Now that I think about it, given the redundancy created by the Enhanced Bard Song HLA I think that 'Lingering Song' specifically for the Skald's unique ballad would be a welcome change. I love the image of a Skald wielding some type of two-handed weapon, bellowing out his war-chant and charging into the fray.
Right, haha. I've currently got it set where Bardsong and Battlesong last 600 seconds after cast, so they can actually fight while/after singing. I feel like the song "inspires" the party for about 10 minutes, then morale goes back to normal. ^_^
" And so he spoke, and so he spoke, that Lord of Castamere, But now the rains weep o'er his hall, with no one there to hear. "
I heard in PnP the bard song lasts one round per level, but takes three rounds to activate. I don't know the best way to implement that, but it would be fairly balanced and would remove some hassle from bards.
Why would anyone use their skald to do anything but sing? The party's mage(s) are far superior spell casters, and the fighters are trained and equipped to be the best at melee. The Skald's job is to sing, so that party and any summoned creatures will benefit from those sweet, sweet hit and damage bonuses, and the mental immunities.
Equip your skald with a sling, and, have him take a pot shot now and then while singing. During singing, attack with the sling, and immediately resume singing again. This way you will benefit from to hit/damage bonuses from your own song, also sling will benefit from high strength bonuses, thus you will do some impressive extra damage. (throwing axes are too slow, by the time you initiate the attack you may have lost the song effect)
@Jarrakul I assume it wouldn't be too hard, but I dont know IWD. All you would have to do is find the .spl resource for the bard song, assuming it is externalized, and change the duration of its effects to how ever long you want them to last.
And does Skald's song stack with second Skald's song? If so, a Duet/Cheer-Squad for 3 Half-Orc Barbarians and their accompanying Cleric/Thief (Shaman) sounds like an interesting run.
If you want, and you have Near Infinity, I can walk you through how to make the Skald song last longer than 7 seconds.
" And so he spoke, and so he spoke,
that Lord of Castamere,
But now the rains weep o'er his hall,
with no one there to hear. "
Why can Skalds not multiclass?
Why have IWD songs not be back ported to BG? (less Skald specific...)