Best Jaheira Portrait

Seeing the Imoen Poll went well, I thought I'd move onto the second NPC in both BG and TOB, Jaheira. Same question again...
Do you prefer Jaheira from BG1:
or Jaheira from BG2:
Do you prefer Jaheira from BG1:

or Jaheira from BG2:

- Best Jaheira Portrait330 votes
- BG153.64%
- BG246.36%
In BG2 Jaheira has a strangely vacant expression and her mouth makes me think of a sneer at best and "a porn pout" at worst. I'm not fond of the proportions and placement of her facial features. I particularly miss her nose from BG1, and her tiny excuse of one in BG2 is strangely skewed on her face. I don't like the armor, even though I realize that the player would likely have her wearing metal. All this said, her hair is prettier in BG1 but I don't mind her BG2 hair, especially since it reasonably reflects the changes the character has gone through from BG1 to BG2.
I so wish they had taken the basic features of BG1 Jaheira (nose, lenght of face etc.) and worked from there to get to her BG2 look, changing it to more elven (if necessary) and aging her in spirit.
In BG1, she is portraited as a more like a supporter of the party, while in BG2 she is portraited as an more of a warrior, hence two portraits are that different.
Personally, I love Jaheira either way, no matter it is BG1 portrait or BG2.
Her BG2 portrait looks weird and cross-eyed.
Anyway, BG1 thanks... BG2 makes no sense. Blonde in portrait, dark haired in game... also don't like her look in the BG2 portrait at *all*. She's totally derping all over the place >.<
leadership might help."
B: I once again find myself telling you that my posts here are not declarations that must be abided by. They are not laws. They are not the speeches of some draconic dictator. They are my opinion. As I am "the creator" when I play, I prefer that those of Elven lineage look Elven. Those of Orcish lineage look Orcish, etc
This thread is about what each individual poster prefers (Unless I misread something), not what is right or wrong in the eyes of one individual.
EDIT: I'm starting to get the impression that you are contesting my posts for your amusement, regardless of whether or not there is a disclaimer stating that it is of my personal opinion, and not you being forced to agree at gunpoint.
Whilst were at it... Is her nose broken on that BG2 picture... It looks a little bent. And HELLLOOOO! What is all that stuff in her hair? Is she secretly a Jedi Padowine? I thought she was Half-Elf sensible warrior with wisdom... She is fighting with ear rings on! If I was an Orc I would grab them right away and yank 'em off causing much pain!
BG1 portrait says... You can buy me a drink, but try anything and this piece of wood will go where the sun doth not shine... I like it. Plus she is in Leather... Bonus!
Though perhaps there's an argument for an all new portrait for Jaheira that combines the best of both.
In the BG1 portrait you would probably be willing to put the crap in your own boots just to have her stop beating on you with that quarterstaff.
And one more thing: people saying that a portrait 'looks more/less than an elf (or half-elf) should look...' how many elves have you ever met personally? What you're really saying is 'that portait doesn't match what I always IMAGINED an elf would look like.' Unless we can get an actual elf in this thread I don't know if that argument holds water.
But there are D&D illustrations of elves. Its not like we have only read the description of elves and imagined it.