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Best Jaheira Portrait



  • kilroy_was_herekilroy_was_here Member Posts: 455
    @Fake_Sketch But the people that made those illustations never met a real elf either. My mocking of other people's arguments stands. :P
  • HerrderGezeitenHerrderGezeiten Member Posts: 139
    Hm,.. she looks so mean in BG1, but thinking of Khalid it make some sense,...

    For the romantic in BG2 is the BG2 better, or do you want to stutter?
  • SchneidendSchneidend Member Posts: 3,190
    Anduine said:

    A: I never claimed that Jaheira was not a half-elf.

    Fair enough. I simply wasn't sure you were aware that she is half-human and half-elf, rather than an elf, so I stated as much to illuminate you if such was the case.
    Anduine said:

    B: I once again find myself telling you that my posts here are not declarations that must be abided by. They are not laws. They are not the speeches of some draconic dictator. They are my opinion. As I am "the creator" when I play, I prefer that those of Elven lineage look Elven. Those of Orcish lineage look Orcish, etc

    This thread is about what each individual poster prefers (Unless I misread something), not what is right or wrong in the eyes of one individual.

    I never insinuated you thought your opinions to be absolute. I disagree with your opinion, so I stated as much, and told you why.

    But, consider the following: if people should look their lineage, and human is in their lineage, should they not also look human? And what about all the art of elves that are essentially perfectly human-looking folks with pointy ears? We simply can't see Jaheira's ears in her BG1 portrait. If we could, perhaps you wouldn't have any objection to it. Food for thought.
    Anduine said:

    EDIT: I'm starting to get the impression that you are contesting my posts for your amusement, regardless of whether or not there is a disclaimer stating that it is of my personal opinion, and not you being forced to agree at gunpoint.

    I think you're reading too much into this. We simply happen to disagree on a multitude of topics, it would seem. If somebody says something I very much disagree with, I'm going to say as much and state why I think their viewpoint is flawed, illogical, or just rubs me the wrong way, and offer some points to consider should they be mutable enough to change their ideas. That's called discussion. Forums would be very boring if people just posted their opinions all day and there was never any debate.
  • Fake_SketchFake_Sketch Member Posts: 217

    @Fake_Sketch But the people that made those illustations never met a real elf either. My mocking of other people's arguments stands. :P

    @kilroy_was_here :Its not like "real elves" exist. The looks of "forgotten realm elves" was defined by the creators of the game.
  • BelgarathMTHBelgarathMTH Member Posts: 5,653
    I voted for BG1, but this one's a tough call for me. I think the first one captures her character the best, and I will forever associate that face, with tongue firmly in cheek, the wild, beautiful auburn hair, and the staff ready to strike, with that voice, dripping with sarcasm, telling me "yes, o omnipresent authority figure", and "how long must we WAIT here?" She made me fall in love with Baldur's Gate, and to this day, I just can't play a run without having both her and Minsc in my party.

    The other one, though, captures her exotic beauty in the facial structure, and in the eyes and ears; but, it has those *darn* cornrows. And the small portrait has a flaw where her left eye appears to be missing.

    Bottom line, I prefer the BG1 picture, especially for the hair and the expression on the face.
  • AnduineAnduine Member Posts: 416
    edited August 2012

    I never insinuated you thought your opinions to be absolute. I disagree with your opinion, so I stated as much, and told you why.

    But, consider the following: if people should look their lineage, and human is in their lineage, should they not also look human? And what about all the art of elves that are essentially perfectly human-looking folks with pointy ears? We simply can't see Jaheira's ears in her BG1 portrait. If we could, perhaps you wouldn't have any objection to it. Food for thought.

    The art of elves that are essentially perfectly human-looking folks with pointy ears does not bother me too much because they have pointy ears. As for Jaheira's portrait, you are right in that I would consider more heavily which portrait I prefer if I could see her ears, though I would still very likely choose the BG2 portrait as my personal favourite. I often prefer Elves in my games to appear somewhat unearthly in their grace and appearance.

    I think you're reading too much into this. We simply happen to disagree on a multitude of topics, it would seem. If somebody says something I very much disagree with, I'm going to say as much and state why I think their viewpoint is flawed, illogical, or just rubs me the wrong way, and offer some points to consider should they be mutable enough to change their ideas. That's called discussion. Forums would be very boring if people just posted their opinions all day and there was never any debate.

    I am glad this was clarified as mere disagreement as opposed to a form of self-amusing hostility. While the forums would be more on the boring side, they would be considerably more calm, and that's not such a bad thing in my book.

  • SchneidendSchneidend Member Posts: 3,190
    Anduine said:

    The art of elves that are essentially perfectly human-looking folks with pointy ears does not bother me too much because they have pointy ears. As for Jaheira's portrait, you are right in that I would consider more heavily which portrait I prefer if I could see her ears, though I would still very likely choose the BG2 portrait as my personal favourite. I often prefer Elves in my games to appear somewhat unearthly in their grace and appearance.

    While I don't disagree on the awesome of more alien appearance for elves -I loved how Dragon Age 2 elves had a very distinct look, for instance-, I do dislike the idea that half-orcs or half-elves have to look overtly orcish or elven, and that their human parentage is somehow a non-factor.
  • Silver6986Silver6986 Member Posts: 26
    For me, her BG2 portrait truly reflects her heritage, I also find that it fits her personality rather well considering the range of convetsations that you can have with her, her opinion of the leadership of the group and so forth, imo her BG1 portrait is not befitting of either her heritage nor her personality (which really shines in BG2).
  • Silver6986Silver6986 Member Posts: 26
    @kilroy_was_here my opinion regarding elves is based off of all the D&D books I have read (of which many contain stories revolving around elves), since it is all fantasy we only have our imagination to play with, to each their own, since this is a poll I don't see how one opinion is more valid then the other :)
  • reedmilfamreedmilfam Member Posts: 2,808
    The trolling in this particular forum topic is very off-putting. I mean, really - it is an opinion poll. I feel like the response to many of the items in here ought to be 'you asked my opinion and I gave it.' Instead, it's too much, "but I (translated the almighty arbiter 'I' ) think you should see it this way." Let's share ideas congenially and rejoice on 18 September together.
  • rodneyandsteptoerodneyandsteptoe Member Posts: 99
    Hmmm, didn't realise I'd cause a bit of a hornet's nest by setting this poll up - maybe it's because it's a more even split than the Imoen vote...
  • LemernisLemernis Member, Moderator Posts: 4,318
    BG1. That's how I became accustomed to seeing her in my mind's eye from playing BG1. I happen to like the portrait better. (Although it occurs to me now that Jaheira's BG1 portrait and Imoen's BG1 portrait arguably could have been swapped. Maybe Jaheira's is a little too feisty for Immy's personality, though.)
  • AnduineAnduine Member Posts: 416

    The trolling in this particular forum topic is very off-putting. I mean, really - it is an opinion poll. I feel like the response to many of the items in here ought to be 'you asked my opinion and I gave it.' Instead, it's too much, "but I (translated the almighty arbiter 'I' ) think you should see it this way." Let's share ideas congenially and rejoice on 18 September together.

    Isn't that what I said in a different way?

  • WoldanWoldan Member Posts: 41
    ''Best'' portrait? I think Jaheiras BG2 portrait is slightly less horrible....
  • KenjiKenji Member Posts: 251
    My sister uses Jaheira's BG1 portrait and plays a druid that shapeshifts...

    *Cough* we need a mod out there that makes cougars available for shapeshifting, just sayin'.
  • PiecefuldaysPiecefuldays Member Posts: 37
    BG1 for sure !
  • the_spyderthe_spyder Member Posts: 5,018
    gotta go with the BG1 portrait. The BG2 portrait just looks to Hippieish and laid back. You can tell she had settled down with Khalid and was letting herself go. BG1 just looks more warrioresque 'To me'.
  • PiecefuldaysPiecefuldays Member Posts: 37
    Yes but above all she is really prettier in BG1 !
  • BlueSorceressBlueSorceress Member Posts: 84
    I used to like the BG2 picture better because I prefer the "painted" look of the BG2 portraits to the style of the BG1 portraits. I still like the style of the BG2 portraits better, but I've come around to thinking that Jaheira's BG1 portrait is better. Her mouth looks kinda funny in the BG1 portrait, but in the BG2 portrait her *everything* looks kinda funny.

    I think it's that her features are a little cattywampus. Her mouth is crooked compared to the tilt of her head making it look like it's off center and lopsided on her face, and the angle of her eyes doesn't seem to be symmetrical and it doesn't look like they're at the same depth. Plus one eyes is *a lot* bigger than the other. Bilateral symmetry is sort of an important part normal human/humanoid physiology, and BG2 Jaheira just doesn't have it.

    I still like the level of detail and lighting in the BG2 portraits better, I just wish the details more accurately depicted the normal, healthy arrangement of human features.

  • SylphSylph Member Posts: 210
    BlueSorceress said pretty much what I wanted to (I was even halfway though typing it before I noticed :) )

    I like the idea and details in the BG2 portrait, but the anatomy of it looks poorly executed :/
  • RedWizardRedWizard Member Posts: 242
    She looks prettier in her BG2 portrait, but I'm not a fan of how she looks like a full blooded elf, considering she's only half-elf. On the other hand, she looks like a normal human in her BG1 potrait so...
  • NifftNifft Member Posts: 1,065
    I like how alien the elves look in BG2, but I think she's more attractive in BG1.
  • SCARY_WIZARDSCARY_WIZARD Member Posts: 1,438
    BG because she's purdy. :3 And I'm jealous of that hair!
    But I never see the portrait because I dislike her.
  • UnknownQuantityUnknownQuantity Member Posts: 242
    Jaheira is not an elf as mentioned. She is a half elf and in D&D books you will likely read that half elves are generally shunned by elves. They are not happily accepted by humans either, but often look enough like humans that people can't tell their half elf heritage. Considering how much hair Jaheira has in the BG1 portrait it's possible her pointy ears could be concealed. Her features could be just as much like a humans as an elves.

    On a side note I like most of the BG1 potraits better. I've commented on this before, but one additional thing I notice is the shading is really nice. Considering the portrait is not 3D and looks done by hand it's pretty impressive. There is no computer to create the shadows like in 3D models. It makes the character look a lot more alive.
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  • DjimmyDjimmy Member Posts: 749
    BG2 portrait but that's probably because I played BG2 multiple times before I played BG1. Still BG2 portrait.
  • OzzyBotkinsOzzyBotkins Member Posts: 396
    I went with BG2
    has more style
  • kingthrallkingthrall Member Posts: 76
    BG1, the BG2 image looks overdone with gloss and glittered up hours upon end in a mirror instead of having a serious business in keeping balance like her personality.
  • AkerhonAkerhon Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 614
    Imho the first BG1 portrait looks more like a human rather than a half-elf
  • LavaDelVortelLavaDelVortel Member Posts: 2,888
    I preffer BG1 portrait, but after looking at it a bit closer, I realized that there is something strange going on with her eyes... while one is in such a shadow and one is rather vivid, the vivid one looks as if it was to pop out. But it may be just me. However, looooooong time ago I tried to fix. Posting in just in case anyone would like to use it or something...
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