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Archer damage calculations

DrewRobiDrewRobi Member Posts: 8
I have seen people post about the feasibility of the Archer kit in BG2 due to immunities and lack of +4 to hit long bows. I wanted to see what the best bows there were for damage and see what they would be. So I did some calculations and thought I would share in case others are curious.

Link to google spreadsheet

  • Missile Dmg – The normal average missile damage (arrow is 1d6 or 3.5)
  • Best Missile Dmg – Arrow of piercing, Lightning Bolt, +4 bullet
  • + Dmg – Damage added by the launcher
  • Extra Dmg – Damage added by the launcher, like elemental damage
  • + Attacks – How many extra attacks beyond 1
  • 19 Str Bonus – Slings get a strength bonus, at 19 str, this is +7
  • Prof/Lvl + Attacks - At a high level (+1 ranged attack) and with max proficiencies (either +1 or +.5 for 5 and 3 pips)
  • Archer prof bonus – At level 31 the bonus for archer damage
  • Normal Dmg – Damage at level 31 with a normal missile 
  • Max Dmg – Damage at level 31 with the best missile
If you don't want to open the link, here is the damage per round for normal missiles:
Light Crossbow37.5
Heavy Crossbow40.5
Composite Longbow50
Strong Arm +254
The Army Scythe +154
Firetooth +455.5
Errine Sling +456.25
Firetooth +558.5
Crimson Dart58.5
Errine Sling +558.75
Teleomortis +4*62
Tuigan +162.5
Shortbow of Gesen72

Damage per round with the best damaging missiles:
Crimson Dart58.5
Light Crossbow67.5
Errine Sling +468.75
Heavy Crossbow70.5
Errine Sling +571.25
Composite Longbow74
Strong Arm +278
Firetooth +485.5
Teleomortis +4*86
Firetooth +588.5
Tuigan +192.5
The Army Scythe +194
Shortbow of Gesen96
* - The Teleomortis bow is a +4 bow that you can get with the Item Upgrade Mod Pack

So with normal missiles, the Errine sling actual does the most damage at 62.5 and the Gesen bow with piercing arrows does the best damage with the Army Scythe with lightning bolts (assuming no lightning resistance and a failed save) right behind.

Last edit to add new numbers and added the spreadsheet to show the calculations. Also added slings, darts and the Teleomortis mod bow.

Post edited by DrewRobi on


  • semiticgoddesssemiticgoddess Member Posts: 14,903
    Your numbers for Firetooth are inaccurate. Firetooth does 1d8+4 base damage, +6 from Archer bonuses at level 18, +2 fire damage, +3 proficiency bonuses. That's 16-23 damage, not 11-18. And I'm using the non-upgraded version's stats. Firetooth will do more damage until level 15, so it's not such a bad choice. And it is more versatile than the Tuigan Bow, as you can equip normal bolts with Firetooth and deal fire damage with nonmagical ammunition, allowing you to disrupt spells through both PFMW and Stoneskin.

    The Sling of Everard combined with the Girdle of Frost Giant Strength does more damage than the Gesen Bow at level 18, but only just barely. Gesen is still better, but the Sling of Everard is available earlier. Azuredge is probably the only throwing axe you need to know about.

    The Darts +5 from the Cloak of Stars are another good option. They normally don't last more than 24 hours, but you can make them permanent by tossing them in the Ammo Belt. That gives you 5 APR with +5 weapons and rather respectable damage. I would view them as the superior choice for an Archer for most of the game, as the extra APR works well with Called Shot. Being able to use Darts of Stunning and Darts of Wounding is also extremely useful. I just completed a no-reload run of SoA with SCS using an Archer specializing in darts, and they are not to underestimated.

    In fact, if we're talking about the absolute latest game maximum potential, the darts +5 do as much damage as the Gesen Bow:

    Base damage: 1d3
    Enchantment: 5
    Proficiency: 2 (Archers can't get more than two pips in Darts)
    Archer kit bonus: 8
    Called Shot: 2
    APR: 5

    Darts +5: 1d3+5+2+8+2=92 average damage per round

    They have the advantage of higher APR, which means Called Shot works better, and the disadvantage of a lack of elemental damage.
  • ArunsunArunsun Member Posts: 1,592
    edited March 2015
    The real problem of archer kit is the fact you have no way to have unlimited +4/5 arrows, meaning they necessarily fall off lategame (unlimited +2 arrows are nice but quite useless against enemies immune to such weapon) giving only three viable options:
    Sling of Everard: not roleplay for an archer.
    Firetooth: just come handy when you need to pierce through PFMW and stoneskin, as it has already been said.
    Shortbow of Gesen: tends to be the one single decent bow that you can use against most enemies.

    The archer kit is not weak in itself, it's just that his options are mostly weak, except for two weapons which are complementary to each other, meaning there is but one way to play archer in ToB.
  • WowoWowo Member Posts: 2,064
    Well at level 9 you can GM your first weapon (shortbow) and by level 18 you can GM your second (crossbow) ready for HLAs.

    However, more realistically it will probably be level 21 or 24 before you GM Crossbow as you'll want one or two melee weapons.

    Shortbow and Crossbow is a great combination as Firetooth is an incredibly powerful weapon that is available early on and has some unique applications due to it's nonmagical, fire dealing ammunition.
  • ArunsunArunsun Member Posts: 1,592
    Wowo said:

    Well at level 9 you can GM your first weapon (shortbow) and by level 18 you can GM your second (crossbow) ready for HLAs.

    However, more realistically it will probably be level 21 or 24 before you GM Crossbow as you'll want one or two melee weapons.

    Shortbow and Crossbow is a great combination as Firetooth is an incredibly powerful weapon that is available early on and has some unique applications due to it's nonmagical, fire dealing ammunition.

    I guess no one will solo the game as an archer (not that it would be that hard, just boring because you'll have to run in circles with boots of speed, shooting an arrow then running away, and doing so 50 times per fight is quickly gonna get boring). And if you have mates with you, you won't need melee proficiency as archer.
    However you might want at least one point in two handed weapons, just for speedfactor and crit on 19 roll
  • WowoWowo Member Posts: 2,064
    Arunsun said:

    Wowo said:

    Well at level 9 you can GM your first weapon (shortbow) and by level 18 you can GM your second (crossbow) ready for HLAs.

    However, more realistically it will probably be level 21 or 24 before you GM Crossbow as you'll want one or two melee weapons.

    Shortbow and Crossbow is a great combination as Firetooth is an incredibly powerful weapon that is available early on and has some unique applications due to it's nonmagical, fire dealing ammunition.

    I guess no one will solo the game as an archer (not that it would be that hard, just boring because you'll have to run in circles with boots of speed, shooting an arrow then running away, and doing so 50 times per fight is quickly gonna get boring). And if you have mates with you, you won't need melee proficiency as archer.
    However you might want at least one point in two handed weapons, just for speedfactor and crit on 19 roll
    I think one primary consideration is that some enemies have high resistances and you'll struggle to hurt them either due piercing damage type or a shortage of high pluses on ranged weapons.

    Consequently, you'll ideally want to choose a weapon type that fits both bills without impacting on other characters weapon choices.

    Staff qualifies in most cases. Mace or another single handed blunt weapon may work depending on other characters weapon choices.
  • ArunsunArunsun Member Posts: 1,592
    Still, there is no need for this in my opinion, archer still have a one great advantage which is that they can choose in a wide selection of ammo, and they almost always have the one arrow type that will hurt enemy badly enough. Going melee with archer feels so counterproductive and against roleplay
  • WowoWowo Member Posts: 2,064
    Arunsun said:

    Still, there is no need for this in my opinion, archer still have a one great advantage which is that they can choose in a wide selection of ammo, and they almost always have the one arrow type that will hurt enemy badly enough. Going melee with archer feels so counterproductive and against roleplay

    Because Legolas' portrayal of an archer who shoots people with his bow at point blank is totally accurate.

    There are plenty of examples of enemies resistant or outright immune to piercing damage in BG2 and there hasn't been an archer in history that didn't switch to a melee weapon if enemy units managed to close with them.
  • ArunsunArunsun Member Posts: 1,592
    Yeah but, even admitting the roleplay point, in BG2 you have this stupid item that are Paws of the Cheetah. With them you can basically kite infinitely, so there definitely is no point in taking melee point for an archer.
    If I m not mistaken I believe archers have in the end 16 proficiency points.
    Which means 2 GM, 2 points in two handed weapon style, then you can indeed put some points in melee weapon, I would take Halberd because Ravager is super strong, maybe quarterstaves for Staff of the Ram, but both come very late into the game which is why I wouldn't take points in melee weapon before having GM in shortbow and crossbow
  • MivsanMivsan Member Posts: 139
    Weapon style proficiencies do not affect ranged weapons.
  • DrewRobiDrewRobi Member Posts: 8
    edited March 2015

    Your numbers for Firetooth are inaccurate. Firetooth does 1d8+4 base damage, +6 from Archer bonuses at level 18, +2 fire damage, +3 proficiency bonuses. That's 16-23 damage, not 11-18. And I'm using the non-upgraded version's stats. Firetooth will do more damage until level 15, so it's not such a bad choice. And it is more versatile than the Tuigan Bow, as you can equip normal bolts with Firetooth and deal fire damage with nonmagical ammunition, allowing you to disrupt spells through both PFMW and Stoneskin.

    No my numbers are correct only in that I got them directly from the game screen. The proficiency bonus only seems to apply when bolts or arrows are equipped, not when using magical arrows/bolts provided by the xbow or short bows. This is of course assuming that the Inventory damage and number of attacks are being reported correctly in the game.

    Here is what it reports for the firetooth +5 at level 31:
    11-18 damage:
    Firetooth +5: 1d8+5
    Proficiencies: +5
    Missile Adjustment: +8
    Number of Attacks: +3

    Obviously +5+5+8+3, 21 is not going to result in 11-18 damage. So I pulled out the xbow and hit a tavern drunk and I did 21 damage. Then I hit Salvanas and did 14+2 damage. To Lord Jierdan it was 21+2. So it would seem there is a bug in the damage shown in the inventory screen for this bow. But the damage is not 1d8+21 though as 21 damage should not be possible. Thought I should try it out.
  • Lord_TansheronLord_Tansheron Member Posts: 4,212
    edited March 2015
    I'd like to see Light Crossbow of Speed added to that list, preferably with some good bolts like Lightning. Having special bolts is one of the biggest draws of crossbows, and while they're not infinite, there should be enough of them in the game to cover the important fights.

    Anyway, the data is not surprising to me. I've always said that Tuigan, Gesen, and Firetooth are basically the best things you can go for. Strong Arm is good, too, but unfortunately in the wrong weapon proficiency. Considering how trivial it is to get Tuigan and Firetooth (and LXBoS), it's probably not optimal to go for Long Bows.

    As for melee weapons, that should probably only ever be a consideration in solo play. There are certainly some enemies immune or resistant to piercing/missile, and they can be annoying - whether you want to sacrifice proficiency points just to cover that is a question left to party composition. But even solo, I think it's enough to just put 1 pip into Flails and use FoA to deal with the few pesky mobs. There's not THAT many of them anyway. I guess high level Golems could be annoying, but those aren't actually immune, just highly resistant - and they also hit like a freight train, so going into melee is not a good idea anyway...
  • ArunsunArunsun Member Posts: 1,592
    Mivsan said:

    Weapon style proficiencies do not affect ranged weapons.

    Really? Then I'm mistaken, thank you for the information :)
  • semiticgoddesssemiticgoddess Member Posts: 14,903
    @Arunsun: I already played through SoA with a solo Archer, in SCS2, no-reload, and kiting was not the only way to survive. I also used summons--Kitthix, Ras, and the Efreeti Bottle--as well as a clone from Vhailor's Helm to draw the enemy's attention.

    As for melee weapons, Archers can still dual-wield and achieve a decent APR with Belm. But sometimes, it will actually be perfectly effective to just use ranged weapons in melee combat, since the Archer's THAC0 is low enough to compensate for the tremendous penalties.
  • ArunsunArunsun Member Posts: 1,592
    @semiticgod I did not think of summoning, it is true that these are nice meatshields, but the point is still the same: you will not go melee with your bow, and you just said that even if you did go melee you would still use your bow ( Lategame archer has -20ish THAC0 so going melee would indeed not be a problem as far as THAC0 is concerned)
  • Lord_TansheronLord_Tansheron Member Posts: 4,212
    "Going melee" only makes sense if your bow doesn't work for some reason. Missile/Piercing immunity is the main reason, but depending on mods there may be others (e.g. SCS adds some nasty clerics with Physical Mirror up). Going into melee range with a ranged weapon is sometimes unavoidable, and usually still the better option as an Archer considering the magnitudes higher damage output. I wouldn't categorically exclude a scenario where you're stuck in melee and are getting hit too much to handle, it's just that I can't really think of any such situation actually occurring in the game. Anyone can give an example?
  • semiticgoddesssemiticgoddess Member Posts: 14,903
    @Arunsun: On the contrary, I often used the Flail of Ages and Belm in lieu of using darts (I only ever used bows for Arrows of Dispelling, actually, and even then only through a simulacrum). I believe opponents get a bonus to hit when attacking you when you use ranged weapons in close quarters, so there's still a defensive-type reason to use melee weapons, and though you might deal more damage with a ranged weapon on average, there are still circumstances in which you'd use melee weapons.

    For one thing, you can deal more damage if you use DUHM to boost your STR, as those damage bonuses can surpass those of the Archer Kit. For another, there are many enemies resistant to missile damage, and you might deal a lot more damage using a melee weapon.

    Finally, melee weapons have properties that ranged weapons sometimes just don't. If I'm fighting an enemy that might stun or paralyze me, then I'll need Arbane's Sword. If I need to interrupt spells through Stoneskin, the Flail of Ages is a better bet. If I'm fighting an SCS2 Cornugon with a fear aura, I'll have to equip Dragonslayer for the fear immunity. If I'm fighting Myconids and don't yet have the Shield of Harmony, then I should probably use Lilarcor.

    Playing an Archer is much more complicated than just plucking away on a bow from afar. They can and should use a wide variety of weapons, ranged and melee, in order to function at their best. I merely wished to stress that.
  • Lord_TansheronLord_Tansheron Member Posts: 4,212

    For one thing, you can deal more damage if you use DUHM to boost your STR, as those damage bonuses can surpass those of the Archer Kit.

    True, but you'll have a worse THAC0 and lower APR as well, due to only having Proficiency in melee weapons. Max 3 (MH) APR vs. 5 ranged APR (plus the better THAC0) should be more than enough to make up for the damage, even including DuHM.

    For another, there are many enemies resistant to missile damage, and you might deal a lot more damage using a melee weapon.

    This is the main (and practically only) reason to melee as an Archer. However, there are some things to consider here. Many enemies resistant/immune to piercing are actually fairly trivial - oozes, otyughs, skeletons don't really do much in BG2. Yes they'll keep your Archer busy, but they're also not a threat in any way. Those enemies that are resistant and ARE a threat, are very often also resistant to other types of weapons - bosses for example may be more resistant to piercing/missile than to other types, but usually not by huge amounts (e.g. 75% p/m and 50% everything else). Also, some of these enemies are not only resistant to missiles, but also VERY dangerous in melee - I'm thinking iron+ golems, which you really do not want to melee as an Archer because they can stomp you into the floor.

    Finally, melee weapons have properties that ranged weapons sometimes just don't. If I'm fighting an enemy that might stun or paralyze me, then I'll need Arbane's Sword. If I need to interrupt spells through Stoneskin, the Flail of Ages is a better bet. If I'm fighting an SCS2 Cornugon with a fear aura, I'll have to equip Dragonslayer for the fear immunity. If I'm fighting Myconids and don't yet have the Shield of Harmony, then I should probably use Lilarcor.

    Items can be equipped as needed, and non-armor can even be easily switched in and out in short intervals. Also, bows/xbows also come with their own unique effects, mainly through their ammunition - in fact, there are few BETTER ways to interrupt SSed mages than by using elemental damage ammo on an Archer, because their APR is very high and their THAC0 absurd.

    Playing an Archer is much more complicated than just plucking away on a bow from afar. They can and should use a wide variety of weapons, ranged and melee, in order to function at their best. I merely wished to stress that.

    While I absolutely agree that you need to be flexible and not tunnel-vision things, I find that utility is largely overrated in many places. Chances are there are ways to deal with things that do not require sacrifices in the one thing Archers do best, deliver ranged damage. You are right though, that sometimes it IS worth it.
  • ArunsunArunsun Member Posts: 1,592
    I am not an expert player, but to me, the gameplay you describe is more the one I would imagine for a unkitted ranger:
    Using wide variety of weapon to fit best every fight.
    IMO, it looks like you use bow as any weapon, which doesn't really fit archer kit. I know I am mixing gameplay and roleplay but BG2 is both at a time. I mean, if you wanna play ranger in the best possible way, meaning you focus on gameplay, archer certainly isn't the best kit, I would say either stalker or unkitted ranger is. And both would better fit the gameplay you described as well. On the other hand, if you focus on roleplay, IMO it doesn't feel right to use bow as if it was just another weapon, another compromise between damage and special properties.

    Well, that's a personnal point of view of course and you might or might not share it.

    TL;DR: My position: Soloing game= metagaming. Archer is unoptimized for metagaming.
  • semiticgoddesssemiticgoddess Member Posts: 14,903
    @Arunsun: What do you mean, unoptimized for metagaming?
  • DrewRobiDrewRobi Member Posts: 8
    While I appreciate the involvement and people wanting to discuss, I'd like to suggest that we stay on topic please. This post is for discussion on damage for ranged weapons for archers (preferably strictly bows and xbows). We do not need to discuss melee, weapon switching strategies or other items here (start another post or use another existing thread please). There are plenty of Archer threads for this, but I would like to keep this one more for reference purpose. So please feel free to comment on the damage and how it may be wrong (since it appears the damage reported in the game character screens is not accurate for at least the magical items) or feel free to provide new statistics on ranged weapons I did not supply here.

    Thank you
  • Lord_TansheronLord_Tansheron Member Posts: 4,212
    Something that might be interesting to compare is Slings. Yes they don't get GM for Archers, but they DO get STR bonus damage, which is increased by DuHM. It might also be interesting to compare Archer vs. GM-Slings Fighter in terms of damage output - perhaps even Fighter->Cleric.
  • semiticgoddesssemiticgoddess Member Posts: 14,903
    @Lord_Tansheron: The Sling of Seeking and Sling of Everard both benefit from STR bonuses, and they are among the most damaging options for Archers as well as Fighters and Clerics. They're not the most damaging option for Archers, unless you have a dual-class Archer/Cleric (not possible with ToB), but they are very much up there.
  • ArunsunArunsun Member Posts: 1,592
    @semiticgod : I mean that soloing game requires versatility, natural versatility, which archer doesn't really have compared to other ranger kits. It's still ranger, meaning you can do a lot of thing, but it is not the best in its category, which is why I wouldn't solo Archer. But if you want to discuss it further, which would be interesting, I suggest we use PM or another thread rather than going further off topic on this one.

    @DrewRobi : sorry for the off topic. That's my last off-topic post, just to answer the question I was asked. By the way, on topic this time, you might want to add slings to your damage table, as they do deal a great amount of damage with DuHM, and I believe the sling of Everard gives infinite +5 bullet which makes it a viable alternative to Gesen if it can match its damage (though none of its damage would bypass stoneskin)
  • DrewRobiDrewRobi Member Posts: 8
    edited March 2015
    No problem @Arunsun. I used the Gesen bow without errors to test damage since there is a fixed damage. I used townsfolk in the tavern again hoping that they have no resistances. The damage is 15 but the character screen shows 7. The damage breakdown is shown as:
    0d6 + 2 + 5

    With arrows, the Gesen bow shows: 1d6(arrow) + 5(prof) + 2(gesen), and only displays 8-13.

    So, it is not showing the archer bonus for some reason. At level 31, there should be +10 damage (or is it 11), but only +8 is actually applied (not sure if this is because of EEKeeper or it stops adding the benefits at 8?). So if the bonus is 8, then it makes sense that the damage from the Gesen bow is 2(bow)+8(archer)+5(proficiencies). So yes, proficiency damage is included. But what I am seeing is that when I bumped my Level up via EEKeeper, somehow the kit bonus is not included correctly. Does anyone have an archer that was not modified of that level to confirm if level 31 does get a +10 bonus?

    Even if I use the console to go up one level at a time, I'm not seeing a bonus of +1/3 levels. I went from 3mil to 4.2mil and stayed at a +6 archer bonus. Perhaps the HLA somehow interferes with the kit bonus? Anyone know why this may be?
  • semiticgoddesssemiticgoddess Member Posts: 14,903
    I know in the vanilla game Archers don't get +1 to hit and damage every 3 levels. That only lasts up to level 18, for +6. But +6 at level 31 is also too low. I believe you max out at +8.

    Does the Archer bonus work with other ranged weapons? Because the Gesen Bow, with 0d6 damage, might not process the Archer bonuses the same. I once tested a high level Archer with the Scorcher Ammunition and found that it dealt 13 damage every time, instead of 1d12 plus whatever bonuses.
  • Lord_TansheronLord_Tansheron Member Posts: 4,212
    @DrewRobi: Archers don't have a linear scale, their bonus gains slow down at higher levels. This is by design, though it's not well documented. Can't remember the values.
  • semiticgoddesssemiticgoddess Member Posts: 14,903
    I checked the .2da file in DLTCEP. The Archer bonuses slow down after level 18. After that, they only come in at level 23, 28, and 33, every 5 levels, for a grand total of +9 to hit and damage with ranged weapons.

    The same does not apply to Kensai bonuses.
  • DrewRobiDrewRobi Member Posts: 8
    edited March 2015
    Edited the post and added a google spreadsheet. Hopefully the numbers are accurate now. I used +8 bonus.
  • Rollingd20sRollingd20s Member Posts: 11
    Thanks for doing this. I've often wondered particularly how Teleomortis stacked up to the other bows. For me this is a roleplaying decision, as I tend to think of short bows for sneaky and sniper types and longbows for a frontal assault style character.
  • JonlunJonlun Member Posts: 7
    What about impaler throwing spear?
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