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[mod] HLA MIN_LEVEL field may be bugged

KalindorKalindor Member Posts: 51
edited February 2015 in BG:EE Bugs (v1.3)
I am making a mod that allows you to select abilities via the HLA screen starting at low levels. However, when I specify a minimum level requirement for any HLA via the MIN_LEV field in the relevant LU***.2DA file, the ability becomes permanently un-selectable, even when you achieve the necessary character level. I tried setting the MIN_LEV field to '1' for all abilities, and they become selectable and function normally.

This is a rather obscure bug since HLA's are not usually obtainable in BG1, but the mod I am making requires that this feature be operational. Please let me know if I am making some mistake.

Thank you,
Post edited by Tresset on


  • kjeronkjeron Member Posts: 2,368
    I do not know how this field is intended to function, however, it does restrict the HLA to only be select-able by only a multi-class character. MAX_LEV behaves similarly.

    MIN_LEV = 2+, restricts HLA to Multiclass
    MAX_LEV = 0, restricts HLA to Multiclass

    LUNUMAB.2da is the file you need to edit to allow earlier access to HLA's. To my knowledge, restricting HLA's to a higher level than initially availabe can only be done by having another HLA prerequisite, which you can get creative with.
  • KalindorKalindor Member Posts: 51
    The IESDP states that the MIN_LEVEL and MAX_LEVEL fields deal with the level a character must be to select a given HLA. It makes no mention of dual- or multi-classes. See the following link:

    Was this functionality changed for BG(2):EE?
  • Gate70Gate70 Member, Developer Posts: 3,883
    edited August 2015
    Post edited by Gate70 on
  • Troodon80Troodon80 Member, Developer Posts: 4,110
    edited August 2015

    Reposted from the other close topic. Here's what the actual code does:
    • LevelX starts at 1
    • Check to see if the character has any sub-classes
      • If they have at least 1 sub-class, check to see if the character is a multi-class spell caster
        • If they're a multi-class spell caster and a mage, check to see that they're at least level 18 (that's the level at which they can memorise level 9 spells)
          • If they're over level 18, add 32 to LevelX.
        • If they're a multi-class spell caster and a druid or cleric, check to see that they're at least level 14 (that's the level at which they can memorise level 7 spells)
          • If they're at least level 14, add 16 to LevelX.
    So the applicable numbers are:-
    • 1 for every class which is not a multi-class character (this includes dual-class)
    • 17 for multi-class cleric-types (Fighter/Druid, Mage/Cleric, etc.) from level 14 onwards, but only if a mage class in combination does not exceed level 18; so you'll have 17 until the mage class gets to level 18.
    • 33 for multi-class mage-types (Fighter/Mage, Fighter/Mage/Thief, etc.) from level 18 onwards, but only if a cleric-type class in combination does not exceed level 14. If you're a Cleric/Mage or other such combination, then you'll likely never get 33. Typical classes that will get 33 once the mage level is above 18 are:- Fighter/Mage, Fighter/Mage/Thief, and Mage/Thief.
    • 49 for multi-class cleric-types when combined with mage-types which meet the above criteria. For example: a Cleric/Mage, where cleric is level 21 and mage is level 18.
    Note that this was never fully implemented. It's not a bug so much as a mostly unused and unimplemented feature. It only works with multi-class characters.
    Post edited by Troodon80 on
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