Yes, I have: -the Simulacrum helm -all the green scrolls (protection from fire, magic, etc) -belt of inertial barrier -Lilarcor, Firetooth -Boots of speed -Ring of Gaxx -several potions of Oil of Speed.
Good that you've done it but I would still give some thoughts of how a solo Inquisitor can defeat Firkraag.
First and foremost, buff a potion of speed and potions of fire resistance. Use a green scroll of Protection from Acid to protect from Firkraag's acid attacks. Buff your STR and DEX with potions. Gulp a regeneration potion.
Use Vhailor's Simulacrum and make it immune to Fire and Acid as well (either through potions, if it can use them, or through the Protection from Fire and Acid green scrolls, if it cannot use consumables - some mods restrict it).
Summon all the creatures you can summon - the Berzerker warrior from the Horn, Kittix. Let them help your Inquisitor to take Firkraag's Stoneskins off.
Then just basically fight with Firkraag. Hurt the dragon and be hurt as well. Let the strongest survive.
As you're an Inquisitor, my recommendation is debuffing Firkraag at each step. Also use several buffs so you don't get killed. Fighting vanilla Firkraag with a Warrior class shouldn't be too hard when you have such good items.
I got properly buffed and ganked him with my clone, thus easily reducing his status to "injured". The problems only begun when he started using his nasty claws on me. So I run away (trying a new, hit and run tactic). He followed me and for some reason ended up stuck behind that table. It wasn't the most glorious kill ever, but it didn't matter much at that moment.
Probably it would have been much easier on highers levels.
If you are good at microgestion, try your best to make your attacked character(yourself or the simulacrum) retreat while the other attack the dragon, use healing potions aswell during the process and some dispell magic if needed.
If everything goes right you can kite him thanks to the oil of speed.
Thanks @bengoshi, for summoning me. I actually started an answer to @MalacPok's question but realized that I wasn't sure about Firkraag's vanilla behavior anymore (used as I am to playing with SCS).
I don't have a lot to add to @CrevsDaak's advice to rely on dispels dispels, which should work as soon as the Inquisitor is level 12 (because Firkraag is level 23) or to @bengoshi's summoning and buffing recommendations (haste being crucial, fire and acid protection, don't forget about the ring you can get from the Ruhk Transmuter).
You might want Protection from (Dragon) Fear, for example through the Dragonslayer sword.
Finally depending on one's resources, Kachiko's Wakizashi +3 might be worth an investment. Firkraag has only 3(!) WIS, so two successful WIS drains with that blade within two rounds = dead Firkraag.
Finally depending on one's resources, Kachiko's Wakizashi +3 might be worth an investment. Firkraag has only 3(!) WIS, so two successful WIS drains with that blade within two rounds = dead Firkraag.
At first look, the wisdom drain ability looks like some joke. Especially considering that WIS is usually just a dump stat. Why would it be less painful, if a (perhaps) slightly less wise thug beats me to pulp? My error was in ignoring the devastating effect of having a stat reduced to 0.
It was a fun discovery when my shapechanged mindflayer version insta-brain-raped Draconis for the first time. I didn't mind the loss of XP on that particular occasion.
Well, my Inquisitor finished ToB yesterday. It was a fun, quick (and fairly easy) run with many dead dragons and other vanquished vermin. It's time to try something new.
Well, my Inquisitor finished ToB yesterday. It was a fun, quick (and fairly easy) run with many dead dragons and other vanquished vermin. It's time to try something new.
Congrats on beating ToB. I think you should try playing BG with the SCS mod as the next step (if you haven't yet).
Thanks! For some reason I cannot motivate myself into starting BG1, not even with the promise of obtaining the Big Metal Unit. Maybe it has to do with the difficulties of starting with a low level character that can't hit anything or has too few spells at its disposal. I just recently reinstalled BG2 only for the sake of nostalgia, but soon discovered the joys of solo runs. Didn't do those before. After the kensai\mage, sorcerer, fighter\thief, shapeshifter and inquisitor, I'm looking for something interesting but not too insanely hard. Maybe some fun&exotic combination of class\spells\items\abilities.
At first look, the wisdom drain ability looks like some joke. Especially considering that WIS is usually just a dump stat. Why would it be less painful, if a (perhaps) slightly less wise thug beats me to pulp? My error was in ignoring the devastating effect of having a stat reduced to 0.
It was a fun discovery when my shapechanged mindflayer version insta-brain-raped Draconis for the first time. I didn't mind the loss of XP on that particular occasion.
Nice! It's a beautiful thing to try out unconventional ways of defeating enemies, and to see them work.
Recently Everard's Morningstar caught my interest. It has a 50% chance of removing a spell each time you hit a character (wizard) it. It hits through Stoneskin (though not PfMW/Mantle) and it removes the highest level spells first. A really nice weapon in the hands of say a hasted Anomen. The only drawback is that it's a +2 weapon, so while it's useful for the most of SoA; it's not an endgame weapon.
Well, my Inquisitor finished ToB yesterday. It was a fun, quick (and fairly easy) run with many dead dragons and other vanquished vermin. It's time to try something new.
Wow, that's some major progress you seemed to have made in only three days.. Congrats on beating ToB!
Thanks! For some reason I cannot motivate myself into starting BG1, not even with the promise of obtaining the Big Metal Unit. Maybe it has to do with the difficulties of starting with a low level character that can't hit anything or has too few spells at its disposal. I just recently reinstalled BG2 only for the sake of nostalgia, but soon discovered the joys of solo runs. Didn't do those before. After the kensai\mage, sorcerer, fighter\thief, shapeshifter and inquisitor, I'm looking for something interesting but not too insanely hard. Maybe some fun&exotic combination of class\spells\items\abilities.
You don't have to feel weak in early BG1. There are character classes and kits that are relatively powerful from the start and will remain powerful throughout the game (Barbarian, Dwarven Defender, Cleric/Ranger, Berserker, Fighter/Thief, Fighter/Mage, Cavalier to name a few). If you'd like to play an initially more vulnerable class or kit (let's say a wizard, a Thief, a Druid, or a Bard), you can pick up the Wand of Sleep at the Hight Hedge. That item really makes things easier in the beginning of the trilogy.
For me, the major advantage of going solo with a powerful character is the increased speed of completion. Finish it quickly and I can try the next class. As soon I run out of interesting options, I will probably try BG1 (if only to remove my feelings of guilt over not doing it before ) Thanks for that Wand of Sleep suggestion. I will try to remember it.
For me, the major advantage of going solo with a powerful character is the increased speed of completion. Finish it quickly and I can try the next class. As soon I run out of interesting options, I will probably try BG1 (if only to remove my feelings of guilt over not doing it before ) Thanks for that Wand of Sleep suggestion. I will try to remember it.
Consider all the +1 stat books you grab in BG1 plus a fair chunk of extra XP that you can port over to start BG2 with. It also gets you a little more emotionally invested in your PC.
-the Simulacrum helm
-all the green scrolls (protection from fire, magic, etc)
-belt of inertial barrier
-Lilarcor, Firetooth
-Boots of speed
-Ring of Gaxx
-several potions of Oil of Speed.
This is my gear, and I'm on level 15 right now.
A few hours later I had another funny encounter with a dragon.
First and foremost, buff a potion of speed and potions of fire resistance. Use a green scroll of Protection from Acid to protect from Firkraag's acid attacks. Buff your STR and DEX with potions. Gulp a regeneration potion.
Use Vhailor's Simulacrum and make it immune to Fire and Acid as well (either through potions, if it can use them, or through the Protection from Fire and Acid green scrolls, if it cannot use consumables - some mods restrict it).
Summon all the creatures you can summon - the Berzerker warrior from the Horn, Kittix. Let them help your Inquisitor to take Firkraag's Stoneskins off.
Then just basically fight with Firkraag. Hurt the dragon and be hurt as well. Let the strongest survive.
I summon fellow no-reloaders here @Gotural , @Blackraven , @CrevsDaak and @semiticgod as well as @DreadKhan to give further advice.
I always assumed that red=fire ... why won't dragons play fair?!
Probably it would have been much easier on highers levels.
If everything goes right you can kite him thanks to the oil of speed.
@Heindrich, Firkraag uses both fire and acid.
I don't have a lot to add to @CrevsDaak's advice to rely on dispels dispels, which should work as soon as the Inquisitor is level 12 (because Firkraag is level 23) or to @bengoshi's summoning and buffing recommendations (haste being crucial, fire and acid protection, don't forget about the ring you can get from the Ruhk Transmuter).
You might want Protection from (Dragon) Fear, for example through the Dragonslayer sword.
Finally depending on one's resources, Kachiko's Wakizashi +3 might be worth an investment. Firkraag has only 3(!) WIS, so two successful WIS drains with that blade within two rounds = dead Firkraag.
It was a fun discovery when my shapechanged mindflayer version insta-brain-raped Draconis for the first time. I didn't mind the loss of XP on that particular occasion.
Well, my Inquisitor finished ToB yesterday. It was a fun, quick (and fairly easy) run with many dead dragons and other vanquished vermin. It's time to try something new.
I just recently reinstalled BG2 only for the sake of nostalgia, but soon discovered the joys of solo runs. Didn't do those before. After the kensai\mage, sorcerer, fighter\thief, shapeshifter and inquisitor, I'm looking for something interesting but not too insanely hard. Maybe some fun&exotic combination of class\spells\items\abilities.
Recently Everard's Morningstar caught my interest. It has a 50% chance of removing a spell each time you hit a character (wizard) it. It hits through Stoneskin (though not PfMW/Mantle) and it removes the highest level spells first. A really nice weapon in the hands of say a hasted Anomen.
The only drawback is that it's a +2 weapon, so while it's useful for the most of SoA; it's not an endgame weapon.
If you'd like to play an initially more vulnerable class or kit (let's say a wizard, a Thief, a Druid, or a Bard), you can pick up the Wand of Sleep at the Hight Hedge. That item really makes things easier in the beginning of the trilogy.