Epiphany: Best thing for Beamdog to do: 1.IWD2EE -> 2.new 3E adventure

3E is the best of the D&D sets for a CRPG (or rather 3.5E is). No contest.
IWD2 was the best of the Infinity Engine games when it comes to balance and design. It definitely deserves an EE treatment.
But it lacks two specific very important things:
1. No Epic Story! (Bhallspawn saga tied the BG series together in a way that IWD1/2 never had.)
2. No SCS. (Seriously, without good AI a sophisticated game system is useless!)
Challenge to Beamdog:
- Sell us IWD2EE (develop a good frigging AI for it this time though, please, unlike the IWDEE)
- use that version of the engine to sell us a new game (I'm willing to pay $40 for a full adventure.)
IWD2 was the best of the Infinity Engine games when it comes to balance and design. It definitely deserves an EE treatment.
But it lacks two specific very important things:
1. No Epic Story! (Bhallspawn saga tied the BG series together in a way that IWD1/2 never had.)
2. No SCS. (Seriously, without good AI a sophisticated game system is useless!)
Challenge to Beamdog:
- Sell us IWD2EE (develop a good frigging AI for it this time though, please, unlike the IWDEE)
- use that version of the engine to sell us a new game (I'm willing to pay $40 for a full adventure.)
But yeah, a new game with the IWD2:EE engine would probably be pretty dope. Based on how well IWD2:EE will turn out.
*whistles innocently*
1. Lousy story (especially NWN1; NWN2 was okay, but grindy). Give me something epic.
2. 3D was a let down. I don't wanna struggle with cameras (which is why the new Torment and Pillars make do without it)
3. I don't care about a construction set. I pay $40 for someone to make me game, not give me the tools to make myself one. (Modability is okay though.)
No need for a flamewar.
I have a hard time imagining someone arguing that a new epic Infinity-like game is a bad thing. And for Beamdog's expertise, it best built upon the best version of the Infinity engine. And that is IWD2.
This isn't too much to ask for ... right?
Actually Actually. I would LOVE this!
. . .
I should try out that BG1 mod for NWN2 some day.
Edit: Blargghh why must time be a resource? Between Pool of Radiance, Dragon Age: Inquisition, and college classes I don't have time to add another game T_T
I am in the same boat that IWD2 does not need an EE version of itself.
EE games spoiled us regarding graphics and UI. Playing IWD2 un-EEed felt like playing Ultima IV once again. *shudder*
So, yeah, I'll totally buy IWD2EE - especially if they upgrade the AI!
Also, you do realize that IWD2 is not in 2E, right?
It is a quasi-3E setup.
Both NW games suffered from sucky graphics.
We know that Beamdog would never get the DnD licence for any NEW games unless they used the current ruleset.
Also, I'll to admit one more worry:
Beamdog has yet to prove itself capable of delivering excellent content. Their new EE content was better for BG2 than for BG but it is still pretty weak. (I remember playing Neera's quest in BG2 and feeling constantly lamenting the lost opportunities.)
Still, at least they support their customers and listen to them. This is what deserves our support - and our benefit of the doubt.
Can they deliver a NEW A+ game worth full price? I am willing to bet on it with my pre-purchase, despite some misgivings and quirks.
I own NWN2 and the expansions but arghh I have too many games to play+Class DX
After I beat Dragon Age: Inquisition and Pools of Radiance I DEFINITELY need to go play NWN 1 and 2 again along with the expansions. I've done the OC for NWN but never played the expansions or any of NWN2 >_<.
Their only issues are the silly 3D Engine that NWN/NWN2 is using and that they are not the epic 200+ hour campaign I need starting from my lvl 1 weakling to the demigod it becomes at the end of the campaign. (Also, D&D ruleset isn't meant to gracefully handle such epic levels -- it strains under the pressure.)
But yes, good campaign design by Beamdog should learn from these excellent expansion.
I solved the issue for NWN1 with a mod that adds the True Necromancer from Libris Mortis that's an Arcane/Cleric hybrid prestige class. It SUCKS as far as power gaming goes but SO MUCH FLAVOR.
For NWN2 I think I might just play a Cleric with the Death and Magic domains for a psuedo-mage/cleric class.
Back on subject though, they should add prestige classes to IWD2 if they can XD Would love a Mystic Theurge or something so I can play my 2nd edition style Cleric/Mages in the game and such
Too bad no warlocks were implemented in EE games. Shouldn't be too hard to code.