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"Maybe this time" [NO-RELOAD THREAD]: "The Tale of ONE MILLION visions"



  • semiticgoddesssemiticgoddess Member Posts: 14,903
    @Grond0: Spell Revisions actually strengthens some disablers by adding save penalties (usually -2 for low-level spells and -4 for stronger ones), but Greater Malison in SR only imposes a -2 save penalty, and Chaos is replaced with Waves of Fatigue, which imposes combat and casting speed penalties for 5 rounds with no save.

    Disablers are indeed useful in LoB mode, but the +5 bonus to enemy saves and the long duration of battles makes disablers significantly less effective than in normal mode, and any strategy that relies on even a small amount of luck will fail sooner or later in a no-reload run. Web and Stinking Cloud are good examples of effective disablers in no-reload runs, since they require a saving throw each round rather than one save for the whole duration, but SR removes the save penalty from Web.
  • Wise_GrimwaldWise_Grimwald Member Posts: 3,868

    Is there reason lots of entire posts are in spoiler tags?

    I was a bit surprised about that too. I use spoilers to hide images, then people can decide for themselves if they want to see the images or not. Having the entire post in spoilers sort of defeats the object.

  • lroumenlroumen Member Posts: 2,538
    SoD runs are typically still hidden since not many noreloaders have played it yet.
  • Wise_GrimwaldWise_Grimwald Member Posts: 3,868
    Grond0 said:

    Freya{35} - LoB sorcerer (2nd and final update) I have noticed numerous instances in the past where that information has been mis-reported, so the latter seems more likely.

    I have noted that a number of enemies are brought to near death quite easily, but they just won't die. To kill them, I seem to have to change to a different form of attack. Has anyone else noticed this?
  • Blind_VisionaryBlind_Visionary Member Posts: 203


    Priestess of Tyr
    Origin | Previous | You Must Quit the Game

    Talanis lead the bound dwarf down the steps and into the dusty streets of Beregost.

    A party of four were waiting at the end of the lane. Two mailed warriors and two mysterious robed figures.

    "Talanis, your journey ends here," the biggest of them said.

    Ajantis stepped forward. "I beg to differ. Stand aside or feel the righteous wrath of Helm."

    The warrior laughed. "I'll take great pleasure in beating your righteous attitude down into the dust."

    Ajantis ran forward, blade swinging. The second warrior stepped up to meet him with his axe, and the two robed figures began chanting.

    Talanis closed her eyes and called on the dead to rise. Two skeletons assembled out of the dust and shambled into the fray.

    When she opened her eyes, she was surprised to see the giant warrior standing in front of her, swinging a huge war hammer. It connected solidly with her head, and she never closed her eyes again.
  • Blind_VisionaryBlind_Visionary Member Posts: 203
    edited December 2016
    Introducing my next darling to kill.

    Vada. Human female Dark Moon Monk. Lawful evil.

    She is methodical. Dangerous. And intent on installing herself as a Grand Duke of Baldur's Gate, to rule the night in the name of Shar.

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