Is the Baldur's Gate trilogy your favorite game(s) of all time?

For me, I have finally come to the conclusion that the original Baldur's Gate is my favorite game of all time. I like it even better than Baldur's Gate II, mainly because Baldur's Gate II seems very cramped to me whereas Baldur's Gate had wide open areas to explore.
It has also utterly ruined me from being able to enjoy the Icewind Dale games or Planescape Torment. Every time I try to get into one of those games I get a serious jones to play BG. It's like, "I am playing this when I COULD be playing THAT".
In any case, how many of you can say for sure that one of these games is your favorite game ever?
It has also utterly ruined me from being able to enjoy the Icewind Dale games or Planescape Torment. Every time I try to get into one of those games I get a serious jones to play BG. It's like, "I am playing this when I COULD be playing THAT".
In any case, how many of you can say for sure that one of these games is your favorite game ever?
I don't like Throne of Bhaal nearly as much, but it still has its moments and is worth playing just to see the entire saga completed.
I never even played it until just a couple of years ago. I played Oblivion before I ever even knew what Baldur's Gate was. And my first time playing it was 15 years after it's release; I was playing it in an era of all manner of modern RPG.
And yet, here I am two years later, calling Baldur's Gate my favorite game of all time. This has nothing whatsoever to do with nostalgia, obviously. It has to do with the fact that, to me at least, Baldur's Gate is simply the greatest game of all time. Irrespective of time. Now I know what people mean when they use the term "timeless classic".
But yes, it is above BG2
And it's funny you said how it ruined you for the other titles. For me it was PS:T (which sits at my #1), that I played before BG1/BG2/IWD1 titles and completely ruined them for me for a few years ("What is this horrible spell graphic?", "Where are my dialogue options?").
To close the gap I'll just add that Fallout 2 is #2.
and prepare youself for the best rpg adventure ever made!
for me the BGsaga is absolutely the best game I ever played, there is nothing like it!
and planescape is very good too, very different compared to BG but it's a game you MUST play if you like this kind of rpg... hopefully one day we will see the enhanced edition of torment too...
so, welcome again, and enjoy BG and this beautiful forum and community
And here I am a year and a half later, 1300 steam hours later, and I am calling it the greatest game ever made.
I would say that Maxi was 100% correct.
I think maybe Witcher 2 was kinda close, so maybe Witcher 3 can steal the crown from BG's head in my mind, we shall have to see.
Oh if we break up the saga, BG2 is 1# place and BG1 is probably in the my top 10, but probably at 8 or higher.
I haven't counted.
They definitely have their flaws (the cutscene thing was taken to extremes as the series progressed), but I can still happily replay my way through any of the four main canon games even now.
All things considered, I can.
BG definitely wins though, even though until I was 15 I'd probably never even killed mulahey.
Not mentioning Fallout 1 and 2 would be unfair as both also offer the same level of role play options and an incredibly good story. Remember the first time you tried to use INT as a dump stat in fallout 2? Did you know you can go through both games without Charname even killing anybody? That's open ended role playing there. And much credit is due for creating their own gaming system. I mean D&D was already invented, FO developers had to make their own "rules" for character development and such.
I often return to FF7 as well. Not nearly as good, but strangely something I always go back to. I'd also recommend KotoR 1 and 2 as pretty much the closest thing to BG1 and 2 I've ever seen in a console.... as far as being rather open world and having a great story and replay value (enough fun NPCs and things to do if you're evil).
Lastly I really was impressed by GTAV.... though we shall see if it stands the test of time.
So I guess it is. Or at least close.
In terms of personal affection and emotional connection, other games take the cake. Let's face it BG is great fun mechanically, and it is written well, but it's not the most character-driven game out there.
Simply put, the story and low-level open adventure of BG is a timeless masterpiece.
I used to reflect on how much Dragon Warrior was the catalyst that set off my love of RPG's, which the BG Franchise/vendors benefitted from. I wouldn't dream of playing Dragon Warrior ever again...but well into a second decade, I'm still sending 2E charnames throughout the Sword Coast and Amn. I'm open minded, thus am open to other possibilities, but I suspect nothing will ever eclipse these games in my gaming vantage point.
While the franchise is indeed good, there are more appealing games out there fit to be my personal favourite.
Wasteland 2 was actually amazing and I can see myself playing that for years to come. I'm excited for all the new stuff coming out this year, I think Pillars of Eternity looks awesome.
I think my love for them is because I really like the Forgotten Realms setting. I picked the first console game up simply because I'd had an ex boyfriend many years ago who was a tabletop FR player & he'd started introducing me to Baldur's Gate 1, I don't think we got much further than Candlekeep to be honest but I remembered the name & some jumbled images of the opening sequences & the familiar name drew me in, they in turn brought me back to the original games.
It's a shame bioware's recent titles don't compare in terms of the story and strategy.
I don't know how you feel about doing this, but if you are into emulators you can check it out using PCSX2. The only thing is that you better have a monster CPU, and a quad core is a must. I use an i5 2500k quad (Sandy Bridge architecture) OC'd at about 4.5GHz per core, but it's getting up there in age so I would recommend something even more powerful. The reason being, hardware mode doesn't work with that particular ROM. You have to play it in software mode. In any case I recommend you looking into it.