Legacy of Bhaal Genocide Run: Carl the Llama in BG2 (first post here)
Drow have spawned in the northwest room where the Lesser Demon Lord appeared--I've been planning on using that room as our sanctuary, but it seems enemies can just appear there. Carl and Edwin fortify their defenses, but Viconia unfortunately has no armor equipped, as we had to resurrect her mid-combat.
Flowey is blinded, but his psionic abilities can reach far beyond his visual range. Since he's surrounded by enemies and I'm a tad desperate, I decide to use an area-effect charm spell.
Domination works much like a Seducer's Charm, but the save penalties don't scale as much with level. The odds of charming these drow are actually quite low, with a pitiful -4 save penalty at level 50, compared to -13 with Charm. Plus, Domination takes 2 rounds to take effect instead of 1, and only lasts 2 rounds instead of 3, making the spell more useful for slowing down groups of enemies than actually taking control of them. Plus, the AC and movement penalties are much nastier. Domination can be cast at will just like Charm, but when I release the Seducer kit online, I'll probably either remove it or make it a limited-use but stronger ability (it also won't get Use Any Item, so it's not going to play the same as it does in this run).
Viconia improves her defenses with Globe of Blades, Stan's Storm of Vengeance tacks on scratch damage to the enemies down south, and Edwin once more fails to summon a clone.
We need to restore Edwin's spell slots, lest we start running low on celestials. Carl casts Spell Trap to ensure a strong supply of Wish spells. Down south, Flowey starts taking control of a substantial fraction of the enemy horde. It'll get the drow to turn on each other, but since Dragon's Breath is party-friendly, Edwin won't be able to deal quite as much damage as he otherwise could have.
Carl summons a clone, which casts Moment of Prescience to stay safe. Clones always arrive unbuffed and vulnerable, and Moment of Prescience, with its undispellable (but not un-Breachable) +20 to AC and saving throws, is a strong defensive option rivaling PFMW.
I notice some of the charmed drow are attacking each other, but I can't quite get them to focus on the hostile drow. Instead, I have Stan cast Pixie Dust, which will force them to re-target and ignore the other charmed drow.
Carl summons more Wishes, fortifying the party (most importantly, unarmored Viconia), restoring our HLAs, and setting everyone's MR to 40. Plus, Edwin finally summoned a Simulacrum.
Dragon's Breath is a fantastic option against magic-resistant enemies like drow, but it seems that few of the enemies are intoxicated, which means that only Carl, Flowey, and Stan still suffer from -12 luck. The drow therefore take normal damage.
Carl lands another Wish-rest right after, but has to flee when the drow box him in.
I almost never use Improved Alacrity to deal offensive damage; I prefer to save it for setting up defenses quickly.
Viconia is badly hurt and has also suffered deafness, forcing her to use potions and wait for Stan to heal her. But since Spell Revisions replaces druid healing spells with regeneration spells (which last many rounds but unfortunately do not stack), Stan does not exactly have many rescue options. Meanwhile, Carl keeps casting Wish.
Viconia is now immune to physical damage, but my Wish for magic resistance lowered her MR just like it did for the rest of the enemies.
Carl re-casts Improved Alacrity to speed up his Wishes and refresh his defenses. He's not vulnerable now, but refreshing our defensive spells could be critical if something bad happens 2 or 3 rounds in the future.
We've got all our spells on hand, but our defenses have slackened over the past few rounds. Flowey is in critical danger: he's still intoxicated, and with Viconia deafened, there's no guarantee we can cure Flowey's -12 luck using Viconia's Heal.
Flowey has undispellable, 50% fire resistance thanks to an IR potion, but he has no other resistances, and the luck penalty will make him suffer maximum damage from enemy spells.
As if on cue, a trio of drow mages appear, ready to slay Flowey with spell damage. Edwin loses all of his defenses, but he manages to give Flowey 100% resistance to energy damage for the next 40 rounds (or until it gets dispelled).
Edwin drinks a potion to buy him time to restore his own defenses, while Carl bombs the drow. Stan, who apparently lost his Hardiness a few seconds ago, loses a third of his HP in a single blow, and Flowey keeps trying to charm the enemies.
The mages keep up the pressure. With Viconia's MR down to 40, she can't hold off hostile spell damage anymore, and Edwin's Potion of Invisibility fails to protect him from a Minute Meteor--perhaps because True Seeing lets the caster target invisible critter in SR. Even one of our celestials gets disrupted, despite their spells ostensibly being uninterruptible.
Edwin protects himself with Prismatic Mantle, and he and Carl summon a new pair of Planetars. But the enemy has reinforcements as well. We now have to deal with Matron Mother Ellaviir.
I don't know what she's capable of; I've never fought her before. But things go bad very quickly. More Remove Magic spells, and a Magic Missile from an Efreeti.
The good news is that Remove Magic cures Edwin's intoxication, so at least the Magic Missile doesn't do maximum damage.
Carl re-casts Wish, and gets just the option he needs.
He teleports over to Ellaviir using Improved Alacrity and Dimension Jump, buffs himself with True Seeing so he can target invisible foes, and hits her with Breach.
He also unloads Dragon's Breath and Comet. Finally, Carl summons a small horde of genies to get a bunch of new Wishes all at once. What I fail to realize is that Comet is party-unfriendly, and although it does terrible things to the enemy...
...I forgot to have Stan cast Stoneskin.
Intoxication, and the -12 luck penalty it imposes, forced Stan to suffer maximum damage.
I decided long ago to treat chunkings as normal deaths, but that involves importing the character from a previous save. I can't do that mid-combat.
Carl's Wishes kick in. He restores his old spells and retakes control of time.
He uses the time to cast more Wish spells and unload 20 Energy Blades on Ellaviir. But she manages to survive the attack.
Viconia tries and fails to improve her magic resistance. Carl stops time once more.
Carl is inches away from level 35. Once he reaches that point, his simulacrum will be able to cast 3 level 9 spells, a major boost in our Wish power.
With his Energy Blades exhausted, Carl uses the next Time Stop to throw Minute Meteors at Ellaviir. A Dragon's Breath spell finishes her off. We have a huge herd of genies ready to grant us more wishes, but a new threat rises.
A Balor has joined the battle, and opens with Dispel Magic. Carl has no Dispelling Screen to block it.
A Balor in LoB mode would be roughly Carl's level, which means it has about a 50% chance of removing all of Carl's buffs aside from Moment of Prescience.
Our genies interrupt, bringing a rescue option to Carl in the form of a Wish-rest and a Time Stop...
...but time doesn't stop. The Balor teleports right next to Carl, and Carl just starts casting some random abjuration spell.
I didn't ask Carl to cast any spells. He's doing this on his own. What is he doing?
The spell drags on; it's taking forever to cast it. I finally decide to cancel the spell and have him take a few steps away. He gets hit by Breach, and has to resort to Moment of Prescience to stay safe.
But his AC isn't strong enough. And to my disbelief, I see that Carl's perfectly dispellable intoxication somehow failed to get dispelled along with his defenses. He takes maximum fire damage from an SR Minute Meteor.
Viconia tries to distract the enemy with Elemental Summoning, but gets disrupted. Carl, knowing that he's still suffering from -12 luck and desperate to protect himself from spell damage, tries to drink a Potion of Magic Shielding while Edwin restores Carl's Dispelling Screen. Carl's aura is not clear, though, and it takes time.
Carl's defenses are fairly solid now. He begins casting Improved Alacrity so he can put up Stoneskin, PFMW, and Spell Trap. But his -20 AC won't ward off a critical hit.
Viconia tries to cast Mass Raise Dead to heal him from a distance, but she loses another spell to a zero-damage hit.
Carl tries to cast Stoneskin. But another Breach comes his way.
He no longer has Moment of Prescience. And with 0 AC, he can't cast Stoneskin in time to prevent the final blow. Carl goes down.
If he had gotten the Time Stop he asked for, that Remove Magic would have just bounced off of the re-cast Dispelling Screen I wanted. He wouldn't have lost any of his defenses, and he'd still be alive. Why didn't I get that Time Stop? And what was that abjuration spell he spent so much time casting?
And what was that abjuration spell he spent so much time casting?
Sometimes, a character casting a spell will be casting it forever. I think EEs inherited this bug from vanilla game (if casting a spell lasts more than a round, and you're not slowed then it's a bug). It seems to be completely random. What I did notice is that it happens more often with "targeted spells" like Breach, Dispel magic etc. Be that as it may, I'm sorry for Carl. It was a fantastic read alltogether.
I don't remember when exactly I figured this out (it may or may not have been right after this death), but after some poking around in Near Infinity and some testing in-game, I discover that there are two Wish-related bugs besides the Hardiness stacking thing.
The genie isn't the one who casts the spells that stop time and rest the party and so forth. The mage does; the dialog prompts him or her. This means that one genie can talk to before you get a chance to cast the spell, interrupting the spell and preventing you from getting a Wish. Essentially, the genies are talk-blocking you because they're all trying to speak at once. This requires multiple genies to be summoned at the same time. The Wand of Lightning trick won't summon enough genies to cause this bug, but summoning genies during Time Stop will.
The second bug is that the Wish Breach option is erroneously set to cast normally instead of instantaneously. This means that, if you select it, the caster will cast Breach against every single enemy in range, one after another, at normal casting speed. In a room with over 20 enemies, that amounts to 4 straight rounds of spellcasting. That was why Carl was stuck casting an abjuration spell.
I prefer to roll with bugs, whether good or bad for my party, but I draw the line when they break the game. I decide to go back and try Ust Natha once more.
Sometimes, a character casting a spell will be casting it forever. I think EEs inherited this bug from vanilla game (if casting a spell lasts more than a round, and you're not slowed then it's a bug). It seems to be completely random. What I did notice is that it happens more often with "targeted spells" like Breach, Dispel magic etc.
I agree this can happen randomly, but a common cause I've noticed is when targeting changes during casting. For instance if you're targeting something which moves out of your line of sight you will move to try and keep it in sight, but this quite often results in an infinite spell loop.
@Grond0: I was pretty sure that bug only happened when the target moved out of your visual range. But I've seen it happen even when using an area-effect spell like Web. In the case of Web, the target can't possibly escape your visual range, because you're targeting a point on the ground. So I'm not sure.
@Aasim: Carl is still going. The reason he died is not because of the endless spellcasting problem (which I'd also consider a bug worthy of a reload), but a unique issue with the Breach spell from Wish. Basically, a parameter was set to 0 instead of 1. My post explaining the problem only showed up a minute after yours.
Got it. As per Wish-Breach, I actually created this bug (sorry...). It's fixed for next SR version, according to DavidW the Breach cast via Wish shouldn't get blocked by Dispel Screen/Spell Shield hence there's no reason to change that in SR.
@Aasim: I'm not sure that you did cause it, unless you accidentally switched that 1 to a 0--the problem was with the Wish spell (which I understand SR does not touch), and not the actual Breach spell itself. In either case, it's no problem; the run will continue regardless. It's not like being able to Breach everybody was a big part of my strategy for this fight anyway.
... Wow. Those battles are... Wow. Next time I'm in SCS Ust Natha, I'm using a guide to make 100% sure I don't mess up. I've repurchased the EEs, not SoD though. Here's the Weidu:
// Log of Currently Installed WeiDU Mods // The top of the file is the 'oldest' mod // ~TP2_File~ #language_number #component_number // [Subcomponent Name -> ] Component Name [ : Version] ~SETUP-WEIDU.TP2~ #0 #0 // 24000 ~SETUP-BWS.TP2~ #0 #0 // 20161130 - Updated by agb1 (installation started Wed 01/25/2017) ~ITEM_REV/ITEM_REV.TP2~ #0 #0 // Item Revisions by Demivrgvs: V4 Beta 9 ~BGQE/SETUP-BGQE.TP2~ #0 #0 // Slime Quest: v14 ~BGQE/SETUP-BGQE.TP2~ #0 #1 // Beregost Family Quest: v14 ~BGQE/SETUP-BGQE.TP2~ #0 #2 // Installing the Babysitting Quest, including the Carnival Encounter...: v14 ~BGQE/SETUP-BGQE.TP2~ #0 #3 // Nashkel Monster Quest: v14 ~BGQE/SETUP-BGQE.TP2~ #0 #4 // Fallen Paladin Quest: v14 ~BGQE/SETUP-BGQE.TP2~ #0 #5 // Undying Love Quest: v14 ~BGQE/SETUP-BGQE.TP2~ #0 #6 // Orcish Lover Encounter: v14 ~BGQE/SETUP-BGQE.TP2~ #0 #7 // Unexpected Help Quest: v14 ~BGQE/SETUP-BGQE.TP2~ #0 #8 // "Many Little Paws": v14 ~BGQE/SETUP-BGQE.TP2~ #0 #9 // Drunk near Beregost Temple: v14 ~BGQE/SETUP-BGQE.TP2~ #0 #10 // A Warm Place for Noober: v14 ~SIRINESCALL/SETUP-SIRINESCALL.TP2~ #0 #0 // The Lure of the Sirine's Call: v14 ~SOA/SETUP-SOA.TP2~ #0 #1 // The Stone of Askavar for TotSC/Tutu/BGT/BGEE -> BP-BGT Worldmap version: all areas added to worldmap (requires BP-BGT Worldmap): 2.0 ~AC_QUEST/SETUP-AC_QUEST.TP2~ #1 #0 // Ascalon's Questpack: 2.00b_160119 BWP Fix ~BG1NPC/BG1NPC.TP2~ #0 #0 // The BG1 NPC Project: Required Modifications: v22.5 ~BG1NPC/BG1NPC.TP2~ #0 #1 // The BG1 NPC Project: Banters, Quests, and Interjections: v22.5 ~BG1NPC/BG1NPC.TP2~ #0 #8 // The BG1 NPC Project: Add Non-Joinable NPC portraits to quests and dialogues: v22.5 ~BG1NPC/BG1NPC.TP2~ #0 #17 // The BG1 NPC Project: Alora's Starting Location -> Alora Starts in the Hall of Wonders: v22.5 ~BG1NPC/BG1NPC.TP2~ #0 #26 // BGEE Banter Timing Tweak: v22.5 ~BG1NPC/BG1NPC.TP2~ #0 #28 // The BG1 NPC Project: Bardic Reputation Adjustment: v22.5 ~BG1NPC/BG1NPC.TP2~ #0 #200 // The BG1 NPC Project: Player-Initiated Dialogues: v22.5 ~BG1NPCMUSIC/SETUP-BG1NPCMUSIC.TP2~ #0 #0 // The BG1 NPC Project Music Pack -> Install All Audio: v6 ~NEERA/NEERA.TP2~ #0 #0 // Neera Expansion: v1.1 ~NEERA/NEERA.TP2~ #0 #3 // How much time would you like between talks (approximately)? -> 1 hour: v1.1 ~NEERA/NEERA.TP2~ #0 #6 // Make Neera romanceable by women?: v1.1 ~BG1UB/SETUP-BG1UB.TP2~ #0 #0 // Ice Island Level Two Restoration: v14.0 ~BG1UB/SETUP-BG1UB.TP2~ #0 #1 // The Mysterious Vial: v14.0 ~BG1UB/SETUP-BG1UB.TP2~ #0 #10 // Place Entar Silvershield in His Home: v14.0 ~BG1UB/SETUP-BG1UB.TP2~ #0 #11 // Scar and the Sashenstar's Daughter: v14.0 ~BG1UB/SETUP-BG1UB.TP2~ #0 #12 // Quoningar, the Cleric: v14.0 ~BG1UB/SETUP-BG1UB.TP2~ #0 #13 // Shilo Chen and the Ogre-Magi: v14.0 ~BG1UB/SETUP-BG1UB.TP2~ #0 #14 // Edie, the Merchant League Applicant: v14.0 ~BG1UB/SETUP-BG1UB.TP2~ #0 #16 // Creature Corrections: v14.0 ~BG1UB/SETUP-BG1UB.TP2~ #0 #17 // Creature Restorations: v14.0 ~BG1UB/SETUP-BG1UB.TP2~ #0 #18 // Creature Name Restorations: v14.0 ~BG1UB/SETUP-BG1UB.TP2~ #0 #19 // Minor Dialogue Restorations: v14.0 ~BG1UB/SETUP-BG1UB.TP2~ #0 #21 // Store, Tavern and Inn Fixes and Restorations: v14.0 ~BG1UB/SETUP-BG1UB.TP2~ #0 #22 // Item Corrections and Restorations: v14.0 ~BG1UB/SETUP-BG1UB.TP2~ #0 #28 // Prism and the Emeralds Tweak: v14.0 ~BG1UB/SETUP-BG1UB.TP2~ #0 #29 // Duke Eltan in the Harbor Master's Building: v14.0 ~BG1UB/SETUP-BG1UB.TP2~ #0 #30 // Nim Furlwing Encounter: v14.0 ~BG1UB/SETUP-BG1UB.TP2~ #0 #32 // Svlast, the Fallen Paladin Encounter: v14.0 ~BG1UB/SETUP-BG1UB.TP2~ #0 #33 // Mal-Kalen, the Ulcaster Ghost: v14.0 ~ITEM_REV/ITEM_REV.TP2~ #0 #1030 // Store Revisions: V4 Beta 9 ~ITEM_REV/ITEM_REV.TP2~ #0 #1042 // Revised Armor -> Without Movement Speed Penalties: V4 Beta 9 ~ITEM_REV/ITEM_REV.TP2~ #0 #10 // Revised Shield Bonuses: V4 Beta 9 ~ITEM_REV/ITEM_REV.TP2~ #0 #17 // Weapon Changes: V4 Beta 9 ~ITEM_REV/ITEM_REV.TP2~ #0 #1080 // Enchantment Doesn't Affect Speed Factor of Weapons: V4 Beta 9 ~ITEM_REV/ITEM_REV.TP2~ #0 #11 // Dual Wielding Changes for Light and Heavy Weapons: V4 Beta 9 ~ITEM_REV/ITEM_REV.TP2~ #0 #19 // Revised Backstabbing -> More Weapons Usable for Backstabbing: V4 Beta 9 ~ITEM_REV/ITEM_REV.TP2~ #0 #1200 // Revised Critical Hit Aversion: V4 Beta 9 ~ITEM_REV/ITEM_REV.TP2~ #0 #12 // Items of Protection Can Be Worn with Magical Armor: V4 Beta 9 ~ITEM_REV/ITEM_REV.TP2~ #0 #1093 // Remove Weapon Restrictions from Multi-classed Divine Spellcasters -> Clerics and Druids, With Halved Specialization: V4 Beta 9 ~DIVINE_REMIX/SETUP-DIVINE_REMIX.TP2~ #0 #11 // Install new spells -> Only add spells if not present from other mods: v8 BWP Fix ~DIVINE_REMIX/SETUP-DIVINE_REMIX.TP2~ #0 #100 // Cleric Remix: v8 BWP Fix ~DIVINE_REMIX/SETUP-DIVINE_REMIX.TP2~ #0 #107 // Install Holy Strategist of the Red Knight Cleric Kit: v8 BWP Fix ~DIVINE_REMIX/SETUP-DIVINE_REMIX.TP2~ #0 #112 // Install Painbearer of Ilmater Cleric Kit: v8 BWP Fix ~DIVINE_REMIX/SETUP-DIVINE_REMIX.TP2~ #0 #115 // Install Firewalker of Kossuth Cleric Kit: v8 BWP Fix ~DIVINE_REMIX/SETUP-DIVINE_REMIX.TP2~ #0 #121 // Install Lorekeeper of Oghma Cleric Kit: v8 BWP Fix ~DIVINE_REMIX/SETUP-DIVINE_REMIX.TP2~ #0 #124 // Install Heartwarder of Sune Cleric Kit: v8 BWP Fix ~DIVINE_REMIX/SETUP-DIVINE_REMIX.TP2~ #0 #200 // Druid Remix: v8 BWP Fix ~DIVINE_REMIX/SETUP-DIVINE_REMIX.TP2~ #0 #403 // Install Bowslinger Ranger Kit: v8 BWP Fix ~DIVINE_REMIX/SETUP-DIVINE_REMIX.TP2~ #0 #409 // Install Forest Runner Ranger Kit: v8 BWP Fix ~DIVINE_REMIX/SETUP-DIVINE_REMIX.TP2~ #0 #412 // Install Justifier Ranger Kit: v8 BWP Fix ~RR/SETUP-RR.TP2~ #0 #0 // Proper dual-wielding implementation for Thieves and Bards: v4.90b1 ~RR/SETUP-RR.TP2~ #0 #1 // Thief kit revisions: v4.90b1 ~RR/SETUP-RR.TP2~ #0 #3 // Proper racial adjustments for thieving skills: v4.90b1 ~RR/SETUP-RR.TP2~ #0 #4 // Bard kit revisions: v4.90b1 ~RR/SETUP-RR.TP2~ #0 #6 // Proper spell progression for Bards: v4.90b1 ~RR/SETUP-RR.TP2~ #0 #7 // Additional equipment for Thieves and Bards: v4.90b1 ~MIGHT_AND_GUILE/MIGHT_AND_GUILE.TP2~ #0 #320 // Add the Marksman (fighter kit): 3.2.3 ~MIGHT_AND_GUILE/MIGHT_AND_GUILE.TP2~ #0 #450 // Add the Jongleur (bard kit): 3.2.3 ~MIGHT_AND_GUILE/MIGHT_AND_GUILE.TP2~ #0 #470 // Add the Gallant (bard kit): 3.2.3 ~MIGHT_AND_GUILE/MIGHT_AND_GUILE.TP2~ #0 #480 // Add the Meistersinger (bard kit): 3.2.3 ~MIGHT_AND_GUILE/MIGHT_AND_GUILE.TP2~ #0 #490 // Add the Loresinger (bard kit): 3.2.3 ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #50 // Avatar Morphing Script: Beta 5 BWP Fix ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #110 // Icon Improvements: Beta 5 BWP Fix ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #130 // Force All Dialogue to Pause Game: Beta 5 BWP Fix ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #140 // Fix Boo's Squeak: Beta 5 BWP Fix ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #182 // Unique Containers -> Unique icons and names: Beta 5 BWP Fix ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #1010 // More Interjections: Beta 5 BWP Fix ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #1060 // Breakable Iron Nonmagical Shields, Helms, and Armor: Beta 5 BWP Fix ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #1070 // Improved Multi-Player Kick-out Dialogues: Beta 5 BWP Fix ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #1080 // Add Bags of Holding: Beta 5 BWP Fix ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #2192 // Limit Ability of Storekeepers to Identify Items -> Hybrid of Both Methods: Beta 5 BWP Fix ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #2371 // Alter Dual-class Restrictions -> Allow non-humans to dual-class: Beta 5 BWP Fix ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #3060 // Remove "You Must Gather Your Party..." Sound (Weimer): Beta 5 BWP Fix ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #3080 // Increase Ammo Stack Size -> Unlimited Ammo Stacking: Beta 5 BWP Fix ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #3090 // Increase Gem and Jewelry Stacking -> Unlimited Gem and Jewelry Stacking: Beta 5 BWP Fix ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #3100 // Increase Potion Stacking -> Unlimited Potion Stacking: Beta 5 BWP Fix ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #3110 // Increase Scroll Stacking -> Unlimited Scroll Stacking: Beta 5 BWP Fix ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #3125 // Neutral Characters Make Happy Comments at Mid-Range Reputation: Beta 5 BWP Fix ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #1000 // Initialise mod (all other components require this): v30 BWP fix + K4thos' EET compatibility ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #1910 // Protection from Normal Missiles also blocks Arrows of Fire/Cold/Acid and similar projectiles without pluses: v30 BWP fix + K4thos' EET compatibility ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #2010 // More consistent Breach spell (always affects liches and rakshasas; doesn't penetrate Spell Turning): v30 BWP fix + K4thos' EET compatibility ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #2020 // Antimagic attacks penetrate improved invisibility: v30 BWP fix + K4thos' EET compatibility ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #2030 // Iron Skins behaves like Stoneskin (can be brought down by Breach): v30 BWP fix + K4thos' EET compatibility ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #2110 // Reduce the power of Inquisitors' Dispel Magic -> Inquisitors dispel at 1.5 x their level (not twice their level): v30 BWP fix + K4thos' EET compatibility ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #2120 // Slightly weaken insect plague spells, and let fire shields block them: v30 BWP fix + K4thos' EET compatibility ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #2150 // Make spell sequencers, spell triggers, and contingencies learnable by all mages: v30 BWP fix + K4thos' EET compatibility ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #3030 // Re-introduce potions of extra-healing: v30 BWP fix + K4thos' EET compatibility ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #4000 // Faster Bears: v30 BWP fix + K4thos' EET compatibility ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #4010 // Grant large, flying, non-solid or similar creatures protection from Web and Entangle: v30 BWP fix + K4thos' EET compatibility ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #4020 // More realistic wolves and wild dogs: v30 BWP fix + K4thos' EET compatibility ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #4040 // Make party members less likely to die irreversibly: v30 BWP fix + K4thos' EET compatibility ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #4050 // Decrease the rate at which reputation improves -> Reputation increases at about 2/3 the normal rate: v30 BWP fix + K4thos' EET compatibility ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #4110 // Allow NPC pairs to separate: v30 BWP fix + K4thos' EET compatibility ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #4120 // NPCs go to inns: v30 BWP fix + K4thos' EET compatibility ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #4130 // Move NPCs to more convenient locations: v30 BWP fix + K4thos' EET compatibility ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #4140 // Allow Yeslick to use axes: v30 BWP fix + K4thos' EET compatibility ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #4145 // Skip the Candlekeep tutorial sections -> Remove the tutorial NPCs from Candlekeep: v30 BWP fix + K4thos' EET compatibility ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #5000 // Ease-of-use party AI: v30 BWP fix + K4thos' EET compatibility ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #5010 // Move Boo into Minsc's pack: v30 BWP fix + K4thos' EET compatibility ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #5020 // Remove the blur graphic effect from the Cloak of Displacement: v30 BWP fix + K4thos' EET compatibility ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #5050 // Stackable ankheg shells, winterwolf pelts and wyvern heads: v30 BWP fix + K4thos' EET compatibility ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #5060 // Ensure Shar-Teel doesn't die in the original challenge: v30 BWP fix + K4thos' EET compatibility ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #5900 // Initialise AI components (required for all tactical and AI components): v30 BWP fix + K4thos' EET compatibility ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #6000 // Smarter general AI: v30 BWP fix + K4thos' EET compatibility ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #6010 // Better calls for help: v30 BWP fix + K4thos' EET compatibility ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #6032 // Smarter Mages -> Mages never cast short-duration spells instantly at start of combat: v30 BWP fix + K4thos' EET compatibility ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #6042 // Smarter Priests -> Priests never cast short-duration spells instantly at start of combat: v30 BWP fix + K4thos' EET compatibility ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #6101 // Potions for NPCs -> One third of the potions dropped by slain enemies break and are lost: v30 BWP fix + K4thos' EET compatibility ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #6300 // Smarter sirines and dryads: v30 BWP fix + K4thos' EET compatibility ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #6310 // Slightly harder carrion crawlers: v30 BWP fix + K4thos' EET compatibility ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #6320 // Smarter basilisks: v30 BWP fix + K4thos' EET compatibility ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #7000 // Improved doppelgangers: v30 BWP fix + K4thos' EET compatibility ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #7010 // Tougher Black Talons and Iron Throne guards: v30 BWP fix + K4thos' EET compatibility ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #7020 // Improved deployment for parties of assassins: v30 BWP fix + K4thos' EET compatibility ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #7040 // Relocated bounty hunters: v30 BWP fix + K4thos' EET compatibility ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #7050 // Improved Ulcaster: v30 BWP fix + K4thos' EET compatibility ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #7060 // Improved Balduran's Isle: v30 BWP fix + K4thos' EET compatibility ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #7070 // Improved Durlag's Tower: v30 BWP fix + K4thos' EET compatibility ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #7080 // Improved Demon Cultists: v30 BWP fix + K4thos' EET compatibility ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #7090 // Improved Cloakwood Druids: v30 BWP fix + K4thos' EET compatibility ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #7100 // Improved Bassilus: v30 BWP fix + K4thos' EET compatibility ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #7110 // Improved Drasus party: v30 BWP fix + K4thos' EET compatibility ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #7130 // Improved Red Wizards: v30 BWP fix + K4thos' EET compatibility ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #7140 // Improved Undercity party: v30 BWP fix + K4thos' EET compatibility ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #7200 // Tougher chapter-two end battle: v30 BWP fix + K4thos' EET compatibility ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #7210 // Tougher chapter-three end battle: v30 BWP fix + K4thos' EET compatibility ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #7220 // Tougher chapter-four end battle: v30 BWP fix + K4thos' EET compatibility ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #7230 // Tougher chapter-five end battle: v30 BWP fix + K4thos' EET compatibility ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #7250 // Improved final battle: v30 BWP fix + K4thos' EET compatibility ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #7900 // Improved minor encounters: v30 BWP fix + K4thos' EET compatibility ~RR/SETUP-RR.TP2~ #0 #9 // Revised Thievery -> Use PnP thievery potions and prevent their effects from stacking: v4.90b1 ~RR/SETUP-RR.TP2~ #0 #999 // BG2-style icons for RR content: v4.90b1 ~SETUP-BP-BGT-WORLDMAP.TP2~ #0 #0 // Worldmap for Baldur's Gate - including colored Baldur's Gate map icons: v10.2.1 ~AREA_PATCHER/SETUP-AREA_PATCHER.TP2~ #0 #0 // Area Patcher: ALPHA 16 ~THEPICTURESTANDARD/THEPICTURESTANDARD.TP2~ #0 #1000 // Main -> Vanilla: 0.71 ~THEPICTURESTANDARD/THEPICTURESTANDARD.TP2~ #0 #2000 // Followers -> Vanilla: 0.71 ~THEPICTURESTANDARD/THEPICTURESTANDARD.TP2~ #0 #3000 // BG1NPC -> Vanilla: 0.71 ~THEPICTURESTANDARD/THEPICTURESTANDARD.TP2~ #0 #10000 // Rogue Rebalancing -> Vanilla: 0.71 ~LIGHTINGPACK/SETUP-LIGHTINGPACK.TP2~ #0 #2 // Shader script files for lighting control -> Moderately increased contrast, brightness and gamma (recommended): v2.4 // Recently Uninstalled: ~SETUP-BWS_FINAL.TP2~ #0 #0 // Make quick-logged WeiDU-entries visible
Character I'm currently running is Nador, a Human Priest of Helm, planning on dualing him to Fighter at 11 in BG2. Fairly simple beginning, killing Shoal and kiting an Ogre for at least 10 minutes gets Nador to level 4. Tranzig is silenced and killed, and for the fun of it I end up doing a few mod quests. They're fairly small, but I think they captured the spirit of a lot of the minor quests: I like them!
Spiders are killed with a use of Seeking sword since one APR takes forever and a day to kill anything otherwise, and Nador goes south to Nashkel. Greywolf gets Nador to level 5, and Nador gets the Protection from Alterations (IR) scroll and heads to the Basilisk area. Two skeletons and Korax clean shop, though Peter and his comrades are left alive for now. Back in Nashkel, I get cheeky and almost die to Silke: I didn't even think to consider that Charm Person might be in her arsenal. Nador saves, though, and I resolve to get the Greenstone amulet.
In the north, Nador + two skeletons battle a horde of Ankhegs, suffering little damage. Returning Tenya's bowl gets Nador to level 7, where he's still at currently. Going to Ulgoth's beard shows that the IR Greenstone Amulet is 100% wonderful since it's a ridiculous PASSIVE immunity. No more dying to poor aura management. Not to mind-affecting spells, anyways. I didn't have the gold for it at the time, though, so Basillus hunting is in order for the last 5k gold. Two skeletons absorbed most of Basillus' attention, and Nador's casting was enough to down the mad cleric.
Nashkel mines were stealthed through with two Sanctuary spells, and Mulahey dies after being silenced and mobbed. Nimbul's spell selection in SCS is pretty useless after a True Seeing, and Tranzig falls shortly after. Nador successfully defeated the Amazons, though he's had to run from the dwarves, and has just finished raiding the Sirene's cave. Durlag's tower for the Wisdom tome is next.
@Grond0: I was pretty sure that bug only happened when the target moved out of your visual range. But I've seen it happen even when using an area-effect spell like Web. In the case of Web, the target can't possibly escape your visual range, because you're targeting a point on the ground. So I'm not sure.
@semiticgod I do agree that the bug can happen randomly, but it's not quite true that using a spell like web can't cause it to happen due to visual range effects. On quite a few occasions I've triggered that bug casting web where the game apparently shows a line of sight, but your character moves when you start casting anyway - I regularly have that problem at the moment when trying to web Riggilo by casting along a corridor in Durlag's Tower. My assumption has been that the perspective point taken to give line of sight is marginally different from the point taken to judge casting distances (you can also see that type of effect when attempting to cast some spells at extreme visual range).
Going to Ulgoth's beard shows that the IR Greenstone Amulet is 100% wonderful since it's a ridiculous PASSIVE immunity. No more dying to poor aura management. Not to mind-affecting spells, anyways.
Greenstone Amulet is awesome in IR but, at the same time, it prevents the classic exploit of "passing it around" to make the whole group immune to mind affecting spells before a fight. It's one of those neat little changes IR does : the item is awesome, but it prevent some level of exploit. I don't know if you plan to take a full party, but that's something to consider.
Yep. Seems that these guys know what they're doing around here... By the way, I plan to post a run too, my install is ready and all, I just need a little free time (been working a lot these past few weeks).
@Aasim: I'm not sure that you did cause it, unless you accidentally switched that 1 to a 0--the problem was with the Wish spell (which I understand SR does not touch), and not the actual Breach spell itself. In either case, it's no problem; the run will continue regardless. It's not like being able to Breach everybody was a big part of my strategy for this fight anyway.
It does not touch Wish per se, but it does touch Breach cast via Wish. When I was making Dispeling Screen, I had to make sure every instance of Breach would remove it. For Dispel it's a different matter (you can do this on a game-wide basis due to opcode, making all items/spells behave as intended). I think you might encounter the same issue with Breach cast via Wand.
Anyways, I've rolled a new party. Weidu same as before, protagonist:
He will be traveling with, in order of appearance: - dwarven barbarian - halfling wizard slayer - human shaman (yea, druid!) - human dragon disciple - elven sorceress
So far, we cleared Beregost, Ankhegs, Basilisks, upper Durlag levels, Bassilius (Silence sticked!); all that gave us enough money to buy Greenstone and Displacement, after which we killed the dwarf who sends you to Durlag and the priest that gives you the quest to kill Bassilus. Even deeds went unpunished and we celebrated by getting the coast rid of the sirene infestation. Single-classes are at level 6, protagonist 5/5. Some screenies:
Andur, lawful good half-elven cleric/ranger (solo), update 8
Before trying to take down Draconis, I decided to explore Watcher's Keep. Since there's nothing too important for me in the first two levels, I didn't even touch them in SoA. At this point, they were easy to clear. To avoid a prolonged fight against the chromatic demon, I simply used a harm spell:
The first challenge was the teleporter maze, specifically fighting a demon and his minions after coming up from a no magic zone. However, I was able to start the "return to pocket plane" cast animation before the demons turned hostile, allowing me to prebuff in the safety of my home, which enabled me to crush my foes:
Not much happened during the rest of the maze - my saving throws were good enough to deal with the other no-magic room, and I had a shield of harmony still left in my bag of holding to deal with the succubi, just in case there's some sort of saving throw penalty involved (I don't have the equipment to get my saving throw against spells below 0 against something like greater malison unless I use a potion of invulnerability).
WK level 4 was quite easy, as mind flayers can't do much against Andur, and githyanki aren't that dangerous. I skipped the demi-lich and Saladrex (they don't have anything I want) and just killed Rock and Garock:
The final level: Another dragon to deal with here, but one of the easy ones, as he seems to be a copy of the dragon in the elven city:
After obtaining all three keys, it was time for the seal guardians - the main reason I'm all the way down here, as I want the sling and the gauntlets.
The first battle I started was against the lich and his flaming skulls - I prepared with protection from fire and a deva. Andur took out the skulls, while the deva distracted Azamantes. I didn't want to get too close, because he's well known for his love of imprisonment. Eventually, the deva managed to apply her iMoD on him and he was destroyed:
Now, I don't really need to defeat the Aurumach Rilmani (propably not gonna use the club of detonation), but since he's propably the most harmless of the seal wardens, I did so anyway - by making Andur immune against cold damage via spell + green scroll. He attacked a Deva during his timestop, and Andur killed his minions before finally taking him down, while his cone of cold spamming did nothing.
Now, the last group is scary - especially for this character. The combination of getting all buffs dispelled by the hive mother, getting insect plagued by the sucuubus and taking damage from all the other would be deadly, so I tried to avoid fighting the whole group at once. With the small area and the way their ai works, this wasn't easy to achieve: It involved jumping through portals to the previous level, to the exit etc. multiple times until I finally found myself in a situation where the succubus, the fighter and the archer were by themselves. Andur killed the succubus with a GWW, summoned a deva and defeated the other two foes - without the hive mother there to dispell his buffs, there wasn't much danger.
I would've been happy to just kill the marilith for the gauntlets and leave, but I was unable to isolate it right away. Instead, after playing the same game of luring enemies away, jumping through portals and repeating the process, I at least found myself in a situation where I could attack the hive mother and the priestess without the marilith interfering (running to the marilith to just be done with it would have been to risky, as the two others might have followed me). The hive mother required 2-3 GWWs. Luckily, she didn't do anything dangerous aside from dispelling my buffs. The cleric was then easily dealt with.
Now, with the marilith alone, I had to rely on my deva to dispell its pfmw and/or stun it - it took a while, but success was ours:
Ogrim Durth, 2nd (final) BG1 update (continued from here
We finished some south areas to get bracers of archery, then returned to main plot and did Mulahey and bandit camp, no trouble there with fire wand + webs.
Killed Eldath for his sword. I also wanted to fight the druids for the ring, but he doesn't give that quest for low CHA characters..bleh. Probably the worst fight in the game thus far was this spiderish ambush in Cloakwood. Only luck kept my casters alive here.
Cloakwood mine was done with a little help from two summoned skeletons which absorbed enemies' Dispel, with our buffs online Krasus&co posed little threat (in addition they recived two detonation arrows).
Davaeron was a bit harder than usual; he tp'd asap, and joined the fight together with Horrors - that's something I always want to avoid. We hit him with Spell Thrust, but he's still under Imp.invisibility, making all our targeted spells moot against him. The only AoE spell we had was druid's Fire Trap, but Davaeorn is highly fire - resistant.
He dispels most of our buffs as we try to kill the Horrors. I pray he doesn't have sunfire.
Alas, he didn't. He had Cone of Cold, a lot of them. We fight the Horrors with Magic Missiles and Fire Traps, while Daveorn smacks us with spells. Luckily, he focuses on my wizard slayer, not the casters.
My protagonist holds the door, so that guards don't join in quickly. Barbarian closes in on him to put some pressure of the wizard slayer, but he's also gasping for air in two rounds...
Dragon disciple tries to help my prtoagonist by throwing a fireball at the door, but she gets tagged for missile fire and dies. She's recoverable, so all is fine.
Some time and healing potions later, Davaeorn looses steam, gets boxed in, and dies.
We rushed through the city with detonation arrows, doing no sidequests but bare neccecities (whatever yields big XP).
Back in Candlekeep, Prat & co were also killed with detonations. I can't use those vs Slythe, but it didn't matter. Barbarian here got level-drained (Krysten summoned Wraiths which have this ability) - and there is apperantly no temple that can cure it...I killed him and revived so he gets rid of it.
Dope battle went fine, up until Sarevok went bonkers and nearly killed Belt. This CLW spell could easily be the thing keeping Belt alive...
Sarevok, as always, Angelo first (Paralysis wand)
He did dispel our inivisibility, but did nothing else. Wizard slayer loads up his arrows and shoots at the enemies, turning invisible when things get dicey. He managed to seperate Diramid from the rest of the group - and the scroll-protected enemy archer looses the ranged battle.
I decide to go all-in now, even if Semaj was still alive. Summons at Sarevok & Tazok, wizard slayer on Semaj, charge.
Legacy of Bhaal Genocide Run: Carl the Llama in BG2 (first post here)
We have to start all over again, and this time we'll need to be more careful when it comes to casting Wish during Time Stop. At some point I created custom Wish spells and an Excel sheet to replicate the effects of Wish, but I don't know if I ever used them during this fight.
We begin by charming the Lesser Demon Lord using Flowey's Seducer Charm spell. We discover that the demon has a Wail of the Banshee spell that could have been devastating under different circumstances, but the demon unfortunately cannot fit through the door to the outside, so we can't keep it for the whole battle.
We get another Wish-rest, but as powerful as Wish is, sometimes there just aren't any good options.
This time around, Carl has a triple Project Image Chain Contingency set to trigger on Helpless. This normally doesn't work in EE, but with SR installed, you can summon 4 Project Image clones at once using this method.
They can't use HLAs, unlike Simulacrum clones (neither are supposed to be able to in SR, but I've got a bug of some sort), but they can cast lots of Wish spells.
I lower the enemy's magic resistance with one Wish and then throw out a Horrid Wilting via Wish. The result is actually quite disappointing.
The Horrid Wilting option is bugged; it only casts Horrid Wilting one time. It used to cast Horrid Wilting instantaneously against everyone on the map. It seems that the Horrid Wilting option only does 20d8 damage regardless of how many enemies are on the map. Without this bug, we could have wiped out every enemy on the map by combining the Wish Magic Resistance option with the Wish intoxication option, dealing well over 500 damage if there were even only 10 enemies on the map.
Instead, we proceed as normal, using our HLAs on the incoming drow horde. When Carl's clones run out of Wish spells, I have them kill each other to retake control of Carl.
Flowey and Stan lose their buffs to Remove Magic, but Edwin and Carl are safe in our northwest sanctuary room--Remove Magic doesn't reach them.
I have no idea why Flowey could lose his buffs. I'm pretty sure I applied everyone's buffs using our normal auto-buffing spell, which means Flowey, a level 49 character, would have cast all of his own buffs. Ostensibly, Flowey's buffs would be far too strong for even a Legacy of Bhaal mage to dispel. Remove Magic has behaved very strangely in this run, dispelling unusually high-level buffs while failing to dispel low-level buffs.
Flowey takes control of the drow, while Viconia takes control of some hostile summons.
Despite repeated casts of Dispelling Screen, we still lose more of our buffs. Flowey keeps much of the enemy horde at bay using Domination.
Edwin loses his defenses and has to use Dimension Jump to retreat to safety, but our wall of drow holds strong. Beyond the wall, more powerful drow are marching in.
Like before, I use Wish spells to restore HLAs so we can summon more celestials and flood the map with Dragon's Breath and Storm of Vengeance spells (since those are one of our few means of getting past the drow's magic resistance). Unlike last time, however, I use Farsight on the main chamber so I can see what's going on.
More Dispel Magic spells come our way. There's simply no way I can cast enough Dispelling Screens to keep them off.
With Viconia's acid resistance finally dispelled, and with her MR still lowered from a previous Wish, she can no longer protect herself from enemy Acid Arrows. Her MR was one of her few methods of avoiding disruption.
We push further outward into the main chamber as the drow herd begins to thin out. We turn some of the drow's magic against them, but unfortunately the drow don't have any spells that can bypass their fellow drow's MR.
More drow spawn in our sanctuary chamber, forcing Edwin and Carl to defend themselves. Stan chips in with Storm of Vengeance, but Edwin and Carl can do much better.
To my dismay, the intruding drow summon some new critters. LoB summons are terribly strong, and there's no easy way to get rid of them since my Banishment spells haven't been working properly.
I try another Wish Breach, and it does absolutely nothing. If I didn't know it at the start of this fight, I knew it now: Wish Breach was bugged.
My celestials chop up the drow, allowing Carl to refresh some of his defenses.
I've been keeping Carl's Planetar stuck in our sanctuary room to keep him safe. The Planetar would be a powerful asset if I sent it down south to attack the primary drow horde, but Carl's Planetar is the only one of our celestials that can instantly cast Heal, and I want to keep it close to Carl in case something goes wrong.
The drow fighters and clerics begin to fall, leaving the mages behind. They manage to Breach Stan, but Carl's Simulacrum lands Pierce Shield and Breach on them in response.
Carl resumes casting Wish, resting the party and putting Flowey, our primary tank, back in peak condition.
Edwin uses the reprieve to cast Improved Alacrity and restore his buffs. Stan re-casts Protection from Acid, knowing that future Acid Arrows could easily spell his death.
With little enemy pressure, we hurry up and crush the opposition so we can strengthen our defenses for the incoming waves.
Finally, Carl replaces his old contingencies with more defensive choices.
If Carl gets hit, his defenses will go right back up, and if he gets disabled, he won't need to wait for a celestial or Edwin or Viconia to cure him.
Gauging the level of danger is very important. If you know you won't need to act offensively during one round, it means you can cast a defensive, summoning, or healing spell instead, to prepare for a future threat. A battle might last 50 rounds, but the difference between victory and death can happen in the space of 1-3 rounds. If you can strengthen your position to grant yourself even a single extra round of safety in the next battle, it might be the only thing that keeps you alive.
Nador has fallen to Daveaorn: insufficient precautions the first time means that Nador didn't have enough offensive options to take out the swarm of guards around Daveaorn, and the second time through Nador didn't have his Pro. Magic to stop the Cone of Colds from obliterating him. I'll probably do a party next, as the pendulum seems to swing.
Tnx. I'm kind of rushing through the game since I'm eager to get back to BG2 part. I find BG2 much more diverse in terms of options and combat - BG1 is pretty much all about fireballs and detonation arrows, which gets rather tiresome after xth runthrough. Hopefully SoD will also be smooth sailing.... Imo, both BG1 and Sod are much easier than BG2/ToB. BG1 is relatively easy due to abduance of Wands of Fire, and enemies' HP pools can't stand up to ranged combat. SoD is easy due to the fact you start with your BG1 equipment; including Wands and arrows.
Micro-update of Corewild the fighter/thief and his group of four wild mages and a berserker:
Making really good progress. Most of the party is level 6, and level 7 is a far way off. The party is staying mostly intact. Misty and Forrest have the robes of the Arch Magi, so they are well protected (the other two have bracers). Most of the southern areas (except Durlag's) is clear. Working on the northern areas now.
One new surge was Paja got held by a wild surge during an ogrillion ambush. However, with direct damage spells, the ogrillions were not able to take advantage of that.
Micro-update of Corewild the fighter/thief and his group of four wild mages and a berserker: One new surge was Paja got held by a wild surge during an ogrillion ambush. However, with direct damage spells, the ogrillions were not able to take advantage of that.
Nador has fallen to Daveaorn: insufficient precautions the first time means that Nador didn't have enough offensive options to take out the swarm of guards around Daveaorn, and the second time through Nador didn't have his Pro. Magic to stop the Cone of Colds from obliterating him. I'll probably do a party next, as the pendulum seems to swing.
Andur, lawful good half-elven cleric/ranger (solo), update 9 - FINAL UPDATE
In order to deal with Draconis, Andur brought equipment and scrolls with acid protection, including the shadow dragon armor. After defeating his human form, the dragon showed his real power and immediately dispelled all of Andur's buffs, forcing a hasty retreat. I made a couple attempts at damaging the dragon, usually with very little success - about half a dozen times, I tried to set up a situation in which I'd have at least the most needed buffs active and a simmy + deva to deal enough damage for a kill with me, but I always failed - sometimes he dispelled my buffs at the wrong time, sometimes the simmy died right away before doing anything, sometimes my aura wasn't clear at a crucial moment - I always had to retreat to Amkethran.
A scary moment among these early attempts came when Andur was unconscious for a short while after a wing buffet, with the dragon himself nearby:
Luckily, Andur was ready to stand up before Draconis could deal damage to him. Finally, during the seventh or eighth attempt, I was able to summon a deva right away before Draconis started attacking, have it cast remove fear, activate Hardiness, approach the dragon and use the Helm of Vhailor, setting me up for the situation I expected to need for success:
The simmy helped Andur get through Draconis' stoneskins, but died shortly after that. With Andur at around half hp, I had to decide: Try to heal, possibly abandoning this opportunity, or go for another GWW, hoping to deal damage faster than Draconis could. I went for the aggressive play, and sure enough, the dragon missed his next few attacks and died:
Once again, Draconis proved to be a tough opponent.
Now, most of Abazigal's compound was easily cleared - nothing noteworthy. Finally, Andur was ready to battle the Bhaalspawn himself.
After taking care of his human form, the dragon, like his son, dispelled Andur's buffs, forcing me to equip the spellhold cloak with 100% electricity resistance as I never had an opportunity to rebuff with anything but hardiness for a longer period of time. Abazigal's greater malison also raised most of my saves to scary levels, and he'd dispell any invulnerability potions right away. As with Draconis, he managed to hit Andur with wing buffet and knock him down, though hardiness was up:
I had to run and use a healing potion a couple of times. My goal was a situation similiar to before, with a deva and simmy attacking the dragon, but no opportunity presented itself. I did manage to deal a surprising amount of damage with a GWW at one time, but took too much of a beating in return, forcing a quick retreat. At this point, I noticed that Abazigal had cast maze at Andur:
With my aura still not clear because of the GWW, there was no opportunity to cast chaotic commands. I think I just started the casting animation, but a wing buffet and the death screen hit me pretty much at the same time:
I didn't expect Abazigal to cast maze at all - I simply didn't remember it was even in his repertoire, or I would've prioritized chaotic commands above any other buff. Well - it was a decent run!
Honestly, ToB combat wasn't a lot of fun for me, even when it was easy. I still prefer party play, and when it comes to soloing, playing as a totemic druid was much more interesting, as I had to think of more out of the box strategies, at least in ToB.
Good luck to everyone else - my next run will propably wait until the release of SCS version 31, which seems to be pretty soon.
@Enuhal: I don't believe Chaotic Commands can cure Maze; it can only block it. You'd need the Remove Effects by Resource opcode to cure it, and I don't think Chaotic Commands uses it for that purpose.
Once that little cage appears, the spell has already hit, and Maze will take effect within seconds. The only way to cure it would be to cast Freedom, which takes too long to cast even with the Robe of Vecna, Amulet of Power, and a clear aura. Complete immunity, whether through Chaotic Commands, spell protections, magic resistance, rage, or some other immunity to the spell or opcode, is the only reliable option against Maze.
A mazed character cannot be targeted so I have no idea how you would dispel it other than using an untargeted spell like freedom. I did not even realise that freedom cured it.
He has more than one casting of maze -maybe even three. He ended my solo fighter-illusionist run once, it was the last time I tried Grond0's one day challenge. It was funny since the first time he cast it it bounced off spell turning, mazing him. The he appears and does it again, but this time I had no Spell Truning to block it..... Condolences.
Starting another run with a Fighter/Illusionist and a Cleric/Assassin to start. Tiax was given the same script (using Shadowkeeper) as Tiax in the game in order to get the same amusing dialogues. Weidu log here:
// Log of Currently Installed WeiDU Mods // The top of the file is the 'oldest' mod // ~TP2_File~ #language_number #component_number // [Subcomponent Name -> ] Component Name [ : Version] // Recently Uninstalled: ~DRIZZTSAGA/DRIZZTSAGA.TP2~ #0 #0 // The Drizzt Saga for BGEE/Tutu/BGT -> Default version: areas connected by travel triggers: v3.00 // Recently Uninstalled: ~DRIZZTSAGA/DRIZZTSAGA.TP2~ #0 #2 // Raise the XP cap: v3.00 // Recently Uninstalled: ~DRIZZTSAGA/DRIZZTSAGA.TP2~ #0 #3 // Delayed start: Drizzt joins after Durlag's Tower: v3.00 // Recently Uninstalled: ~SOA/SETUP-SOA.TP2~ #0 #0 // The Stone of Askavar for TotSC/Tutu/BGT/BGEE -> Default version: areas connected by travel triggers: 1.9 ~DRIZZTSAGA/DRIZZTSAGA.TP2~ #0 #0 // The Drizzt Saga for BGEE/Tutu/BGT -> Default version: areas connected by travel triggers: v3.00 ~DRIZZTSAGA/DRIZZTSAGA.TP2~ #0 #3 // Delayed start: Drizzt joins after Durlag's Tower: v3.00 ~BGQE/SETUP-BGQE.TP2~ #0 #0 // Slime Quest: v12 ~BGQE/SETUP-BGQE.TP2~ #0 #1 // Beregost Family Quest: v12 ~BGQE/SETUP-BGQE.TP2~ #0 #2 // Installing the Babysitting Quest, including the Carnival Encounter...: v12 ~BGQE/SETUP-BGQE.TP2~ #0 #3 // Nashkel Monster Quest: v12 ~BGQE/SETUP-BGQE.TP2~ #0 #4 // Fallen Paladin Quest: v12 ~BGQE/SETUP-BGQE.TP2~ #0 #5 // Undying Love Quest: v12 ~BGQE/SETUP-BGQE.TP2~ #0 #6 // Orcish Lover Encounter: v12 ~BGQE/SETUP-BGQE.TP2~ #0 #7 // Unexpected Help Quest: v12 ~BGQE/SETUP-BGQE.TP2~ #0 #8 // "Many Little Paws": v12 ~BGQE/SETUP-BGQE.TP2~ #0 #9 // Drunk near Beregost Temple: v12 ~BGQE/SETUP-BGQE.TP2~ #0 #10 // A Warm Place for Noober: v12 ~SETUP-BGEEAR.TP2~ #0 #0 // TeamBG's Armors for BG:EE, BGT and TuTu Version 1.05 ~SETUP-BGEEW.TP2~ #0 #0 // TeamBG's Weapons Pack for BG:EE, BGT and TuTu Version 1.04 ~SIRINESCALL/SETUP-SIRINESCALL.TP2~ #0 #0 // The Lure of the Sirine's Call: v13 ~SETUP-DARKHORIZONSBGEE.TP2~ #0 #0 // "Dark Horizons" Mod for Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition: BG:EE v213 ~BG1RE/SETUP-BG1RE.TP2~ #0 #0 // Amount of -ahem- details and BG-style vs. description text!: v1.3 ~BG1RE/SETUP-BG1RE.TP2~ #0 #1 // Bardolan's Briefing, by berelinde: v1.3 ~BG1RE/SETUP-BG1RE.TP2~ #0 #2 // Scar's Spare Time, by jastey: v1.3 ~BG1RE/SETUP-BG1RE.TP2~ #0 #3 // Kim's Preoccupation, by jastey (WARNING - refer to the readme!): v1.3 ~BG1RE/SETUP-BG1RE.TP2~ #0 #4 // Extension of Bjornin Encounter (Personal Wound Treatment), by jastey: v1.3 ~BG1RE/SETUP-BG1RE.TP2~ #0 #5 // No Starch in the Maypole: v1.3 ~BG1RE/SETUP-BG1RE.TP2~ #0 #6 // Duke Eltan's Spare Minute, by jastey: v1.3 ~BG1RE/SETUP-BG1RE.TP2~ #0 #7 // Husam's Personal Preparation, by jastey: v1.3 ~BG1RE/SETUP-BG1RE.TP2~ #0 #8 // Laurel's Post-Hunting, by jastey: v1.3 ~BG1RE/SETUP-BG1RE.TP2~ #0 #9 // Bartus' Seduction, by jastey: v1.3 ~BG1RE/SETUP-BG1RE.TP2~ #0 #10 // Lina's Massage, by jastey: v1.3 ~BG1RE/SETUP-BG1RE.TP2~ #0 #11 // First Night with Quentin, by Kulyok: v1.3 ~BG1RE/SETUP-BG1RE.TP2~ #0 #12 // Chatting Niklos Up, by Kulyok (mature content. WARNING - refer to the readme!): v1.3 ~BG1RE/SETUP-BG1RE.TP2~ #0 #13 // Slythe and Krystin, by Kulyok (mature content. WARNING - refer to the readme!): v1.3 ~BG1RE/SETUP-BG1RE.TP2~ #0 #14 // No Regrets: v1.3 ~BG1RE/SETUP-BG1RE.TP2~ #0 #15 // Purchased Love, by Thimblerig: v1.3 ~BG1RE/SETUP-BG1RE.TP2~ #0 #16 // Hull: Heavy Duty, by Lava: v1.3 ~BG1RE/SETUP-BG1RE.TP2~ #0 #17 // Late Night with Jaheira, by Kulyok: v1.3 ~BG1RE/SETUP-BG1RE.TP2~ #0 #18 // Sil's Blessing, by Lava: v1.3 ~BG1RE/SETUP-BG1RE.TP2~ #0 #19 // Melicamp: The Poultry Boy, by Lava: v1.3 ~BG1RE/SETUP-BG1RE.TP2~ #0 #20 // Reading with Rinnie, by Western Paladin: v1.3 ~BG1RE/SETUP-BG1RE.TP2~ #0 #21 // Molly the Husband-Grabber, by Kulyok: v1.3 ~BG1RE/SETUP-BG1RE.TP2~ #0 #22 // The Mourning of Centeol, the Spider Lady, by Lava: v1.3 ~BG1RE/SETUP-BG1RE.TP2~ #0 #23 // The Essential End, by Lava: v1.3 ~BG1RE/SETUP-BG1RE.TP2~ #0 #24 // The Harvestmen Lair, by Lava (mature content): v1.3 ~BG1RE/SETUP-BG1RE.TP2~ #0 #25 // The Great Zudini, by Kulyok (mature content): v1.3 ~BG1RE/SETUP-BG1RE.TP2~ #0 #26 // The Messenger, by Thimblerig: v1.3 ~BG1RE/SETUP-BG1RE.TP2~ #0 #27 // Ender Sai, the Hero's Reward, by Thimblerig (WARNING - refer to the readme!): v1.3 ~BG1RE/SETUP-BG1RE.TP2~ #0 #28 // The Novelists, by Thimblerig: v1.3 ~BG1RE/SETUP-BG1RE.TP2~ #0 #29 // The Honest Lies of Two Riversides, By Lava: v1.3 ~BG1RE/SETUP-BG1RE.TP2~ #0 #30 // Necromancer's Trouble, by jastey (WARNING - refer to the readme!): v1.3 ~BG1RE/SETUP-BG1RE.TP2~ #0 #31 // Dinner with Thalantyr, by jastey: v1.3 ~BG1RE/SETUP-BG1RE.TP2~ #0 #32 // Girdle of Gender Reactions, by Thimblerig, Kulyok, Domi, Lava, Lastknightleft, Twani, Jastey, Daisy Ninja Girl: v1.3 ~BG1RE/SETUP-BG1RE.TP2~ #0 #33 // The Surgeon's Dream, by Kulyok: v1.3 ~BG1RE/SETUP-BG1RE.TP2~ #0 #34 // All That Left Was, by Lava and Thimblerig: v1.3 ~BG1RE/SETUP-BG1RE.TP2~ #0 #35 // A Childhood Friend, by Kulyok: v1.3 ~BG1RE/SETUP-BG1RE.TP2~ #0 #36 // Arlene the Working Girl, by Kulyok: v1.3 ~BG1RE/SETUP-BG1RE.TP2~ #0 #37 // Della May from Thay, by Kulyok: v1.3 ~BG1RE/SETUP-BG1RE.TP2~ #0 #38 // A Dirty Guard in Candlekeep, by Kulyok (mature content. WARNING - refer to the readme!): v1.3 ~BG1RE/SETUP-BG1RE.TP2~ #0 #39 // Phoenix Flame, by Kulyok (mature content): v1.3 ~BG1RE/SETUP-BG1RE.TP2~ #0 #40 // Mikala the Monk, by Twani: v1.3 ~FINCHNPC/FINCHNPC.TP2~ #0 #0 // Finch NPC: v4.0 BETA 7 ~INDINPC/SETUP-INDINPC.TP2~ #0 #0 // Indira NPC: v12.0 BETA 3 ~GAVIN/GAVIN.TP2~ #0 #0 // Gavin NPC for Tutu, BGT, and BG:EE: v9 ~GAVIN/GAVIN.TP2~ #0 #1 // Gavin: Romance (mature content): v9 ~GAVIN/GAVIN.TP2~ #0 #2 // Gavin: Flirts (adult content): v9 ~GAVIN/GAVIN.TP2~ #0 #12 // Gavin: Alternate Portraits -> Dragon Age style portrait by berelinde: v9 ~GAVIN/GAVIN.TP2~ #0 #13 // Gavin: Player Initiated Dialogue: v9 ~BG1NPC/BG1NPC.TP2~ #0 #0 // The BG1 NPC Project: Required Modifications: v22_20150614 ~BG1NPC/BG1NPC.TP2~ #0 #1 // The BG1 NPC Project: Banters, Quests, and Interjections: v22_20150614 ~BG1NPC/BG1NPC.TP2~ #0 #9 // The BG1 NPC Project: Ajantis Romance Core (teen content): v22_20150614 ~BG1NPC/BG1NPC.TP2~ #0 #10 // The BG1 NPC Project: Branwen's Romance Core (teen content): v22_20150614 ~BG1NPC/BG1NPC.TP2~ #0 #11 // The BG1 NPC Project: Coran's Romance Core (adult content): v22_20150614 ~BG1NPC/BG1NPC.TP2~ #0 #12 // The BG1 NPC Project: Dynaheir's Romance Core (teen content): v22_20150614 ~BG1NPC/BG1NPC.TP2~ #0 #13 // The BG1 NPC Project: Shar-Teel Relationship Core (adult content): v22_20150614 ~BG1NPC/BG1NPC.TP2~ #0 #14 // The BG1 NPC Project: Xan's Romance Core (teen content): v22_20150614 ~BG1NPC/BG1NPC.TP2~ #0 #15 // The BG1 NPC Project: Female Romance Challenges, Ajantis vs Xan vs Coran: v22_20150614 ~BG1NPC/BG1NPC.TP2~ #0 #16 // The BG1 NPC Project: NPCs can be sent to wait in an inn: v22_20150614 ~BG1NPC/BG1NPC.TP2~ #0 #18 // The BG1 NPC Project: Alora's Starting Location -> Alora Starts in Gullykin: v22_20150614 ~BG1NPC/BG1NPC.TP2~ #0 #20 // The BG1 NPC Project: Eldoth's Starting Location -> Eldoth Starts on the Coast Way: v22_20150614 ~BG1NPC/BG1NPC.TP2~ #0 #22 // The BG1 NPC Project: Quayle's Starting Location -> Quayle Starts at the Nashkel Carnival: v22_20150614 ~BG1NPC/BG1NPC.TP2~ #0 #24 // The BG1 NPC Project: Tiax's Starting Location -> Tiax Starts in Beregost: v22_20150614 ~BG1NPC/BG1NPC.TP2~ #0 #26 // BGEE Banter Timing Tweak: v22_20150614 ~BG1NPC/BG1NPC.TP2~ #0 #30 // The BG1 NPC Project: Cloakwood areas availability in Chapter One -> Open four Cloakwood areas (everything but the Mines): v22_20150614 ~BG1NPC/BG1NPC.TP2~ #0 #32 // The BG1 NPC Project: Sarevok's Diary Adjustments -> Sarevok's Diary Date Changes only: v22_20150614 ~BG1NPC/BG1NPC.TP2~ #0 #200 // The BG1 NPC Project: Player-Initiated Dialogues: v22_20150614 ~BG1UB/SETUP-BG1UB.TP2~ #0 #0 // Ice Island Level Two Restoration: v14.0 ~BG1UB/SETUP-BG1UB.TP2~ #0 #1 // The Mysterious Vial: v14.0 ~BG1UB/SETUP-BG1UB.TP2~ #0 #10 // Place Entar Silvershield in His Home: v14.0 ~BG1UB/SETUP-BG1UB.TP2~ #0 #11 // Scar and the Sashenstar's Daughter: v14.0 ~BG1UB/SETUP-BG1UB.TP2~ #0 #12 // Quoningar, the Cleric: v14.0 ~BG1UB/SETUP-BG1UB.TP2~ #0 #13 // Shilo Chen and the Ogre-Magi: v14.0 ~BG1UB/SETUP-BG1UB.TP2~ #0 #14 // Edie, the Merchant League Applicant: v14.0 ~BG1UB/SETUP-BG1UB.TP2~ #0 #16 // Creature Corrections: v14.0 ~BG1UB/SETUP-BG1UB.TP2~ #0 #17 // Creature Restorations: v14.0 ~BG1UB/SETUP-BG1UB.TP2~ #0 #18 // Creature Name Restorations: v14.0 ~BG1UB/SETUP-BG1UB.TP2~ #0 #19 // Minor Dialogue Restorations: v14.0 ~BG1UB/SETUP-BG1UB.TP2~ #0 #21 // Store, Tavern and Inn Fixes and Restorations: v14.0 ~BG1UB/SETUP-BG1UB.TP2~ #0 #22 // Item Corrections and Restorations: v14.0 ~BG1UB/SETUP-BG1UB.TP2~ #0 #28 // Prism and the Emeralds Tweak: v14.0 ~BG1UB/SETUP-BG1UB.TP2~ #0 #29 // Duke Eltan in the Harbor Master's Building: v14.0 ~BG1UB/SETUP-BG1UB.TP2~ #0 #30 // Nim Furlwing Encounter: v14.0 ~BG1UB/SETUP-BG1UB.TP2~ #0 #32 // Svlast, the Fallen Paladin Encounter: v14.0 ~BG1UB/SETUP-BG1UB.TP2~ #0 #33 // Mal-Kalen, the Ulcaster Ghost: v14.0 ~KARATUR/SETUP-KARATUR.TP2~ #0 #0 // T'Was a Slow Boat from Kara-Tur ~RR/SETUP-RR.TP2~ #0 #1 // Thief kit revisions: v4.80 ~RR/SETUP-RR.TP2~ #0 #3 // Proper racial adjustments for thieving skills: v4.80 ~RR/SETUP-RR.TP2~ #0 #7 // Additional equipment for Thieves and Bards: v4.80 ~NPC_EE/NPC_EE.TP2~ #0 #102 // Choose a class for Imoen -> Make Imoen a multiclass mage/thief: v2.5 ~NPC_EE/NPC_EE.TP2~ #0 #141 // Choose a class for Khalid -> Make Khalid a ranger/cleric: v2.5 ~NPC_EE/NPC_EE.TP2~ #0 #161 // Choose a class for Minsc -> Make Minsc a fighter: v2.5 ~NPC_EE/NPC_EE.TP2~ #0 #242 // Choose a class for Branwen -> Make Branwen a multiclass fighter/cleric: v2.5 ~NPC_EE/NPC_EE.TP2~ #0 #321 // Choose a class for Montaron -> Make Montaron a thief: v2.5 ~NPC_EE/NPC_EE.TP2~ #0 #483 // Choose a class for Xan -> Make Xan a fighter/mage: v2.5 ~NPC_EE/NPC_EE.TP2~ #0 #583 // Choose a class for Viconia -> Make Viconia a cleric/thief: v2.5 ~NPC_EE/NPC_EE.TP2~ #0 #2000 // NPC kit choices: v2.5 ~NPC_EE/NPC_EE.TP2~ #0 #3000 // multiclass kit choice: v2.5 ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #1080 // Add Bags of Holding: Beta 5 ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #1090 // Exotic Item Pack: Beta 5 ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #1100 // Reveal City Maps When Entering Area: Beta 5 ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #1120 // Stores Sell Higher Stacks of Items: Beta 5 ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #2060 // Weapon Styles for All: Beta 5 ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #2090 // Change Experience Point Cap -> Remove Experience Cap: Beta 5 ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #2151 // Wear Multiple Protection Items -> No Restrictions: Beta 5 ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #2200 // Multi-Class Grandmastery (Weimer): Beta 5 ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #2210 // Change Grandmastery Bonuses -> True Grandmastery (Baldurdash): Beta 5 ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #2350 // Alter Multiclass Restrictions -> Allow humans to multiclass: Beta 5 ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #2360 // Remove Racial Restrictions for Single Classes: Beta 5 ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #2372 // Alter Dual-class Restrictions -> Install both of the above options: Beta 5 ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #2380 // Remove Racial Restrictions for Kits: Beta 5 ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #2999 // Max HP at Level One: Beta 5 ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #3000 // Higher HP on Level Up -> Maximum: Beta 5 ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #3010 // Maximum HP for NPCs (the bigg) -> For All Creatures in Game: Beta 5 ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #3031 // Easy Spell Learning -> 100% Learn Spells and No Maximum Cap: Beta 5 ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #3040 // Make Bags of Holding Bottomless: Beta 5 ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #3080 // Increase Ammo Stack Size -> Unlimited Ammo Stacking: Beta 5 ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #3090 // Increase Gem and Jewelry Stacking -> Unlimited Gem and Jewelry Stacking: Beta 5 ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #3100 // Increase Potion Stacking -> Unlimited Potion Stacking: Beta 5 ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #3110 // Increase Scroll Stacking -> Unlimited Scroll Stacking: Beta 5 ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #3121 // Happy Patch (Party NPCs do not complain about reputation) -> NPCs Can Be Angry About Reputation but Never Leave (Salk): Beta 5 ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #3190 // Rest Anywhere (Japheth): Beta 5 ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #3205 // Stores Purchase All Item Types: Beta 5 ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #3230 // Taerom Makes Additional Ankheg Armor (Icendoan/grogerson): Beta 5 ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #4031 // Consistent Stats: Edwin -> Use BG2 Values: Beta 5 ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #4041 // Consistent Stats: Jaheira -> Use BG2 Values: Beta 5 ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #4061 // Consistent Stats: Minsc -> Use BG2 Values: Beta 5 ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #4071 // Consistent Stats: Viconia -> Use BG2 Values: Beta 5 ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #4090 // Make Montaron an Assassin (Andyr): Beta 5 ~DIVINE_REMIX/SETUP-DIVINE_REMIX.TP2~ #0 #50 // Remove Cleric Kits -> Remove Only Mod Kits: v8 ~DIVINE_REMIX/SETUP-DIVINE_REMIX.TP2~ #0 #52 // Remove Druid Kits -> Remove Only Mod Kits: v8 ~DIVINE_REMIX/SETUP-DIVINE_REMIX.TP2~ #0 #56 // Remove Ranger Kits -> Remove Only Mod Kits: v8 ~DIVINE_REMIX/SETUP-DIVINE_REMIX.TP2~ #0 #100 // Cleric Remix: v8 ~DIVINE_REMIX/SETUP-DIVINE_REMIX.TP2~ #0 #103 // Install Silverstar of Selune Cleric Kit: v8 ~DIVINE_REMIX/SETUP-DIVINE_REMIX.TP2~ #0 #109 // Install Battleguard of Tempus Cleric Kit: v8 ~DIVINE_REMIX/SETUP-DIVINE_REMIX.TP2~ #0 #121 // Install Lorekeeper of Oghma Cleric Kit: v8 ~DIVINE_REMIX/SETUP-DIVINE_REMIX.TP2~ #0 #124 // Install Heartwarder of Sune Cleric Kit: v8 ~DIVINE_REMIX/SETUP-DIVINE_REMIX.TP2~ #0 #127 // Install Feywarden of Corellon Cleric Kit: v8 ~DIVINE_REMIX/SETUP-DIVINE_REMIX.TP2~ #0 #130 // Install Strifeleader of Cyric Cleric Kit: v8 ~DIVINE_REMIX/SETUP-DIVINE_REMIX.TP2~ #0 #600 // Install Battleguard of Tempus Kit for Branwen: v8 ~SONG_AND_SILENCE/SETUP-SONG_AND_SILENCE.TP2~ #0 #0 // Changes to trueclass bards and thieves, and unmodded game kits (required for other components): v6 ~SONG_AND_SILENCE/SETUP-SONG_AND_SILENCE.TP2~ #0 #1 // Add new bardic store and thief items: v6 ~SONG_AND_SILENCE/SETUP-SONG_AND_SILENCE.TP2~ #0 #6 // Install Adventurer thief kit: v6 ~SONG_AND_SILENCE/SETUP-SONG_AND_SILENCE.TP2~ #0 #7 // Install Burglar thief kit: v6 ~NPCKIT/NPCKIT.TP2~ #0 #30 // Improved Specialist Mage Descriptions: v4 ~NPCKIT/NPCKIT.TP2~ #0 #900 // Add Red Wizard to Edwin's Kit Description: v4 ~NPCKIT/NPCKIT.TP2~ #0 #1400 // Give Imoen Adventurer Kit: v4 ~NPCKIT/NPCKIT.TP2~ #0 #2300 // Change Minsc's Title to Rashemaar Ranger: v4 ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #2140 // Expanded Dual-Class Options: Beta 5 ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #2440 // Everyone Gets Bonus APR from Specialization: Beta 5
As well as the mods listed in the previous post, I also changed the three assassins in Candlekeep to make them more powerful. (Almost TOO powerful) This makes them worth fighting for their equipment which includes +1 weapons, and good armour, but it also makes death quite likely. Shank and Carbos were disabled using spells which resulted in them being relatively easy to kill.
Mendas however is resistant to magic with the result that the duo were almost killed. Cyresia suffered from morale failure with only 1 HP left. Tiax had 2 HP left and killed Mendas just in time.
Journal of Cyresia and Tiax
After fleeing from the ambush where Gorion was killed, we sided with Tenya against the fishermen and then killed an ankheg.
After getting the bowl we killed Sonner et al.
After informing Tenya and being promised a reward in due time, we fought some hobgoblins which provided Tiax with some good thieving boots.
We helped Prism against Greywolf and in the process Cyresia got badly hurt, but after being healed by Tiax, we killed those threatening the dryad.
We returned to the carnival where we killed Zordral who killed another mage. Thus we got two lots of loot. Tiax poisoned Zordral which made the battle relatively easy.
(first post here)
Drow have spawned in the northwest room where the Lesser Demon Lord appeared--I've been planning on using that room as our sanctuary, but it seems enemies can just appear there. Carl and Edwin fortify their defenses, but Viconia unfortunately has no armor equipped, as we had to resurrect her mid-combat.
Flowey is blinded, but his psionic abilities can reach far beyond his visual range. Since he's surrounded by enemies and I'm a tad desperate, I decide to use an area-effect charm spell.
Domination works much like a Seducer's Charm, but the save penalties don't scale as much with level. The odds of charming these drow are actually quite low, with a pitiful -4 save penalty at level 50, compared to -13 with Charm. Plus, Domination takes 2 rounds to take effect instead of 1, and only lasts 2 rounds instead of 3, making the spell more useful for slowing down groups of enemies than actually taking control of them. Plus, the AC and movement penalties are much nastier. Domination can be cast at will just like Charm, but when I release the Seducer kit online, I'll probably either remove it or make it a limited-use but stronger ability (it also won't get Use Any Item, so it's not going to play the same as it does in this run).
Viconia improves her defenses with Globe of Blades, Stan's Storm of Vengeance tacks on scratch damage to the enemies down south, and Edwin once more fails to summon a clone.
We need to restore Edwin's spell slots, lest we start running low on celestials. Carl casts Spell Trap to ensure a strong supply of Wish spells. Down south, Flowey starts taking control of a substantial fraction of the enemy horde. It'll get the drow to turn on each other, but since Dragon's Breath is party-friendly, Edwin won't be able to deal quite as much damage as he otherwise could have.
Carl summons a clone, which casts Moment of Prescience to stay safe. Clones always arrive unbuffed and vulnerable, and Moment of Prescience, with its undispellable (but not un-Breachable) +20 to AC and saving throws, is a strong defensive option rivaling PFMW.
I notice some of the charmed drow are attacking each other, but I can't quite get them to focus on the hostile drow. Instead, I have Stan cast Pixie Dust, which will force them to re-target and ignore the other charmed drow.
Carl summons more Wishes, fortifying the party (most importantly, unarmored Viconia), restoring our HLAs, and setting everyone's MR to 40. Plus, Edwin finally summoned a Simulacrum.
Dragon's Breath is a fantastic option against magic-resistant enemies like drow, but it seems that few of the enemies are intoxicated, which means that only Carl, Flowey, and Stan still suffer from -12 luck. The drow therefore take normal damage.
Carl lands another Wish-rest right after, but has to flee when the drow box him in.
I almost never use Improved Alacrity to deal offensive damage; I prefer to save it for setting up defenses quickly.
Viconia is badly hurt and has also suffered deafness, forcing her to use potions and wait for Stan to heal her. But since Spell Revisions replaces druid healing spells with regeneration spells (which last many rounds but unfortunately do not stack), Stan does not exactly have many rescue options. Meanwhile, Carl keeps casting Wish.
Viconia is now immune to physical damage, but my Wish for magic resistance lowered her MR just like it did for the rest of the enemies.
Carl re-casts Improved Alacrity to speed up his Wishes and refresh his defenses. He's not vulnerable now, but refreshing our defensive spells could be critical if something bad happens 2 or 3 rounds in the future.
We've got all our spells on hand, but our defenses have slackened over the past few rounds. Flowey is in critical danger: he's still intoxicated, and with Viconia deafened, there's no guarantee we can cure Flowey's -12 luck using Viconia's Heal.
Flowey has undispellable, 50% fire resistance thanks to an IR potion, but he has no other resistances, and the luck penalty will make him suffer maximum damage from enemy spells.
As if on cue, a trio of drow mages appear, ready to slay Flowey with spell damage. Edwin loses all of his defenses, but he manages to give Flowey 100% resistance to energy damage for the next 40 rounds (or until it gets dispelled).
Edwin drinks a potion to buy him time to restore his own defenses, while Carl bombs the drow. Stan, who apparently lost his Hardiness a few seconds ago, loses a third of his HP in a single blow, and Flowey keeps trying to charm the enemies.
The mages keep up the pressure. With Viconia's MR down to 40, she can't hold off hostile spell damage anymore, and Edwin's Potion of Invisibility fails to protect him from a Minute Meteor--perhaps because True Seeing lets the caster target invisible critter in SR. Even one of our celestials gets disrupted, despite their spells ostensibly being uninterruptible.
Edwin protects himself with Prismatic Mantle, and he and Carl summon a new pair of Planetars. But the enemy has reinforcements as well. We now have to deal with Matron Mother Ellaviir.
I don't know what she's capable of; I've never fought her before. But things go bad very quickly. More Remove Magic spells, and a Magic Missile from an Efreeti.
The good news is that Remove Magic cures Edwin's intoxication, so at least the Magic Missile doesn't do maximum damage.
Carl re-casts Wish, and gets just the option he needs.
He teleports over to Ellaviir using Improved Alacrity and Dimension Jump, buffs himself with True Seeing so he can target invisible foes, and hits her with Breach.
He also unloads Dragon's Breath and Comet. Finally, Carl summons a small horde of genies to get a bunch of new Wishes all at once. What I fail to realize is that Comet is party-unfriendly, and although it does terrible things to the enemy...
...I forgot to have Stan cast Stoneskin.
Intoxication, and the -12 luck penalty it imposes, forced Stan to suffer maximum damage.
I decided long ago to treat chunkings as normal deaths, but that involves importing the character from a previous save. I can't do that mid-combat.
Carl's Wishes kick in. He restores his old spells and retakes control of time.
He uses the time to cast more Wish spells and unload 20 Energy Blades on Ellaviir. But she manages to survive the attack.
Viconia tries and fails to improve her magic resistance. Carl stops time once more.
Carl is inches away from level 35. Once he reaches that point, his simulacrum will be able to cast 3 level 9 spells, a major boost in our Wish power.
With his Energy Blades exhausted, Carl uses the next Time Stop to throw Minute Meteors at Ellaviir. A Dragon's Breath spell finishes her off. We have a huge herd of genies ready to grant us more wishes, but a new threat rises.
A Balor has joined the battle, and opens with Dispel Magic. Carl has no Dispelling Screen to block it.
A Balor in LoB mode would be roughly Carl's level, which means it has about a 50% chance of removing all of Carl's buffs aside from Moment of Prescience.
Our genies interrupt, bringing a rescue option to Carl in the form of a Wish-rest and a Time Stop...
...but time doesn't stop. The Balor teleports right next to Carl, and Carl just starts casting some random abjuration spell.
I didn't ask Carl to cast any spells. He's doing this on his own. What is he doing?
The spell drags on; it's taking forever to cast it. I finally decide to cancel the spell and have him take a few steps away. He gets hit by Breach, and has to resort to Moment of Prescience to stay safe.
But his AC isn't strong enough. And to my disbelief, I see that Carl's perfectly dispellable intoxication somehow failed to get dispelled along with his defenses. He takes maximum fire damage from an SR Minute Meteor.
Viconia tries to distract the enemy with Elemental Summoning, but gets disrupted. Carl, knowing that he's still suffering from -12 luck and desperate to protect himself from spell damage, tries to drink a Potion of Magic Shielding while Edwin restores Carl's Dispelling Screen. Carl's aura is not clear, though, and it takes time.
Carl's defenses are fairly solid now. He begins casting Improved Alacrity so he can put up Stoneskin, PFMW, and Spell Trap. But his -20 AC won't ward off a critical hit.
Viconia tries to cast Mass Raise Dead to heal him from a distance, but she loses another spell to a zero-damage hit.
Carl tries to cast Stoneskin. But another Breach comes his way.
He no longer has Moment of Prescience. And with 0 AC, he can't cast Stoneskin in time to prevent the final blow. Carl goes down.
If he had gotten the Time Stop he asked for, that Remove Magic would have just bounced off of the re-cast Dispelling Screen I wanted. He wouldn't have lost any of his defenses, and he'd still be alive. Why didn't I get that Time Stop? And what was that abjuration spell he spent so much time casting?
Be that as it may, I'm sorry for Carl. It was a fantastic read alltogether.
The genie isn't the one who casts the spells that stop time and rest the party and so forth. The mage does; the dialog prompts him or her. This means that one genie can talk to before you get a chance to cast the spell, interrupting the spell and preventing you from getting a Wish. Essentially, the genies are talk-blocking you because they're all trying to speak at once. This requires multiple genies to be summoned at the same time. The Wand of Lightning trick won't summon enough genies to cause this bug, but summoning genies during Time Stop will.
The second bug is that the Wish Breach option is erroneously set to cast normally instead of instantaneously. This means that, if you select it, the caster will cast Breach against every single enemy in range, one after another, at normal casting speed. In a room with over 20 enemies, that amounts to 4 straight rounds of spellcasting. That was why Carl was stuck casting an abjuration spell.
I prefer to roll with bugs, whether good or bad for my party, but I draw the line when they break the game. I decide to go back and try Ust Natha once more.
@Aasim: Carl is still going. The reason he died is not because of the endless spellcasting problem (which I'd also consider a bug worthy of a reload), but a unique issue with the Breach spell from Wish. Basically, a parameter was set to 0 instead of 1. My post explaining the problem only showed up a minute after yours.
Got it. As per Wish-Breach, I actually created this bug (sorry...). It's fixed for next SR version, according to DavidW the Breach cast via Wish shouldn't get blocked by Dispel Screen/Spell Shield hence there's no reason to change that in SR.
Next time I'm in SCS Ust Natha, I'm using a guide to make 100% sure I don't mess up.
I've repurchased the EEs, not SoD though. Here's the Weidu:
// The top of the file is the 'oldest' mod
// ~TP2_File~ #language_number #component_number // [Subcomponent Name -> ] Component Name [ : Version]
~SETUP-WEIDU.TP2~ #0 #0 // 24000
~SETUP-BWS.TP2~ #0 #0 // 20161130 - Updated by agb1 (installation started Wed 01/25/2017)
~ITEM_REV/ITEM_REV.TP2~ #0 #0 // Item Revisions by Demivrgvs: V4 Beta 9
~BGQE/SETUP-BGQE.TP2~ #0 #0 // Slime Quest: v14
~BGQE/SETUP-BGQE.TP2~ #0 #1 // Beregost Family Quest: v14
~BGQE/SETUP-BGQE.TP2~ #0 #2 // Installing the Babysitting Quest, including the Carnival Encounter...: v14
~BGQE/SETUP-BGQE.TP2~ #0 #3 // Nashkel Monster Quest: v14
~BGQE/SETUP-BGQE.TP2~ #0 #4 // Fallen Paladin Quest: v14
~BGQE/SETUP-BGQE.TP2~ #0 #5 // Undying Love Quest: v14
~BGQE/SETUP-BGQE.TP2~ #0 #6 // Orcish Lover Encounter: v14
~BGQE/SETUP-BGQE.TP2~ #0 #7 // Unexpected Help Quest: v14
~BGQE/SETUP-BGQE.TP2~ #0 #8 // "Many Little Paws": v14
~BGQE/SETUP-BGQE.TP2~ #0 #9 // Drunk near Beregost Temple: v14
~BGQE/SETUP-BGQE.TP2~ #0 #10 // A Warm Place for Noober: v14
~SIRINESCALL/SETUP-SIRINESCALL.TP2~ #0 #0 // The Lure of the Sirine's Call: v14
~SOA/SETUP-SOA.TP2~ #0 #1 // The Stone of Askavar for TotSC/Tutu/BGT/BGEE -> BP-BGT Worldmap version: all areas added to worldmap (requires BP-BGT Worldmap): 2.0
~AC_QUEST/SETUP-AC_QUEST.TP2~ #1 #0 // Ascalon's Questpack: 2.00b_160119 BWP Fix
~BG1NPC/BG1NPC.TP2~ #0 #0 // The BG1 NPC Project: Required Modifications: v22.5
~BG1NPC/BG1NPC.TP2~ #0 #1 // The BG1 NPC Project: Banters, Quests, and Interjections: v22.5
~BG1NPC/BG1NPC.TP2~ #0 #8 // The BG1 NPC Project: Add Non-Joinable NPC portraits to quests and dialogues: v22.5
~BG1NPC/BG1NPC.TP2~ #0 #17 // The BG1 NPC Project: Alora's Starting Location -> Alora Starts in the Hall of Wonders: v22.5
~BG1NPC/BG1NPC.TP2~ #0 #26 // BGEE Banter Timing Tweak: v22.5
~BG1NPC/BG1NPC.TP2~ #0 #28 // The BG1 NPC Project: Bardic Reputation Adjustment: v22.5
~BG1NPC/BG1NPC.TP2~ #0 #200 // The BG1 NPC Project: Player-Initiated Dialogues: v22.5
~BG1NPCMUSIC/SETUP-BG1NPCMUSIC.TP2~ #0 #0 // The BG1 NPC Project Music Pack -> Install All Audio: v6
~NEERA/NEERA.TP2~ #0 #0 // Neera Expansion: v1.1
~NEERA/NEERA.TP2~ #0 #3 // How much time would you like between talks (approximately)? -> 1 hour: v1.1
~NEERA/NEERA.TP2~ #0 #6 // Make Neera romanceable by women?: v1.1
~BG1UB/SETUP-BG1UB.TP2~ #0 #0 // Ice Island Level Two Restoration: v14.0
~BG1UB/SETUP-BG1UB.TP2~ #0 #1 // The Mysterious Vial: v14.0
~BG1UB/SETUP-BG1UB.TP2~ #0 #10 // Place Entar Silvershield in His Home: v14.0
~BG1UB/SETUP-BG1UB.TP2~ #0 #11 // Scar and the Sashenstar's Daughter: v14.0
~BG1UB/SETUP-BG1UB.TP2~ #0 #12 // Quoningar, the Cleric: v14.0
~BG1UB/SETUP-BG1UB.TP2~ #0 #13 // Shilo Chen and the Ogre-Magi: v14.0
~BG1UB/SETUP-BG1UB.TP2~ #0 #14 // Edie, the Merchant League Applicant: v14.0
~BG1UB/SETUP-BG1UB.TP2~ #0 #16 // Creature Corrections: v14.0
~BG1UB/SETUP-BG1UB.TP2~ #0 #17 // Creature Restorations: v14.0
~BG1UB/SETUP-BG1UB.TP2~ #0 #18 // Creature Name Restorations: v14.0
~BG1UB/SETUP-BG1UB.TP2~ #0 #19 // Minor Dialogue Restorations: v14.0
~BG1UB/SETUP-BG1UB.TP2~ #0 #21 // Store, Tavern and Inn Fixes and Restorations: v14.0
~BG1UB/SETUP-BG1UB.TP2~ #0 #22 // Item Corrections and Restorations: v14.0
~BG1UB/SETUP-BG1UB.TP2~ #0 #28 // Prism and the Emeralds Tweak: v14.0
~BG1UB/SETUP-BG1UB.TP2~ #0 #29 // Duke Eltan in the Harbor Master's Building: v14.0
~BG1UB/SETUP-BG1UB.TP2~ #0 #30 // Nim Furlwing Encounter: v14.0
~BG1UB/SETUP-BG1UB.TP2~ #0 #32 // Svlast, the Fallen Paladin Encounter: v14.0
~BG1UB/SETUP-BG1UB.TP2~ #0 #33 // Mal-Kalen, the Ulcaster Ghost: v14.0
~ITEM_REV/ITEM_REV.TP2~ #0 #1030 // Store Revisions: V4 Beta 9
~ITEM_REV/ITEM_REV.TP2~ #0 #1042 // Revised Armor -> Without Movement Speed Penalties: V4 Beta 9
~ITEM_REV/ITEM_REV.TP2~ #0 #10 // Revised Shield Bonuses: V4 Beta 9
~ITEM_REV/ITEM_REV.TP2~ #0 #17 // Weapon Changes: V4 Beta 9
~ITEM_REV/ITEM_REV.TP2~ #0 #1080 // Enchantment Doesn't Affect Speed Factor of Weapons: V4 Beta 9
~ITEM_REV/ITEM_REV.TP2~ #0 #11 // Dual Wielding Changes for Light and Heavy Weapons: V4 Beta 9
~ITEM_REV/ITEM_REV.TP2~ #0 #19 // Revised Backstabbing -> More Weapons Usable for Backstabbing: V4 Beta 9
~ITEM_REV/ITEM_REV.TP2~ #0 #1200 // Revised Critical Hit Aversion: V4 Beta 9
~ITEM_REV/ITEM_REV.TP2~ #0 #12 // Items of Protection Can Be Worn with Magical Armor: V4 Beta 9
~ITEM_REV/ITEM_REV.TP2~ #0 #1093 // Remove Weapon Restrictions from Multi-classed Divine Spellcasters -> Clerics and Druids, With Halved Specialization: V4 Beta 9
~DIVINE_REMIX/SETUP-DIVINE_REMIX.TP2~ #0 #11 // Install new spells -> Only add spells if not present from other mods: v8 BWP Fix
~DIVINE_REMIX/SETUP-DIVINE_REMIX.TP2~ #0 #100 // Cleric Remix: v8 BWP Fix
~DIVINE_REMIX/SETUP-DIVINE_REMIX.TP2~ #0 #107 // Install Holy Strategist of the Red Knight Cleric Kit: v8 BWP Fix
~DIVINE_REMIX/SETUP-DIVINE_REMIX.TP2~ #0 #112 // Install Painbearer of Ilmater Cleric Kit: v8 BWP Fix
~DIVINE_REMIX/SETUP-DIVINE_REMIX.TP2~ #0 #115 // Install Firewalker of Kossuth Cleric Kit: v8 BWP Fix
~DIVINE_REMIX/SETUP-DIVINE_REMIX.TP2~ #0 #121 // Install Lorekeeper of Oghma Cleric Kit: v8 BWP Fix
~DIVINE_REMIX/SETUP-DIVINE_REMIX.TP2~ #0 #124 // Install Heartwarder of Sune Cleric Kit: v8 BWP Fix
~DIVINE_REMIX/SETUP-DIVINE_REMIX.TP2~ #0 #200 // Druid Remix: v8 BWP Fix
~DIVINE_REMIX/SETUP-DIVINE_REMIX.TP2~ #0 #403 // Install Bowslinger Ranger Kit: v8 BWP Fix
~DIVINE_REMIX/SETUP-DIVINE_REMIX.TP2~ #0 #409 // Install Forest Runner Ranger Kit: v8 BWP Fix
~DIVINE_REMIX/SETUP-DIVINE_REMIX.TP2~ #0 #412 // Install Justifier Ranger Kit: v8 BWP Fix
~RR/SETUP-RR.TP2~ #0 #0 // Proper dual-wielding implementation for Thieves and Bards: v4.90b1
~RR/SETUP-RR.TP2~ #0 #1 // Thief kit revisions: v4.90b1
~RR/SETUP-RR.TP2~ #0 #3 // Proper racial adjustments for thieving skills: v4.90b1
~RR/SETUP-RR.TP2~ #0 #4 // Bard kit revisions: v4.90b1
~RR/SETUP-RR.TP2~ #0 #6 // Proper spell progression for Bards: v4.90b1
~RR/SETUP-RR.TP2~ #0 #7 // Additional equipment for Thieves and Bards: v4.90b1
~MIGHT_AND_GUILE/MIGHT_AND_GUILE.TP2~ #0 #320 // Add the Marksman (fighter kit): 3.2.3
~MIGHT_AND_GUILE/MIGHT_AND_GUILE.TP2~ #0 #450 // Add the Jongleur (bard kit): 3.2.3
~MIGHT_AND_GUILE/MIGHT_AND_GUILE.TP2~ #0 #470 // Add the Gallant (bard kit): 3.2.3
~MIGHT_AND_GUILE/MIGHT_AND_GUILE.TP2~ #0 #480 // Add the Meistersinger (bard kit): 3.2.3
~MIGHT_AND_GUILE/MIGHT_AND_GUILE.TP2~ #0 #490 // Add the Loresinger (bard kit): 3.2.3
~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #50 // Avatar Morphing Script: Beta 5 BWP Fix
~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #110 // Icon Improvements: Beta 5 BWP Fix
~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #130 // Force All Dialogue to Pause Game: Beta 5 BWP Fix
~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #140 // Fix Boo's Squeak: Beta 5 BWP Fix
~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #182 // Unique Containers -> Unique icons and names: Beta 5 BWP Fix
~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #1010 // More Interjections: Beta 5 BWP Fix
~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #1060 // Breakable Iron Nonmagical Shields, Helms, and Armor: Beta 5 BWP Fix
~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #1070 // Improved Multi-Player Kick-out Dialogues: Beta 5 BWP Fix
~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #1080 // Add Bags of Holding: Beta 5 BWP Fix
~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #2192 // Limit Ability of Storekeepers to Identify Items -> Hybrid of Both Methods: Beta 5 BWP Fix
~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #2371 // Alter Dual-class Restrictions -> Allow non-humans to dual-class: Beta 5 BWP Fix
~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #3060 // Remove "You Must Gather Your Party..." Sound (Weimer): Beta 5 BWP Fix
~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #3080 // Increase Ammo Stack Size -> Unlimited Ammo Stacking: Beta 5 BWP Fix
~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #3090 // Increase Gem and Jewelry Stacking -> Unlimited Gem and Jewelry Stacking: Beta 5 BWP Fix
~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #3100 // Increase Potion Stacking -> Unlimited Potion Stacking: Beta 5 BWP Fix
~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #3110 // Increase Scroll Stacking -> Unlimited Scroll Stacking: Beta 5 BWP Fix
~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #3125 // Neutral Characters Make Happy Comments at Mid-Range Reputation: Beta 5 BWP Fix
~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #1000 // Initialise mod (all other components require this): v30 BWP fix + K4thos' EET compatibility
~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #1910 // Protection from Normal Missiles also blocks Arrows of Fire/Cold/Acid and similar projectiles without pluses: v30 BWP fix + K4thos' EET compatibility
~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #2010 // More consistent Breach spell (always affects liches and rakshasas; doesn't penetrate Spell Turning): v30 BWP fix + K4thos' EET compatibility
~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #2020 // Antimagic attacks penetrate improved invisibility: v30 BWP fix + K4thos' EET compatibility
~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #2030 // Iron Skins behaves like Stoneskin (can be brought down by Breach): v30 BWP fix + K4thos' EET compatibility
~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #2110 // Reduce the power of Inquisitors' Dispel Magic -> Inquisitors dispel at 1.5 x their level (not twice their level): v30 BWP fix + K4thos' EET compatibility
~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #2120 // Slightly weaken insect plague spells, and let fire shields block them: v30 BWP fix + K4thos' EET compatibility
~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #2150 // Make spell sequencers, spell triggers, and contingencies learnable by all mages: v30 BWP fix + K4thos' EET compatibility
~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #3030 // Re-introduce potions of extra-healing: v30 BWP fix + K4thos' EET compatibility
~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #4000 // Faster Bears: v30 BWP fix + K4thos' EET compatibility
~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #4010 // Grant large, flying, non-solid or similar creatures protection from Web and Entangle: v30 BWP fix + K4thos' EET compatibility
~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #4020 // More realistic wolves and wild dogs: v30 BWP fix + K4thos' EET compatibility
~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #4040 // Make party members less likely to die irreversibly: v30 BWP fix + K4thos' EET compatibility
~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #4050 // Decrease the rate at which reputation improves -> Reputation increases at about 2/3 the normal rate: v30 BWP fix + K4thos' EET compatibility
~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #4110 // Allow NPC pairs to separate: v30 BWP fix + K4thos' EET compatibility
~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #4120 // NPCs go to inns: v30 BWP fix + K4thos' EET compatibility
~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #4130 // Move NPCs to more convenient locations: v30 BWP fix + K4thos' EET compatibility
~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #4140 // Allow Yeslick to use axes: v30 BWP fix + K4thos' EET compatibility
~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #4145 // Skip the Candlekeep tutorial sections -> Remove the tutorial NPCs from Candlekeep: v30 BWP fix + K4thos' EET compatibility
~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #5000 // Ease-of-use party AI: v30 BWP fix + K4thos' EET compatibility
~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #5010 // Move Boo into Minsc's pack: v30 BWP fix + K4thos' EET compatibility
~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #5020 // Remove the blur graphic effect from the Cloak of Displacement: v30 BWP fix + K4thos' EET compatibility
~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #5050 // Stackable ankheg shells, winterwolf pelts and wyvern heads: v30 BWP fix + K4thos' EET compatibility
~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #5060 // Ensure Shar-Teel doesn't die in the original challenge: v30 BWP fix + K4thos' EET compatibility
~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #5900 // Initialise AI components (required for all tactical and AI components): v30 BWP fix + K4thos' EET compatibility
~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #6000 // Smarter general AI: v30 BWP fix + K4thos' EET compatibility
~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #6010 // Better calls for help: v30 BWP fix + K4thos' EET compatibility
~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #6032 // Smarter Mages -> Mages never cast short-duration spells instantly at start of combat: v30 BWP fix + K4thos' EET compatibility
~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #6042 // Smarter Priests -> Priests never cast short-duration spells instantly at start of combat: v30 BWP fix + K4thos' EET compatibility
~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #6101 // Potions for NPCs -> One third of the potions dropped by slain enemies break and are lost: v30 BWP fix + K4thos' EET compatibility
~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #6300 // Smarter sirines and dryads: v30 BWP fix + K4thos' EET compatibility
~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #6310 // Slightly harder carrion crawlers: v30 BWP fix + K4thos' EET compatibility
~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #6320 // Smarter basilisks: v30 BWP fix + K4thos' EET compatibility
~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #7000 // Improved doppelgangers: v30 BWP fix + K4thos' EET compatibility
~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #7010 // Tougher Black Talons and Iron Throne guards: v30 BWP fix + K4thos' EET compatibility
~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #7020 // Improved deployment for parties of assassins: v30 BWP fix + K4thos' EET compatibility
~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #7040 // Relocated bounty hunters: v30 BWP fix + K4thos' EET compatibility
~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #7050 // Improved Ulcaster: v30 BWP fix + K4thos' EET compatibility
~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #7060 // Improved Balduran's Isle: v30 BWP fix + K4thos' EET compatibility
~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #7070 // Improved Durlag's Tower: v30 BWP fix + K4thos' EET compatibility
~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #7080 // Improved Demon Cultists: v30 BWP fix + K4thos' EET compatibility
~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #7090 // Improved Cloakwood Druids: v30 BWP fix + K4thos' EET compatibility
~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #7100 // Improved Bassilus: v30 BWP fix + K4thos' EET compatibility
~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #7110 // Improved Drasus party: v30 BWP fix + K4thos' EET compatibility
~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #7130 // Improved Red Wizards: v30 BWP fix + K4thos' EET compatibility
~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #7140 // Improved Undercity party: v30 BWP fix + K4thos' EET compatibility
~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #7200 // Tougher chapter-two end battle: v30 BWP fix + K4thos' EET compatibility
~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #7210 // Tougher chapter-three end battle: v30 BWP fix + K4thos' EET compatibility
~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #7220 // Tougher chapter-four end battle: v30 BWP fix + K4thos' EET compatibility
~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #7230 // Tougher chapter-five end battle: v30 BWP fix + K4thos' EET compatibility
~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #7250 // Improved final battle: v30 BWP fix + K4thos' EET compatibility
~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #7900 // Improved minor encounters: v30 BWP fix + K4thos' EET compatibility
~RR/SETUP-RR.TP2~ #0 #9 // Revised Thievery -> Use PnP thievery potions and prevent their effects from stacking: v4.90b1
~RR/SETUP-RR.TP2~ #0 #999 // BG2-style icons for RR content: v4.90b1
~SETUP-BP-BGT-WORLDMAP.TP2~ #0 #0 // Worldmap for Baldur's Gate - including colored Baldur's Gate map icons: v10.2.1
~THEPICTURESTANDARD/THEPICTURESTANDARD.TP2~ #0 #2000 // Followers -> Vanilla: 0.71
~THEPICTURESTANDARD/THEPICTURESTANDARD.TP2~ #0 #10000 // Rogue Rebalancing -> Vanilla: 0.71
~LIGHTINGPACK/SETUP-LIGHTINGPACK.TP2~ #0 #2 // Shader script files for lighting control -> Moderately increased contrast, brightness and gamma (recommended): v2.4
// Recently Uninstalled: ~SETUP-BWS_FINAL.TP2~ #0 #0 // Make quick-logged WeiDU-entries visible
Character I'm currently running is Nador, a Human Priest of Helm, planning on dualing him to Fighter at 11 in BG2. Fairly simple beginning, killing Shoal and kiting an Ogre for at least 10 minutes gets Nador to level 4. Tranzig is silenced and killed, and for the fun of it I end up doing a few mod quests. They're fairly small, but I think they captured the spirit of a lot of the minor quests: I like them!
Spiders are killed with a use of Seeking sword since one APR takes forever and a day to kill anything otherwise, and Nador goes south to Nashkel. Greywolf gets Nador to level 5, and Nador gets the Protection from Alterations (IR) scroll and heads to the Basilisk area. Two skeletons and Korax clean shop, though Peter and his comrades are left alive for now. Back in Nashkel, I get cheeky and almost die to Silke: I didn't even think to consider that Charm Person might be in her arsenal. Nador saves, though, and I resolve to get the Greenstone amulet.
In the north, Nador + two skeletons battle a horde of Ankhegs, suffering little damage. Returning Tenya's bowl gets Nador to level 7, where he's still at currently. Going to Ulgoth's beard shows that the IR Greenstone Amulet is 100% wonderful since it's a ridiculous PASSIVE immunity. No more dying to poor aura management. Not to mind-affecting spells, anyways.
Nashkel mines were stealthed through with two Sanctuary spells, and Mulahey dies after being silenced and mobbed. Nimbul's spell selection in SCS is pretty useless after a True Seeing, and Tranzig falls shortly after. Nador successfully defeated the Amazons, though he's had to run from the dwarves, and has just finished raiding the Sirene's cave. Durlag's tower for the Wisdom tome is next.
Anyways, I've rolled a new party.
Weidu same as before, protagonist:
He will be traveling with, in order of appearance:
- dwarven barbarian
- halfling wizard slayer
- human shaman (yea, druid!)
- human dragon disciple
- elven sorceress
So far, we cleared Beregost, Ankhegs, Basilisks, upper Durlag levels, Bassilius (Silence sticked!); all that gave us enough money to buy Greenstone and Displacement, after which we killed the dwarf who sends you to Durlag and the priest that gives you the quest to kill Bassilus. Even deeds went unpunished and we celebrated by getting the coast rid of the sirene infestation. Single-classes are at level 6, protagonist 5/5.
Some screenies:
Before trying to take down Draconis, I decided to explore Watcher's Keep. Since there's nothing too important for me in the first two levels, I didn't even touch them in SoA. At this point, they were easy to clear. To avoid a prolonged fight against the chromatic demon, I simply used a harm spell:
The first challenge was the teleporter maze, specifically fighting a demon and his minions after coming up from a no magic zone. However, I was able to start the "return to pocket plane" cast animation before the demons turned hostile, allowing me to prebuff in the safety of my home, which enabled me to crush my foes:
Not much happened during the rest of the maze - my saving throws were good enough to deal with the other no-magic room, and I had a shield of harmony still left in my bag of holding to deal with the succubi, just in case there's some sort of saving throw penalty involved (I don't have the equipment to get my saving throw against spells below 0 against something like greater malison unless I use a potion of invulnerability).
WK level 4 was quite easy, as mind flayers can't do much against Andur, and githyanki aren't that dangerous. I skipped the demi-lich and Saladrex (they don't have anything I want) and just killed Rock and Garock:
The final level: Another dragon to deal with here, but one of the easy ones, as he seems to be a copy of the dragon in the elven city:
After obtaining all three keys, it was time for the seal guardians - the main reason I'm all the way down here, as I want the sling and the gauntlets.
The first battle I started was against the lich and his flaming skulls - I prepared with protection from fire and a deva. Andur took out the skulls, while the deva distracted Azamantes. I didn't want to get too close, because he's well known for his love of imprisonment. Eventually, the deva managed to apply her iMoD on him and he was destroyed:
Now, I don't really need to defeat the Aurumach Rilmani (propably not gonna use the club of detonation), but since he's propably the most harmless of the seal wardens, I did so anyway - by making Andur immune against cold damage via spell + green scroll. He attacked a Deva during his timestop, and Andur killed his minions before finally taking him down, while his cone of cold spamming did nothing.
Now, the last group is scary - especially for this character. The combination of getting all buffs dispelled by the hive mother, getting insect plagued by the sucuubus and taking damage from all the other would be deadly, so I tried to avoid fighting the whole group at once. With the small area and the way their ai works, this wasn't easy to achieve: It involved jumping through portals to the previous level, to the exit etc. multiple times until I finally found myself in a situation where the succubus, the fighter and the archer were by themselves. Andur killed the succubus with a GWW, summoned a deva and defeated the other two foes - without the hive mother there to dispell his buffs, there wasn't much danger.
I would've been happy to just kill the marilith for the gauntlets and leave, but I was unable to isolate it right away. Instead, after playing the same game of luring enemies away, jumping through portals and repeating the process, I at least found myself in a situation where I could attack the hive mother and the priestess without the marilith interfering (running to the marilith to just be done with it would have been to risky, as the two others might have followed me). The hive mother required 2-3 GWWs. Luckily, she didn't do anything dangerous aside from dispelling my buffs. The cleric was then easily dealt with.
Now, with the marilith alone, I had to rely on my deva to dispell its pfmw and/or stun it - it took a while, but success was ours:
Onwards, to Draconis!
@Corey_Russell Condolences.
We finished some south areas to get bracers of archery, then returned to main plot and did Mulahey and bandit camp, no trouble there with fire wand + webs.
Killed Eldath for his sword. I also wanted to fight the druids for the ring, but he doesn't give that quest for low CHA characters..bleh.
Probably the worst fight in the game thus far was this spiderish ambush in Cloakwood. Only luck kept my casters alive here.
Cloakwood mine was done with a little help from two summoned skeletons which absorbed enemies' Dispel, with our buffs online Krasus&co posed little threat (in addition they recived two detonation arrows).
Davaeron was a bit harder than usual; he tp'd asap, and joined the fight together with Horrors - that's something I always want to avoid.
We hit him with Spell Thrust, but he's still under Imp.invisibility, making all our targeted spells moot against him. The only AoE spell we had was druid's Fire Trap, but Davaeorn is highly fire - resistant.
He dispels most of our buffs as we try to kill the Horrors. I pray he doesn't have sunfire.
Alas, he didn't. He had Cone of Cold, a lot of them. We fight the Horrors with Magic Missiles and Fire Traps, while Daveorn smacks us with spells. Luckily, he focuses on my wizard slayer, not the casters.
My protagonist holds the door, so that guards don't join in quickly.
Barbarian closes in on him to put some pressure of the wizard slayer, but he's also gasping for air in two rounds...
Dragon disciple tries to help my prtoagonist by throwing a fireball at the door, but she gets tagged for missile fire and dies. She's recoverable, so all is fine.
Some time and healing potions later, Davaeorn looses steam, gets boxed in, and dies.
We rushed through the city with detonation arrows, doing no sidequests but bare neccecities (whatever yields big XP).
Back in Candlekeep, Prat & co were also killed with detonations. I can't use those vs Slythe, but it didn't matter. Barbarian here got level-drained (Krysten summoned Wraiths which have this ability) - and there is apperantly no temple that can cure it...I killed him and revived so he gets rid of it.
Dope battle went fine, up until Sarevok went bonkers and nearly killed Belt. This CLW spell could easily be the thing keeping Belt alive...
Sarevok, as always, Angelo first (Paralysis wand)
He did dispel our inivisibility, but did nothing else. Wizard slayer loads up his arrows and shoots at the enemies, turning invisible when things get dicey. He managed to seperate Diramid from the rest of the group - and the scroll-protected enemy archer looses the ranged battle.
I decide to go all-in now, even if Semaj was still alive. Summons at Sarevok & Tazok, wizard slayer on Semaj, charge.
Tazok goes down first.
And finally Sarevok.
Ogrim now enters Sod.
(first post here)
We have to start all over again, and this time we'll need to be more careful when it comes to casting Wish during Time Stop. At some point I created custom Wish spells and an Excel sheet to replicate the effects of Wish, but I don't know if I ever used them during this fight.
We begin by charming the Lesser Demon Lord using Flowey's Seducer Charm spell. We discover that the demon has a Wail of the Banshee spell that could have been devastating under different circumstances, but the demon unfortunately cannot fit through the door to the outside, so we can't keep it for the whole battle.
We get another Wish-rest, but as powerful as Wish is, sometimes there just aren't any good options.
This time around, Carl has a triple Project Image Chain Contingency set to trigger on Helpless. This normally doesn't work in EE, but with SR installed, you can summon 4 Project Image clones at once using this method.
They can't use HLAs, unlike Simulacrum clones (neither are supposed to be able to in SR, but I've got a bug of some sort), but they can cast lots of Wish spells.
I lower the enemy's magic resistance with one Wish and then throw out a Horrid Wilting via Wish. The result is actually quite disappointing.
The Horrid Wilting option is bugged; it only casts Horrid Wilting one time. It used to cast Horrid Wilting instantaneously against everyone on the map. It seems that the Horrid Wilting option only does 20d8 damage regardless of how many enemies are on the map. Without this bug, we could have wiped out every enemy on the map by combining the Wish Magic Resistance option with the Wish intoxication option, dealing well over 500 damage if there were even only 10 enemies on the map.
Instead, we proceed as normal, using our HLAs on the incoming drow horde. When Carl's clones run out of Wish spells, I have them kill each other to retake control of Carl.
Flowey and Stan lose their buffs to Remove Magic, but Edwin and Carl are safe in our northwest sanctuary room--Remove Magic doesn't reach them.
I have no idea why Flowey could lose his buffs. I'm pretty sure I applied everyone's buffs using our normal auto-buffing spell, which means Flowey, a level 49 character, would have cast all of his own buffs. Ostensibly, Flowey's buffs would be far too strong for even a Legacy of Bhaal mage to dispel. Remove Magic has behaved very strangely in this run, dispelling unusually high-level buffs while failing to dispel low-level buffs.
Flowey takes control of the drow, while Viconia takes control of some hostile summons.
Despite repeated casts of Dispelling Screen, we still lose more of our buffs. Flowey keeps much of the enemy horde at bay using Domination.
Edwin loses his defenses and has to use Dimension Jump to retreat to safety, but our wall of drow holds strong. Beyond the wall, more powerful drow are marching in.
Like before, I use Wish spells to restore HLAs so we can summon more celestials and flood the map with Dragon's Breath and Storm of Vengeance spells (since those are one of our few means of getting past the drow's magic resistance). Unlike last time, however, I use Farsight on the main chamber so I can see what's going on.
More Dispel Magic spells come our way. There's simply no way I can cast enough Dispelling Screens to keep them off.
With Viconia's acid resistance finally dispelled, and with her MR still lowered from a previous Wish, she can no longer protect herself from enemy Acid Arrows. Her MR was one of her few methods of avoiding disruption.
We push further outward into the main chamber as the drow herd begins to thin out. We turn some of the drow's magic against them, but unfortunately the drow don't have any spells that can bypass their fellow drow's MR.
More drow spawn in our sanctuary chamber, forcing Edwin and Carl to defend themselves. Stan chips in with Storm of Vengeance, but Edwin and Carl can do much better.
To my dismay, the intruding drow summon some new critters. LoB summons are terribly strong, and there's no easy way to get rid of them since my Banishment spells haven't been working properly.
I try another Wish Breach, and it does absolutely nothing. If I didn't know it at the start of this fight, I knew it now: Wish Breach was bugged.
My celestials chop up the drow, allowing Carl to refresh some of his defenses.
I've been keeping Carl's Planetar stuck in our sanctuary room to keep him safe. The Planetar would be a powerful asset if I sent it down south to attack the primary drow horde, but Carl's Planetar is the only one of our celestials that can instantly cast Heal, and I want to keep it close to Carl in case something goes wrong.
The drow fighters and clerics begin to fall, leaving the mages behind. They manage to Breach Stan, but Carl's Simulacrum lands Pierce Shield and Breach on them in response.
Carl resumes casting Wish, resting the party and putting Flowey, our primary tank, back in peak condition.
Edwin uses the reprieve to cast Improved Alacrity and restore his buffs. Stan re-casts Protection from Acid, knowing that future Acid Arrows could easily spell his death.
With little enemy pressure, we hurry up and crush the opposition so we can strengthen our defenses for the incoming waves.
Finally, Carl replaces his old contingencies with more defensive choices.
If Carl gets hit, his defenses will go right back up, and if he gets disabled, he won't need to wait for a celestial or Edwin or Viconia to cure him.
Gauging the level of danger is very important. If you know you won't need to act offensively during one round, it means you can cast a defensive, summoning, or healing spell instead, to prepare for a future threat. A battle might last 50 rounds, but the difference between victory and death can happen in the space of 1-3 rounds. If you can strengthen your position to grant yourself even a single extra round of safety in the next battle, it might be the only thing that keeps you alive.
Hopefully SoD will also be smooth sailing.... Imo, both BG1 and Sod are much easier than BG2/ToB. BG1 is relatively easy due to abduance of Wands of Fire, and enemies' HP pools can't stand up to ranged combat. SoD is easy due to the fact you start with your BG1 equipment; including Wands and arrows.
Making really good progress. Most of the party is level 6, and level 7 is a far way off. The party is staying mostly intact. Misty and Forrest have the robes of the Arch Magi, so they are well protected (the other two have bracers). Most of the southern areas (except Durlag's) is clear. Working on the northern areas now.
One new surge was Paja got held by a wild surge during an ogrillion ambush. However, with direct damage spells, the ogrillions were not able to take advantage of that.
Will keep at it.
In order to deal with Draconis, Andur brought equipment and scrolls with acid protection, including the shadow dragon armor. After defeating his human form, the dragon showed his real power and immediately dispelled all of Andur's buffs, forcing a hasty retreat. I made a couple attempts at damaging the dragon, usually with very little success - about half a dozen times, I tried to set up a situation in which I'd have at least the most needed buffs active and a simmy + deva to deal enough damage for a kill with me, but I always failed - sometimes he dispelled my buffs at the wrong time, sometimes the simmy died right away before doing anything, sometimes my aura wasn't clear at a crucial moment - I always had to retreat to Amkethran.
A scary moment among these early attempts came when Andur was unconscious for a short while after a wing buffet, with the dragon himself nearby:
Luckily, Andur was ready to stand up before Draconis could deal damage to him. Finally, during the seventh or eighth attempt, I was able to summon a deva right away before Draconis started attacking, have it cast remove fear, activate Hardiness, approach the dragon and use the Helm of Vhailor, setting me up for the situation I expected to need for success:
The simmy helped Andur get through Draconis' stoneskins, but died shortly after that. With Andur at around half hp, I had to decide: Try to heal, possibly abandoning this opportunity, or go for another GWW, hoping to deal damage faster than Draconis could. I went for the aggressive play, and sure enough, the dragon missed his next few attacks and died:
Once again, Draconis proved to be a tough opponent.
Now, most of Abazigal's compound was easily cleared - nothing noteworthy. Finally, Andur was ready to battle the Bhaalspawn himself.
After taking care of his human form, the dragon, like his son, dispelled Andur's buffs, forcing me to equip the spellhold cloak with 100% electricity resistance as I never had an opportunity to rebuff with anything but hardiness for a longer period of time. Abazigal's greater malison also raised most of my saves to scary levels, and he'd dispell any invulnerability potions right away. As with Draconis, he managed to hit Andur with wing buffet and knock him down, though hardiness was up:
I had to run and use a healing potion a couple of times. My goal was a situation similiar to before, with a deva and simmy attacking the dragon, but no opportunity presented itself. I did manage to deal a surprising amount of damage with a GWW at one time, but took too much of a beating in return, forcing a quick retreat. At this point, I noticed that Abazigal had cast maze at Andur:
With my aura still not clear because of the GWW, there was no opportunity to cast chaotic commands. I think I just started the casting animation, but a wing buffet and the death screen hit me pretty much at the same time:
I didn't expect Abazigal to cast maze at all - I simply didn't remember it was even in his repertoire, or I would've prioritized chaotic commands above any other buff. Well - it was a decent run!
Honestly, ToB combat wasn't a lot of fun for me, even when it was easy. I still prefer party play, and when it comes to soloing, playing as a totemic druid was much more interesting, as I had to think of more out of the box strategies, at least in ToB.
Good luck to everyone else - my next run will propably wait until the release of SCS version 31, which seems to be pretty soon.
Once that little cage appears, the spell has already hit, and Maze will take effect within seconds. The only way to cure it would be to cast Freedom, which takes too long to cast even with the Robe of Vecna, Amulet of Power, and a clear aura. Complete immunity, whether through Chaotic Commands, spell protections, magic resistance, rage, or some other immunity to the spell or opcode, is the only reliable option against Maze.
I did not even realise that freedom cured it.
He has more than one casting of maze -maybe even three. He ended my solo fighter-illusionist run once, it was the last time I tried Grond0's one day challenge. It was funny since the first time he cast it it bounced off spell turning, mazing him. The he appears and does it again, but this time I had no Spell Truning to block it.....
Weidu log here:
// The top of the file is the 'oldest' mod
// ~TP2_File~ #language_number #component_number // [Subcomponent Name -> ] Component Name [ : Version]
// Recently Uninstalled: ~DRIZZTSAGA/DRIZZTSAGA.TP2~ #0 #0 // The Drizzt Saga for BGEE/Tutu/BGT -> Default version: areas connected by travel triggers: v3.00
// Recently Uninstalled: ~DRIZZTSAGA/DRIZZTSAGA.TP2~ #0 #2 // Raise the XP cap: v3.00
// Recently Uninstalled: ~DRIZZTSAGA/DRIZZTSAGA.TP2~ #0 #3 // Delayed start: Drizzt joins after Durlag's Tower: v3.00
// Recently Uninstalled: ~SOA/SETUP-SOA.TP2~ #0 #0 // The Stone of Askavar for TotSC/Tutu/BGT/BGEE -> Default version: areas connected by travel triggers: 1.9
~DRIZZTSAGA/DRIZZTSAGA.TP2~ #0 #0 // The Drizzt Saga for BGEE/Tutu/BGT -> Default version: areas connected by travel triggers: v3.00
~DRIZZTSAGA/DRIZZTSAGA.TP2~ #0 #3 // Delayed start: Drizzt joins after Durlag's Tower: v3.00
~BGQE/SETUP-BGQE.TP2~ #0 #0 // Slime Quest: v12
~BGQE/SETUP-BGQE.TP2~ #0 #1 // Beregost Family Quest: v12
~BGQE/SETUP-BGQE.TP2~ #0 #2 // Installing the Babysitting Quest, including the Carnival Encounter...: v12
~BGQE/SETUP-BGQE.TP2~ #0 #3 // Nashkel Monster Quest: v12
~BGQE/SETUP-BGQE.TP2~ #0 #4 // Fallen Paladin Quest: v12
~BGQE/SETUP-BGQE.TP2~ #0 #5 // Undying Love Quest: v12
~BGQE/SETUP-BGQE.TP2~ #0 #6 // Orcish Lover Encounter: v12
~BGQE/SETUP-BGQE.TP2~ #0 #7 // Unexpected Help Quest: v12
~BGQE/SETUP-BGQE.TP2~ #0 #8 // "Many Little Paws": v12
~BGQE/SETUP-BGQE.TP2~ #0 #9 // Drunk near Beregost Temple: v12
~BGQE/SETUP-BGQE.TP2~ #0 #10 // A Warm Place for Noober: v12
~SETUP-BGEEAR.TP2~ #0 #0 // TeamBG's Armors for BG:EE, BGT and TuTu Version 1.05
~SETUP-BGEEW.TP2~ #0 #0 // TeamBG's Weapons Pack for BG:EE, BGT and TuTu Version 1.04
~SIRINESCALL/SETUP-SIRINESCALL.TP2~ #0 #0 // The Lure of the Sirine's Call: v13
~SETUP-DARKHORIZONSBGEE.TP2~ #0 #0 // "Dark Horizons" Mod for Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition: BG:EE v213
~BG1RE/SETUP-BG1RE.TP2~ #0 #0 // Amount of -ahem- details and BG-style vs. description text!: v1.3
~BG1RE/SETUP-BG1RE.TP2~ #0 #1 // Bardolan's Briefing, by berelinde: v1.3
~BG1RE/SETUP-BG1RE.TP2~ #0 #2 // Scar's Spare Time, by jastey: v1.3
~BG1RE/SETUP-BG1RE.TP2~ #0 #3 // Kim's Preoccupation, by jastey (WARNING - refer to the readme!): v1.3
~BG1RE/SETUP-BG1RE.TP2~ #0 #4 // Extension of Bjornin Encounter (Personal Wound Treatment), by jastey: v1.3
~BG1RE/SETUP-BG1RE.TP2~ #0 #5 // No Starch in the Maypole: v1.3
~BG1RE/SETUP-BG1RE.TP2~ #0 #6 // Duke Eltan's Spare Minute, by jastey: v1.3
~BG1RE/SETUP-BG1RE.TP2~ #0 #7 // Husam's Personal Preparation, by jastey: v1.3
~BG1RE/SETUP-BG1RE.TP2~ #0 #8 // Laurel's Post-Hunting, by jastey: v1.3
~BG1RE/SETUP-BG1RE.TP2~ #0 #9 // Bartus' Seduction, by jastey: v1.3
~BG1RE/SETUP-BG1RE.TP2~ #0 #10 // Lina's Massage, by jastey: v1.3
~BG1RE/SETUP-BG1RE.TP2~ #0 #11 // First Night with Quentin, by Kulyok: v1.3
~BG1RE/SETUP-BG1RE.TP2~ #0 #12 // Chatting Niklos Up, by Kulyok (mature content. WARNING - refer to the readme!): v1.3
~BG1RE/SETUP-BG1RE.TP2~ #0 #13 // Slythe and Krystin, by Kulyok (mature content. WARNING - refer to the readme!): v1.3
~BG1RE/SETUP-BG1RE.TP2~ #0 #14 // No Regrets: v1.3
~BG1RE/SETUP-BG1RE.TP2~ #0 #15 // Purchased Love, by Thimblerig: v1.3
~BG1RE/SETUP-BG1RE.TP2~ #0 #16 // Hull: Heavy Duty, by Lava: v1.3
~BG1RE/SETUP-BG1RE.TP2~ #0 #17 // Late Night with Jaheira, by Kulyok: v1.3
~BG1RE/SETUP-BG1RE.TP2~ #0 #18 // Sil's Blessing, by Lava: v1.3
~BG1RE/SETUP-BG1RE.TP2~ #0 #19 // Melicamp: The Poultry Boy, by Lava: v1.3
~BG1RE/SETUP-BG1RE.TP2~ #0 #20 // Reading with Rinnie, by Western Paladin: v1.3
~BG1RE/SETUP-BG1RE.TP2~ #0 #21 // Molly the Husband-Grabber, by Kulyok: v1.3
~BG1RE/SETUP-BG1RE.TP2~ #0 #22 // The Mourning of Centeol, the Spider Lady, by Lava: v1.3
~BG1RE/SETUP-BG1RE.TP2~ #0 #23 // The Essential End, by Lava: v1.3
~BG1RE/SETUP-BG1RE.TP2~ #0 #24 // The Harvestmen Lair, by Lava (mature content): v1.3
~BG1RE/SETUP-BG1RE.TP2~ #0 #25 // The Great Zudini, by Kulyok (mature content): v1.3
~BG1RE/SETUP-BG1RE.TP2~ #0 #26 // The Messenger, by Thimblerig: v1.3
~BG1RE/SETUP-BG1RE.TP2~ #0 #27 // Ender Sai, the Hero's Reward, by Thimblerig (WARNING - refer to the readme!): v1.3
~BG1RE/SETUP-BG1RE.TP2~ #0 #28 // The Novelists, by Thimblerig: v1.3
~BG1RE/SETUP-BG1RE.TP2~ #0 #29 // The Honest Lies of Two Riversides, By Lava: v1.3
~BG1RE/SETUP-BG1RE.TP2~ #0 #30 // Necromancer's Trouble, by jastey (WARNING - refer to the readme!): v1.3
~BG1RE/SETUP-BG1RE.TP2~ #0 #31 // Dinner with Thalantyr, by jastey: v1.3
~BG1RE/SETUP-BG1RE.TP2~ #0 #32 // Girdle of Gender Reactions, by Thimblerig, Kulyok, Domi, Lava, Lastknightleft, Twani, Jastey, Daisy Ninja Girl: v1.3
~BG1RE/SETUP-BG1RE.TP2~ #0 #33 // The Surgeon's Dream, by Kulyok: v1.3
~BG1RE/SETUP-BG1RE.TP2~ #0 #34 // All That Left Was, by Lava and Thimblerig: v1.3
~BG1RE/SETUP-BG1RE.TP2~ #0 #35 // A Childhood Friend, by Kulyok: v1.3
~BG1RE/SETUP-BG1RE.TP2~ #0 #36 // Arlene the Working Girl, by Kulyok: v1.3
~BG1RE/SETUP-BG1RE.TP2~ #0 #37 // Della May from Thay, by Kulyok: v1.3
~BG1RE/SETUP-BG1RE.TP2~ #0 #38 // A Dirty Guard in Candlekeep, by Kulyok (mature content. WARNING - refer to the readme!): v1.3
~BG1RE/SETUP-BG1RE.TP2~ #0 #39 // Phoenix Flame, by Kulyok (mature content): v1.3
~BG1RE/SETUP-BG1RE.TP2~ #0 #40 // Mikala the Monk, by Twani: v1.3
~FINCHNPC/FINCHNPC.TP2~ #0 #0 // Finch NPC: v4.0 BETA 7
~INDINPC/SETUP-INDINPC.TP2~ #0 #0 // Indira NPC: v12.0 BETA 3
~GAVIN/GAVIN.TP2~ #0 #0 // Gavin NPC for Tutu, BGT, and BG:EE: v9
~GAVIN/GAVIN.TP2~ #0 #1 // Gavin: Romance (mature content): v9
~GAVIN/GAVIN.TP2~ #0 #2 // Gavin: Flirts (adult content): v9
~GAVIN/GAVIN.TP2~ #0 #12 // Gavin: Alternate Portraits -> Dragon Age style portrait by berelinde: v9
~GAVIN/GAVIN.TP2~ #0 #13 // Gavin: Player Initiated Dialogue: v9
~BG1NPC/BG1NPC.TP2~ #0 #0 // The BG1 NPC Project: Required Modifications: v22_20150614
~BG1NPC/BG1NPC.TP2~ #0 #1 // The BG1 NPC Project: Banters, Quests, and Interjections: v22_20150614
~BG1NPC/BG1NPC.TP2~ #0 #9 // The BG1 NPC Project: Ajantis Romance Core (teen content): v22_20150614
~BG1NPC/BG1NPC.TP2~ #0 #10 // The BG1 NPC Project: Branwen's Romance Core (teen content): v22_20150614
~BG1NPC/BG1NPC.TP2~ #0 #11 // The BG1 NPC Project: Coran's Romance Core (adult content): v22_20150614
~BG1NPC/BG1NPC.TP2~ #0 #12 // The BG1 NPC Project: Dynaheir's Romance Core (teen content): v22_20150614
~BG1NPC/BG1NPC.TP2~ #0 #13 // The BG1 NPC Project: Shar-Teel Relationship Core (adult content): v22_20150614
~BG1NPC/BG1NPC.TP2~ #0 #14 // The BG1 NPC Project: Xan's Romance Core (teen content): v22_20150614
~BG1NPC/BG1NPC.TP2~ #0 #15 // The BG1 NPC Project: Female Romance Challenges, Ajantis vs Xan vs Coran: v22_20150614
~BG1NPC/BG1NPC.TP2~ #0 #16 // The BG1 NPC Project: NPCs can be sent to wait in an inn: v22_20150614
~BG1NPC/BG1NPC.TP2~ #0 #18 // The BG1 NPC Project: Alora's Starting Location -> Alora Starts in Gullykin: v22_20150614
~BG1NPC/BG1NPC.TP2~ #0 #20 // The BG1 NPC Project: Eldoth's Starting Location -> Eldoth Starts on the Coast Way: v22_20150614
~BG1NPC/BG1NPC.TP2~ #0 #22 // The BG1 NPC Project: Quayle's Starting Location -> Quayle Starts at the Nashkel Carnival: v22_20150614
~BG1NPC/BG1NPC.TP2~ #0 #24 // The BG1 NPC Project: Tiax's Starting Location -> Tiax Starts in Beregost: v22_20150614
~BG1NPC/BG1NPC.TP2~ #0 #26 // BGEE Banter Timing Tweak: v22_20150614
~BG1NPC/BG1NPC.TP2~ #0 #30 // The BG1 NPC Project: Cloakwood areas availability in Chapter One -> Open four Cloakwood areas (everything but the Mines): v22_20150614
~BG1NPC/BG1NPC.TP2~ #0 #32 // The BG1 NPC Project: Sarevok's Diary Adjustments -> Sarevok's Diary Date Changes only: v22_20150614
~BG1NPC/BG1NPC.TP2~ #0 #200 // The BG1 NPC Project: Player-Initiated Dialogues: v22_20150614
~BG1UB/SETUP-BG1UB.TP2~ #0 #0 // Ice Island Level Two Restoration: v14.0
~BG1UB/SETUP-BG1UB.TP2~ #0 #1 // The Mysterious Vial: v14.0
~BG1UB/SETUP-BG1UB.TP2~ #0 #10 // Place Entar Silvershield in His Home: v14.0
~BG1UB/SETUP-BG1UB.TP2~ #0 #11 // Scar and the Sashenstar's Daughter: v14.0
~BG1UB/SETUP-BG1UB.TP2~ #0 #12 // Quoningar, the Cleric: v14.0
~BG1UB/SETUP-BG1UB.TP2~ #0 #13 // Shilo Chen and the Ogre-Magi: v14.0
~BG1UB/SETUP-BG1UB.TP2~ #0 #14 // Edie, the Merchant League Applicant: v14.0
~BG1UB/SETUP-BG1UB.TP2~ #0 #16 // Creature Corrections: v14.0
~BG1UB/SETUP-BG1UB.TP2~ #0 #17 // Creature Restorations: v14.0
~BG1UB/SETUP-BG1UB.TP2~ #0 #18 // Creature Name Restorations: v14.0
~BG1UB/SETUP-BG1UB.TP2~ #0 #19 // Minor Dialogue Restorations: v14.0
~BG1UB/SETUP-BG1UB.TP2~ #0 #21 // Store, Tavern and Inn Fixes and Restorations: v14.0
~BG1UB/SETUP-BG1UB.TP2~ #0 #22 // Item Corrections and Restorations: v14.0
~BG1UB/SETUP-BG1UB.TP2~ #0 #28 // Prism and the Emeralds Tweak: v14.0
~BG1UB/SETUP-BG1UB.TP2~ #0 #29 // Duke Eltan in the Harbor Master's Building: v14.0
~BG1UB/SETUP-BG1UB.TP2~ #0 #30 // Nim Furlwing Encounter: v14.0
~BG1UB/SETUP-BG1UB.TP2~ #0 #32 // Svlast, the Fallen Paladin Encounter: v14.0
~BG1UB/SETUP-BG1UB.TP2~ #0 #33 // Mal-Kalen, the Ulcaster Ghost: v14.0
~KARATUR/SETUP-KARATUR.TP2~ #0 #0 // T'Was a Slow Boat from Kara-Tur
~RR/SETUP-RR.TP2~ #0 #1 // Thief kit revisions: v4.80
~RR/SETUP-RR.TP2~ #0 #3 // Proper racial adjustments for thieving skills: v4.80
~RR/SETUP-RR.TP2~ #0 #7 // Additional equipment for Thieves and Bards: v4.80
~NPC_EE/NPC_EE.TP2~ #0 #102 // Choose a class for Imoen -> Make Imoen a multiclass mage/thief: v2.5
~NPC_EE/NPC_EE.TP2~ #0 #141 // Choose a class for Khalid -> Make Khalid a ranger/cleric: v2.5
~NPC_EE/NPC_EE.TP2~ #0 #161 // Choose a class for Minsc -> Make Minsc a fighter: v2.5
~NPC_EE/NPC_EE.TP2~ #0 #242 // Choose a class for Branwen -> Make Branwen a multiclass fighter/cleric: v2.5
~NPC_EE/NPC_EE.TP2~ #0 #321 // Choose a class for Montaron -> Make Montaron a thief: v2.5
~NPC_EE/NPC_EE.TP2~ #0 #483 // Choose a class for Xan -> Make Xan a fighter/mage: v2.5
~NPC_EE/NPC_EE.TP2~ #0 #583 // Choose a class for Viconia -> Make Viconia a cleric/thief: v2.5
~NPC_EE/NPC_EE.TP2~ #0 #2000 // NPC kit choices: v2.5
~NPC_EE/NPC_EE.TP2~ #0 #3000 // multiclass kit choice: v2.5
~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #1080 // Add Bags of Holding: Beta 5
~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #1090 // Exotic Item Pack: Beta 5
~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #1100 // Reveal City Maps When Entering Area: Beta 5
~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #1120 // Stores Sell Higher Stacks of Items: Beta 5
~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #2060 // Weapon Styles for All: Beta 5
~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #2090 // Change Experience Point Cap -> Remove Experience Cap: Beta 5
~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #2151 // Wear Multiple Protection Items -> No Restrictions: Beta 5
~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #2200 // Multi-Class Grandmastery (Weimer): Beta 5
~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #2210 // Change Grandmastery Bonuses -> True Grandmastery (Baldurdash): Beta 5
~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #2350 // Alter Multiclass Restrictions -> Allow humans to multiclass: Beta 5
~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #2360 // Remove Racial Restrictions for Single Classes: Beta 5
~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #2372 // Alter Dual-class Restrictions -> Install both of the above options: Beta 5
~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #2380 // Remove Racial Restrictions for Kits: Beta 5
~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #2999 // Max HP at Level One: Beta 5
~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #3000 // Higher HP on Level Up -> Maximum: Beta 5
~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #3010 // Maximum HP for NPCs (the bigg) -> For All Creatures in Game: Beta 5
~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #3031 // Easy Spell Learning -> 100% Learn Spells and No Maximum Cap: Beta 5
~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #3040 // Make Bags of Holding Bottomless: Beta 5
~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #3080 // Increase Ammo Stack Size -> Unlimited Ammo Stacking: Beta 5
~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #3090 // Increase Gem and Jewelry Stacking -> Unlimited Gem and Jewelry Stacking: Beta 5
~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #3100 // Increase Potion Stacking -> Unlimited Potion Stacking: Beta 5
~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #3110 // Increase Scroll Stacking -> Unlimited Scroll Stacking: Beta 5
~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #3121 // Happy Patch (Party NPCs do not complain about reputation) -> NPCs Can Be Angry About Reputation but Never Leave (Salk): Beta 5
~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #3190 // Rest Anywhere (Japheth): Beta 5
~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #3205 // Stores Purchase All Item Types: Beta 5
~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #3230 // Taerom Makes Additional Ankheg Armor (Icendoan/grogerson): Beta 5
~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #4031 // Consistent Stats: Edwin -> Use BG2 Values: Beta 5
~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #4041 // Consistent Stats: Jaheira -> Use BG2 Values: Beta 5
~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #4061 // Consistent Stats: Minsc -> Use BG2 Values: Beta 5
~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #4071 // Consistent Stats: Viconia -> Use BG2 Values: Beta 5
~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #4090 // Make Montaron an Assassin (Andyr): Beta 5
~DIVINE_REMIX/SETUP-DIVINE_REMIX.TP2~ #0 #50 // Remove Cleric Kits -> Remove Only Mod Kits: v8
~DIVINE_REMIX/SETUP-DIVINE_REMIX.TP2~ #0 #52 // Remove Druid Kits -> Remove Only Mod Kits: v8
~DIVINE_REMIX/SETUP-DIVINE_REMIX.TP2~ #0 #56 // Remove Ranger Kits -> Remove Only Mod Kits: v8
~DIVINE_REMIX/SETUP-DIVINE_REMIX.TP2~ #0 #100 // Cleric Remix: v8
~DIVINE_REMIX/SETUP-DIVINE_REMIX.TP2~ #0 #103 // Install Silverstar of Selune Cleric Kit: v8
~DIVINE_REMIX/SETUP-DIVINE_REMIX.TP2~ #0 #109 // Install Battleguard of Tempus Cleric Kit: v8
~DIVINE_REMIX/SETUP-DIVINE_REMIX.TP2~ #0 #121 // Install Lorekeeper of Oghma Cleric Kit: v8
~DIVINE_REMIX/SETUP-DIVINE_REMIX.TP2~ #0 #124 // Install Heartwarder of Sune Cleric Kit: v8
~DIVINE_REMIX/SETUP-DIVINE_REMIX.TP2~ #0 #127 // Install Feywarden of Corellon Cleric Kit: v8
~DIVINE_REMIX/SETUP-DIVINE_REMIX.TP2~ #0 #130 // Install Strifeleader of Cyric Cleric Kit: v8
~DIVINE_REMIX/SETUP-DIVINE_REMIX.TP2~ #0 #600 // Install Battleguard of Tempus Kit for Branwen: v8
~SONG_AND_SILENCE/SETUP-SONG_AND_SILENCE.TP2~ #0 #0 // Changes to trueclass bards and thieves, and unmodded game kits (required for other components): v6
~SONG_AND_SILENCE/SETUP-SONG_AND_SILENCE.TP2~ #0 #1 // Add new bardic store and thief items: v6
~SONG_AND_SILENCE/SETUP-SONG_AND_SILENCE.TP2~ #0 #6 // Install Adventurer thief kit: v6
~SONG_AND_SILENCE/SETUP-SONG_AND_SILENCE.TP2~ #0 #7 // Install Burglar thief kit: v6
~NPCKIT/NPCKIT.TP2~ #0 #30 // Improved Specialist Mage Descriptions: v4
~NPCKIT/NPCKIT.TP2~ #0 #900 // Add Red Wizard to Edwin's Kit Description: v4
~NPCKIT/NPCKIT.TP2~ #0 #1400 // Give Imoen Adventurer Kit: v4
~NPCKIT/NPCKIT.TP2~ #0 #2300 // Change Minsc's Title to Rashemaar Ranger: v4
~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #2140 // Expanded Dual-Class Options: Beta 5
~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #2440 // Everyone Gets Bonus APR from Specialization: Beta 5
Shank and Carbos were disabled using spells which resulted in them being relatively easy to kill.
Mendas however is resistant to magic with the result that the duo were almost killed. Cyresia suffered from morale failure with only 1 HP left. Tiax had 2 HP left and killed Mendas just in time.
Journal of Cyresia and Tiax
After fleeing from the ambush where Gorion was killed, we sided with Tenya against the fishermen and then killed an ankheg.We returned to the carnival where we killed Zordral who killed another mage. Thus we got two lots of loot.