I assumed that destroying Coldhearth's Phalactery was all that was required after killing him once.
It wasn't.
Clearly I should have killed him again.
Time stop was all he needed to end the run.
That is all that is needed if you do it quickly - if the phylactery is destroyed before he has a chance to come back from a first death, he won't be able to reappear at all.
@Grond0 The problem was that he HAD reappeared. If you destroy the phalactery after he reappears, you then have to kill him. I was in no position to use the secret revealed again as the lich was out of sight when he cast time stop.
Hey ho. You live and learn or rather die and learn.
Changed my mind about the run. I have decided on an elven fighter thief called Sylvana. I would have liked a little better charisma and wisdom but the roll wasn't too bad. Starting gold was 140 which is pretty good too.
She isn't true neutral in that she aims for balance, but in the fact that her good and evil traits tend to balance out. For instance she has no qualms whatsoever about stealing, but she does about murder which is rather ironic considering who her father was.
She is a bit wary of having Lawful Good or Chaotic Evil companions for very long as both types would soon get on her nerves. However she is willing to perform short-term quests with them. [Going to Nashkel with Montaron or Khaled for example]
In Candlekeep I had to use all of my thieving ability to avoid being caught when I pilfered from some chests.
I am wondering about the secret revealed. Are there any enemies later on in the game that you can use it against?
@ussnorway In that case I will continue as I have a save shortly before the incident. Thanks for telling me. However in future I will ensure that this incident isn't repeated as that battle isn't rocket science.
Deselecting Spider's Bane enabled me to dispose of the phalactery before Coldheath reappeared.
I therefore have 2 charges left. Are they of any use from now on?
The fire elementals hurt Safana badly, so she fled whilst the rest of the party dealt with them and then healed her.
Sylvana will have to wait, which considering my lack of experience with SoD probably won't be that long as I've only finished SoD once.
@Wise_Grimwald@ussnorway No, it's not a bug, it's intended behaviour and has always worked that way.
It goes with the lore too: When a Lich's physical form is destroyed, its soul returns to the phylactery. The only way to permanently defeat the Lich is to destroy the phylactery. Once the phylactery is destroyed, destroying the Lich's physical form will kill it (since its soul has nowhere left to run...). If its soul is inside the phylactery when the phylactery is destroyed, the Lich is done for.
The Secret Revealed is essentially intended to be used against Coldhearth, but is also very handy against Zhadroth, a Lich in Kanaglym who can be pulled into the material plane using the Spectacles of Spectacle.
Zhadroth has some fancy loot: If you elect not to attack him, he gives you a Ring of Regeneration. Or if you defeat him, you get the ring as well as a robe that lets you cast Spell Sequencer once per day (very powerful in SoD). The Secret Revealed has three charges, so you're OK even if you need to use two of them against Coldhearth (leaving one charge for Zhadroth).
@Wise_Grimwald@ussnorway No, it's not a bug, it's intended behaviour and has always worked that way.
It goes with the lore too: When a Lich's physical form is destroyed, its soul returns to the phylactery. The only way to permanently defeat the Lich is to destroy the phylactery. Once the phylactery is destroyed, destroying the Lich's physical form will kill it (since its soul has nowhere left to run...). If its soul is inside the phylactery when the phylactery is destroyed, the Lich is done for.
The Secret Revealed is essentially intended to be used against Coldhearth, but is also very handy against Zhadroth, a Lich in Kanaglym who can be pulled into the material plane using the Spectacles of Spectacle.
Zhadroth has some fancy loot: If you elect not to attack him, he gives you a Ring of Regeneration. Or if you defeat him, you get the ring as well as a robe that lets you cast Spell Sequencer once per day (very powerful in SoD). The Secret Revealed has three charges, so you're OK even if you need to use two of them against Coldhearth (leaving one charge for Zhadroth).
Thanks for telling me. I'll delete the games and carry on with Sylvana. Avoiding this death will be fairly straightforward now that I understand what's going on and I should be able to do it with just one secret revealed charge now that I understand the need for haste.
Sylvana now has 31,000 experience so it is coming up time to start enlisting.
The story of Dwolin Magicbane, a solo Wizard Slayer
Difficulty: SCS Insane
Additional rules: no xp loop, no area hopping to avoid incoming magic spells (escaping ambushes is allowed though)
Weidu log BG1:
// Log of Currently Installed WeiDU Mods
// The top of the file is the 'oldest' mod
// ~TP2_File~ #language_number #component_number // [Subcomponent Name -> ] Component Name [ : Version]
~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #3505 // Wider selection of random scrolls: v33.4
~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #3550 // Increase the power of Cure Wounds and Cause Wounds spells to the level found in 3rd Edition D&D -> Spells heal or inflict a random amount of damage (1d8 per level of the spell, plus 1 point per caster level, to a maximum of 5 points per spell level): v33.4
~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #3580 // Restoration and Lesser Restoration spells heal ability-score damage: v33.4
~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #4000 // Faster Bears: v33.4
~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #4020 // More realistic wolves and wild dogs: v33.4
~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #4115 // Thieves assign skill points in multiples of five: v33.4
~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #4250 // Make spell sequencers and contingencies into innate abilities: v33.4
~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #5080 // Improved textscreens in Tales of the Sword Coast: v33.4
~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #5900 // Initialise AI components (required for all tactical and AI components): v33.4
~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #6000 // Smarter general AI: v33.4
~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #6010 // Better calls for help: v33.4
~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #6030 // Smarter Mages: v33.4
~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #6040 // Smarter Priests: v33.4
~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #6100 // Potions for NPCs: v33.4
~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #6200 // Improved Spiders: v33.4
~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #6300 // Smarter sirines and dryads: v33.4
~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #6310 // Slightly smarter carrion crawlers: v33.4
~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #6320 // Smarter basilisks: v33.4
~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #7000 // Improved doppelgangers: v33.4
~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #7010 // Tougher Black Talons and Iron Throne guards: v33.4
~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #7020 // Improved deployment for parties of assassins: v33.4
~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #7030 // Improved kobolds: v33.4
~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #7040 // Relocated bounty hunters: v33.4
~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #7050 // Improved Ulcaster: v33.4
~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #7060 // Improved Balduran's Isle: v33.4
~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #7070 // Improved Durlag's Tower: v33.4
~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #7080 // Improved Demon Cultists: v33.4
~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #7090 // Improved Cloakwood Druids: v33.4
~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #7100 // Improved Bassilus: v33.4
~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #7110 // Improved Drasus party: v33.4
~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #7130 // Improved Red Wizards: v33.4
~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #7140 // Improved Undercity assassins: v33.4
~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #7200 // Tougher chapter-two end battle: v33.4
~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #7210 // Tougher chapter-three end battle: v33.4
~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #7220 // Tougher chapter-four end battle: v33.4
~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #7230 // Tougher chapter-five end battle: v33.4
~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #7250 // Improved final battle: v33.4
~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #7900 // Improved minor encounters: v33.4
Thought of doing a write up of my latest attempt of getting a solo Wizard Slayer through the game.
For me a dwarf is the logical choice for this challenge with his 19 CON and +5 saving throws, which improves his overall survivability quite a bit.
Using auto-roller I got a nice 94 roll with 18/00 strength:
I started with **long swords and **longbows. I picked an evil algigment so I would be able to use the Human Flesh armor in SOA (if I ever get that far ).
In Candlekeep Dwolin got 300 gold from Firebead Elvenhair. After buying some equipment he did some minor quests. He easily killed the 2 assassins.
Chapter 1
Dwolin dodged Imoen by going to the High Hedge map and returning. He picked up Gorion's items and the diamond.
On his way north Dwolin collected a ring of protection and a ring of wizardry.
After accepting Sonner's quest he was killed and Dwolin took the bowl, which was returned to Tenya for 2500exp. He gained an extra level by doing this.
At High Hedge he bought the potion case.
In Beregost Dwolin calmed Marl and bought the Composite Longbow+1.
He then travelled to the coast to deal with the nimph Shoal, this gave him 2 additional levels. He added a proficiency point to longbows.
After returning a ring to a mad wizard there and recieving a potion from the Surgeon he continued his journey south toward Nashkel. On this journey he dispatched of 2 Ogrillons.
Chapter 2
Once at Nashkel he collected the Ankheg Plate armor.
He travelled to the carnival to rest, there he recieved his first Bhaal ability: Larloch's Minor Drain.
Back at Nashkel Dwolin talked to Noober and the Mayor.
He bought a scroll of Flesh To Stone at the temple and increased his reputation from 9 to 12.
Oublek increased his reputation further to 13.
Proceeding east he encountered Hafiz who gave him a scroll of magic protection.
In the same area he met Samuel who he brought to the Friendly Arm Inn.
Dwolin moved south again towards Beregost, killing an ogre for his belt along the way.
In Beregost he bought a book for Firebead Elvenhair and returned the letter to Miriam.
In the area east of the temple he used Korax to deal with the basiliks and the mad mage Mutamin, keeping out of harm's way. He also freed a petrified woman for a rep+1.
Dwolin gained an extra 2 levels here, his proficiency point went to long swords, so now he has *** longbows and *** long swords
He killed Meilum at the Firewine Ruins using his bow.
At the Friendly Arm Inn Tarnesh was easily shot down.
Dwolin bought Buckley's Buckler (CON +1) there, giving him the ability to heal when resting and travelling. He also picked up the golden pantaloons.
Back at the Nashkel Mines he lured a hasted Greywolf to the guards. When he was near dead Dwolin finished him off
Dwolin did some additional quests to the west: He killed Vax and Zal, saved a tree, killed some ogres on a bridge at the Gnollish Stronghold and found the tome of charisma.
After using the tome to increase his charisma to 16 he returned a cat to a girl, saved a nobleman for a pair of winterboots and returned Brage to the Nashkel Temple, boosting his reputation to 20.
With his 16 charisma and 20 reputation Dwolin decided to do some shopping:
- At the carnival he bought all the green scrolls he could find and 10 arrows of piercing
- At the temple east of Beregost and temple at the Friendly Arm Inn he bought some potions of extra healing (9 total)
- At High Hedge he bought all the green scrolls, healing potions and elixirs of health
- At the smith in Beregost he bought the full plate armor a large shield +1 and 80 arrows+2
After helping and then killing Neera for her gembag, Dwolin saved a chicken and killed some hobgoblins for a sword short +2. With luck on his side the chicken was transformed back to his normal form.
North of the FAI an Ankheg infestation was solved, Brun's son was returned to him.
Dwolin decided it was time to make a visit to Durlag's Tower, not only to gather some more experience and gold, but also to acquire some items needed to survive future encounters.
The first battle horror gave Dwolin quite a beating, but heal travelling to gullykin back and forth gave Dwolin another chance, this time with succes.
After levelling up, Dwolin cleared the rest of the outer perimeter without any problems. Once inside he first kited the Ghasts in the basement, then the Ghasts on the second floor.
He got stunned by a chromatic orb trap, but with no enemies around, he kept safe. After using a protection from petrification scroll he killed the Basiliks outside and gathered the treasure.
Being evil he had no problems helping Kirinhale and trapping the thief Riggilo forever in the tower.
Dwolin buffed when arriving at the Warders Level with 2x prot from fire and 2x prot from lightning to stay safe from most of the traps.
He cleared most of the level, careful not triggering the greater dopplegangers.
He killed the Flesh Golems with arrows+2 and used a protection from undead scroll to take out the 3 skeleton warriors, gaining enough experience to get him to his last level of BG1.
Dwolin then collected what he came for, a treasure of incredible value: 2 arrows of dispelling and 2 arrows of detonation! While looting the level he also gained about 20 healing potions, 10 antidotes, a lot of magical arrows and some green scrolls. He completed 2 of the 4 riddles to gain an easy 4000exp and satisfied he left the tower.
It was almost time to explore the Nashkel mines, but first Dwolin had to drop his reputation back below 10.
He first killed Bentan to get rep -10 and a protection from magic scroll. Then he sided with Silke in Beregost for an additional rep-2, bringing his reputation to 8.
The Nashkel Mines were quite straightforward. There is only one real threat before Mulahey, the Kobold Shaman. He was hit with arrows and with 100% spell failure he was no danger anymore.
Before tackling Mulahey he left the Mines and healed.
Dwolin told Mulahey Tazok send him, this allowed Dwolin some time to move in position.
Mulahey turned hostile, and started to cast hold person. Dwolin quickly interrupted him with Larloch's Minor Drain.
In melee Mulahey was no match for Dwolin and he fell soon after.
After dispatching all of the kobolds and skeletons, Dwolin returned the sword to Xan and travelled to the carnival. There he gained another Larloch's Minor Drain after resting.
At Nashkel he returned the greenstone ring and talked to the Mayor.
Sensing danger he followed the guards, this was a good move as he was soon ambushed by the assassin Nimbul. To get maximum hits in Dwolin started firing arrows of piercing at him. This worked as Nimbul failed to cast his confusion spell.
Dwolin switched to melee and with 100% casting failure Nimbul was a sitting duck.
Tranzig in Beregost was an annoyance, he panicked Dwolin 2 times using horror, but had no way of actually really hurting him. He was brushed aside shortly after.
Dwolin infiltrated the bandit camp by talking to Raiken in Peldvale. Tazok was convinced without having to fight him.
Inside the big tent the only real threat was Venkt. After his scs buffs kicked in, Dwolin fired an arrow of dispelling at him, but missed! He also failed to cast LMD, not that it would have helped him anyway since Venkt had a mirror image up. Venkt completed his hold person spell, but by wonder Dwolin made his save vs spells!
Dwolin then started to hunt him down with acid arrows, he finally cornered him and switched to melee to finish him off.
After killing Britik, the other bandits were not a big threat anymore thanks to the boots of avoidance.
Dwolin used a scroll of protection from lightning together with the boots of grounding to open the chest and not take any damage.
He escaped the bandit camp to the FAI.
After recieving the Horror ability after resting and selling some items Dwolin was on his way to the Cloakwood Mines.
He killed a Tasloi for a cloak and continued west. On the second Cloakwood Forest map he carefully made his way towards Centeol's lair, triggering webtraps only when there were no enemies around.
Dwolin knew he had to retrieve the Spider's Bane sword, if he didn't he had a large chance of being killed by giant spiders when ambushed. Giant spiders have a save vs breath web projectile in SCS.
Dwolin only has a save of 12, if ambushed by 3 giant spiders, getting webbed is practically a certainty.
Centeol's lair contains 2 sword spiders, 2 Ettercaps and 2 giant spiders. If Centeol can complete her dialogue she spawns an additional 2 giant spiders. In about 80% of the time you can shoot her with an arrow before she can talk to you, turning her hostile and thus avoiding the additional 2 spiders.
Dwolin was not this lucky though, he fired his arrow, but Centeol talked to him before it hit. After completing the dialogue Dwolin immediately casted horror and retreated towards the entrance.
One sword spider, an ettercap and 2 giant spiders got hit by the horror. From the entrance Dwolin fired an arrow of detonation at Centeol. The 2 unaffected Giant spiders used their web ability and Dwolin was forced to retreat outside to avoid getting hit (since the web ability is not magical, I allow to use area hopping to avoid it).
Only one sword spider and one giant spider followed Dwolin outside. Dwolin killed the giant spider and rushed back inside.
He fired his second and last arrow of detonation at the unaffected giant spider, killing it. He then ran as fast as he could to pick up the Spider's Bane, just in time before the horror wore off.
Dwolin moved outside and killed all that followed him.
Travelling on he was ambushed by an adventure party but easily escaped.
He avoided the Wyvern cave and arrived at the mines.
After dispatching the guards outside, he buffed with a protection from magic scroll.
Dwolin then rushed Drasus, trying to kill him before he drank his potion of frost giant strength.
Drasus was already at badly injured when he drank the potion. Dwolin got him to near dead, but had to retreat because he was taking too many hits. After using 2 potion of extra healing, Dwolin was able to deal the finishing blow to him. Scavanging his body, Dwolin picked up the boots of speed, equiped them, and started to run, run as fast as he could. His plan was to face Daveorn while still under the protection from magic he was currently on. Dwolin ran through the entire mine, using the secret passage on the second floor.
Once arrived at the final level, he quickly got himself surrounded by all the guards that followed him.
But they were no match for him and one by one they all fell.
Daveaorn was hit with the only remaining arrow of dispelling and soon after he was shot down with acid arrows.
Dwolin looted the place and killed the mustard jelly. He then quickly escaped the place, running past everything and everyone with his boots of speed towards the safety of the Friendly Arm Inn.
There he slept and recieved another horror special ability.
I made my way to Beregost via a trunk that contained a ring of protection. In Beregost I calmd down Marl and took a tome to Firebead before heading south where I killed ogrillons and hobgoblins which resulted in me getting some boots of stealth and another ring of protection.
Continuing south I killed more hobgoblins and found the Colquetle Amulet.
In Nashkel I found some decent armour, chatted to Noober and turned down a reward from Oublek.
I headed to the mines, found a wand in a tree trunk and took on Greywolf.
A BIG mistake, but fortunately not deadly. I fled to ther carnival and rested for a LONG time and whilst doing so gained a healing ability.
Heading south-east I found a ring of protection from fire and picked up Samuel who I took to the FAI.
Whilst there I returned Joia's ring to her and returned to Beregost where I gave the amulet to Mr. Colquetle.
Perdue asked me to find his sword which I did before helping Mellicamp.
After killing a spider I levelled up, having already done so a few times.
I then went ankheg hunting and was very successful inside the burrow.
However, when two of them attacked me simultaneously outside, I was forced to flee after using a healing potion.
I spotted Farmer Brun 100gp as he appeared to need it more than me.
Killing the ankhegs boosted my thieving ability somewhat.
I reunited Rufie and Albert before killing Vax an Zal.
I also killed a winter wolf whilst in transit before helping a dryad.
Ingot was killed next followed by Hairtooth and a polar bear.
I then helped Charleston Nib before returning to Beregost where I killed Karlat and Silke.
I enlisted Xzar and Montaron, Montaron being particularly useful in the picking of pockets in Beregost an Ulgoth's Beard. Sadly I forgot about some of the pockets that were just asking to be picked. However I did acquire Algernon's Cloak and a lot of scrolls.
In the Friendly Arms we bumped into Dorn and met him again near Nashkel. We were in the middle of an ambush and Xzar proved his usefulness by casting two very impressive skull traps. We went on with Dorn's help to wipe out the ambushers. Dorn joined us whereupon we helped him to wipe out Kryll.
The presence of such evil characters in close proximity made me nervous so I let them go.
Dorn returned to the FAI.
It was there that I met Khalid and Jaheira.
I dropped Khalid off at an inn in Beregost and proceeded to Nashkel with Jaheira. At the Carnival I enlisted Branwen helped Bentha and then headed south to the mines.
We entered a building where we killed some dogs. I left my companions there and headed south to Prism. Greywolf attacked me and I fled to the mines where Greywolf got badly hurt by the archers. He followed me towards Branwen and Jaheira which was foolish of him as Jaheira eliminated him with a lightning bolt.
In the mine we enlisted Xan and had no difficulty in killing Mullahey other than the fact that he confused me.
Outside we killed the Amazons largely with spells before killing the Revenant and a foolish mage.
In Nashkel we received a reward from Oublek for the emeralds. Xan then charmed him before taking on an assassin who killed Oublek which was sad. At least he died a hero which he would never have managed on his own.
We wiped out some bandits that ambushed us before killing even more at their camp.
We then killed some more who were headed up by Deke and also killed Tranzig in Beregost.
Then on to the ankheg swarm to earn some gold before heading off to the bandit camp once more.
@jaypee: Bold to try on a solo Wizard Slayer! Very few have dared to make the attempt.
I was sceptical at first of the chances of a Wizard Slayer. Not having the possibility to buff with potions, not being able to use most immunity items (ring of free action, greenstone amulet, etc.), not being able to go invisible etc, it seems an impossible task.
But by doing some test runs, I found that with the right tactics you can tackle most encounters with a decent probability. Not 100% like most classes, but I do believe you have a fair chance of getting a character past SOA atleast. I currently have a minimal reload run past the first pocket plane challenge, so this strongs my belief that it is possible.
Wizard Slayers have an incredible potential late game with their 100% MR, the big problem is getting there.
Lady luck definitely needs to be on your side some of the time .
After boosting his reputation from 9 to 14 in the FAI temple, Dwolin travelled to the Coast.
There he used a protection from magic scroll to stay safe from the Dire Charms of the Sirines.
He hunted all 6 Sirines down with arrows. The Flesh Golems in the cave were easily killed with +2 arrows
After collecting the tome of constitution he saved a child at the lighthouse for a rep+1.
He then travelled to the Nashkel Mines exit map to clear out some caves. Staying safe from the Ghasts by using Spider's Bane.
Travelling back north he boosted his reputation further by:
- Giving his last banditscalps to officer Vai
- Returning Joia's Flamedance ring
- Giving Brun 100 gold
He entered the great city of Baldur's Gate and first cleared the Merchant's League boosting his reputation to 20. Dwolin picked up the tome of dexterity and the helm of balduran. He recoverd the body of a boy for the large shield +1, +5 vs missiles. He also accepted Ramazith quest to freely clear his tower, acquiring the tome of intelligence in the process. And also a very rare bolt of Polymorphing (It's been years since I got one of these, luck must be on my side in this run )
With his rep at 20 again Dwolin did some shopping:
- All green scrolls from Sorcerous Sundries and the merchant in the Elfsong Tavern
- All potions of (extra) healing from the Lady's Hall
- All arrows of detonation and dispelling from Sorcerous Sundries and Black Lily
- 1 arrow of slaying and 160 arrows of piercing from Sorcerous Sundries
It was time to continue the main questline. Dwolin entered the sewers to appear just north of the ogre mage. He lured all the Carrion Crawlers toward him and killed them.
He did take some hits, so Dwolin decided to go back and rest first. On returning no new Crawlers had spawned so he was free to engage the ogre mage. Before doing so, Dwolin buffed with a protection from magic scroll. His plan was to use this scroll and complete several tasks in a row while under its protection. The ogre mage was instakilled via the arrow of slaying.
Dwolin collected all the items and rushed to Scar at the Flaming Fist Headquarters. After talking twice to him, he got to meet Duke eltan, who gave him the assigment of infiltrating the Iron Throne.
With his boots of speed Dwolin ran past everyone straight to the topfloor of the Iron Throne building.
After a short conversation, a big fight broke out. Dwolin opened with an arrow of detonation, followed by horror, followed again with an arrow of detonation. He kited them all from one side to the other, occasionally firing an arrow of detonation, and immediately switching to sword and shield again after the arrow was in the air.
Soon only Gardush and Alai were left. Dwolin had to dispel Gardush's potions of speed twice, eventually he was shot down with arrows. Alai was then killed in melee.
After picking up the documents Dwolin left the Iron Throne Building.
Still having protection from magic he quickly killed Sunin for his ring of wizardy and Chanthalas for the tome of wisdom, losing 10 rep after this deed.
After selling some items and using the tome, Dwolin went to Duke Eltan. He then was insta-travelled to Candlekeep. Here he was ambushed by 5 ogre mages. Dwolin decided to escape this ambush and using his boots of speed he ran to the guard. By the time he got there, he was hit by 2 spells: chromatic orb and charm person. Luckily Dwolin made his save and was transfered inside. There he was hit by a horror spell but again he made his save.
Dwolin entered the keep and made his way up, he avoided the Iron Throne leaders.
After escaping his arrest, he got the DuHM ability in the secret library. Using DuHM he was able to pick up the protection from magic scroll. He used the boots of grounding and a scroll of protection from electricty to stay safe from the lightning bolt. Dwolin ran past the 3 disguised greater dopplegangers and the other dopplegangers to the next area. He killed the 2 dopplegangers that followed him.
Dwolin sneaked past Pratt by running just out of his sight.
He used a protection from petrification scroll to deal with the basiliks. Using his boots of speed he ran past the ogre mages still outside candekeep towards the FAI. There he safely rested and recieved another DuHM ability.
Back in Baldur's Gate Dwolin avoided arrest and used DuHM to retrieve the protection from magic scroll from the topfloor of Ramazith's Tower.
After resting one more time, it was time to finish it all in one long fast run. Dwolin buffed with a protection from magic scroll before facing Slythe. After talking to him he shot him with an arrow of dispelling, followed by acid arrows while he was moving towards Dwolin. Once close Dwolin switched to melee and killed him with one more (critical) hit.
After picking up his sword and the invitations, Dwolin made his way to the Duchal palace in a hurry.
He entered the palace and buffed with DuHM. He positioned himself near Belt. The fight itself was pure chaos (so nerve-racking for me that I forgot to take any screenshots ). Belt went down to near death, but managed to stay alive. After killing the last doppleganger I lured Belt in one of the back rooms to keep him safe. Soon afterwards Sarevok teleported away and Dwolin was teleported after him.
With his protection from magic still up, he ran through the entire maze. Using healing potions when he did take any damage. He bypassed the adventure party by going north. Just before entering the Temple Of Bhaal he used a protection from undead scroll to avoid skeletons following him inside. Once inside he buffed with DuHM and moved into eyesight of Sarevok. After Sarevok's speech Dwolin hit him with an arrow of dispelling to counter his haste. Dwolin used his boots of speed to kite everyone. He ran around with his large shield +5vs missiles, carefully timing the moment he shot his arrows of detonation. He shot one arrow each round, right after Diarmid shot an arrow at him. This way he could switch back to his shield and not give Diarmid an easier chance of hitting him. When both Semay and Angelo were dead, Dwolin switched to piercing arrows. After Diarmid and Tazok were shot down, Sarevok was targetted. With Dwolin's superior speed, Sarevok could not touch him and it was only a matter of time before he too fell.
Trio 30 - FINAL Update!
Dreen II - halfling thief, protagonist (Corey_Russell)
Drimler - dwarven defender (Gate70)
Rex - half-orc Shaman (Grond0)
The party started off well. We easily freed Hendak and the other slaves. We then worked on the Lilacor quest. Rex got to use fog on a lot of weaker enemies. The jellies did a lot of damage to us but we got the job done. The sword Lilacor is rather useless to this group, so we just sold it.
We entered the slavers' moored ship from the front. Things went well at first, until Drimler's saves couldn't keep him together he got held, with loads of enemies nearby and a threat. Dreen immediately got into melee to try to relieve the pressure off Drimler. Rex did his best to help as well. Somehow with a sliver of life left Drimler survived who wasted no time in gulping a heal potion - close one!
So Dreen II wanted Augur's hide and also we still needed a scroll case. But when we got to Waukeen's Promenade we ran into the first vampire ambush. Rex made a general comment "We might want to engage.". Dreen II was THINKING "It's not worth the risk.". He thought for sure Drimler wouldn't be so foolish to engage with our equipment and levels so bad. But no, Drimler couldn't resist Rex's suggestion and suddenly a fight was on! Rex put out loads of summons but they were not effective. Drimler was forced to run but the vampire was too fast and Drimler got chunked. Rex and Dreen II couldn't get the upper hand and Dreen II was killed as well - RIP Dreen II!
Back to the drawing board! Grond0 is our next protagonist... I wonder if I should suggest we should engage a super dangerous enemy like Grond0 did for my run?!
Trio 31, Core rules, unmodded (update 1) Gleam - male, elf sorcerer (Grond0)
Russell XII - male, human inquisitor (Corey_Russell)
Nance - female, halfling bounty hunter (Gate70)
Previous run
Rolling up a new party, once more we managed to produce a pretty well-balanced group without any discussion.
Despite the vague threats of sabotage, Russell XII seemed happy to keep everyone alive in the early stages of BGEE . After dealing with Shoal, a few tasks in Beregost included blinding Silke for easy disposal. Down in Nashkel, Gleam rested until he picked up CLW to make healing a bit easier. A bit of equipment acquisition saw Gleam grab the Evermemory ring and Russell benefit from Bjornin's shield. On the way to get Meilum's bracers, Nance showed his skills by throwing a trap to clear a group of xvarts attacking Arabelle.
One of the hobgoblins guarding Zhurlong's boots dropped a PfP scroll and Gleam bought another of those before heading off to the basilisk area. The monsters were easily disposed of before Mutamin's attempted spells were interrupted by magic missiles.
Kirian's companions were all blinded to make that fight pretty simple, though Russell could not resist burning them up with some flaming oil.
Plenty of the other early victims were blinded as well and that included Bassilus at the end of the session.
There was just time left to see Melicamp restored before saving.
After tranfering to SOD Dwolin got his hidden experience unlocked and immediately gained a level.
He still carried 2 scrolls of magic protection with him, after using 4 to get through BG1. He bought 5 scrolls of greater restoration from the Flaming Fist Healer together with some potions of extra healing before moving on.
Dwolin lured the first group of mercenaries to the top of the room and then moved below them to open the door. He talked Porios in laying down their arms.
After going down the stairs he used 2 scrolls of protection from undead in total to deal with the undead and gain some easy experience. Unfortunately the shadows started wandering and attacked the Flaming Fist. The Flaming Fist were no match and Dwolin was not fast enough to save them.
The mercenaries were thinned out with arrows of detonation, before being picked off one by one with arrows of piercing.
Dwolin opened the door and went in. He shot Korlasz with an arrow of dispelling followed by some arrows of piercing. Soon she surrendered.
Back in Baldur's Gate the Ducal Palace got attacked, Dwolin helped to clear the danger.
In Baldur's Gate he did some minor quests/tasks:
- Talked to Jospil to recieve Brevin's Quarterstaff
- Killed Korlasz
- Fetched a barrel of ruby wine for the Battle Tankard helmet
- Killed Minsc for Kiel's Helmet (I am evil afterall )
- Sold all lot of items for about 70k total, bought 25 arrows of detonation/dispelling
After resting one more time Dwolin travelled to the Coast Way Crossing. Here he bought the bag of holding and the buckler of the fist from Belegram.
In the area west Dwolin helped Isabella. He made sure to stay out of sight of the vampire and limited his role to killing the Dire Wolfs. After staking the vampire, Dwolin recieved the Suncatcher shield.
Back at the Crossing he first hunted all the spiders in the area. He used Spider's Bane to stay safe from the web projectiles from the Gargentuan Spiders and the web traps.
He met Brother Deepvein and devised a plan to get his nice shining helmet. He lured the undead from the bottom corridor with him to Deepvein. The undead tore him and his brothers apart while Dwolin kept safe with a protection from undead scroll. After the massacre Dwolin killed the rest of the undead for some easy experience and picked up the helmet of Dumathoin from Deepvein's corpse.
At the bridge Dwolin hid behind the tent to avoid combat. Soon Caelar intervened.
Once arrived at the Troll Claw Woods Dwolin lured some trolls back to the Flaming Fist.
They were so kind to knock them down so he could finish them with acid arrows.
Travelling north he met Jaheira and send her to the camp. Dwolin needed the Spell Breaker sword and journeyed back and forth between this area and the Forest Of Wyrms area to trigger the associated Waylay.
The goblins were thinned out with an arrow of detonation followed by a sunfire blast. The rest were easily mopped up.
Inside the Myconid Cave, Dwolin lured the myconids with him, making sure he had a melee weapon equiped and not his bow when they used their confusion/feeblemind attacks on him. With his save vs death at 2 they only had 5% to affect him. The beetles were easily killed ranged.
After identifying the sword he continued his journey to the Forest Of Wyrms. He Kited/Killed all the enemies there. He avoided the spidercave. Dwolin sneaked past the sleeping dragon and entered the bugbear lair. Using spell breaker and the buckler of the fist he kept safe from the command/hold person spells from the shamans. He had to retreat to rest a couple of time, but in the end the bugbears were no match for him. Dwolin gained his last level of SOD here too.
In the temple Dwolin preemptively killed 2 of the Cultist groups. He ignored the southern most group, which almost proved fatal a moment later .
Before tackling Ziatar he buffed with protection from poison and DuHM. He opened the door and fired 2 arrows of detonation, he switched to spell breaker with suncatcher and ran inside. He used the sunfire ability, but to his astonishment the 2 supporting mages were still alive after all these blasts. Dwolin hesitated on what to do next and decided to retreat back in the corridor. He hugged the north wall to avoid alarming the cultists in the lower room. Luckily nobody followed him so he had some time to recover and think of a new plan. He decided to use horror and try to eliminate the mages as fast as possible in melee. Initially this plan worked... until Dwolin got affected by Ziatar's Dragon Fear . Panicked Dwolin ran back in the corridor and nearly ran in the southern room which probably would have ended this run. At the last moment he turned and ran in the room opposite. He did alert some of the enemies in the southern room though. Soon Dwolin was cornered by Ziatar and some of the cultist guards. He regained his senses, quaffed a potion of extra healing and started to engage them. A moment later the room was cleared of danger.
After returning from resting, Dwolin released the blind priestess and the 3 crusaders. He buffed up for facing Neothelid with protection from poison and 2 protection from fire scrolls, equiped spell breaker and opened the door. Neothelid opened with Domination on Dwolin, but failed to effect him with it (I'm not sure what save is allowed for this spell, nothing is shown in the console. Dwolin his save vs spells was 1 at this time, so if it works like a mage Domination he had 90% to save against it). Instead of attacking, Dwolin ran back to the area where the Dire wolfs used to be. He knew that Neothelid would follow him there using his Dimension Walk ability. Since he only uses this every couple of rounds Dwolin could use this to avoid the creature entirely.
Neothelid followed him and Dwolin then ran to the room where Akanna is. He went inside and used sunfire to soften up Akanna and her 2 Aerial Servants. Both Aerial Servants got a hit on Dwolin though. Dwolin retreated back to the Skull area and lured the 2 Aerial Servants with him. After using some potions of extra healing he started to engage them ranged. He made sure to stay out of Neothelids way everytime he teleported to his position by quickly running out of its sight. Eventually both Aerial Servants were shot down. Dwolin lured Neothelid with him and then ran back to Akanna. He engaged her in melee, but when she was badly injured had to retreat again because of Neothelid. After Neothelid followed him one last time, Dwolin was able to finish Akanna off and take the Wardstone.
On his way out Dwolin daggered Morentherene.
The Goblins outside of Bridgefort were horrored and sunfired. Once inside Dwolin bought a full plate +1 armor from Jegg and asked him to forge a shield from the green dragon scales. He was allowed to enter the crusador camp outside the fort and retrieved the scroll from Vichand by revealing who he was and warning him that he had a long reach should he rat on him. After returning the scroll, Dwolin made Jegg forge 80 void arrows. A moment later he surrendered the fort.
To interrupt the mage on the bridge Dwolin used an arrow of detonation aimed at one of the footsoldiers. After dispelling the mage, Dwolin shot him down with arrows. The other soldiers were lured to the courtyard, where they were dispatched with the help of the Flaming Fist.
Dwolin crossed the bridge and is now in the Coalition Camp.
Those in Tazok's Tent were far more resiliant than those outside!
We then visited Bassilus and brought his reign of terror to an end before killing Zargal.
We then killed Shoal and her mate before returning a ring of folly to its owner.
The area was then cleared of sirine.
Neera then asked us to seek out Adoy which we did.
On our way back to the ankhegs we encountered Meilum.
Some of the ankhegs were quite tough and eventually one of them wiped out Neera so we went to the temple to raise her and to receive our reward for killing Bassilus.
Upon going Basilisk hunting we met up with and killed Lindin and his friends before clearing the area of basilisks.
We killed several wyvern on the way to the Cloakwood mines.
We were successful in the mines, but halfway down I noticed that my reputation had dropped to 10. Presumably a wild surge from Neera had killed an innocent. We therefore went straight to the temple to make some offerings before returning to get the mines flooed.
Upon reaching Baldur's Gate we cleared some doppelgangers before killing a crazed mage.
We then killed Larze on the way to getting the antidote from Marek.
We returned Noralee's gauntlets: healed Ghorak the diseased; took a gem to G'Axeer, gave a ring to Petrine; and set free a nymph.
We took a dagger to Nester's mother and a tome to Rinnie gaining 2 more reputation points and gained more reputation by delivering a dead boy from the temple of Umberlee to his father who raised him.
Our reputation is no longer besmirched as it is now back at 20.
Once in the coalition camp Dwolin trained some troops to recieve the Commander's Chain. He also bought 5 arrows of detonation, soft feet and the composite longbow+2 from Wazib.
At dead man's pass he kited/killed all the Orogs and Hill Giants. After killing the bear for its skin he let Belegram make a pair of lucky boots for him.
Using soft feet and the green dragon shield he easily killed the spiders in the Mimic's Cave. With 2 protection from acid scrolls and Spider's Bane he kept safe from the Mimic itself.
After killing the Mimic he collected the treasures there, including the 20 arrows+3.
Dwolin made a small stop at Blood Bark Grove to buy 5 greater restoration scrolls and 10 potions of extra healing from Onoroth.
At the Underground River Entrance Dwolin was ambushed by a Myconid Elder. With the green dragon shield he was safe from its attacks. After killing it, he found the Myconid Bloom-sac on its corpse, which can be used by Wizard Slayers (I assume because it is natural and not magical in nature).
Moving on Dwolin killed some spiders and engaged the crusader guards at the entrance itself. He used divide and conquer tactics on them, soon only a few of them were left, including a mage. By this time this had become routine for Dwolin, first using an arrow of dispelling followed by a barage of acid arrows. This time however the mage pulled an unexpected trick out of his hat, a wand of paralyzation . Dwolin was not wearing his lucky boots, so he was very vulnerable at this moment. Lucky for him he didn't have to rely on his save vs wand, his little bit of magic resistance kept him safe.
After collecting Caelar's Seal from the Cyclops he opened the gate and ran past everyone inside the cave.
He placed the barrel and killed the Ettin Ghost. Inside the Warrens he bought all greater restoration scrolls and extra healing potions From Priest Polvi.
Dwolin showed the seal to Betror and Einer who then operated the elevator for him. Once in the castle he was confronted by Belben. After being discovered Dwolin decided not to attack and immediately took the elevator back down again. With his boots of speed he escaped the place.
At Dragonspear castle Dwolin helped Skie and inside he judged that Corinth was innocent, sentencing Valis to death. Afterwards Corinth gave him his bow.
Together with the coalition leaders Dwolin met Caelar at dead man's pass. A peacful solution could not be reached however. Dwolin then returned to the camp to defend it from the Crusaders.
Dwolin buffed with a protection from magic scroll and engaged the first wave with arrows of detonation.
Soon it was defeated. The second wave of mages was also no problem, Dwolin again used arrows of detonation to soften them up and apply spell failure. Those who didn't die immediately were shot with arrows of dispelling followed by acid arrows.
At the third wave the story takes a dramatic turn. Dwolin made the HUGE mistake of casting horror after opening with an arrow of detonation. This eventually caused one of the crusaders to run past the defenders and triggering the "we're overrun" dialogue. Dwolin was still fighting the 3rd wave Crusaders when the final wave arrived. He did his best to stop them even by using the Myconids, but slowly and steadily the Crusders pushed on. In the end a stray fireball blew up the barrels... and it was game over .
It was a good run up until this point, I did hope to atleast reach Belhifet, but fate decided otherwise. I will definitely do another attempt in the future, probably some time after 2.6 is released.
So, Aldain (I'm not referring to myself in the third person, charname is also called Aldain...) will be importing into SoD.
Full SCS v32.7, see spoiler for WeiDU; difficulty Insane with no extra damage. I'll update to latest SCS version when/if we make it to BG2, but just wanted to get on with things for now so went with the version I have installed.
Include arcane spells from Icewind Dale: Enhanced Edition: v32.7
Include divine spells from Icewind Dale: Enhanced Edition: v32.7
Replace +1 arrows and other projectiles with nonmagical "fine" ones: v32.7
Replace many +1 magic weapons with nonmagical "fine" ones -> Fine weapons are affected by the iron crisis: v32.7
Reduce the number of Arrows of Dispelling in stores -> Remove Arrows of Dispelling from stores: v32.7
Wider selection of random scrolls: v32.7
Reduce the power of Inquisitors' Dispel Magic -> Inquisitors dispel at their level (not twice their level): v32.7
Increase the power of Cure Wounds and Cause Wounds spells to the level found in 3rd Edition D&D -> Spells heal or inflict a random amount of damage (1d8 per level of the spell, plus 1 point per caster level, to a maximum of 5 points per spell level): v32.7
Restoration and Lesser Restoration spells heal ability-score damage: v32.7
Faster Bears: v32.7
Improved shapeshifting: v32.7
Decrease the rate at which reputation improves -> Reputation increases at about 1/4 the normal rate: v32.7
Make spell sequencers and contingencies into innate abilities: v32.7
Ease-of-use party AI: v32.7
Initialise AI components (required for all tactical and AI components): v32.7
Smarter general AI: v32.7
Better calls for help: v32.7
Smarter Mages: v32.7
Smarter Priests: v32.7
Potions for NPCs: v32.7
Improved Spiders: v32.7
Smarter sirines and dryads: v32.7
Slightly smarter carrion crawlers: v32.7
Smarter basilisks: v32.7
Improved doppelgangers: v32.7
Tougher Black Talons and Iron Throne guards: v32.7
Improved deployment for parties of assassins: v32.7
Improved kobolds: v32.7
Relocated bounty hunters: v32.7
Improved Ulcaster: v32.7
Improved Balduran's Isle: v32.7
Improved Durlag's Tower: v32.7
Improved Demon Cultists: v32.7
Improved Cloakwood Druids: v32.7
Improved Bassilus: v32.7
Improved Drasus party: v32.7
Improved Red Wizards: v32.7
Improved Undercity assassins: v32.7
Tougher chapter-two end battle: v32.7
Tougher chapter-three end battle: v32.7
Tougher chapter-four end battle: v32.7
Tougher chapter-five end battle: v32.7
Improved final battle: v32.7
Improved minor encounters: v32.7
We import from the character file, not the final save. This means Aldain starts at 161k XP, and he also does not get his party, but rather the default one for good aligned characters: They are the same with regards to NPC's though, but the default party gets much crappier gear and some questionable proficiency assignments. We may freely use our companions including their gear (using their consumables if deemed necessary) to get through the initial dungeon, but the basic rule is that an NPC that came with gear leaves with that gear: We won't be selling it and buying a bunch of useful items from the Flaming Fist healer, nor will we spend our starting gold in the same fashion.
It is however perfectly alright to save any and all items attained in the dungeon, and sell them once we get out.
Aldain also gets his starting inventory modified. Lots of powerful equipment, but no more than he can carry on his person (and he gets very limited consumables as well), see below for a list:
Helm of Balduran
Robe of the Good Archmagi
Pellan's Shield +2
Legacy of the Masters
The Guard's Ring +2
Edventar's Gift
The Amplifier
Golden Girdle of Urnst
Senses of the Cat
Ashideena +2
The Thresher +2
Cloak of Balduran
Potion of Extra Healing x2
Wand of Fire with x5 charges each of Scorcher and Fireball
Potion of Invisibility x1
Key Ring
Fallorain's Plate +1 (to import into SoA)
Cliff-notes adventure: A F/M/C out of time, SoD part 1
Final BG1 update found here
SoD parts: 1, 2
Off we go. Being as charismatic as a brick wall, Aldain fails to convince Porios to surrender, but a Wand of Fear charge spells the (quite paltry) group's demise regardless. There is a little bit of a snag, as Khalid breaks his Fine Longsword almost immediately; a consequence of the Iron Crisis component of SCS. Indeed, Aldain and Jaheira are the only ones with magical weapons! Khalid picks up some spare axes, but is soon delegated, alongside Minsc, to letting loose with his Longbow. Into the lower levels!
The undead spawns on Insane are nothing to sneeze at, and the Skeletal Mages with their Haste/Stinking Cloud mean most fights turn a bit chaotic, but we muddle through (it helps that Aldain sneakily prepared an almost optimal spell setup for the initial dungeon before taking down Sarevok in BG1).
The Wand of Fear keeps getting some use against the few Crusaders on the second level, and we reach Korlasz reasonably unscathed, albeit low on spells. Still a Fireball left though, and along with Safana's starting OGL necklace, it's enough to clear out Korlasz's cohorts and entice the Mage into surrendering. Unfortunately, a particularly vicious crit by Aldain right after wound up killing her. We loot the entire place, pick up the +2 Shield from the mummy, and depart.
The busywork in the city is soon taken care of: We pick up Minsc, Dynaheir and Safana, make sure to steal everything that isn't nailed down (in particular looting the castle basement), and we're off. Oh, we naturally picked up a scroll case/potion case/gem bag at Sorcerous Sundries while at it, but no other shopping.
Once at Coast Way Crossing, we drop Safana for Glint, pick up Corwin, and finally recruit M'Khiin. The latter's script that should assign her some spells once more fails to fire for some reason, so I end up fixing her with EEKeeper (gave her Armor of Faith/Bless/CLW/Entangle/Doom/Barkskin/Flame Blade/Slow Poison/Call Lightning/Summon Insects... think that's fairly accurate). Detect Invisibility strips Teleria of her II, allowing us to brute-force our way through her Stoneskins/Mirror Images before she gets a single spell off.
So that was a little careless. Would've been much better to just have five Skeleton Warriors waiting for her, then have someone talk to her and pop an Invisibility potion. Will certainly be more careful next time.
Anyway, the local spiders turn out to be dumb as posts (they always target Web Tangle at the first thing they see, which is Aldain wearing Edventar's Gift), so they're relatively easy to dispatch.
We head into the dig, where Sunfire/Fireball absolutely clears house. Sunfire really should break Invisibility...
Having cleared the upper level of the dig as well as the entire outdoors area on one rest, we indulge and renew our spells. The second level goes remarkably smoothly (we kept an II for Aldain, which allowed him to tank the two Skeleton Warriors guarding the final chamber), although the two big spawns in the Library cause a fair bit of running around and prompt a few Wand of Fire charges.
There's a bit of an issue with Coldhearth: We use The Secret Revealed a mite too soon, meaning some of his prebuffs fire after it lands, prompting us to immediately use it again (as one of those prebuffs that were still up was PfMW). The second time's the charm though: He dies, we snag the phylactery and toss it into the fire before he has a chance to return.
And that's that. The Dwarves are recruited for later, and we wind up staking Tsolak. Funnily enough, even with 20 CHA (Friends from the Quarterstaff on Corwin, who was party leader), we couldn't talk the halfling into letting us keep any of the treasures. Guess I picked the wrong conversation option? It stings a little, as Minsc could've used the shield for when he needs to tank, but what's done is done.
We clear the crusaders by the bridge using a few Fireballs, then watch their smoldering corpses until Caelar appears.
And we're at Troll Claw Woods. Surprisingly, none of the spawns (not even the massive Troll ambush in the north-western cave) pose much trouble, though that could be because I usually only have two fighter-types at this stage (Minsc and Corwin, as I normally play an arcanist). An extra front-liner with excellent AC and serious damage output, what with dual-wielding +2 blunt weapons and sporting 21 STR thanks to DUHM for every battle of consequence, really makes a difference.
We clear the entire outdoors area as well as aforementioned cave without any revolutionary tactics, just Fireball, Web and regular buffs, then it's time for a rest (and the end of the update).
Next time we'll keep plowing on and at the very least arrive at the Coalition Camp.
Aldain is now a level 7/8/7 Half-Elf Fighter/Mage/Cleric.
Journal of Sylvana
We have done most of the quests in Baldur's Gate other than taking on the Iron Throne. We then picked up Alora and went to Durlag's Tower and cleared all the upper part of it.
Upon returning we bought scolls for Xan and Neera but ran out of gold. More hunting of ankhegs is perhaps required.
well I got cocky after getting past the FAI with a trap and nearly lost it all to some random peon but it wakes you up when that happens and I looked around for some help... sorry Edwin but she has a side quest, better gear and legs mate + Dorn doesn't cut her in haft for being a git
with safe wands and the big guys sword it going smooth and I dual to mage at level 5 which gives me 2 points in melee weapons, 2 points of armour and full traps back before getting to Sod
It's been a long, long time since my last attempt but I'm going to take another shot at this. Last time I tried was in one of the original No-Reloads on the old boards so I have my doubts about my ability to get through but here's hoping!
Introducing Tiberius, Priest of Helm
Difficulty: Tactical
Weidu Log
// Log of Currently Installed WeiDU Mods
// The top of the file is the 'oldest' mod
// ~TP2_File~ #language_number #component_number // [Subcomponent Name -> ] Component Name [ : Version]
~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #5900 // Initialise AI components (required for all tactical and AI components): 33.7
~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #6000 // Smarter general AI: 33.7
~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #6010 // Better calls for help: 33.7
~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #6030 // Smarter Mages: 33.7
~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #6040 // Smarter Priests: 33.7
~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #6100 // Potions for NPCs: 33.7
~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #6200 // Improved Spiders: 33.7
~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #6300 // Smarter sirines and dryads: 33.7
~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #6310 // Slightly smarter carrion crawlers: 33.7
~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #6320 // Smarter basilisks: 33.7
~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #7000 // Improved doppelgangers: 33.7
~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #7010 // Tougher Black Talons and Iron Throne guards: 33.7
~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #7020 // Improved deployment for parties of assassins: 33.7
~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #7030 // Improved kobolds: 33.7
~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #7040 // Relocated bounty hunters: 33.7
~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #7050 // Improved Ulcaster: 33.7
~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #7060 // Improved Balduran's Isle: 33.7
~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #7070 // Improved Durlag's Tower: 33.7
~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #7080 // Improved Demon Cultists: 33.7
~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #7090 // Improved Cloakwood Druids: 33.7
~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #7100 // Improved Bassilus: 33.7
~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #7110 // Improved Drasus party: 33.7
~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #7130 // Improved Red Wizards: 33.7
~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #7140 // Improved Undercity assassins: 33.7
~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #7200 // Tougher chapter-two end battle: 33.7
~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #7210 // Tougher chapter-three end battle: 33.7
~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #7220 // Tougher chapter-four end battle: 33.7
~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #7230 // Tougher chapter-five end battle: 33.7
~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #7250 // Improved final battle: 33.7
~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #7900 // Improved minor encounters: 33.7
Other Notable Mods/Settings:
Max HP on Level Up
"Happy" NPC override to prevent party members from leaving
Stats Rolls - Rolled a 92 after not too long. Not a bad start
Single Weapon and Shield Style
And finally, Tiberius himself:
And with that, we're off! I'll return shortly with tales of his inevitable demise!
Tuff loven!
I gave her a magic charisma book then kicked my sis so she could get learning about magic and replaced her with a monk just to try him out... another few hours of running around the wilds gave us loot and opened the city gates which then sent us up against the iron throne guys for my thief levels back.
now I'm under my old home and marked as a murderer which if I'm honest...
p.s, some random drow had two very nice magic swords... mine now!
Our adventure continues after a 3 week hiatus, meaning we spend a minute or two debating what episode we were in and who was hosting. Once we established we were in BG:EE we wasted no time in arranging a near-death situation fighting a doppelganger in the Candlekeep library. Stan called for a time-out and suggested Imaginome should be spinning his gnomish little legs into action. Imaginome had by this time realised the danger and was doing just this.
We carried on and admired the more mustardly shade of cloudkill as it killed a group of phase spiders.
We picked up a tome for Stan to use, once he damped down the flames from a fireball trap. This was going well, until Stan got caught in a web and Imaginome triggered a lightning trap - he gulped a potion of absorbtion but Stan could only grimace and hope the lightning didn't do too much damage as it went through the web.
Prat and his gang just about managed to deal with Improved Invisibility but their delay meant we'd used more cloudkill and fireballs to harangue them with Stan braving the area to engage in melee.
Slythe the coronation ticket tout found himself stunned by a dart. We'll take two tickets please.
At the coronation Stan used more darts of stunning, and while Liia eventually died Belt survived (Imaginome using one cure light wounds on him though)
We lured Belt to the side room to show him our evidence, then Imaginome raced back to receive a solid blow from Sarevok. Stan had a bit of a chuckle about that.
The Thieves maze was carefully exploited (just the one lightning trap carelessly triggered oh and a fireball trap too), and then we ran into Rahvin's mercenaries. They took a full dose of darts and magic
We were free then to head inside the nearby temple and face Sarevok. Imaginone played it cautious here and used a protection from magic scroll on himself. With both of us protected in this way (hang on, Stan doesn't seem to have bothered using his...) we found Semaj an easy victim but then had to run Sarevok around with Stan trading plenty of whacks before the antagonist finally fell.
Siege of Dragonspear
We fully expected to have to manually import but the game carried over without us having to do any more than wait briefly.
The first signs of resistance in Korlasz' family crypt could be found just the other side of this cloudkill.
Unfortunately they tried to fight a wizard slayer in a cloudkill.
We'd made it to the second level, but three smallish hordes of undead lay ahead. Imaginome had a masterplan arranged here though - and used a protection from undead scroll on Stan and stayed out of the way for all three battles - even drawing the flaming fist in when a hidden wraith was sensed.
We were running out of attacking spells against the penultimate group of mercenaries so they were webbed and Stan used Improved Invisibility to attack them from the rear. Imaginome helped out with what little arcane crafting he could arrange and only Korlasz and her gang remained.
Her defenders rapidly thinned out from Cloudkill.
With her dead we used a locked chest to use both knock and dispel magic. Nice.
With the safehouse under our control we headed back to the city but had to fend off assassins in the ducal palace - it is rapidly gaining a reputation as being lax in security measures.
We limited oruselves to visiting one tavern for Zaviak's glasses, and to Sorcerous Sundries. With that done we set out for Dragonspear. Our path is a little wiggly in this regard, Stan having heard of a magical returning dart with acid damage. Fine, we'll detour for that. Oh, and maybe an ioun stone for regeneration.
& a sling with additional fire damage. Sure, why not. Stan Trollkiller, distant relative of Durlag can do that.
We eventually get to the Coast Ways bridge and eventually show ourselves when Caelar screams across the span "hardy adventurers behind that tent with Improved Invisibility - shall we parlay?".
Post parlay we note the gang who should have tried to waylay us are a bit tardy in their retreat so web x2 cloudkill x2 fireball x2 magic missiles + darts helps them on their way.
On our way to Boareskyr Bridge we find time to kill wyverns and spiders and a sleeping green dragon. Further inside the dragons cave is an entrance to bugbear territory. We clear that out and continue on to a temple of Cyric.
We do enough there to release the trapped crusaders and cleric of Bhaal but as we do so we run into a multiplayer freeze and despite our effort at a workaround we have to close the game so will get to do this temple part again next time. No doubt Stan will while away the wait by hoping to repeat his stunning form against Ziatar.
While looking at the current inventory Imaginome can't help but notice a heap of restoration scrolls - looks like Stan is planning a Belhifet of a party.
And, so ends the run of Tiberius, the Priest of Helm. Cut down before his adventure could even begin. Nessa, in her infinite wisdom, slept the protagonist who was then promptly slain by the Red Wizard's lackeys. Let that be a lesson; no good deed goes unpunished.
Ahhh....C'est la vie. Will try again shortly with Tiberius 2.0.
After doing a lot of trivial quests which boosted my reputation and wisdom, gave me a helm to improve my charisma and a decent helm and cloak once owned by Balduran as well as a decent shield for Branwen, I decided to take on the Iron Throne.
They were a bit more of a challenge. We had weakened them with cloudkill as well as area effect spells but then both I and Branwen were confused. It caused me to just hang around where I was, but Branwen walked into the cloudkill and ended up dead. We therefore went to get her raised before hunting more anklheg to recoup our gold.
It was then time to go to Ice island which was very straightforward. We then sold the winter wolfskins and the ankheg shells and spent the loot at Ulgoth's Beard. Then back to the Flaming Fist HQ and on to Candlekeep.
As the party is at the level cap some minor doppelgangers were avoided.
We did however loot the catacombes and we killed everything in the area where we met Prat including Diarmid.
Upon leaving we stocked up with +1 bullets at Beregost and went in search of some red wizards for their ring.
Now time to find Sarevok once more.
As there are no more tomes and I am at the level cap, this will be my final stats if I reach SoD
I have found that having Neera and Xan in the same party works well. Neera's excellence with fire spells fills in the gap in Xan's expertise.
Everything went fine except fot the penultimate battle when Xan off his own bat moved forward thus bringing more enemies into the battle. Arrows of explosion killed Neera and we had to leave Sarevok for a while so that she could be raised.
Traps had been laid for both Semaj and Tazok, but Tazok decided not to get involved against foes who were clearly his superiors in battle.
Korlasz has been killed. Neera cast web and minute meteors to finish off those not held by the web.
Xan cast a series of skull traps which was sufficient to wipe out Korlasz. Branwen had also cast smite evil,
After clearing up we arrived In Baldur's Gate once more
I have lost all my party members upon arriving In Baldur's Gate once more. It looks as if the only other neutral party member available to me is Safana and since I am a thief, she isn't really needed. That means that I will have to seek companions whose alignment is significantly different to my own.
As my reputation is 20, I doubt that evil characters will want to join me, so good characters it is.
Minsc and Dynaheir have joined me and we are at the Coast Way Crossing.
M'Khinn has now joined the party. Shamans are new to me so that is a handicap, but she appears to be quite powerful.
We had a major problem with an elf who had transformed refugees into statues. It was her confusion spells and the like that did the damage. It resulted in one of the statues being killed by Dynaheir.
We headed east and killed a vampire. Returning we went into a troll cave where Dynaheir got held by a carrion crawler and died just before M'Khinn's was able to heal her. We survived, but raising Dynaheir took almost all of our gold.
I have realised that I made a mistake back in BG1. I should have ensured that I had acquired a robe of the good archmage before the final battle. Since I have lost Xan, I need another mage. Of course I could offload a load of reputation once I have done my shopping and have a neutral/ evil party rather than a neutral/ good party.
I have an unused robe of the evil archmage.
Things started by reviewing inventories and completing a few quests to clear those out. One of the gaps was filled with the pantaloons, after Tarnesh had the honor of being the first victim of the day.
It didn't take long to get into some proper action though as Russell made use of his True Seeing to make some sirines vulnerable, while his innate charm immunity proved sufficient protection against them.
After using a potion of absorption to melee some golems, his hard work was rewarded with the tome of constitution.
Having got a taste for sirines, Russell was keen to journey up the coast to find some more. There was an ogre clan on the way and Russell was already charging in on the whole group when Gleam shouted that a web would be descending shortly. Russell didn't reverse course quite in time to get out of that - but fortunately the ogre berserker on his tail also got stuck.
With the ogres history, Russell led the way to find the sirines.
A trip through the Cloud Peak mountains followed to get the charisma tome - Russell also taking charge of that. Magic missiles then did the main damage against the Doomsayer.
After relieving Greywolf of his sword, we dived into the Nashkel Mine. Nance laid a few traps there before showing himself to Mulahey - who immediately keeled over along with a few of his kobold friends.
Outside the mine the amazons became the latest group to get into a sticky situation.
Looking at the world map for a route to the Bandit Camp, we realised we hadn't yet cleared the ankhegs. That didn't take long with Russell staying unscathed until the final ankheg in the nest.
A bit of shopping at Ulgoth's Beard was then followed by a trip to Durlag's Tower for some more quick XP from some blinded battle horrors and basilisks confronted by potions of Mirrored Eyes.
Eventually moving on to the Bandit Camp, Taurgosz found he had timed his attack badly - moving towards us just in time to get trapped in a web.
Inside the tent, Venkt and Hakt were blinded and the others were unable to put up much of a fight.
That's opened up the route to the Cloakwood for next time.
I assumed that destroying Coldhearth's Phalactery was all that was required after killing him once.
It wasn't.
Clearly I should have killed him again.
Time stop was all he needed to end the run.
That is all that is needed if you do it quickly - if the phylactery is destroyed before he has a chance to come back from a first death, he won't be able to reappear at all.
Hey ho. You live and learn or rather die and learn.
Changed my mind about the run. I have decided on an elven fighter thief called Sylvana. I would have liked a little better charisma and wisdom but the roll wasn't too bad. Starting gold was 140 which is pretty good too.
She isn't true neutral in that she aims for balance, but in the fact that her good and evil traits tend to balance out. For instance she has no qualms whatsoever about stealing, but she does about murder which is rather ironic considering who her father was.
She is a bit wary of having Lawful Good or Chaotic Evil companions for very long as both types would soon get on her nerves. However she is willing to perform short-term quests with them. [Going to Nashkel with Montaron or Khaled for example]
In Candlekeep I had to use all of my thieving ability to avoid being caught when I pilfered from some chests.
@ussnorway In that case I will continue as I have a save shortly before the incident. Thanks for telling me. However in future I will ensure that this incident isn't repeated as that battle isn't rocket science.
Deselecting Spider's Bane enabled me to dispose of the phalactery before Coldheath reappeared.
I therefore have 2 charges left. Are they of any use from now on?
The fire elementals hurt Safana badly, so she fled whilst the rest of the party dealt with them and then healed her.
Sylvana will have to wait, which considering my lack of experience with SoD probably won't be that long as I've only finished SoD once.
It goes with the lore too: When a Lich's physical form is destroyed, its soul returns to the phylactery. The only way to permanently defeat the Lich is to destroy the phylactery. Once the phylactery is destroyed, destroying the Lich's physical form will kill it (since its soul has nowhere left to run...). If its soul is inside the phylactery when the phylactery is destroyed, the Lich is done for.
The Secret Revealed is essentially intended to be used against Coldhearth, but is also very handy against Zhadroth, a Lich in Kanaglym who can be pulled into the material plane using the Spectacles of Spectacle.
Zhadroth has some fancy loot: If you elect not to attack him, he gives you a Ring of Regeneration. Or if you defeat him, you get the ring as well as a robe that lets you cast Spell Sequencer once per day (very powerful in SoD). The Secret Revealed has three charges, so you're OK even if you need to use two of them against Coldhearth (leaving one charge for Zhadroth).
Thanks for telling me. I'll delete the games and carry on with Sylvana. Avoiding this death will be fairly straightforward now that I understand what's going on and I should be able to do it with just one secret revealed charge now that I understand the need for haste.
Sylvana now has 31,000 experience so it is coming up time to start enlisting.
Difficulty: SCS Insane
Additional rules: no xp loop, no area hopping to avoid incoming magic spells (escaping ambushes is allowed though)
Weidu log BG1:
// The top of the file is the 'oldest' mod
// ~TP2_File~ #language_number #component_number // [Subcomponent Name -> ] Component Name [ : Version]
~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #3505 // Wider selection of random scrolls: v33.4
~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #3550 // Increase the power of Cure Wounds and Cause Wounds spells to the level found in 3rd Edition D&D -> Spells heal or inflict a random amount of damage (1d8 per level of the spell, plus 1 point per caster level, to a maximum of 5 points per spell level): v33.4
~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #3580 // Restoration and Lesser Restoration spells heal ability-score damage: v33.4
~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #4000 // Faster Bears: v33.4
~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #4020 // More realistic wolves and wild dogs: v33.4
~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #4115 // Thieves assign skill points in multiples of five: v33.4
~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #4250 // Make spell sequencers and contingencies into innate abilities: v33.4
~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #5080 // Improved textscreens in Tales of the Sword Coast: v33.4
~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #5900 // Initialise AI components (required for all tactical and AI components): v33.4
~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #6000 // Smarter general AI: v33.4
~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #6010 // Better calls for help: v33.4
~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #6030 // Smarter Mages: v33.4
~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #6040 // Smarter Priests: v33.4
~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #6100 // Potions for NPCs: v33.4
~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #6200 // Improved Spiders: v33.4
~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #6300 // Smarter sirines and dryads: v33.4
~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #6310 // Slightly smarter carrion crawlers: v33.4
~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #6320 // Smarter basilisks: v33.4
~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #7000 // Improved doppelgangers: v33.4
~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #7010 // Tougher Black Talons and Iron Throne guards: v33.4
~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #7020 // Improved deployment for parties of assassins: v33.4
~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #7030 // Improved kobolds: v33.4
~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #7040 // Relocated bounty hunters: v33.4
~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #7050 // Improved Ulcaster: v33.4
~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #7060 // Improved Balduran's Isle: v33.4
~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #7070 // Improved Durlag's Tower: v33.4
~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #7080 // Improved Demon Cultists: v33.4
~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #7090 // Improved Cloakwood Druids: v33.4
~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #7100 // Improved Bassilus: v33.4
~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #7110 // Improved Drasus party: v33.4
~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #7130 // Improved Red Wizards: v33.4
~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #7140 // Improved Undercity assassins: v33.4
~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #7200 // Tougher chapter-two end battle: v33.4
~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #7210 // Tougher chapter-three end battle: v33.4
~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #7220 // Tougher chapter-four end battle: v33.4
~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #7230 // Tougher chapter-five end battle: v33.4
~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #7250 // Improved final battle: v33.4
~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #7900 // Improved minor encounters: v33.4
Thought of doing a write up of my latest attempt of getting a solo Wizard Slayer through the game.
For me a dwarf is the logical choice for this challenge with his 19 CON and +5 saving throws, which improves his overall survivability quite a bit.
Using auto-roller I got a nice 94 roll with 18/00 strength:
I started with **long swords and **longbows. I picked an evil algigment so I would be able to use the Human Flesh armor in SOA (if I ever get that far
In Candlekeep Dwolin got 300 gold from Firebead Elvenhair. After buying some equipment he did some minor quests. He easily killed the 2 assassins.
Chapter 1
Dwolin dodged Imoen by going to the High Hedge map and returning. He picked up Gorion's items and the diamond.
On his way north Dwolin collected a ring of protection and a ring of wizardry.
After accepting Sonner's quest he was killed and Dwolin took the bowl, which was returned to Tenya for 2500exp. He gained an extra level by doing this.
At High Hedge he bought the potion case.
In Beregost Dwolin calmed Marl and bought the Composite Longbow+1.
He then travelled to the coast to deal with the nimph Shoal, this gave him 2 additional levels. He added a proficiency point to longbows.
After returning a ring to a mad wizard there and recieving a potion from the Surgeon he continued his journey south toward Nashkel. On this journey he dispatched of 2 Ogrillons.
Chapter 2
Once at Nashkel he collected the Ankheg Plate armor.
He travelled to the carnival to rest, there he recieved his first Bhaal ability: Larloch's Minor Drain.
Back at Nashkel Dwolin talked to Noober and the Mayor.
He bought a scroll of Flesh To Stone at the temple and increased his reputation from 9 to 12.
Oublek increased his reputation further to 13.
Proceeding east he encountered Hafiz who gave him a scroll of magic protection.
In the same area he met Samuel who he brought to the Friendly Arm Inn.
Dwolin moved south again towards Beregost, killing an ogre for his belt along the way.
In Beregost he bought a book for Firebead Elvenhair and returned the letter to Miriam.
In the area east of the temple he used Korax to deal with the basiliks and the mad mage Mutamin, keeping out of harm's way. He also freed a petrified woman for a rep+1.
Dwolin gained an extra 2 levels here, his proficiency point went to long swords, so now he has *** longbows and *** long swords
He killed Meilum at the Firewine Ruins using his bow.
At the Friendly Arm Inn Tarnesh was easily shot down.
Dwolin bought Buckley's Buckler (CON +1) there, giving him the ability to heal when resting and travelling. He also picked up the golden pantaloons.
Back at the Nashkel Mines he lured a hasted Greywolf to the guards. When he was near dead Dwolin finished him off
Dwolin did some additional quests to the west: He killed Vax and Zal, saved a tree, killed some ogres on a bridge at the Gnollish Stronghold and found the tome of charisma.
After using the tome to increase his charisma to 16 he returned a cat to a girl, saved a nobleman for a pair of winterboots and returned Brage to the Nashkel Temple, boosting his reputation to 20.
With his 16 charisma and 20 reputation Dwolin decided to do some shopping:
- At the carnival he bought all the green scrolls he could find and 10 arrows of piercing
- At the temple east of Beregost and temple at the Friendly Arm Inn he bought some potions of extra healing (9 total)
- At High Hedge he bought all the green scrolls, healing potions and elixirs of health
- At the smith in Beregost he bought the full plate armor a large shield +1 and 80 arrows+2
After helping and then killing Neera for her gembag, Dwolin saved a chicken and killed some hobgoblins for a sword short +2. With luck on his side the chicken was transformed back to his normal form.
North of the FAI an Ankheg infestation was solved, Brun's son was returned to him.
Dwolin decided it was time to make a visit to Durlag's Tower, not only to gather some more experience and gold, but also to acquire some items needed to survive future encounters.
The first battle horror gave Dwolin quite a beating, but heal travelling to gullykin back and forth gave Dwolin another chance, this time with succes.
After levelling up, Dwolin cleared the rest of the outer perimeter without any problems. Once inside he first kited the Ghasts in the basement, then the Ghasts on the second floor.
He got stunned by a chromatic orb trap, but with no enemies around, he kept safe. After using a protection from petrification scroll he killed the Basiliks outside and gathered the treasure.
Being evil he had no problems helping Kirinhale and trapping the thief Riggilo forever in the tower.
Dwolin buffed when arriving at the Warders Level with 2x prot from fire and 2x prot from lightning to stay safe from most of the traps.
He cleared most of the level, careful not triggering the greater dopplegangers.
He killed the Flesh Golems with arrows+2 and used a protection from undead scroll to take out the 3 skeleton warriors, gaining enough experience to get him to his last level of BG1.
Dwolin then collected what he came for, a treasure of incredible value: 2 arrows of dispelling and 2 arrows of detonation! While looting the level he also gained about 20 healing potions, 10 antidotes, a lot of magical arrows and some green scrolls. He completed 2 of the 4 riddles to gain an easy 4000exp and satisfied he left the tower.
It was almost time to explore the Nashkel mines, but first Dwolin had to drop his reputation back below 10.
He first killed Bentan to get rep -10 and a protection from magic scroll. Then he sided with Silke in Beregost for an additional rep-2, bringing his reputation to 8.
The Nashkel Mines were quite straightforward. There is only one real threat before Mulahey, the Kobold Shaman. He was hit with arrows and with 100% spell failure he was no danger anymore.
Before tackling Mulahey he left the Mines and healed.
Dwolin told Mulahey Tazok send him, this allowed Dwolin some time to move in position.
Mulahey turned hostile, and started to cast hold person. Dwolin quickly interrupted him with Larloch's Minor Drain.
In melee Mulahey was no match for Dwolin and he fell soon after.
After dispatching all of the kobolds and skeletons, Dwolin returned the sword to Xan and travelled to the carnival. There he gained another Larloch's Minor Drain after resting.
At Nashkel he returned the greenstone ring and talked to the Mayor.
Sensing danger he followed the guards, this was a good move as he was soon ambushed by the assassin Nimbul. To get maximum hits in Dwolin started firing arrows of piercing at him. This worked as Nimbul failed to cast his confusion spell.
Dwolin switched to melee and with 100% casting failure Nimbul was a sitting duck.
Tranzig in Beregost was an annoyance, he panicked Dwolin 2 times using horror, but had no way of actually really hurting him. He was brushed aside shortly after.
Dwolin infiltrated the bandit camp by talking to Raiken in Peldvale. Tazok was convinced without having to fight him.
Inside the big tent the only real threat was Venkt. After his scs buffs kicked in, Dwolin fired an arrow of dispelling at him, but missed! He also failed to cast LMD, not that it would have helped him anyway since Venkt had a mirror image up. Venkt completed his hold person spell, but by wonder Dwolin made his save vs spells!
Dwolin then started to hunt him down with acid arrows, he finally cornered him and switched to melee to finish him off.
After killing Britik, the other bandits were not a big threat anymore thanks to the boots of avoidance.
Dwolin used a scroll of protection from lightning together with the boots of grounding to open the chest and not take any damage.
He escaped the bandit camp to the FAI.
After recieving the Horror ability after resting and selling some items Dwolin was on his way to the Cloakwood Mines.
He killed a Tasloi for a cloak and continued west. On the second Cloakwood Forest map he carefully made his way towards Centeol's lair, triggering webtraps only when there were no enemies around.
Dwolin knew he had to retrieve the Spider's Bane sword, if he didn't he had a large chance of being killed by giant spiders when ambushed. Giant spiders have a save vs breath web projectile in SCS.
Dwolin only has a save of 12, if ambushed by 3 giant spiders, getting webbed is practically a certainty.
Centeol's lair contains 2 sword spiders, 2 Ettercaps and 2 giant spiders. If Centeol can complete her dialogue she spawns an additional 2 giant spiders. In about 80% of the time you can shoot her with an arrow before she can talk to you, turning her hostile and thus avoiding the additional 2 spiders.
Dwolin was not this lucky though, he fired his arrow, but Centeol talked to him before it hit. After completing the dialogue Dwolin immediately casted horror and retreated towards the entrance.
One sword spider, an ettercap and 2 giant spiders got hit by the horror. From the entrance Dwolin fired an arrow of detonation at Centeol. The 2 unaffected Giant spiders used their web ability and Dwolin was forced to retreat outside to avoid getting hit (since the web ability is not magical, I allow to use area hopping to avoid it).
Only one sword spider and one giant spider followed Dwolin outside. Dwolin killed the giant spider and rushed back inside.
He fired his second and last arrow of detonation at the unaffected giant spider, killing it. He then ran as fast as he could to pick up the Spider's Bane, just in time before the horror wore off.
Dwolin moved outside and killed all that followed him.
Travelling on he was ambushed by an adventure party but easily escaped.
He avoided the Wyvern cave and arrived at the mines.
After dispatching the guards outside, he buffed with a protection from magic scroll.
Dwolin then rushed Drasus, trying to kill him before he drank his potion of frost giant strength.
Drasus was already at badly injured when he drank the potion. Dwolin got him to near dead, but had to retreat because he was taking too many hits. After using 2 potion of extra healing, Dwolin was able to deal the finishing blow to him. Scavanging his body, Dwolin picked up the boots of speed, equiped them, and started to run, run as fast as he could. His plan was to face Daveorn while still under the protection from magic he was currently on. Dwolin ran through the entire mine, using the secret passage on the second floor.
Once arrived at the final level, he quickly got himself surrounded by all the guards that followed him.
But they were no match for him and one by one they all fell.
Daveaorn was hit with the only remaining arrow of dispelling and soon after he was shot down with acid arrows.
Dwolin looted the place and killed the mustard jelly. He then quickly escaped the place, running past everything and everyone with his boots of speed towards the safety of the Friendly Arm Inn.
There he slept and recieved another horror special ability.
To be continued...
I made my way to Beregost via a trunk that contained a ring of protection. In Beregost I calmd down Marl and took a tome to Firebead before heading south where I killed ogrillons and hobgoblins which resulted in me getting some boots of stealth and another ring of protection.
Continuing south I killed more hobgoblins and found the Colquetle Amulet.
In Nashkel I found some decent armour, chatted to Noober and turned down a reward from Oublek.
I headed to the mines, found a wand in a tree trunk and took on Greywolf.
A BIG mistake, but fortunately not deadly. I fled to ther carnival and rested for a LONG time and whilst doing so gained a healing ability.
Heading south-east I found a ring of protection from fire and picked up Samuel who I took to the FAI.
Whilst there I returned Joia's ring to her and returned to Beregost where I gave the amulet to Mr. Colquetle.
Perdue asked me to find his sword which I did before helping Mellicamp.
After killing a spider I levelled up, having already done so a few times.
I then went ankheg hunting and was very successful inside the burrow.
However, when two of them attacked me simultaneously outside, I was forced to flee after using a healing potion.
I spotted Farmer Brun 100gp as he appeared to need it more than me.
Killing the ankhegs boosted my thieving ability somewhat.
I reunited Rufie and Albert before killing Vax an Zal.
I also killed a winter wolf whilst in transit before helping a dryad.
Ingot was killed next followed by Hairtooth and a polar bear.
I then helped Charleston Nib before returning to Beregost where I killed Karlat and Silke.
I enlisted Xzar and Montaron, Montaron being particularly useful in the picking of pockets in Beregost an Ulgoth's Beard. Sadly I forgot about some of the pockets that were just asking to be picked.
In the Friendly Arms we bumped into Dorn and met him again near Nashkel. We were in the middle of an ambush and Xzar proved his usefulness by casting two very impressive skull traps. We went on with Dorn's help to wipe out the ambushers. Dorn joined us whereupon we helped him to wipe out Kryll.
The presence of such evil characters in close proximity made me nervous so I let them go.
Dorn returned to the FAI.
It was there that I met Khalid and Jaheira.
I dropped Khalid off at an inn in Beregost and proceeded to Nashkel with Jaheira. At the Carnival I enlisted Branwen helped Bentha and then headed south to the mines.
We entered a building where we killed some dogs. I left my companions there and headed south to Prism. Greywolf attacked me and I fled to the mines where Greywolf got badly hurt by the archers. He followed me towards Branwen and Jaheira which was foolish of him as Jaheira eliminated him with a lightning bolt.
In the mine we enlisted Xan and had no difficulty in killing Mullahey other than the fact that he confused me.
Outside we killed the Amazons largely with spells before killing the Revenant and a foolish mage.
In Nashkel we received a reward from Oublek for the emeralds. Xan then charmed him before taking on an assassin who killed Oublek which was sad. At least he died a hero which he would never have managed on his own.
We wiped out some bandits that ambushed us before killing even more at their camp.
We then killed some more who were headed up by Deke and also killed Tranzig in Beregost.
Then on to the ankheg swarm to earn some gold before heading off to the bandit camp once more.
I was sceptical at first of the chances of a Wizard Slayer. Not having the possibility to buff with potions, not being able to use most immunity items (ring of free action, greenstone amulet, etc.), not being able to go invisible etc, it seems an impossible task.
But by doing some test runs, I found that with the right tactics you can tackle most encounters with a decent probability. Not 100% like most classes, but I do believe you have a fair chance of getting a character past SOA atleast. I currently have a minimal reload run past the first pocket plane challenge, so this strongs my belief that it is possible.
Wizard Slayers have an incredible potential late game with their 100% MR, the big problem is getting there.
Lady luck definitely needs to be on your side some of the time
Difficulty: SCS Insane
Additional rules: no xp loop, no area hopping to avoid incoming magic spells (escaping ambushes is allowed though)
Previous updates:
After boosting his reputation from 9 to 14 in the FAI temple, Dwolin travelled to the Coast.
There he used a protection from magic scroll to stay safe from the Dire Charms of the Sirines.
He hunted all 6 Sirines down with arrows. The Flesh Golems in the cave were easily killed with +2 arrows
After collecting the tome of constitution he saved a child at the lighthouse for a rep+1.
He then travelled to the Nashkel Mines exit map to clear out some caves. Staying safe from the Ghasts by using Spider's Bane.
Travelling back north he boosted his reputation further by:
- Giving his last banditscalps to officer Vai
- Returning Joia's Flamedance ring
- Giving Brun 100 gold
He entered the great city of Baldur's Gate and first cleared the Merchant's League boosting his reputation to 20. Dwolin picked up the tome of dexterity and the helm of balduran. He recoverd the body of a boy for the large shield +1, +5 vs missiles. He also accepted Ramazith quest to freely clear his tower, acquiring the tome of intelligence in the process. And also a very rare bolt of Polymorphing (It's been years since I got one of these, luck must be on my side in this run
With his rep at 20 again Dwolin did some shopping:
- All green scrolls from Sorcerous Sundries and the merchant in the Elfsong Tavern
- All potions of (extra) healing from the Lady's Hall
- All arrows of detonation and dispelling from Sorcerous Sundries and Black Lily
- 1 arrow of slaying and 160 arrows of piercing from Sorcerous Sundries
It was time to continue the main questline. Dwolin entered the sewers to appear just north of the ogre mage. He lured all the Carrion Crawlers toward him and killed them.
He did take some hits, so Dwolin decided to go back and rest first. On returning no new Crawlers had spawned so he was free to engage the ogre mage. Before doing so, Dwolin buffed with a protection from magic scroll. His plan was to use this scroll and complete several tasks in a row while under its protection. The ogre mage was instakilled via the arrow of slaying.
Dwolin collected all the items and rushed to Scar at the Flaming Fist Headquarters. After talking twice to him, he got to meet Duke eltan, who gave him the assigment of infiltrating the Iron Throne.
With his boots of speed Dwolin ran past everyone straight to the topfloor of the Iron Throne building.
After a short conversation, a big fight broke out. Dwolin opened with an arrow of detonation, followed by horror, followed again with an arrow of detonation. He kited them all from one side to the other, occasionally firing an arrow of detonation, and immediately switching to sword and shield again after the arrow was in the air.
Soon only Gardush and Alai were left. Dwolin had to dispel Gardush's potions of speed twice, eventually he was shot down with arrows. Alai was then killed in melee.
After picking up the documents Dwolin left the Iron Throne Building.
Still having protection from magic he quickly killed Sunin for his ring of wizardy and Chanthalas for the tome of wisdom, losing 10 rep after this deed.
After selling some items and using the tome, Dwolin went to Duke Eltan. He then was insta-travelled to Candlekeep. Here he was ambushed by 5 ogre mages. Dwolin decided to escape this ambush and using his boots of speed he ran to the guard. By the time he got there, he was hit by 2 spells: chromatic orb and charm person. Luckily Dwolin made his save and was transfered inside. There he was hit by a horror spell but again he made his save.
Dwolin entered the keep and made his way up, he avoided the Iron Throne leaders.
After escaping his arrest, he got the DuHM ability in the secret library. Using DuHM he was able to pick up the protection from magic scroll. He used the boots of grounding and a scroll of protection from electricty to stay safe from the lightning bolt. Dwolin ran past the 3 disguised greater dopplegangers and the other dopplegangers to the next area. He killed the 2 dopplegangers that followed him.
Dwolin sneaked past Pratt by running just out of his sight.
He used a protection from petrification scroll to deal with the basiliks. Using his boots of speed he ran past the ogre mages still outside candekeep towards the FAI. There he safely rested and recieved another DuHM ability.
Back in Baldur's Gate Dwolin avoided arrest and used DuHM to retrieve the protection from magic scroll from the topfloor of Ramazith's Tower.
After resting one more time, it was time to finish it all in one long fast run. Dwolin buffed with a protection from magic scroll before facing Slythe. After talking to him he shot him with an arrow of dispelling, followed by acid arrows while he was moving towards Dwolin. Once close Dwolin switched to melee and killed him with one more (critical) hit.
After picking up his sword and the invitations, Dwolin made his way to the Duchal palace in a hurry.
He entered the palace and buffed with DuHM. He positioned himself near Belt. The fight itself was pure chaos (so nerve-racking for me that I forgot to take any screenshots
With his protection from magic still up, he ran through the entire maze. Using healing potions when he did take any damage. He bypassed the adventure party by going north. Just before entering the Temple Of Bhaal he used a protection from undead scroll to avoid skeletons following him inside. Once inside he buffed with DuHM and moved into eyesight of Sarevok. After Sarevok's speech Dwolin hit him with an arrow of dispelling to counter his haste. Dwolin used his boots of speed to kite everyone. He ran around with his large shield +5vs missiles, carefully timing the moment he shot his arrows of detonation. He shot one arrow each round, right after Diarmid shot an arrow at him. This way he could switch back to his shield and not give Diarmid an easier chance of hitting him. When both Semay and Angelo were dead, Dwolin switched to piercing arrows. After Diarmid and Tazok were shot down, Sarevok was targetted. With Dwolin's superior speed, Sarevok could not touch him and it was only a matter of time before he too fell.
On to SOD...
Dreen II - halfling thief, protagonist (Corey_Russell)
Drimler - dwarven defender (Gate70)
Rex - half-orc Shaman (Grond0)
The party started off well. We easily freed Hendak and the other slaves. We then worked on the Lilacor quest. Rex got to use fog on a lot of weaker enemies. The jellies did a lot of damage to us but we got the job done. The sword Lilacor is rather useless to this group, so we just sold it.
We entered the slavers' moored ship from the front. Things went well at first, until Drimler's saves couldn't keep him together he got held, with loads of enemies nearby and a threat. Dreen immediately got into melee to try to relieve the pressure off Drimler. Rex did his best to help as well. Somehow with a sliver of life left Drimler survived who wasted no time in gulping a heal potion - close one!
So Dreen II wanted Augur's hide and also we still needed a scroll case. But when we got to Waukeen's Promenade we ran into the first vampire ambush. Rex made a general comment "We might want to engage.". Dreen II was THINKING "It's not worth the risk.". He thought for sure Drimler wouldn't be so foolish to engage with our equipment and levels so bad. But no, Drimler couldn't resist Rex's suggestion and suddenly a fight was on! Rex put out loads of summons but they were not effective. Drimler was forced to run but the vampire was too fast and Drimler got chunked. Rex and Dreen II couldn't get the upper hand and Dreen II was killed as well - RIP Dreen II!
Back to the drawing board! Grond0 is our next protagonist... I wonder if I should suggest we should engage a super dangerous enemy like Grond0 did for my run?!
Gleam - male, elf sorcerer (Grond0)
Russell XII - male, human inquisitor (Corey_Russell)
Nance - female, halfling bounty hunter (Gate70)
Previous run
Rolling up a new party, once more we managed to produce a pretty well-balanced group without any discussion.
Despite the vague threats of sabotage, Russell XII seemed happy to keep everyone alive in the early stages of BGEE
One of the hobgoblins guarding Zhurlong's boots dropped a PfP scroll and Gleam bought another of those before heading off to the basilisk area. The monsters were easily disposed of before Mutamin's attempted spells were interrupted by magic missiles.
Plenty of the other early victims were blinded as well and that included Bassilus at the end of the session.
Sorcerer - L4, 21 HPs, 32 kills
Bounty Hunter - L5, 38 HPs, 22 kills, 0 deaths
Inquisitor - L4, 54 HPs, 50 kills, 0 deaths
Difficulty: SCS Insane
Additional rules: no xp loop, no area hopping to avoid incoming magic spells (escaping ambushes is allowed though)
Previous updates:
After tranfering to SOD Dwolin got his hidden experience unlocked and immediately gained a level.
He still carried 2 scrolls of magic protection with him, after using 4 to get through BG1. He bought 5 scrolls of greater restoration from the Flaming Fist Healer together with some potions of extra healing before moving on.
Dwolin lured the first group of mercenaries to the top of the room and then moved below them to open the door. He talked Porios in laying down their arms.
After going down the stairs he used 2 scrolls of protection from undead in total to deal with the undead and gain some easy experience. Unfortunately the shadows started wandering and attacked the Flaming Fist. The Flaming Fist were no match and Dwolin was not fast enough to save them.
The mercenaries were thinned out with arrows of detonation, before being picked off one by one with arrows of piercing.
Dwolin opened the door and went in. He shot Korlasz with an arrow of dispelling followed by some arrows of piercing. Soon she surrendered.
Back in Baldur's Gate the Ducal Palace got attacked, Dwolin helped to clear the danger.
In Baldur's Gate he did some minor quests/tasks:
- Talked to Jospil to recieve Brevin's Quarterstaff
- Killed Korlasz
- Fetched a barrel of ruby wine for the Battle Tankard helmet
- Killed Minsc for Kiel's Helmet (I am evil afterall
- Sold all lot of items for about 70k total, bought 25 arrows of detonation/dispelling
After resting one more time Dwolin travelled to the Coast Way Crossing. Here he bought the bag of holding and the buckler of the fist from Belegram.
In the area west Dwolin helped Isabella. He made sure to stay out of sight of the vampire and limited his role to killing the Dire Wolfs. After staking the vampire, Dwolin recieved the Suncatcher shield.
Back at the Crossing he first hunted all the spiders in the area. He used Spider's Bane to stay safe from the web projectiles from the Gargentuan Spiders and the web traps.
He met Brother Deepvein and devised a plan to get his nice shining helmet. He lured the undead from the bottom corridor with him to Deepvein. The undead tore him and his brothers apart while Dwolin kept safe with a protection from undead scroll. After the massacre Dwolin killed the rest of the undead for some easy experience and picked up the helmet of Dumathoin from Deepvein's corpse.
At the bridge Dwolin hid behind the tent to avoid combat. Soon Caelar intervened.
Once arrived at the Troll Claw Woods Dwolin lured some trolls back to the Flaming Fist.
They were so kind to knock them down so he could finish them with acid arrows.
Travelling north he met Jaheira and send her to the camp. Dwolin needed the Spell Breaker sword and journeyed back and forth between this area and the Forest Of Wyrms area to trigger the associated Waylay.
The goblins were thinned out with an arrow of detonation followed by a sunfire blast. The rest were easily mopped up.
Inside the Myconid Cave, Dwolin lured the myconids with him, making sure he had a melee weapon equiped and not his bow when they used their confusion/feeblemind attacks on him. With his save vs death at 2 they only had 5% to affect him. The beetles were easily killed ranged.
After identifying the sword he continued his journey to the Forest Of Wyrms. He Kited/Killed all the enemies there. He avoided the spidercave. Dwolin sneaked past the sleeping dragon and entered the bugbear lair. Using spell breaker and the buckler of the fist he kept safe from the command/hold person spells from the shamans. He had to retreat to rest a couple of time, but in the end the bugbears were no match for him. Dwolin gained his last level of SOD here too.
In the temple Dwolin preemptively killed 2 of the Cultist groups. He ignored the southern most group, which almost proved fatal a moment later
Before tackling Ziatar he buffed with protection from poison and DuHM. He opened the door and fired 2 arrows of detonation, he switched to spell breaker with suncatcher and ran inside. He used the sunfire ability, but to his astonishment the 2 supporting mages were still alive after all these blasts. Dwolin hesitated on what to do next and decided to retreat back in the corridor. He hugged the north wall to avoid alarming the cultists in the lower room. Luckily nobody followed him so he had some time to recover and think of a new plan. He decided to use horror and try to eliminate the mages as fast as possible in melee. Initially this plan worked... until Dwolin got affected by Ziatar's Dragon Fear
After returning from resting, Dwolin released the blind priestess and the 3 crusaders. He buffed up for facing Neothelid with protection from poison and 2 protection from fire scrolls, equiped spell breaker and opened the door. Neothelid opened with Domination on Dwolin, but failed to effect him with it (I'm not sure what save is allowed for this spell, nothing is shown in the console. Dwolin his save vs spells was 1 at this time, so if it works like a mage Domination he had 90% to save against it). Instead of attacking, Dwolin ran back to the area where the Dire wolfs used to be. He knew that Neothelid would follow him there using his Dimension Walk ability. Since he only uses this every couple of rounds Dwolin could use this to avoid the creature entirely.
Neothelid followed him and Dwolin then ran to the room where Akanna is. He went inside and used sunfire to soften up Akanna and her 2 Aerial Servants. Both Aerial Servants got a hit on Dwolin though. Dwolin retreated back to the Skull area and lured the 2 Aerial Servants with him. After using some potions of extra healing he started to engage them ranged. He made sure to stay out of Neothelids way everytime he teleported to his position by quickly running out of its sight. Eventually both Aerial Servants were shot down. Dwolin lured Neothelid with him and then ran back to Akanna. He engaged her in melee, but when she was badly injured had to retreat again because of Neothelid. After Neothelid followed him one last time, Dwolin was able to finish Akanna off and take the Wardstone.
On his way out Dwolin daggered Morentherene.
The Goblins outside of Bridgefort were horrored and sunfired. Once inside Dwolin bought a full plate +1 armor from Jegg and asked him to forge a shield from the green dragon scales. He was allowed to enter the crusador camp outside the fort and retrieved the scroll from Vichand by revealing who he was and warning him that he had a long reach should he rat on him. After returning the scroll, Dwolin made Jegg forge 80 void arrows. A moment later he surrendered the fort.
To interrupt the mage on the bridge Dwolin used an arrow of detonation aimed at one of the footsoldiers. After dispelling the mage, Dwolin shot him down with arrows. The other soldiers were lured to the courtyard, where they were dispatched with the help of the Flaming Fist.
Dwolin crossed the bridge and is now in the Coalition Camp.
To be continued...
Those in Tazok's Tent were far more resiliant than those outside!
We then visited Bassilus and brought his reign of terror to an end before killing Zargal.
We then killed Shoal and her mate before returning a ring of folly to its owner.
The area was then cleared of sirine.
Neera then asked us to seek out Adoy which we did.
On our way back to the ankhegs we encountered Meilum.
Some of the ankhegs were quite tough and eventually one of them wiped out Neera so we went to the temple to raise her and to receive our reward for killing Bassilus.
Upon going Basilisk hunting we met up with and killed Lindin and his friends before clearing the area of basilisks.
We killed several wyvern on the way to the Cloakwood mines.
We were successful in the mines, but halfway down I noticed that my reputation had dropped to 10. Presumably a wild surge from Neera had killed an innocent.
Upon reaching Baldur's Gate we cleared some doppelgangers before killing a crazed mage.
We then killed Larze on the way to getting the antidote from Marek.
We returned Noralee's gauntlets: healed Ghorak the diseased; took a gem to G'Axeer, gave a ring to Petrine; and set free a nymph.
We took a dagger to Nester's mother and a tome to Rinnie gaining 2 more reputation points and gained more reputation by delivering a dead boy from the temple of Umberlee to his father who raised him.
Our reputation is no longer besmirched as it is now back at 20.
Difficulty: SCS Insane
Additional rules: no xp loop, no area hopping to avoid incoming magic spells (escaping ambushes is allowed though)
Previous updates:
Once in the coalition camp Dwolin trained some troops to recieve the Commander's Chain. He also bought 5 arrows of detonation, soft feet and the composite longbow+2 from Wazib.
At dead man's pass he kited/killed all the Orogs and Hill Giants. After killing the bear for its skin he let Belegram make a pair of lucky boots for him.
Using soft feet and the green dragon shield he easily killed the spiders in the Mimic's Cave. With 2 protection from acid scrolls and Spider's Bane he kept safe from the Mimic itself.
After killing the Mimic he collected the treasures there, including the 20 arrows+3.
Dwolin made a small stop at Blood Bark Grove to buy 5 greater restoration scrolls and 10 potions of extra healing from Onoroth.
At the Underground River Entrance Dwolin was ambushed by a Myconid Elder. With the green dragon shield he was safe from its attacks. After killing it, he found the Myconid Bloom-sac on its corpse, which can be used by Wizard Slayers (I assume because it is natural and not magical in nature).
Moving on Dwolin killed some spiders and engaged the crusader guards at the entrance itself. He used divide and conquer tactics on them, soon only a few of them were left, including a mage. By this time this had become routine for Dwolin, first using an arrow of dispelling followed by a barage of acid arrows. This time however the mage pulled an unexpected trick out of his hat, a wand of paralyzation
After collecting Caelar's Seal from the Cyclops he opened the gate and ran past everyone inside the cave.
He placed the barrel and killed the Ettin Ghost. Inside the Warrens he bought all greater restoration scrolls and extra healing potions From Priest Polvi.
Dwolin showed the seal to Betror and Einer who then operated the elevator for him. Once in the castle he was confronted by Belben. After being discovered Dwolin decided not to attack and immediately took the elevator back down again. With his boots of speed he escaped the place.
At Dragonspear castle Dwolin helped Skie and inside he judged that Corinth was innocent, sentencing Valis to death. Afterwards Corinth gave him his bow.
Together with the coalition leaders Dwolin met Caelar at dead man's pass. A peacful solution could not be reached however. Dwolin then returned to the camp to defend it from the Crusaders.
Dwolin buffed with a protection from magic scroll and engaged the first wave with arrows of detonation.
Soon it was defeated. The second wave of mages was also no problem, Dwolin again used arrows of detonation to soften them up and apply spell failure. Those who didn't die immediately were shot with arrows of dispelling followed by acid arrows.
At the third wave the story takes a dramatic turn. Dwolin made the HUGE mistake of casting horror after opening with an arrow of detonation. This eventually caused one of the crusaders to run past the defenders and triggering the "we're overrun" dialogue. Dwolin was still fighting the 3rd wave Crusaders when the final wave arrived. He did his best to stop them even by using the Myconids, but slowly and steadily the Crusders pushed on. In the end a stray fireball blew up the barrels... and it was game over
It was a good run up until this point, I did hope to atleast reach Belhifet, but fate decided otherwise. I will definitely do another attempt in the future, probably some time after 2.6 is released.
Full SCS v32.7, see spoiler for WeiDU; difficulty Insane with no extra damage. I'll update to latest SCS version when/if we make it to BG2, but just wanted to get on with things for now so went with the version I have installed.
Include divine spells from Icewind Dale: Enhanced Edition: v32.7
Replace +1 arrows and other projectiles with nonmagical "fine" ones: v32.7
Replace many +1 magic weapons with nonmagical "fine" ones -> Fine weapons are affected by the iron crisis: v32.7
Reduce the number of Arrows of Dispelling in stores -> Remove Arrows of Dispelling from stores: v32.7
Wider selection of random scrolls: v32.7
Reduce the power of Inquisitors' Dispel Magic -> Inquisitors dispel at their level (not twice their level): v32.7
Increase the power of Cure Wounds and Cause Wounds spells to the level found in 3rd Edition D&D -> Spells heal or inflict a random amount of damage (1d8 per level of the spell, plus 1 point per caster level, to a maximum of 5 points per spell level): v32.7
Restoration and Lesser Restoration spells heal ability-score damage: v32.7
Faster Bears: v32.7
Improved shapeshifting: v32.7
Decrease the rate at which reputation improves -> Reputation increases at about 1/4 the normal rate: v32.7
Make spell sequencers and contingencies into innate abilities: v32.7
Ease-of-use party AI: v32.7
Initialise AI components (required for all tactical and AI components): v32.7
Smarter general AI: v32.7
Better calls for help: v32.7
Smarter Mages: v32.7
Smarter Priests: v32.7
Potions for NPCs: v32.7
Improved Spiders: v32.7
Smarter sirines and dryads: v32.7
Slightly smarter carrion crawlers: v32.7
Smarter basilisks: v32.7
Improved doppelgangers: v32.7
Tougher Black Talons and Iron Throne guards: v32.7
Improved deployment for parties of assassins: v32.7
Improved kobolds: v32.7
Relocated bounty hunters: v32.7
Improved Ulcaster: v32.7
Improved Balduran's Isle: v32.7
Improved Durlag's Tower: v32.7
Improved Demon Cultists: v32.7
Improved Cloakwood Druids: v32.7
Improved Bassilus: v32.7
Improved Drasus party: v32.7
Improved Red Wizards: v32.7
Improved Undercity assassins: v32.7
Tougher chapter-two end battle: v32.7
Tougher chapter-three end battle: v32.7
Tougher chapter-four end battle: v32.7
Tougher chapter-five end battle: v32.7
Improved final battle: v32.7
Improved minor encounters: v32.7
We import from the character file, not the final save. This means Aldain starts at 161k XP, and he also does not get his party, but rather the default one for good aligned characters: They are the same with regards to NPC's though, but the default party gets much crappier gear and some questionable proficiency assignments. We may freely use our companions including their gear (using their consumables if deemed necessary) to get through the initial dungeon, but the basic rule is that an NPC that came with gear leaves with that gear: We won't be selling it and buying a bunch of useful items from the Flaming Fist healer, nor will we spend our starting gold in the same fashion.
It is however perfectly alright to save any and all items attained in the dungeon, and sell them once we get out.
Aldain also gets his starting inventory modified. Lots of powerful equipment, but no more than he can carry on his person (and he gets very limited consumables as well), see below for a list:
Robe of the Good Archmagi
Pellan's Shield +2
Legacy of the Masters
The Guard's Ring +2
Edventar's Gift
The Amplifier
Golden Girdle of Urnst
Senses of the Cat
Ashideena +2
The Thresher +2
Cloak of Balduran
Potion of Extra Healing x2
Wand of Fire with x5 charges each of Scorcher and Fireball
Potion of Invisibility x1
Key Ring
Fallorain's Plate +1 (to import into SoA)
Cliff-notes adventure: A F/M/C out of time, SoD part 1
Final BG1 update found here
SoD parts: 1, 2
The undead spawns on Insane are nothing to sneeze at, and the Skeletal Mages with their Haste/Stinking Cloud mean most fights turn a bit chaotic, but we muddle through (it helps that Aldain sneakily prepared an almost optimal spell setup for the initial dungeon before taking down Sarevok in BG1).
The Wand of Fear keeps getting some use against the few Crusaders on the second level, and we reach Korlasz reasonably unscathed, albeit low on spells. Still a Fireball left though, and along with Safana's starting OGL necklace, it's enough to clear out Korlasz's cohorts and entice the Mage into surrendering. Unfortunately, a particularly vicious crit by Aldain right after wound up killing her. We loot the entire place, pick up the +2 Shield from the mummy, and depart.
The busywork in the city is soon taken care of: We pick up Minsc, Dynaheir and Safana, make sure to steal everything that isn't nailed down (in particular looting the castle basement), and we're off. Oh, we naturally picked up a scroll case/potion case/gem bag at Sorcerous Sundries while at it, but no other shopping.
Once at Coast Way Crossing, we drop Safana for Glint, pick up Corwin, and finally recruit M'Khiin. The latter's script that should assign her some spells once more fails to fire for some reason, so I end up fixing her with EEKeeper (gave her Armor of Faith/Bless/CLW/Entangle/Doom/Barkskin/Flame Blade/Slow Poison/Call Lightning/Summon Insects... think that's fairly accurate). Detect Invisibility strips Teleria of her II, allowing us to brute-force our way through her Stoneskins/Mirror Images before she gets a single spell off.
So that was a little careless. Would've been much better to just have five Skeleton Warriors waiting for her, then have someone talk to her and pop an Invisibility potion. Will certainly be more careful next time.
Anyway, the local spiders turn out to be dumb as posts (they always target Web Tangle at the first thing they see, which is Aldain wearing Edventar's Gift), so they're relatively easy to dispatch.
We head into the dig, where Sunfire/Fireball absolutely clears house. Sunfire really should break Invisibility...
Having cleared the upper level of the dig as well as the entire outdoors area on one rest, we indulge and renew our spells. The second level goes remarkably smoothly (we kept an II for Aldain, which allowed him to tank the two Skeleton Warriors guarding the final chamber), although the two big spawns in the Library cause a fair bit of running around and prompt a few Wand of Fire charges.
There's a bit of an issue with Coldhearth: We use The Secret Revealed a mite too soon, meaning some of his prebuffs fire after it lands, prompting us to immediately use it again (as one of those prebuffs that were still up was PfMW). The second time's the charm though: He dies, we snag the phylactery and toss it into the fire before he has a chance to return.
And that's that. The Dwarves are recruited for later, and we wind up staking Tsolak. Funnily enough, even with 20 CHA (Friends from the Quarterstaff on Corwin, who was party leader), we couldn't talk the halfling into letting us keep any of the treasures. Guess I picked the wrong conversation option? It stings a little, as Minsc could've used the shield for when he needs to tank, but what's done is done.
We clear the crusaders by the bridge using a few Fireballs, then watch their smoldering corpses until Caelar appears.
And we're at Troll Claw Woods. Surprisingly, none of the spawns (not even the massive Troll ambush in the north-western cave) pose much trouble, though that could be because I usually only have two fighter-types at this stage (Minsc and Corwin, as I normally play an arcanist). An extra front-liner with excellent AC and serious damage output, what with dual-wielding +2 blunt weapons and sporting 21 STR thanks to DUHM for every battle of consequence, really makes a difference.
We clear the entire outdoors area as well as aforementioned cave without any revolutionary tactics, just Fireball, Web and regular buffs, then it's time for a rest (and the end of the update).
Next time we'll keep plowing on and at the very least arrive at the Coalition Camp.
Aldain is now a level 7/8/7 Half-Elf Fighter/Mage/Cleric.
no mods, I play on insane
We have done most of the quests in Baldur's Gate other than taking on the Iron Throne. We then picked up Alora and went to Durlag's Tower and cleared all the upper part of it.
Upon returning we bought scolls for Xan and Neera but ran out of gold. More hunting of ankhegs is perhaps required.
with safe wands and the big guys sword it going smooth and I dual to mage at level 5 which gives me 2 points in melee weapons, 2 points of armour and full traps back before getting to Sod
Introducing Tiberius, Priest of Helm
Difficulty: Tactical
Weidu Log
// The top of the file is the 'oldest' mod
// ~TP2_File~ #language_number #component_number // [Subcomponent Name -> ] Component Name [ : Version]
~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #5900 // Initialise AI components (required for all tactical and AI components): 33.7
~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #6000 // Smarter general AI: 33.7
~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #6010 // Better calls for help: 33.7
~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #6030 // Smarter Mages: 33.7
~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #6040 // Smarter Priests: 33.7
~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #6100 // Potions for NPCs: 33.7
~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #6200 // Improved Spiders: 33.7
~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #6300 // Smarter sirines and dryads: 33.7
~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #6310 // Slightly smarter carrion crawlers: 33.7
~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #6320 // Smarter basilisks: 33.7
~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #7000 // Improved doppelgangers: 33.7
~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #7010 // Tougher Black Talons and Iron Throne guards: 33.7
~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #7020 // Improved deployment for parties of assassins: 33.7
~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #7030 // Improved kobolds: 33.7
~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #7040 // Relocated bounty hunters: 33.7
~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #7050 // Improved Ulcaster: 33.7
~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #7060 // Improved Balduran's Isle: 33.7
~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #7070 // Improved Durlag's Tower: 33.7
~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #7080 // Improved Demon Cultists: 33.7
~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #7090 // Improved Cloakwood Druids: 33.7
~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #7100 // Improved Bassilus: 33.7
~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #7110 // Improved Drasus party: 33.7
~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #7130 // Improved Red Wizards: 33.7
~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #7140 // Improved Undercity assassins: 33.7
~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #7200 // Tougher chapter-two end battle: 33.7
~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #7210 // Tougher chapter-three end battle: 33.7
~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #7220 // Tougher chapter-four end battle: 33.7
~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #7230 // Tougher chapter-five end battle: 33.7
~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #7250 // Improved final battle: 33.7
~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #7900 // Improved minor encounters: 33.7
Other Notable Mods/Settings:
Max HP on Level Up
"Happy" NPC override to prevent party members from leaving
Stats Rolls - Rolled a 92 after not too long. Not a bad start
Single Weapon and Shield Style
And finally, Tiberius himself:
And with that, we're off! I'll return shortly with tales of his inevitable demise!
I gave her a magic charisma book then kicked my sis so she could get learning about magic and replaced her with a monk just to try him out... another few hours of running around the wilds gave us loot and opened the city gates which then sent us up against the iron throne guys for my thief levels back.
now I'm under my old home and marked as a murderer which if I'm honest...
p.s, some random drow had two very nice magic swords... mine now!
Imaginome (male gnome illusionist, Gate70); Stan (male dwarf wizard slayer, Grond0)
Our adventure continues after a 3 week hiatus, meaning we spend a minute or two debating what episode we were in and who was hosting. Once we established we were in BG:EE we wasted no time in arranging a near-death situation fighting a doppelganger in the Candlekeep library. Stan called for a time-out and suggested Imaginome should be spinning his gnomish little legs into action. Imaginome had by this time realised the danger and was doing just this.
We carried on and admired the more mustardly shade of cloudkill as it killed a group of phase spiders.
The Thieves maze was carefully exploited (just the one lightning trap carelessly triggered oh and a fireball trap too), and then we ran into Rahvin's mercenaries. They took a full dose of darts and magic
We fully expected to have to manually import but the game carried over without us having to do any more than wait briefly.
The first signs of resistance in Korlasz' family crypt could be found just the other side of this cloudkill.
We limited oruselves to visiting one tavern for Zaviak's glasses, and to Sorcerous Sundries. With that done we set out for Dragonspear. Our path is a little wiggly in this regard, Stan having heard of a magical returning dart with acid damage. Fine, we'll detour for that. Oh, and maybe an ioun stone for regeneration.
Post parlay we note the gang who should have tried to waylay us are a bit tardy in their retreat so web x2 cloudkill x2 fireball x2 magic missiles + darts helps them on their way.
We do enough there to release the trapped crusaders and cleric of Bhaal but as we do so we run into a multiplayer freeze and despite our effort at a workaround we have to close the game so will get to do this temple part again next time. No doubt Stan will while away the wait by hoping to repeat his stunning form against Ziatar.
Ahhh....C'est la vie. Will try again shortly with Tiberius 2.0.
After doing a lot of trivial quests which boosted my reputation and wisdom, gave me a helm to improve my charisma and a decent helm and cloak once owned by Balduran as well as a decent shield for Branwen, I decided to take on the Iron Throne.
They were a bit more of a challenge. We had weakened them with cloudkill as well as area effect spells but then both I and Branwen were confused. It caused me to just hang around where I was, but Branwen walked into the cloudkill and ended up dead. We therefore went to get her raised before hunting more anklheg to recoup our gold.
It was then time to go to Ice island which was very straightforward. We then sold the winter wolfskins and the ankheg shells and spent the loot at Ulgoth's Beard. Then back to the Flaming Fist HQ and on to Candlekeep.
As the party is at the level cap some minor doppelgangers were avoided.
We did however loot the catacombes and we killed everything in the area where we met Prat including Diarmid.
Upon leaving we stocked up with +1 bullets at Beregost and went in search of some red wizards for their ring.
Now time to find Sarevok once more.
As there are no more tomes and I am at the level cap, this will be my final stats if I reach SoD
I have found that having Neera and Xan in the same party works well. Neera's excellence with fire spells fills in the gap in Xan's expertise.
Everything went fine except fot the penultimate battle when Xan off his own bat moved forward thus bringing more enemies into the battle. Arrows of explosion killed Neera and we had to leave Sarevok for a while so that she could be raised.
Traps had been laid for both Semaj and Tazok, but Tazok decided not to get involved against foes who were clearly his superiors in battle.
blar, blar, "fear me" dies when Dorn hits him twice... I had just time enough to toss some items on the floor so they will carry over to the new game
Sod on insane is no joke so I gave her no chance at all
Korlasz has been killed. Neera cast web and minute meteors to finish off those not held by the web.
Xan cast a series of skull traps which was sufficient to wipe out Korlasz. Branwen had also cast smite evil,
After clearing up we arrived In Baldur's Gate once more
I have lost all my party members upon arriving In Baldur's Gate once more. It looks as if the only other neutral party member available to me is Safana and since I am a thief, she isn't really needed. That means that I will have to seek companions whose alignment is significantly different to my own.
As my reputation is 20, I doubt that evil characters will want to join me, so good characters it is.
Minsc and Dynaheir have joined me and we are at the Coast Way Crossing.
M'Khinn has now joined the party. Shamans are new to me so that is a handicap, but she appears to be quite powerful.
We had a major problem with an elf who had transformed refugees into statues. It was her confusion spells and the like that did the damage. It resulted in one of the statues being killed by Dynaheir.
We headed east and killed a vampire. Returning we went into a troll cave where Dynaheir got held by a carrion crawler and died just before M'Khinn's was able to heal her. We survived, but raising Dynaheir took almost all of our gold.
I have realised that I made a mistake back in BG1. I should have ensured that I had acquired a robe of the good archmage before the final battle. Since I have lost Xan, I need another mage. Of course I could offload a load of reputation once I have done my shopping and have a neutral/ evil party rather than a neutral/ good party.
I have an unused robe of the evil archmage.
Gleam - male, elf sorcerer (Grond0)
Russell XII - male, human inquisitor (Corey_Russell)
Nance - female, halfling bounty hunter (Gate70)
Previous updates:
A belated write-up of last weekend's session ...
Things started by reviewing inventories and completing a few quests to clear those out. One of the gaps was filled with the pantaloons, after Tarnesh had the honor of being the first victim of the day.
It didn't take long to get into some proper action though as Russell made use of his True Seeing to make some sirines vulnerable, while his innate charm immunity proved sufficient protection against them.
Having got a taste for sirines, Russell was keen to journey up the coast to find some more. There was an ogre clan on the way and Russell was already charging in on the whole group when Gleam shouted that a web would be descending shortly. Russell didn't reverse course quite in time to get out of that - but fortunately the ogre berserker on his tail also got stuck.
A trip through the Cloud Peak mountains followed to get the charisma tome - Russell also taking charge of that. Magic missiles then did the main damage against the Doomsayer.
After relieving Greywolf of his sword, we dived into the Nashkel Mine. Nance laid a few traps there before showing himself to Mulahey - who immediately keeled over along with a few of his kobold friends.
Looking at the world map for a route to the Bandit Camp, we realised we hadn't yet cleared the ankhegs. That didn't take long with Russell staying unscathed until the final ankheg in the nest.
Eventually moving on to the Bandit Camp, Taurgosz found he had timed his attack badly - moving towards us just in time to get trapped in a web.
Sorcerer - L7, 40 HPs, 98 kills
Bounty Hunter - L7, 48 HPs, 77 kills, 0 deaths
Inquisitor - L6, 78 HPs, 171 kills, 0 deaths