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Help me Jailbreak! (Chateau Irenicus)

HeindrichHeindrich Member, Moderator Posts: 2,959
For roleplay reasons, ideally I'd like to break out of Chateau Irenicus without using Jaheira or Minsc, but I don't think it's possible given other constraints I've placed on myself. But who knows, we have amazing powergamers here, perhaps one of you can suggest something I've overlooked.

The challenge:
Charname is a lv8 Kensai with 68 hp, but he will dual-class into Mage as soon as the game begins... so basically he's gonna be useless for the jailbreak as he does not even have any spells memorized and can no longer swing a sword. I suppose he could use scrolls and wands we come across... but I don't remember an abundance of those. No resting is allowed inside the dungeon. Game difficulty is Core Rules. No mods installed.

I suppose there are two levels of difficulty for solutions you can suggest:

A ) Just Charname and Imoen (and Yoshimo when he shows up).

B ) Charname, Imoen and either Minsc OR Jaheira.

Thanks in advance!

I'm mostly just curious to see what powergamers can come up with. It's not a huge deal if I have to use Minsc and Jah to escape, I'd just prefer to not have to concoct some excuse for them leaving the party later, so I'd prefer to imagine that they weren't even there.


  • HeindrichHeindrich Member, Moderator Posts: 2,959
    @semiticgod I've just read over your exploits again, and having just got out the the dungeon myself, I really appreciate the enormity of what you achieved!

    Alas I doubt I could have pulled it off like you did even if I had Imoen as well because 1) My Charname does not have ideal stats and he has the Good Bhaalspawn powers, and 2) I don't know the game as well as you do so something would have likely gone wrong sooner or later!

    In any case I managed to escape without Minsc, and I did so having cleared all enemies inside the dungeon except the Cambion. This may not seem like a big deal to most powergamers and veterans out there, but for me, it was a pretty nice achievement. :smiley:

    In my previous Chateau Irenicus breakouts, having Minsc makes a huge difference, as his hitting power makes short work of goblins and mephits, and I only have to resort to magic for a select few encounters. Without Minsc, every group of goblins required careful planning, and the mephits were pretty painful. It provides a really nice tactical challenge as I had to think about using limited resources, scouting ahead for every battle and trying to find an edge where possible. I was just able to make it out using almost all the potions and scrolls I found in the dungeon. (Unfortunately I couldn't find any Identify scrolls, so I couldn't use any of the wands.) This challenge really made what was a fairly boring and routine dungeon really tense and interesting!

    Oh and if you're wondering why I didn't just run past everything... 1) My imperfect memory would mean there is a good chance I run myself into a dead end! 2) I consider closing doors kinda cheesy and generally prefer to avoid metagaming too much*. (Though I appreciate it is necessary for the challenge you attempted.) 3) My roleplay required me to pick up the item from the djinni, which meant I could not avoid the toughest battle in that dungeon (the mephits in the Plane of Air).

    *The only metagaming I had to do was recruiting Yoshimo before going into the Plane of Air. Everything else I did in logical order.
  • semiticgoddesssemiticgoddess Member Posts: 14,903
    @Heindrich: Nice work! How did you take down Ilyich and the Mephits in the Air Elemental Plane? Fireball scroll?
  • HeindrichHeindrich Member, Moderator Posts: 2,959
    @semiticgod Ilyich was painful... very hard hitting compared to everything else in that dungeon and has an entourage to boot. I used Web to hold down most of the Duergar, but Ilyich made his saves pretty easily and really tore chunks out of Jaheira (2 Extra Healing potions needed to keep her fighting). I really concentrated on him, and used a Fire Arrow on him as well to take him down asap.

    The Mephits were pretty bad too... mostly because I noobed it and didn't notice that the majority of that particular pack were the steam and fire varieties that were immune to fire damage, so my opening Fireball didn't do much damage. I would have been better off with just opening with backstabs from Imoen and Yoshimo. In the end a summoned Ogrillon and a hasted Jaheira got the job done.

    The Otyugh cost me quite a lot of potions too because it diseased and slowed everyone, forcing me to retreat part-way through the fight.

    So yeah, as I said, doing the starting dungeon my way meant that I basically stumbled out with the stash of potions and scrolls I'd normally have. Given Charname is a recently dual-classed mage with literally just 2 starter spells in his spellbook, my early game is gonna be interesting indeed. (I am glad I have Jaheira with me, cos others rescuing Aerie might be pretty difficult and it might be a big challenge just gathering my A team together!)
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  • semiticgoddesssemiticgoddess Member Posts: 14,903
    @typo_tilly: The Mephits can deal tens of damage if they manage to disable you. I've seen a single-classed fighter with maxed CON and HP get slain by a single Radiant Mephit after being disabled too many times. You can also get stunned by a Mephit in the Air Elemental Plane, another quick path to death.

    Enemies get to hit you automatically when you're disabled. That damage builds up very fast, even with tiny Mephit attacks.
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