even if it becomes available. Especially if horrid 'permanent increased attacks with minute meteors and energy blades' bug is there, too. I have all my faith in Beamdog but I still can not believe how they could have missed such a glaring bug in the 1.3

    Game is very playable in the current version on ios. There are a few bugs and one possible game stopping one in Yaga Shura's lair but there are workarounds for that.

  • GreenWarlockGreenWarlock Member Posts: 1,354
    Well, the first submission ran into the christmas shutdown and backlog, so that delay was expected. Unfortunately Apple rejected that, apparently for issues with the icon. The second submission was apparently rejected due to a bug in the in-app purchase system somewhere, and the third submission was just rejected due to Apple not liking something about how files are saved. It would have been really handy if Apple had reported all of these issues on the first pass, but they did not. I am a cynic, and after 14 months waiting for the Mac patch, fully expect Apple to find an issue with thee next patch as well - there have been several OS releases since the last approved patch, and the submission requirements tend to be upgraded with each OS release as Apple focus more on the user experience they want to promote.

    So I don't think the update is particularly buggy (beyond what is already known on other platforms), simply that Apple get continuously fussier about their quality control. That should pay off for us as customers in the end, but at time like this can be most frustrating.
  • sector001sector001 Member Posts: 8
    I just bought my first iPad today and I'm really enjoying it! The first games I bought were BGE, BG2E and IWDE. I won't lie BG2 is my favorite out of these 3 gems and I can only hope it gets patched soon. That said is the current version that buggy thats its causing crashes or game breaking issues?
  • GreenWarlockGreenWarlock Member Posts: 1,354
    The main problem I know of with the iPad version is in the circus tent near the start of the game, where some foes do instant-kill damage if they hit - which is NOT intended, especially not for what is essentially the introductory dungeon (after the mandatory starting one).

    There is a long tail of content bugs that the 1.3 patch addresses and would be worth having when it passes the app store review.
  • GreenWarlockGreenWarlock Member Posts: 1,354
    With the (roughly) 2-week app store review process, there is a fair chance that will arrive just in time to ruin some Valentines :)
  • AstroBryGuyAstroBryGuy Member Posts: 3,437

    As far as I know, the reason for the delay is simple - Apple have very stringent quality controls.

    Yes, the App Store that brought you "I Am Rich" and "Baby Shaker". I think "random quality controls" is a better descriptor.
  • GreenWarlockGreenWarlock Member Posts: 1,354
    Well, Apple learned a lot from the 'I Am Rich' app, but it demonstrated what the App Store approval process was all about - nothing to do with content (beyond checking that you don't compete with Apple) and all about whether the app functions 'correctly', where that notion is updated for every OS release. There are more content-related checks now, such as no new apps competing in a saturated sector, but nothing that should really impact a title like BG, and certainly not a patch.
  • GrumGrum Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 2,100
    edited February 2015're joking. Please tell me you are joking. I've got an entire work day ahead of me, and I can't spend all of it refreshing the app store.

    All joking aside, today just became a very good day.
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