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The great Shadows of Amn conspiracy!



  • GenderNihilismGirdleGenderNihilismGirdle Member Posts: 1,353
    Not to perform thread necromancy here, but as someone recently pointed out on reddit, it looks like this thread (or some idea a lot like it) could be the link between the original games and Baldur's Gate III.
  • gorgonzolagorgonzola Member Posts: 3,864
    edited March 2020
    elminster wrote: »
    Not to say that there isn't some room, but the world map size in ToB is definitely a constraint on adding new content.


    i disagree, just for fun i created an alternative maps adding 4 areas, using existing area icons, that are less packed together then some of the existing areas.


    DreadKhan wrote: »
    I like the idea of ToB, but it desperately needs mega-modding to make it less linear..................

    I'm personally in favor of thinking of a way to make ToB way less linear, and with different out comes, which can have some good and some bad even, as in less than optimal wins that are less satisfying.
    i certainly agree about how linear is ToB, after all the freedom the player was used in SoA, where not only he has complete choice on which secondary quests to do and when to do them (chap 2 or after the asylum), but he can even, from chap 2 on, go to WK (if he dares), having access to a mega quest that from its creation has been designed for ToB party levels, but is available to the SoA players, originally if they had the ToB expansion.

    under spoiler (as it reveals the flow of ToB, and some new players can maybe like to discover it by themselves) i put an other map where the blue arrows show the linear paths, that you have no chance but follow in exact order, and in red the paths where the player has a choice on what to do first.
    i think that it is self explanatory enough on how ToB is linear, so potentially boring.

    The existence of WK, if in the original game added quite a bit of content and that could somehow balance the linearity of ToB, in EE, where ToB and WK are already delivered with SoA in the same package, does not change anything about the main plot of ToB being so linear and the optional quests in it being very small and less interesting compared to the SoA ones.
    we can certainly not compare saving malla's soul, that is probably the only sub quest that has at least a challenging battle, with the quests of the animals attacking trademeet or the one given by a certain noble man in the CC.

    and the new EE quests are npc related, to do them you must have specific EE npcs in the party, while in SoA almost all the npc related important quests could be done even without having those npcs, you don't need nalia to do the d'arnise keep, cernd to do the druid's grove or mazzy to do the umar hills.
    Quests like the one if you have jan or anomen in the party are very little content compared to the large amount of optional content of SoA.
    so the new EE npc quests are new content "on condition".
    i can not play half of them only for the fact that EE implemented also some npcs of a level of evilness that was never seen in the original, and i never play evil charnames. But even those that don't have problems with alignment must have specific npcs in the party to play the new EE content, every time they don't that content is lost.

    still i think that a mega mod that changes the way the ToB main plot is implemented, making it less linear, ie allowing the player chose in which order to deal with the 5 right at the beginning, and/or adds new optional quests, that we can access without being tied to have specific npcs in the party, is possible, but is something that i don't see happening in the future.

    it is a too big goal for every single modder, but some modders working together could do it.
    but nowadays it seems to me that the main focus of the modders is about adding new npcs or changing the game mechanics, with mega mods like scs or mods that change the items and spells, add new kits and so on.
    In the past much more modders was interested in creating new content, most of the quest mods, some of them imho with very good quality, was created in the pre EE age and then ported to EE.
    I would like to have a less linear ToB, with some huge optional quests that every party can do, but i don't see it coming.

    EDIT: i created an other map that shows how a less linear and boring ToB could be.
    the arrows of different color show from where it could be possible to start to deal with 4 of the five, the one in saradush obviously has to be dealt with before dealing with the giant one, but maybe non necessarily after the other 3, as if charname has a way out of the town under siege why not?
    and WK and the optional areas with new optional quests could be available at every moment the party is not in saradush, but the start of those quest, the encounter and dialogue that trigger them, could happen there, or maybe some of them could be available only after the party deals with a certain amount of 5, to spawn the persons that trigger them in whatever area not marked as dungeon is not a problem.
    Post edited by gorgonzola on
  • megamike15megamike15 Member Posts: 2,666
    yeah the entire left side of the map has enough rooms for icons.
  • PokotaPokota Member Posts: 858
    So I'm reading the earlier posts in this thread and the number one rule of the Forgotten Realms is popping into my head.

    "Never assume that there is only one diabolical plot going on at any given time. It's usually twenty or thirty."
  • RedRodentRedRodent Member Posts: 78
    So reddit user HarbsNarbs1, inspired by this thread, has started a video series on the Hidden conspiracy and points out some interesting things that can be accessed via the console and EEKeeper. This may be old news to some of you, but I had no idea that one of the baddies in the Guarded Compound is actually a mind flayer for instance. With this in mind, the Hidden seem to be the driving force of the slave trade in Athkatla, and likely had a part in the assault on D'Arnise's Keep as well.

    Definitely some interesting stuff, check it out:
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,775
    Hey, @CamDawg is a technical director on the IE EEs. He's not Cameron Tofer.
  • IseweinIsewein Member Posts: 581
    Whenever I get reminded of this thread it puts a mad smile on my face. I haven't had a proper look at BG3 yet, but from what I've seen I can't help but be convinced someone at Larian must have come here for inspiration.
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