I know it wasn't the OP's intention, but I'm going to keep things BG related, my tastes in music are incredibly varied but I'm going to link a song by an incredibly talented young lady by the name of Joanna Newsom. If you haven't heard of her before; think of a modern day American equivalent to Kate Bush, just as crazy, just as awesome, with a stream of consciousness style lyrics, she is basically a real life Bard:
@JaxsBudgie Cool I haven't listening to Joanna Newsom in Yonks, she is awesome
She's disgustingly talented. When I first heard her music I thought "what the fuck is this?!" it took a good few listens for it to finally settle in. Totally worth it.
"Then I park my car, then I fuck your bitch"
"Swag, swag, swag, swag"
Absolutely beautiful. Brings tears to my eyes.
Layne Stayley´s voice, haunting, yet beautiful.
I reckon lugging along that harp may leave her a little encumbered though.
Love this soundtrack.
But then it all comes good at the end!
He's the lead singer of The Gaslight Anthem.
Also this, by the same guy. It's a solo version of Gaslight's song.
This is where we fight ! This is where they die!
The Expert
Good old but still amazing Yello
Orinoco Flow (slightly different from the original one)
Well, then
I'm going to have to throw this in there of course:
Okay I'ma post Here To Stay by Korn. Catchy, badass, and melodic where it needs to be ... it's just awesome:
'Cause no one else cared