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NPC's you always end up with, or can't play without.



  • GreenWarlockGreenWarlock Member Posts: 1,354
    I'll flag Jaheira as another I tend to leave behind. Multi fighters are not as strong as duals, and in BG2 those druid levels take forever to arrive, leaving levelling the fighter at half the rate. The whole motherly figure elf dating a teenager romance creeps me out in BG2, but she does seem to have more personal content (in terms of extra gameplay) than any other PC, which feels like even more railroading from the dev telling me to take her. Especially annoying is that there is a nice early-mid game mage item that you can't get unless you take her - why should she have any bearing on a mage run, that is such a non-sequitur.

    All in all, Jaheira annoys me more than any other classic NPC.
    I'm still not wild about Dorn, and haven't had a chance to play Hexxat or Dorn's BG2 content yet, but it is possible these could land below Jaheira in my always-leave-behind stakes. But yes, so far Jaheira is probably my lowest of the low, just ahead of Minsc (who sadly I have outgrown. Adding his UB to BG2 could make all the difference).
  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,018
    in bg1 if I play a good party, I usually always have kivan and khalid, they have great dexterity and do pretty well in melee combat, but now adays, when I play bg1, I only play a 3 man team ( charname) imoen and xan. Imoen has all the thief skills I need and xan can use wands and cast pretty useful spells ( don't need a cleric because there is crap loads of healing potions everywhere, and I still usually end up with around 20 the time I hit sarevok anyway) in bg2, I usually always take jaheria with me because during her harper quest jargon, you will eventually get a ring of wizardry, and plus she has good dexterity, and also I usually like to take mazzy along because A) she has good dexterity B) she has great saves C) she has awesome special abilities ( invoke courage, haste and strength) but I would say mayhaps even 70% of the time I mix it up quite a bit for who I bring along on my parties when I play single player, about 60% of the time I just play parties entirely created by me, but when I do play single player I try and mix it up a bit
  • AstafasAstafas Member Posts: 448
    edited February 2015
    BG1: Kagain, with Dorn as a close runner up.

    BG2: Jan. What a versatile and great character, he simply has no downsides. And who doesn't want a battlerager like Korgan in the party? And of course, there is no one beating Jaheira if you want a druid.
  • VallmyrVallmyr Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 2,459
    edited February 2015
    I MUST have Alora with me. She's my favorite character in BG1 and would be in BG2 if I could ever get the Alora NPC mod to work for me >_<

    She's just so adorable!

    /obsesses over the cuteness that is Alora.

    Other than her I always take Imoen in both games.

    I also seem to always get Aerie in BG2. While not as cutesy as Alora, she's adorable in her own way and I can romance her too :3
  • YupImMadBroYupImMadBro Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 347
    Aerie is bae.
  • wubblewubble Member Posts: 3,156

    Aerie is bae.

    Please refrain from using such disgraceful language in the future. :smiley:
  • YupImMadBroYupImMadBro Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 347
    wubble said:

    Aerie is bae.

    Please refrain from using such disgraceful language in the future. :smiley:
    Is this topic not literally about who you take before anyone else? :smiley:
  • VallmyrVallmyr Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 2,459

    I've never heard of this term. Could someone fill me in?
  • MoradinMoradin Member Posts: 372
    edited February 2015
    Give him 2000 years and a pointy hat, and he'll kick @elminster 's arse!

    His cries alone ("Sword, meet evil!") are enough for me. Atop of that, he's got amazing strength; give him Lilarcor and it's a match made in heaven. Also, Boo. Arguably the strongest miniature giant space hamster ever to bring havoc to the Sword Coast. Wouldn't want to cross him.
  • elminsterelminster Member, Developer Posts: 16,317
    Moradin said:

    Give him 2000 years and a pointy hat, and he'll kick @elminster 's arse!

    Edwina maybe, though from the sounds of things probably not.
  • FrdNwsmFrdNwsm Member Posts: 1,069
    Oh, of course! Branwen, daughter of Llyr, from Celtic Mythology.
  • wubblewubble Member Posts: 3,156

    "Before anyone else" a term used by the youth. Very annoying.

    Speaking as a youth I'd ask that you not tar us all with the same brush. I happen to speak the Queen's English or as close as most people get to it these days. (if you're wondering why, one granddad was an army officer and the other was a school teacher so both of my parents passed it on)
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,773
    edited February 2015
    For those interested, you can check the meaning here:

    FrdNwsm said:

    Minsc? A city in Russia (Minsk)?

    Minsk is the capital of the Republic of Belarus, it's not Russia : )

    Also, I suggest people should stay on topic here.
    Post edited by JuliusBorisov on
  • FrdNwsmFrdNwsm Member Posts: 1,069
    >>Minsk is the capital of the Republic of Belarus, it's not Russia <<

    I date back to the days when the monolithic Evil Soviet Empire was the main threat to the Freedom Loving peoples of the world. And I still don't buy the blatant fiction that is has broken up. It's all an underhanded Stalinist plot; they're just biding their time.
  • SmilingSwordSmilingSword Member Posts: 827
    BG 1 NOBODY is sacred they get dumped and picked up as needed and sometimes if they have annoyed me I take all their stuff dye their clothing pink and leave them on the side of the road.
    " im looking at you Monty and Xzar."
    Well thats without the NPC project with it Imeon is sacred and I like having Xan around.

    In BG 2 I tend to build around who im romancing,
    Taking NPC's that have alot of interaction with the romanced, and dont make them leave or try kill them and such.
    also i have recently started to have a throw away NPC, that gets dumped for anyone and everyone who wants to join.
    Cause you know, i have to do all things.
  • FrdNwsmFrdNwsm Member Posts: 1,069
    I just noticed I haven't mentioned NPCs I prefer. I haven't played BG2 at all, and am only doing the first run through BG, so some of the NPCs mentioned by others I haven't encountered yet, so cannot comment upon.

    Of those I have run into so far, Imoen is a keeper; useful and also she doesn't get torqued off if I park her aside for a while in order to try out someone else. Neera's personality is far preferable to Xan's as far as I am concerned, moonblade or not; his pessimism is SO wearying. Also, the extra spell per level thing is nice. I gave her the level 1 ring of wizardry and she's like a magic missile machine gun now. Just make sure she doesn't ever use that silly first level chaos thingie. Otherwise, adverse side effects of her magic are pretty rare; OK, there WAS that embarrassing Demon Summoning incident, but we managed to outrun it. And, like Imoen, you can park her at FAI for a while to try out someone else if the urge strikes you.

    No evils in my party, so Kagain was out, dwarven perks or not. I'm getting my reputation high as possible. Also, I really don't need a repeat of the meltdown we had early on, when the good and evil members of the party started attacking each other, while Imoen and I sat on the sidelines watching and munching popcorn. I also was reluctant to grab Ajantis, figuring that fanatically good members might be as bad in their own way as pure evil ones.

    I'm definitely not fond of the fact that Jaheira's dual class slows down her druidic advancement, but she's the best source of druid magic I've found so far, and a moderately decent backup healer. I also grab Branwen and give her the ring with extra Divine spell access; an extra spell for levels 1-4 can't hurt. I disagree that the availability of healing potions obviates the need for a clerical type. Having a cleric (plus a druid) in the second rank casting heal spells on the front rank fighters lets those guys do something more constructive during combat than stopping to scarf down a potion. Clerics also have some useful combat spells other than healing.

    Khalid ... isn't the world's best fighter but he's reliable enough. I was thinking initially to replace him with Minsc, who can actually use a composite bow because of his greater strength, but he was just a little too crazy for me; also his insistence on staying with Dynaheir meant I'd have to free up two slots, not just one, in order to keep him. Mind you, she's a more than adequate mage, I just liked Neera better. Additionally, Khalid's constitution is better than Minsc's, he has more HP, and fights with sword and shield for better AC, making his durability better. The final straw was that Boo never actually did anything except take up a ready item slot.

    So, currently my group consists of Imoen, Jaheira, Khalid, Neera, Branwen, and me ... a half-orc Kensai. Umm, ok, not a great choice if you want to avoid damage, due to lack of armor, but it sounded cool, so I went with it. I specialized in two handed swords rather than a katana, since it sounded like there might not be any magical katanas available; little did I know that magical two handed swords would be uncommon also. Had I known better, I might have gone with a human berserker. Berserking is a voluntary ability, so you can choose when to use it; being unable to use armor isn't.
  • dunbardunbar Member Posts: 1,603
    It might be interesting to build a party around your favourite npc. Instead of building charname as the party leader, create a character that would be an excellent right-hand man/woman to your favourite npc and then roleplay the game through the eyes/mind of that npc.
  • FrdNwsmFrdNwsm Member Posts: 1,069
    I recently (BG1:EE) ran into an opportunity to recruit Baeloth the Entertainer for my party, he having at long last been betrayed by his Djinn slave and exiled from the Underdark. Supposedly he is a good spell caster for recruitment purposes. However, despite this setback, he remained an obnoxious beggar, so I took great pleasure in killing his Drow self instead. Also, I understand that actually taking him into the party drops your reputation.

    Got a Robe of the Evil Archmagi out of it; unfortunately, although it's worth 10,000+ gold, no one seems to want to buy it. Oh well; I still enjoyed killing him.

    Also, waaaay off in an out of the way corner, if you explore Adoy's Enclave fully, you run into Rocky and Bullwinkle. Not recruitable NPCs, unfortunately, but as a long time fan of the show decades ago, I was amused. They aren't named that, of course, probably to avoid legal action, but how many times will you bump into a moose trying to pull a rabbit out of a hat? Note: the trick goes awry, of course, and he gets a monster instead, which you can then kill.
  • CoutelierCoutelier Member Posts: 1,282
    Yeah, Baeloth's stuff is all flagged as stolen for some reason. I don't know how everyone on the surface knows that.

    Rocky and Bullwinkle also appear in BG2 at the circus, but they don't say anything.
  • WowoWowo Member Posts: 2,064
    Nimran said:

    I always end up with Aerie. Don't judge me.

    Me too!
  • elementelement Member Posts: 833
    alora, mazzy and imoen
  • SharGuidesMyHandSharGuidesMyHand Member Posts: 2,586
    FrdNwsm said:

    Having a cleric (plus a druid) in the second rank casting heal spells on the front rank fighters lets those guys do something more constructive during combat than stopping to scarf down a potion. Clerics also have some useful combat spells other than healing.

    Agreed with this.

    I've only relatively recently begun exploring the combat abilities of a cleric, and it's been a revelation. Having another party member that you can devote to healing really allows you to tap into the cleric's offensive potential.
  • mumumomomumumomo Member Posts: 635
    I find healing spells (prior the level 6 heal) to be very weak during combat. Casting time is really long and the HP you get back is quite low.
    Furthermore, healing potions are plentiful and drinking them actually do not really slow you down.

    Clerics shine in bg1 but not because of healing. It's rather thanks to their crowd control spells (command makes a few early game fights trivial; paralysis is also great)
  • recklessheartrecklessheart Member Posts: 692
    I make an effort to diversify my party from playthrough-to-playthrough. Most often, though, I tend to end up with Jaheira, Nalia and/or Viconia. I also take Dynaheir quite often in BG1. Aside from that, I've played through with almost every NPC in my party with very few exceptions:

    Sarevok (by the time he becomes available I already have my party. It's so difficult to take him, though I would very much like to)

    Contrary to most people, I try to avoid taking Minsc. He's such a broken record after 1 or 2 playthroughs, I think.
  • FrdNwsmFrdNwsm Member Posts: 1,069
    >>I've only relatively recently begun exploring the combat abilities of a cleric, and it's been a revelation<<

    Seriously; hold person, silence on enemy casters .... animate dead once you get skeletal warriors with magical weapons is quite useful ... bless, aid and/or chant just prior to combat ... what's not to like?
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